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Transcripts For DW The Day 20190523 02:02:00

elections euro skeptic parties are expected to make significant gains and in the u.k. that is music to nigel for raja's ears where his new and anti establishment new brags that party is running away with the polls i'm sorry kelly in berlin this is the day. we need to see bricks through. this prime of the stuff all of those banned as being sued by a club being stomped. on it's. just moments on all the lawyers. and i don't nothing but a farce on the treasonable people. we have to stop to for all take this country's he's taking the country out of the golden calf and there is a cliff. and i think the president of rwanda actually wrote about the sort of the genie coming out of a book and it's not going but i am. a risk creating hurdles official as a time when we need to be acting together in the national interest. and also coming up on the day one of germany's top industrialists is stepping down david sacha is giving up the reins at auto maker. pretty good only if it's a shame they're a long time a lot like him an old fall there should be getting a fresh winds from the near boston has a strategy that's been announced here to all be implemented effectively into the out of the share price will go up again because. by 1st europe is at a historic political crossroads will it grow more united or more divided as voting begins. in the e.u. parliament elections on thursday opinion polls suggest that there could be significant advances for the a re of populist nationalists and far right parties that are determined to claw back power from the e.u. for their own national governments for example in the u.k. polls say that nigel for raja's new n.t.e.u. branch of party could glean as much as 37 percent of the vote there the election has become as much about europe as it has about theresa may and her multiple failed attempts to leave britain out of the bloc. that wherever the niger frog is he's welcome back stop here and wait for its on his next recently has betrayed the country but he's unconditionally accepted rule of brussels demands during the withdrawal negotiations with the brics referendum a very i don't know. do you. it's a document drafted by burst your bubble in the air. without a live out looking over his shoulder for rush suggest britain doesn't need to deal with presses the main thing is to leave the view he doesn't mention that would probably cost jobs right. there i'm afraid that there is no chance of brakes being delivered with our current 2 party system and our current government will have to fight for it again but i believe we can do so i think the budget referendum actually rob about the sort of the genie coming out of the bottle it's not going back. in the city of peterborough over a 1000 people come to check out the new party many of them used to vote for the conservatives the carbon just more going to china or lawyers who say very nice and i are nothing but crooks so far as are concerned a treasonable people people are very angry and feel very hurt and upset that their vote is being ignored and democracy is being trampled all over the internet is that the party claims to have gained more than 100000 new members in just a few weeks. actually made it a page in the internet of the wall of change u.k. can only dream of such numbers greater johnson is in the spotlight and path in southwest england the political newcomer who has one main goal we have to stop or for takeover of this country with all the lack of values and all the lies that. campaigner represents he says it's a one man show it's a vehicle to get him into downing street he's taken the got the country up the garden path and over the cliff the new ring main party change u.k. has a clear enemy nigel farage is braggs a party but the n.t. brags that vote is splintered and that might be one reason why the pro europeans have not been able to tread nearly the same crowds as a brags at party who had seen by. 4 rows of chairs are enough to accommodate the crowd many of those who have come are disappointed by the establishment parties. this is an opportunity to see what a remaining polity a new voice a fresh voice has to say to me and i was very impressed actually the passion with which they spoke on the question your opinion and i believe changing for k a one of the only parts is to really really support the people to support the big parties are being punished in the e.u. elections and that looks like the populists will be the biggest witness right. oh and this election comes at a critical time for the european union as division is deepening and nationalism rising now a new report by the online campaign group of us has found that far right and groups have launched a full fledged offensive bombarding potential voters with dissin from a ship it identified over 500 facebook pages and groups that were intentionally spreading false information the accounts had nearly 32000000 followers and many more interactions now of the more than 500 accounts reported by abbas facebook has removed just 77 and here's what a vos had to say about their findings. but what we seeing is systematic this information it's not one thing is popping up here another one there it is building that works of millions of followers of millions of people and then reaching out further and further and further and slowly but surely kind of deceiving people into believing the same lies and that's the danger is like this information is not one week one big fake news it's done it is over a very long term playing the long game and slowly but surely messing more and more people who then build like their own bubble of reality and all the soccer is on the story for us stick a closer look so i mean what did this study tell us that we didn't already know i think one of the most shocking aspects of this study the sheer numbers the vost reach of these networks now you mentioned 32000000 people following these pages in fact more than half a 1000000000 people have actually seen the content over the last 3 months now that's 6000000 people a day and that's can certainly be disruptive in the lead up to an election like we have now and just to emphasize the scale even more facebook you said took down 77 all these 500 pages but those 77 pages they have more followers than all of the populists many populist parties in these 6 european countries have together now it was also interesting is who is actually spreading this this information we're talking about local grassroots groups and we're no longer talking about you know large caches of documents being dumped online we're not talking about russian troll troll factories like we saw for example in the 2016 u.s. election so what are some of the examples that highlight it so most of the material that they're looking at is basically a narrative warfare for the far right now we have an example from germany with multiple pages seemingly belonging to one. from the a f d that's the populist alternative for germany party. accounts with variations of her name or spreading anti islamic content content supporting anti feminists for example now we also have an example from italy where pages supporting the populist lead polity there have been spreading a video sharing a video purporting to show african migrants attacking a police car would have a look at that here but if you have a look closely you can see there is a microphone there and there are lighting guys holding a giant white reflector so this is clearly a from a film shoots it's in fact from a film called mediterranea. which premiered at the cannes film festival a few years back just a few you know different ways of of how this body and this information how big an impact in the south and. it's obviously you can't attribute the rise of the far right to the spread of this information alone of course and we'll have to wait and see the results of this election how much of an impact it could have happened now interestingly the threat of this information dip seems to depend on the platform you're using. another study just out from the oxford internet institute analyzing half a 1000000 of election tweets and they only found the 4 percent of them disinform ation. and then there is this information that we can see i'm talking