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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Kelly File 20150207

horse and think this is uniteak some other place, remember that during the crusades and inquizition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of christ. in our home country, slavery and jim crow, all to often was justified in the name of christ. there is a tendency in us a sinful tendency that can prevert and dist ort our faith. >> and live tonight with the reaction. trace. >> reporter: among those criticizing his comments are historians who compared crist chnz to isis a mis misrepresentation. and christian tolerance has reformed and that islam should do the same. he reminded the world that mare cuhas america hasn't repented. >> we are on high alert, not our high horse. and we would like for once that you are willing to defend christianity and america and not islam. and he said many people have used the name of geez christ to accomplish evil flingz their own desires but he taught peace, love, and forgiveness. this also opens the door for republicans to weigh in. and governor of virginia says this goes further to the point that president obama does not believe in america or the values we share. and the medieval christian threat is under control, mr. president, please deal with the radical islam threat today and the white house was again asked about the comments and said if you look that entire text of the remarks, you'll see how well suited they were for that audience and that setting. >> we will be hap tee keep an eye out for run away christians mr. president. and it wasn't just faith leaders upset with the president's remarks. and joining us with more a columnist for the new york post and allen combs. and let's start with you. we saw a lot of republican reaction. as bobby put it run away christians aren't really a huge problem in today's day and age. >> i think it is taken way out of context and they are ignoring the point that people have done horrible things in the name of religion. i think people are on a high horse. >> you're on a high horse if you condemn radical islam. >> you are to try conflate the two and say this is what the religion is which is no different from people representing christ and bombs abortion clinics. that's not what christianity was, and that's the point. >> what's preposterous about what he said was that christians alive today in the united states do not have to be held responsibility for the behavior of christians 800, 500500, or 160 years ago. nobody today has to bear the high horse responsibility. >> we have to be a little shamed eaunz before they were alive and that is the out rage here is look, i don't have a horse in this race, i'm a jew. look, i'm saying, the crusades the inquizition, my family wasn't here during slavery so i don't have a horse in this. but i will say this that in all of these cases, christianity was formed itself. >> and he even talked about slavery. >> slavery and jim crow. there were confederates and southerners who invoked christianity to support slavery and the greatest of abolitionests were christians. >> and to get away from the racist era of the '60s and we have -- the point he seems to be making is sglaesh-- >> and the issue is he's failed to talk about islam to reform itself. >> it's not about islam reforming and christianity isn't reformed. that was never islam and that was never was christianity was. >> that is a minority. the main criticism is of radical islam. >> the president went to a christian gathering and what he did was to say to the extent that you are all worried about the threat of radical islam, and he, in the talk, acknowledges the danger, he says but woe, woe, don't you get on your high horse, we have to take count of the inquizitions and slavery. this is happening in 2015. nobody in that rooms to the take any account, does not have to be accused of being on any high horse. >> why isn't he forced oen the modern era. >> and anybody who is really practicing the religion the way it's supposed to be practiced doesn't have to take re responsibility either. >> they need to be more condemn condemning of this preversion. >> they have done that. they never get enough press or credit for that. >> i can make strong case for you that the government of iran sglaesh -- >> i don't know what you said but it sounded terrifying. >> very pretenshes. i apologize. they have killed americans. they are the world's largest supporter of terrorism and that is a regime that we are negotiating with. >> you just want to start a war? of course we negotiate. >> what a great idea. >> i'm going to go home and look it up. >> irredents. >> that's the extra special painful dentist. >> you're not kidding. >> and also tonight, a number of vets are going after nbc news man, bryan williams saying he's trying to make himself a hero talking about events in iraq. we will take you through the statements step by step. we will show you the statements and then bring you the man who broke this story and what he says the veterans say are untrue about those statements. and the terror group now claims this woman is dead. and shepherd smith joins us from jordan next. >> i am in solidarity with the syrian people. i reject the brutality and killing that syrian authorities are committing against the syrian people because silence is participation in this crime, i declare my participation in the syrian sit in. no pictures of trucks pulling boats. no photos of men working on ranches. just a ram 1500 ecodiesel that gets 156 more miles per tank than the ford f-150 ecoboost. get more facts at huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know words really can hurt you? 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and she said we're here and we're doing what we could do. and that's who isis has kidnapped and who a jordanian air strike killed. nobody is buying it. listen to the jordanian minister of information. >> it just doesn't add up. we're highly suspicious of the story and nobody can identify the nationality of an airplane in the sky and what would that lady be in a storage of weapons and training centers for terrorists? >> reporter: they sent some video of air strikes in syria, they didn't hit anybody except air drops but no clue that she would have been there. the last they heard anything from her was p the beginning of 2014 when they sent a proof of life email, if you will, showing her in a hijab but tonight there were protests, the queen was with all of them today after friday prayers. people in the streets demanding that this fight against isis continue and intensify retribution for the loss of their hero meagan. >> thank you. the administration was tight lipped on meagan. after we heard weeks about the terror threat from various people national security advisor, susan rice, put the terror threat on the same footing as climate change and said we shouldn't give in to alarmism. >> while the dangers we face may be more numerous, they are not of the existential nature we faced during world war ii or the cold war. we can not continue to be buffetted by ialarmism. >> tell that to others who say the threat we face are as dier as those of the past. >> before world war roamii people believed if they