that it was about race. what did you think of this? well, in these neofascist times we ve got to stress integrity, honesty, and courage. when people are wrong, they re wrong. our dear sister whoopi was wrong. brother yascha is right. there s no doubt that when you talk about not just the holocaust, you re talking about 2,000 years of jewish brothers and sisters being a hated people. and this is just the modern this is just the modern culmination of it with the shoah, with the holocaust. but whoopi s point about man s inhumanity to man is still a crucial one because the holocaust was distinctive. that 6 million jewish brothers and sisters you also had poles. you also had soviet folks. you also had gays. german socialists and communists. but it was primarily targeting jews. but if we can t come out of this teachablmoment with a deeper commitment to truth and