about closed networks like what's up for example that has fast become a one of the most popular ways in many countries to spread political this information so the problem. is that it's getting increasingly difficult to actually see the monitor the scope of the threat of this information. on the story thank you . british prime minister theresa may is pushing back against the growing calls for her removal from office as her attempts to leave britain out of the european union head for a debt and both the opposition as well as many within her own party have rejected the revised withdrawal deal that's despite may opening the door to a 2nd that referendum and a temporary customs union with the e.u. she urged lawmakers to grasp what she's called a last chance. there is an issue about customs there is a difference of opinion in this house on the future customs arrangement with the european union that's why it's important that this house actually comes to a decision on that issue. regarding 2nd referendum the 2nd reading of the withdrawal agreement bill will enable this house to come to a decision on that issue it would also enable the house to come to a decision on a 2nd referendum which i continue to believe would not be the right route for this country to go down we should deliver on the 1st referendum suggesting anything about a 2nd let's get some more analysis on this now a bit of a difference and we have invited christian show down the hall into our studio he is a german stand up comedian who has performed many times in britain you actually live between the 2 countries as we understand now so now because the situation is really no laughing matter though is that it still is though it's because it's all so crazy that you have to laugh about it but it's not funny because it's people's futures right what is my future to do so but we just saw boris johnson system for example right she's now kind of promoting to remain in the european union it's just funny he's so extreme she saw extreme one of them has to be adopted i think you know they can't be brother and sister so it's all insane in the end he would be the prime minister and that's going to be the final punchline of the whole joke so where do you get your inspiration when you're coming up with you know things that you find funny. i don't know they write the jokes for us down there so the politicians and people in general but obviously if put it to says are too funny it's hard for a comedian to kind of like outdo them and be even funnier so now people are expecting comedians to say smart things and politicians to be funny. you know it's all going wrong is no insult topsy-turvy so it's a bit of a field day for comedians right now kind of yeah but it's also difficult because for some to trump whenever he says something it's so extreme and so over the top that it's hard to make it even funnier as a comedian you can just you know you just have to sit sit there and lean back and. enjoy all the funny stuff he says you know you're sitting back now you're leaning back i mean we have all this speculation that to resubmit his days in office are numbered we've heard that before many times. who would you like to succeed her in office and why 1st i think she's still clinging on you know for a while so it looks every every week people say this is her final week now progressing this or find a night but we'll see she's to tries to you know to to prolong the whole thing trying to go through parliament again with her deal. it's like einstein who once said the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and over but expect a different outcome she's like that at the moment so for now i would write her off and whatever is going to happen off that we don't know nobody knows nobody knows i'm the one thing is really certain though is that the u.k. is really divided i mean we don't see that in the polling we see that in the way the politics is playing out is that something that you also see in your audiences when you're performing what the u.k. has always been a divided country you know the class system is divided it's of the upper class the middle class and the working class much more than in germany other countries. it's nested if it is the division between england away it's scotland and ireland obviously on northern island there's the north and the south of in this so there's always been a lot of divisions and now the just the thing is just another division. it's the only one that people could vote for vote on and they did and now we can see how divided the country is so it's not really adding to a peaceful and united kingdom are there certain jokes that just don't play wells a certain audience is i mean do you so yeah gauge the room or figure out you know which area you're living in or you know performing in rather it's very it's very important where you are just like you said so in london obviously everything is a way more liberal than europe friendly and then you go to certain parts of essex where lot of people voted to leave the european union and you know especially as a german going to is not always easy but i kind of enjoy it because i'm in the position of the outsider so that's that's always a good position to be in there obviously quite a few of them we've had that. thing that germany runs the european union which is kind of true let's be honest and them so that is obviously a position they don't really like to see and i well i play with that obviously controversial point by the way i might have to ask you for some facts to back one up i want to read fake news are you happy that you're back in germany now i mean because you used to be living primarily in the u.k. but now you're kind of going back and forth is that because. and it's not because of that i just i used to be in britain only and then i got an offer to work in germany and do stand up in my own language and then i started to do it and it worked out ok now i kind of commute between then and london fashion brand ready. thank you thank you. indonesia's president we don't know has warns that strong action will be taken against rioters in the capital jakarta he was speaking after demonstrators protested the results of last month's presidential election at least 6 people were killed in clashes with security forces violence broke out after authorities confirmed the president's re-election supporters of the main opposition candidate claimed lho was right. on the streets of jakarta another night of violence after protests continued throughout the day demonstrators fought running battles with police throwing stones and lighting fires continue to defy police orders to leave the downtown area. the demonstration started peacefully on tuesday evening but that quickly turned violent after election results showed incumbent president joker we don't know but one reelection opposition supporters tried to force their way into the offices of the election supervisor agency to help molotov cocktails and burning project out a police responded with tear gas rubber bullets and water cannon positions supporters later moved on to other areas of the city setting fire to vehicles and a police dormitory police blame the violence on what they call provocateurs and that dozens of suspects have been arrested. the majority of protesters came from jakarta they came from west java content in central java we also found evidence including an ambulance that was filled with stones and tools for a tank. the election commission said president had won 55 percent of the vote spending to feed for its ultra nationalist opponent former general problem to be on time. he says the poll was marred by widespread fraud but so far he's no evidence to back up the claim the president vowed to crackdown on the protests. there is no choice no choice the military and police will take firm action in accordance with the law. but so beyond the defeated candidate is refusing to accept the election result to mobilize people's power the government has to put some 50000 police and soldiers across to carter to back up the president's tough rhetoric. it is the end of an era german automaker dialer the firm behind mercedes cars its long time c.e.o. david satcher is stepping down today to make room for his successor. led dialer for more than a decade and became one