Richland One will provide free meals to any child age 18 or younger, regardless of their school district attendance zone, through the federally-funded Seamless Summer Option June 5 through July 20, Monday–Thursday at 27 school sites throughout the district. Breakfast will be served 7:45–9 a.m., and lunch will be available 11 a.m.–12:30 p.m. All meals
Rowan Martin An Airport High School student has been accepted to the South Carolina Governor’s School for the Arts and Humanities for the 2023-2024 school year. Rowan Martin, a rising junior, will attend the program for drama at the Governor’s School campus in Greenville. The residential high school for sophomores, juniors, and seniors gives artistically
(L-r) Emma Brant, Kenlee Ann Cassella, and Zoe Partin Eight Lexington Two high school students have been selected to the prestigious 2023 Palmetto Boys and Girls State programs. The programs, sponsored by the American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary, offer a range of leadership and citizenship activities that emphasize the workings of government and politics.