of the most recognizable faces of german business but now it is time to hand over the reins. a grateful goodbye from shareholders after 13 years at the helm. we cannot and will not remain satisfied with the current level was profitability i can assure you the time the team is drawing even more motivation to work with full energy towards our annual targets. but. that message will be welcome following years in which share prices have been rocky profits slumped in 2018 after several good years. sure spent more than 4 decades at a time line as head of the chrysler division he became affectionately known in the us as dr z. even appeared in. this fight i think with this page there is only one example that smalling for better performance and handling it was then credited with helping diamond to recover when the chrysler takeover fell apart in 2007. has achieved record saying it was in recent years after increasing the appeal of its cars to a younger market many shareholders say this sad to see that should go pretty good only it's a shame in there i liked him a lot like him a lot. of fresh winners from the new strategy that's been announced here it will be implemented effectively now that the share price will go up again because. that future strategy will be led by time is known jim and see all of us. and we're joined now from business tasked by arthur sullivan to tell us a little bit more about doctors ease departure i mean that's what he's affectionately called by many a business leader of this stature why is he leaving now well for starters sara he's been working on dime for 43 years and 13 of those c.e.o. so 43 years ahead of a long time to work anywhere 13 years of the c.e.o. of an organization as big as diameter is extremely demanding job so it's natural that you would leave after that stage however the other factors at play here is approaching a massive transformation as all major car makers are at the moment for several reasons the switch track from ability autonomous driving etc it's also going through a major restructuring process so it makes sense that you would change leader at this point get a new person in new ideas and to lead this period of transformation also restructuring and also one of the point it's important what he is leaving a c.e.o. but he's not only believe in diameter so when this was announced last year the announcement was framed in the context that he was leaving in may 2019 because the plan would be that in 2 years 2021 he would return as chairman of the supervisory board so in 2 years time he would actually be back in time or in a different capacity but he's not fully leaving so that's important remember so just walk us through though the highs the lows of his career as we look back well it was the most obvious high is the fact that for 13 years a c.e.o. has consistently been a profitable highly profitable company so that's made a more proper chair. holders the big thing that you find that he generally gets credit for is that when he took over in 2006 dimer was going through a very difficult merger the merge from hell as it was known with chrysler he managed to extricate them from the us and then lead them through that period into a successful operation in their own right as diner and then after the financial crisis he also led the mercedes brand and he made that one of the leading brands in the luxury market to get ahead of b.m.w. and so they're his big achievements ready to take it out of the chrysler period in the return of consistent profitability in terms of the lows i suppose the you can't escape the fact that at the 28 it was quite a bad year for diameter their their figures were down their sales were down their revenues are down there was an old timer's fault but things have certainly cooled of it and also the 1st quarter 21000 was the same also what volkswagen took most of the brunt of this from the diesel emissions scandal it's important remember the time there were not glamorous there either so there's been a few negatives during his time in charge so his successor i mean he inherits as you've highlighted there are some challenging conditions look can we expect from him there were the 2 big things that's interesting about the success or 2 of the major prerequisites historically for german business leaders of particularly in the car industry has been one that you're german and 2 that you're an engineer he's neither he's swedish and he's prempro already a financial guy he has no real background in engineering for the last 2 and a half years he's been leading the research and development division that's primarily involved looking into these big transformations that i'm talking about so autonomous driving internet of things technology and of course the big one the switch to electro ability so that's really what his major challenge will be can be restructured diameter and can he lead us into those new technologies testily because in many cases there this is not just a question of returning huge profits it's a question of survival because the car industry is changing that much so we'll be still a major car company in 20 years that's the big challenge we will certainly have a lot of his plate and some very big shoes to fill arthur sullivan from business thank you. kenya now and hippopotamuses are facing a new threat not only are hunters targeting them they are also having to compete with other animals for food as a result their numbers are dwindling now a new study has revealed that any reduction in their numbers could spell disaster for the vital health of rivers in the region. a hungry hippos grazes on the shores of kenya's lake one of over 1500 hippos that make this lake its home but the grass here is increasingly in short supply. locals often bring back cattle down to the grasslands fringing the lake to feed the competition for food between wildlife and domestic animals is driven to the extreme by drought and climate change. it means that people are bringing their livestock into protected areas national parks and reserves and they're competing with the animals like hippos and these poor animals don't have any other source of food they literally would. if they hippos die the rivers and lakes could die with them hippos chaum through huge amounts of grass every night and this grass contains a precious element called silica floating in the water during the day that digestion kicks in they then excrete vast quantities of dung into the water the silica in the hippo dung is absolutely vital for the health of africa's waterways a new study has found it helps curb algae blooms that killed marine life. so to have healthy waterways we need healthy hippos but hippos don't gotta much sympathy with the locals just last year several people have died from hippo attacks have been and many many cases of people killed by hippos and this means people don't like to tolerate people they will often kill it's been in the press in kenya quite a lot in many many instances of local people calling the service to come and kill hippos because they feel like their lives are endangered. with farmers that cattle and the hippos all competing for dwindling grasslands the biggest loser of this fight might be our environment. let's all now for the day don't forget as always the congress. and you can find us on twitter either at to w. news you can follow me at sarah kelly t.v. and you can use the hash tag that day thank you so much for watching and hope to see you consider. coming. to move. the sun's. going to game over for the european dream. it's meant to be a community of freedom without borders. but on the consonants discontents is on the wrong so subtle or it was white said the next level of. the sun. made in germany next detail. entered the conflict zone. last known as venezuela's a position of some to the boldest moves yet to size a get the military to come over to their side my guess is move to london is the most annoying representative to movies there is no way in a position leader on a sofa to have president won't fly joe what happens next conflicts so fucked up in 60 minutes paedophile. 1st year school in the jungle. the 1st claim was. embedded gore's grand moment to run a joint hearing attack on her journey. you know we're an interactive dungeon toronto and the rioting returns home. what


Transcripts For DW DocFilm 20191109 06:15:00

have envelope entire towns this is one of the worst bushfire seasons australia has experienced and it's still only spring amid a prolonged drought residents say they dread to think of what's to come and the summer months. well coming up next is the documentary about the body and will all family and a more news anytime of the day head to our website d w dot com i got home free but. after the fall of the berlin wall t.w. . geophones dear antone you know there's a scene in the when your mother was born in 1969 the world was already 8 years old and you know my grandchildren were born after the wall fell born in a real unified germany 3 generations one family on a journey through recent german history to make the berlin wall our family and us next on d w. showing up today don't miss our highlights building program online w dot com highlights. the . good thing about the stars in the sky is you can gaze at them whether you're behind a wall or not. much i want to score my grandmother had a telescope we'd often look at saturn or jupiter and its moons it was silk knowledge about a type. of you know i was born in january 1901 a year after the wall fell. and. then because it's incredible to think that my parents who seem so ordinary to me grew up in a dictatorship a place where tanks would sometimes roll through the streets that are just often when it's a good movie covered in my wall that used to be a wall i knew that it had been built and that my mother and my grandparents were trapped behind and that was the reality i grew up with guns my mother birth. order. brother and sister fans and then tony ahead and and their grandfather he grew up here in bend i washed asset which mounts the border between east and west germany the men dessen early age how cruel that boredom was it can we go in and after my own see it i remember you telling us that you once looked out of the window onto the cemetery and saw someone attempting to escape that yeah yeah that's right. but that was long before the wall was built it was 1953 during the east german uprising. we saw a man crawling on all fours between the gravestones he was approaching the church grounds and our house was already quite close but we can see also that he was surrounded by armed guards and i was 13 it was a terrible thing to see he was a lost cause and there was nothing we could do we couldn't warn him we hid under the bed clothes pulled the blankets over our heads and then we heard the gunfire with can i have it couldn't you have yelled from the window and now you have you have no and then what. he'd already been spotted what have you and there was no point in warning him on his back and then. if he had been a movie you'd have distracted the guards imitated birds or something forced him immediately like. your kid to plant lived in the eastern half of the city his home and the church where his father. pasto demolished when the bell and wall was built then i watched asa 2 was also demolished where the love of his life grew up she became a hugely popular politician in the pastry unification years. which was grandma's window this one those 2 on the left of the left window the left one year of. it looked on the pavement so if she stuck her head out of the window she always said her head was in the western or backside it was in the east her backside in the east bank side i'm quoting her if you haven't yet and you'd knock on the window and knock on the window on my way to choir practice. but it was a bit it's funny to think that was right here the floor was probably here and this is where grandma would show on her bed around her desk right here you know you. are again and years ahead of time when married for 35 years until her death since 1001961 the balun wool was built literally on the doorstep also a few stars about the washed cars i went out the door on her brown hours transfer to buy a newspaper does it with you and i saw that barbed wire had been laid out on the east side of the street when for the stop and there were police armed with machine guns. it didn't mean much to the rest of the world but it meant everything to a married couple who lived on one side and wanted to have breakfast with their parents on the other side 1st avoidant i knew their grandparents who lived in the west and wanted to take their grandchild for a walk and home both kind parker and all of a sudden you couldn't go from one street to another from one side to the other that's unusual. the wall divided burnin and germany for 28 years. the wall is now in memory the city one again. studies humanities and works part time in the planetarium antonius studies physics they live just a stone's throw from the war memorial site and from where their grandparents once lived. i know where it's vices i know it's where my grandparents lived and nowadays you see tourists milling around here all the time and i love it but of course it's also just where france lives and where i go to celebrate new year's or watch a football match or whatever but what i will breathing in history sounds a bit over the top but it's everywhere when you go out partying and you cross back and forth any number of times without thinking anything of it. regain ahead and have no doubt have enjoyed that's how grandchildren live so new to way she grew up she joined the social democratic party in 1909 gaining a reputation for plain speaking the successful reunification of the 2 geminis was always one of her key concerns just exactly that's why i say we need to participate in whatever way we can get involved you vote for for i was aware from the outset that the moment she entered politics greg you know would never let go and politics would never let her go she gave it her all. and not just for self but for the people she'd suddenly been granted responsibility for pretty sure i'm closing the sign off of the book i would have loved to have spent a few days with her as the person i am now discussing ideas with wondering. 30 years after the fall of the berlin wall antonia and france feel the differences between east and west in germany still linger there not sure if germany has growing together or apart. with sending them on a journey across eastern germany to find out visiting places where people are venting their dissatisfaction and disappointment. come on let's have a song. i. just. caught. fish. all right. no network. there's not exactly reliable internet around here but. much of the former east germany is struggling in the communist era the country was rundown and on the verge of bankruptcy since 1909 nearly 25 percent of the population has moved away. wow. there's little industry left here. antonia and funds are critical of coal mining like many young people today they're worried about the environment but in eastern germany coal is still important like knights or brown coal mining is a major employer and an integrity part of the region's identity zuko but slough has spent her entire working life in a coal mine i feel as safe as i'm about to start up the excavator 1st i'll give a warning and then also the excavator in motion. if i can dig all that up you see the cable it's connected to the mast and the mast lifts the arm it's perfectly safe which is wobbles of it all right so i'll sit down. wow. is it has been operating an excavator for 35 years shifting up to 3 and a half 1000 tonnes of lignite per hour but germany is aiming to shut down all of its coal fired power plants by 2038 reunification hit this part of eastern germany hard now it's facing yet another copy for. action. but or is it just a dish but how do you feel knowing that it won't be long before these coal mines are closed down. the plane is that is too much. it's a very emotional issue for us when. we feel we're being vilified. we're made out to be the bad guys we're destroying the environment and we're responsible for climate change the fact that it's my involvement in my opinion that's just rubbish. that's what the mining industry does a lot to protect the environment but nobody talks about that of course coal mining has an environmental impact but the industry makes up for it in the total look again i can forgive me but can't you understand people's concerns why they're making these demands. of course they don't think miners are terrible people they think they're perfectly normal nice people who are doing their job as best they can but they want to protect the environment and bring about change. i've got nothing against environmental protection but not in this radical well. 8000 people work in the lignite strip mines here the coal industry is by far the biggest employer in the region wide scale unemployment is looming physical puts off it brings back painful memories of what happened after 9 $189.00 after reunification. it's a very difficult subject for me i've had to say goodbye to friends to colleagues who are also friends it's a very emotional thing you've lost your job i've kept mine it's hard for both sides . this is for because it in place and so were you just lucky. whatever your job safe because it skilled. no one's job was safe one. you must have been afraid too of course. how much transformation can reach and withstand. a few kilometers from the mine moped enthusiastic gathered in the village of tower this is where the simpson s 51 and the pads were manufactured back him up was then communist east germany. with us which ones yours. when they were younger france and antonia also rode my pads like bees. you have to cling to the noise the smell it's all still there 30 years after the fall of the war zone mopeds is still a really big thing here again it's young kids today like my son 14 or 15 year olds and the think tank are with them all the time it's great to talk about it it's unfortunate want to still sort of come through this although it's a symbol of values the good old days great stuff the colors all. right let's take this one for a spin so you can sit on it while you push. by and you can i think of all the men is glad to see the village taking pride in its heritage but in recent decades many locals left to find work in the west the area has rebounded somewhat but when the last mines closed they could be another exodus this notion of you know it but there's talk again about structural change once the older generation don't feel affected they think they don't have long left anyway. but what about the young generation. in this nation they'll move away if the regional. government and berlin don't manage to attract industry here. in the but i'd say it's almost too late for that in my own field to speak. with. dr i thought this was you. and tony and franz a visiting kath and kim. is a retired lawyer. yet how old were you when the wall fell to the manor i was born in 47. so early forty's projects and i was 36 when i started studying. for the wall fell yes and in 1990 i ended my studies which were under the east german system. a lot it was as if my entire world had collapsed. ok so then what oh i see you've been studying a completely different legal system and wow that's crazy how infuriating so you had just finished your studies and the wall fell so it had all been a waste of time a total waste of time every weekend a colleague and i went to google to university in berlin to attend and listen ours on west german law those were hard times of the a muslim heart obviously it must have felt very unfair your all what do you think now i mean as a lawyer when you look back on what happened then. it was unfair a new system was basically imposed on us we had to relearn everything and not everybody was able to adjust. for any it it must have been really tough being in your mid forty's having built yourself a whole life and then having to start all over from scratch i can't imagine what that must have felt like if i just. didn't give up she went on to found a successful legal practice in front of my spare time. i was really shocked to learn how few east germans there are in executive positions it's a good feeling for going through and yes out of 121 heads of federal ministries only 3 of them are from the former east of us it's good now and it's like that across the board why is that do you think many people in the east lacked confidence and we were looked down on during reunification everything to do with the east was discarded. there are 16000000 east germans but few of them hold top positions across academia politics business media and you know. whether someone is from he still west germany is a question that still matters to antonia even though she was born after the fall of the wall so was her boyfriend nicholas. he grew up in western germany not far from the danish border. by the nazis when history happens on your doorstep a wall falls and 2 different systems collide then obviously it's something that's going to interest you. then. ok but it wasn't obvious that the 2 systems were that different understood because the state was the. east germany was poor ok yeah but the simple fact that a wall was built to keep people in is a huge difference. sure but my impression is that in the west we realized that in the east people had fewer material things of the fewer products things like coffee bananas bluejeans and so on and have kind of been a kind of so they were disadvantaged in that time to go on so you knew that part and of course that you weren't allowed to travel or not to just. buy a live report and you have western germans failed to grasp meant to east germans to adapt to an entirely new system to switch from socialism and a planned economy to democracy and to free market economy all the rules had changed at work and in private knife to. antonina has given me a different perspective and made me think about it all much more. efficient back but when i'm with antonio's family i still notice how much they talk about it. the fall of the wall the east west issue is not a good solid enough in my family it's never mentioned we never or hardly ever discussed the east west question it for people in the west like my parents it didn't make much of an impact nothing much changed and that. i for one half of gemini little changed i said the other half the world's turned upside down on november the 9th 1900 was open and i was like what do you want about sure right it's open now it'll be open tomorrow and i didn't take it seriously but beginning when different there and then of course the party was over. and mine 8 of us piled into my little 5 seater our car and drove to bornholmer strasse are there born on a bridge on a fork of the crossing we heard was open to his i. i i. i. he hid them and i can still remember the particular quality of the light in the stony expressions of the border police who had no idea what was going on either and we crossed over and there we were in west berlin it's this for. instance a curfew was deeply moving were drove back after midnight then again i wanted to go to the brandenburg gate. i. was funded as a teenager it seemed so exciting. you were trapped behind a wall you couldn't cross and then at some point you could run but when i saw the film footage i just thought it uncool they're wearing those crappy clothes those horrible bright colors as a teenager i just thought man who wears that sort of thing and they're hopping around on a wall of ice you know having to type but by my mid twenty's i found most clothes totally cool on the street someone you know. i i'm. pleased that. sunday morning chance is helping his friend james band get ready to perform in the the park next to the former wall this famous for its weekly fee market however they want to be there to snag a prime spot. but it's pretty crazy as musicians that you're kind of able to do this like put on like a proper show in the streets. you know and even the police walks by and it's like yeah keep going you know that's awesome to tens of thousands of people descend on the park every sunday and readymade woody ends up and coming back. to bury. everything. the bigger crowd. was screaming. what's now one of the most free spirited places in berlin was once aboard the death strip when east german guards were under order to shoot to kill if they saw anyone trying to escape. and then tony is youngest sister said celia has just moved to berlin the siblings often come to the park together. but how would you describe it to someone who's never been here you see the history you may know them our park and say you're describing it to friends from out of town what would you say. this but this is a fake but i'd say imagine this was once the debt strip here was the wall and there was the wall and now we can just walk along it and dance and play music. on monday you can see that that's the west over there you can see that the buildings on the one side are different from the buildings on the other and i tell them how wonderful it is that all these people gather here and party together that's what i'd say. almost 30 years it was a no man's land between east and west berlin. today the maui park is a major tourist attraction. each time i love to dance in the park for me it's life. i love the atmosphere of the place the music the people everything about it i really hope. you know you have a it's kind of. really open and no bird there's no boundary kind of made it clear. if you want to do it you would think and if you want to be a hero or a feudal shoulda done that ok i like it very much it's freedom and that's very good as. actually. i. most of the wall was built in 1961 and regain ahead of it and made a conscious decision to stay in the east they were critical of the communist system but they believed in change from within. i think about we were walled in. we did feel like we were trapped. but we did what we could to broaden our horizons and also to show our children that it's inner freedom that matters the most and that with that inner freedom you could do all sorts of things and achieve all sorts of things so much so given. that children that wasn't always easy to accept. the plant is france and then tony as mother she finished high school just before the wall fell she'd always railed against the restrictions of life in east germany. does the food minister is this interesting limit as i felt like it wasn't real life or that we were somehow frozen in time and the world beyond was turning without you that was the dominant feeling for me my i longed for openness discussion all i can say is i didn't find any of that there was and that was what i heard for and that and you knew that there was this other world i imagined the west was something completely different we often went to the church of reconciliation and looked across the lawn just think we could actually see this other world you could see the double decker buses and the people in the street living lives that somehow seemed more colorful more vibrant more full of life it sounds ridiculous but when i was 12 i stood in front of the mirror and swore to myself that i wouldn't stay that i would leave. as and as expect. sure enough in august 1909 falcon head of land fled to west germany via hungary and austria like tens of thousands of others that summer no one family included had the slightest suspicion that the war would fold just 3 months later. i didn't know when i would ever see my daughter again this is the she wouldn't have been allowed back and we weren't allowed to go to the west and it was just awful for us better it's what we never expected she'd be back for christmas the same year but she was there you go by with talking. oh. but if. you. go for a coffee good little fool i. will hire you with your head accountant her family live in a village outside but when there's almost always a full house. and politics is a favorite topic at the dinner table the family is alarmed by the rise of the far right in eastern germany. i keep telling people go and vote otherwise nothing will ever change that and almost 25 percent of the people in the state of brandenburg support the right wing populist party the a.f.d.c. with their political activism they hit upon a keeping reggae in a spirit a life even today she's remembered fondly in eastern germany read widely. followed him for fun. i've just been so amazed in the last few days by how much people remember grandma. when you were traveling. yes she's like a superhero they really idolize her. to be honest i was almost shocked shocked because the excavator operator said that meeting at regina hildebrand's grandchildren was like hitting the jackpot a lot of why our. yeah there's a lot to live up to. nowadays many in eastern germany failed as no one on the political stage who represents that interests as asked most for my clout as admission for a start it wasn't a reunification team one system simply imposed itself on the other as i'm west germany didn't bother to even consider if there was anything in the east german system they could have been useful fixed a problem was boosted cohesion they didn't think what aspects of east germany should we take a closer look at maybe keep they only cared about things that related to reckoning to a market economy and that was a mistake but. how her head of land often spoke to her children about the full of the war about the joy every unification and the mistakes made in itself to mask. my struggle maybe if we adjusted downward. keep going. where's the man in the moon. trance and then tony i go back on the red and this time they're on their way to saxony the part of the country where the shift to the farm. right is make stick street they want to find out why. dresden is famous for its cultural landmarks but also as the cradle of the notorious piggy diminishment which is nationalist anti islam and far right i. i i. i support his regularly demonstrate against chancellor angle america's refugee policy against the idea of a multicultural germany 50 times and antonia their extreme politics right now so much. thank you when the bigoted demonstrations began in 2014 they struck an a at their peak they drew 10000 people today any a small step in course still take to the streets every week antonia and funds the meeting to be a savant if he's put on sunglasses as a journalist he's and a thing but well compare. view of how often have you been here. over a 100 times really that's quite something after you get asked to give it was founded in october 24th team so they see a marks its 5th anniversary. there's a lot of dedication going into this system it's amazing how much time and energy is invested in something so pointless. it depends most people here don't think demonstrating is pointless. quite a few draw parallels with communist east germany they felt silenced then and claim to feel silenced today even though they're unafraid to spread water often overtly racist slogans the following after 7 i was at the demonstrations in 1009. prison and the mood now is similar. you can't dismiss these people as nazis that's just rubbish there are thousands of people have grievances and they just want to express them bring with them then they give them didn't since this is our way of telling the governments that a lot is wrong with this country should all issues closer personally i don't want to see islam take over germany if that's what you want fine but i don't and neither do most germans you know i was only down that in fact the majority of people in dresden including to be a sloth don't sympathize with the piggy to support as he says they've crossed too many lines with that inflammatory and racist rhetoric on the scene from a full on image to me these people are lost causes you can't get through to them but it's also possible. at the very least that people who will accept the why list sloganeering in order to celebrate themselves as something better because that what judgement of us was on the us was approached and was forthcoming of their secret date puts his deputy leader in a green. is he going to kick us out. now he can't how could he. be seen as they are but he's pretending to ignore us. there he goes during his man of the people think. oh yes he has put those guys who are hanging around before and so us hasn't got on board under the shadows of the likes circling sharks you know exactly why i don't know for sure that the biggest supporters have a small but vocal minority but the fact remains the far right is gaining ground. it's good to but i think the there are right wing tendencies all over europe and there's donald trump in the us but here it's taken on a different dimensions it's not just about job losses an industry that's being shut down which is bad enough it's like the worm food it's the fact that there's been an entirely new society to adjust to daily life. values and. what i mean to say is there is no justification whatsoever for racism and marginalizing people that's completely totally wrong. but i can understand that people feel frustrated and left behind and that they struggle to identify with our society today that's just plain enough it's you know. the far right f.t. is seizing the moment and saxony a tented the state parliament in 2014 and is currently the state's strongest party after the city. antonio in france a meeting a politician on the events it's not a conversation any of them exactly relishes but look you know i assume you know that we don't sympathize with the f.d.a. . you don't have to we don't i think the f.d.a. is pretty creepy to be honest. upon yourself a lot of other slogan on my election poster is there must be limits to immigration . and you can start from the f.t. was founded in 2013 which is when the 1st wave of asylum seekers arrived in germany and there was no firm political intervention you could not think. and you think most of them risked their lives and get in these rubber boats just purely economic reasons for quite a majority yes that's my opinion. but to being a racist i don't know why i can't explain it i mean if you have no clue what will be interesting to know why your party which you're active in is seen as racist it's an accusation meant to make us look bad. because it's best to get there what about the terrible speeches denying history and the diatribes against homosexuals. the of aspect of a it's a question of how the media instrumentalists is these issues in germany. people are labelled far right very quickly article young guns of what it is that i get and if i don't know it's certainly true that given our history we germans have a particular duty when it comes to the expression of far right opinions that goes without saying the habitation. transcendental spend an hour talking to and play event that they find little common ground. yourself that it's just very obvious to me that the democracy we live in can't be taken for granted and i'm very aware that it's not an especially good shape right now. it's monday evening and france and his housemates are having a policy. just a stone's throw from where their grandmother once lived from where the but once stood from the film a fun night and if the cold war the grandchildren a celebrating with friends from around the world and if so my a america. dear friends dear antonia celia i'm sitting on the terrace at twilight it's peaceful you're mine and my 3 grandchildren sleep untroubled in front of me are photo albums that date back to when i was younger than you are now how times have changed. as a 943 when i was 2 the same age is serious now it was wartime we were evacuated from central berlin our home to the country shortly thereafter our home was bombed we lost almost everything we owned. at antonia's age i had experienced evacuation the end of the war back in berlin i lived in makeshift lodgings with a toilet in the stairwell i started over from nothing. when i was 8 france's age germany was split into 2 and remain divided for decades. when your mother was born in 1969 the wall was already 8 years old. you my grandchildren were born after the wall fell born in a unified germany a wonderful time a time of great joy. now i'm going to get political. it would be nice if we could get better at making our towns and cities proper communities. where rich or the sick and the healthy the young and the old the disadvantaged and the advantaged could live together and children would learn from early on how to get along together and how to take responsibility for our world i'm. going to furnish the darkness has fallen it's still peaceful mate remain so for your sakes my dear grandchildren. hair. bands. there. who. can do it that's enough for me me 2. years after the fall of the berlin wall t.w. . today i write a long before my border between east and west berlin. i would like to see what remains of the history of the division of europe germany. searching for traces of the berlin. 30 minutes. now live i'm sure that of us as we are. in support of. what the savior was able. to deliver. i am.


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240604 01:59:00

or debit card right now, we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt you can wear to show your support to help saint jude save the lives of these children. woman: [non-english speech] spokesman: let's cure childhood cancer together. ♪ welcome back, america. this is a message directed to all americans but specifically our brother and sister, pagers in iowa. vote for people who have among history of defending the sovereignty of this country, defending our economic system


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Life Liberty Levin 20240604 04:59:00

what can i put down as your profession? thief! actress. she means actress. thief! [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. ♪ welcome back, america. this is a message directed to all americans but specifically our brother and sister, pagers in iowa. vote for people who have among history of defending the sovereignty of this country, defending our economic system


Transcripts for CNN Anderson Cooper 360 20240604 04:29:00

point if we get super scared to leave. right now it is just raining and wind, so it's not too bad yet. we are just waiting and we have this little dirt road trail that we can head out, instead of going to the road that goes by the gulf here. it goes about 17 miles, nothing about goals. there is another road that we can take and get to a way. >> now, i hear all the time don't drive through floodwaters, i don't take that risk and the saves. if you are considering venturing out, you said there are other people in the area, family who didn't want to leave and just think about what kind of a person you are to say what if they need me. it speaks to your character for a lot of reasons. are you in touch with anyone else who decided to ride out the storm? >> my brother and sister, my other brother and sister. they are probably about two miles from me and they are riding out together. me and my family is riding out together, and then we have


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 07:21:00

olivia reager was a young lawyer than. >> i just thought, you have to be kidding. this is glendive, she has to be around somewhere. >> but when susie's brother and sister in law roared around town looking, it only made them more upset. >> as a kid, when you're younger, you always wish you had things you didn't have. and i just always wished i had a big sister. and when i met susie, she was my big sister. and i guess i just never imagined that she wouldn't be in my life. >> mid afternoon, val and her husband rusty drove over to the glendive police department. they sat down with then captain ty ulrich. >> they said susie always answers her phone, always. and i went to my office twice


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Special Report With Bret Baier 20240604 22:23:00

they may feel stigmatized. they will may be too connected to social media. there is a lot of anxiety and depression. we talked about shortages of medication. psychiatric medications. what to do about it, the american american academy of pes is saying we need more pediatric mental health experts in the e.r. we need more in the community. there is shortage of people like that with this expertise. can you come up with all the protocols how to approach this and all for increasing awareness. the role is with the family. family awareness. connect with your children. ask them the tough questions and then if you find the answers disturbed get your physician involved. er can help but it's a sign of trouble. >> bret: yeah. the parents have got check in. brother and sister has got to check. in dr. siegel, as always. thank you. >> thanks, bret. >> bret: up next, what the fox news polls tell us about how parents see the increasing focus in schools on sexual identity and gender issues. as we go to break, former new york senator james buckley has


Transcripts for MSNBC Symone 20240604 20:58:45

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