just gave hitler a german portion of a country, he would be fine, they didn't understand that he wanted a master race. these muslims have no place in this world. they want a master religion. >> and we had your counterpart on earlier this week, sir. and he seemed to agree with others who say this is the communism ofory time isis and that we need a global strategy to defeat it and in their eyes, it's a war against radical islam. what say you? >> i agree we need a global strategy and this is the fundamental challenge of our time. i don't agree this is the equivalent of world war ii i don't think it adds anything to compare it with world war ii. it is a difficult enemy and we have to make this in concert with others and i'm hoping that death of the jordan pilot will gavelinize the arab world. >> and we heard the fbi director saying he has people investigating an isis presence in every state of the union except alaska. they are planning on kidnapping more westerners. as someone who sitsz on the intelligence committee what is your number one concern with isis? >> my number one concern is with the extraordinary loss of life that we are seeing around the world, not just in syria and iraq, we are having attacks in paris, australia and we're not immune to this and we have to protect ourselves and protect the homeland and ultimately that means we have to fight isis in their source. and i think we are making head way in iraq but not much in syria and i think we're going to have to defeat isis in iraq first. and if we went win at least 100,000 troops and potentially occupy that country for a decade and it will require a wholesome model for this country but i don't think we want to repeat the model we had in afghanistan. >> do you believe that meagan was killed by a jordanian air strike? >> i don't believe the at all. it's all too convenient for them to claim that this poor woman was the only person killed that there were no other isis people around. far too convenient as a propaganda move. soy i certainly hope and pray that she is alive. if she is not, there's only one party responsible and that's isis. >> thank you so much for being here tonight sir. >> thank you, meagan. >> and nbc anchor man brinyan williams is accused of embellishing his story in iraq to make himself out to be a hero. we will go over step, by step what he said and the captain of the helicopter he was in is speaking very publicly for the first time. and pope francis spoke about people spanking their children and why people are so upset. and when huh doll hassan opened fire on these people and tonight, very big news. [vet] two yearly physicals down. martha and mildred are good to go. here's your invoice, ladies. a few stops later, and it looks like big ollie is on the mend. it might not seem that glamorous having an old pickup truck for an office... or filling your days looking down the south end of a heifer but...i wouldn't have it any other way. lo ok at that, i had my best month ever. and earned a shiny new office upgrade. i run on quickbooks. that's how i own it. female announcer: save up to $300 on beautyrest and posturepedic. even get three years interest-free financing on tempur-pedic. keep more presidents in your wallet. sleep train's presidents' day sale is on now! ♪ your ticket to a better night's sleep ♪ ♪ developing tonight pope francis stirring up controversy with remarks that it's okay to spank children as long as parents do it with dignity. during a speech the pope recalled talking with a father about hitting his children but not in the face so as not to humiliate him. and the pope said how beautiful and he needs to punish them and he does it with dignity and moves on. and simply watch pope francis with children let the images and gestures speak for themselves. and there is a story from the pentagon tonight, who say they will give purple hearts to the fort hood victims. chief intelligence correspondent filed this report. >> reporter: more than five years after the fort hood massacre they now say it was terrorism and not work place violence as they were calling it. and they began the enrollment process. among the purple heart resip znts, this man who was shot six times. >> i saw the blood all over and the blood in my chest. >> reached by phone today manning said he's grateful that the army is no longer erer denial. >> that represents that this was a sacrifice that these guys made, that was no different than if they were in iraq or afghanistan. >> a new law required them to prove if if he was working with a terrorist group and he was working with a senior terrorist member and they welcome the decision but stay should have come years ago. and a lawyer for the family said the benefits will bowe a life lierngs though administration sglaesh they tried to throw this under the rug. and many have been struggling mightily and been give an back in the hand by their own government. >> one of the survivors told fox today that when he got the call he broke down in tears because the years of frustration had finally been listed. meagan. >> wow. catherine, thank you. and a number of veterans upset with nbc anchor bryan williams. and the story he told about iraq and how the story has changed after the fire storm. we will walk you through it and why the veterans who were with him say it wasn't true. and olympic medalist undergoing gender reassignment surgery, that's being confirmed in many circles. and a media nightmare. eveloped our most revolutionary feature yet. a car that can see trouble... ...and stop itself to avoid it. when the insurance institute for highway safety tested front crash prevention nobody beat subaru models with eyesight. not honda. not ford or any other brand. subaru eyesight. an extra set of eyes, every time you drive. sir, we're going to need you on the runway later don't let a severe cold hold you back. get theraflu. it has the power of three medicines to take on your worst pain and fever, cough and nasal congestion. theraflu breaks you free from your toughest cold and flu symptoms. so you never miss a day. theraflu. serious power. when it comes to good nutrition...i'm no expert. that would be my daughter -- hi dad. she's a dietitian. and back when i wasn't eating right, she got me drinking boost. it's got a great taste and it helps give me the nutrition i was missing. helping me stay more like me. 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[ female announcer ] stay strong, stay active with boost. it rushes through the scratches in the floorboards. dances up the height marks on the door. it wraps around your favorite family photos. it helps this place tell a story all your own. it's what's there in the air when you've made your house a home. air wick home is in the air ♪ breaking tonight, new question over the future of nbc nightly news anchor man brin williams as they launch a investigation into that williams has misreported and at times misrepresented an incident he expeerrienced in iraq. >> and his apology hasn't ak help pd hp he found himself apologizing today again. and he came out and denied a report that he called for williams to be fired. bro kawhi brokaw said that his future is up to williams. williams has claimed for years that his helicopter in iraq came under fire. listen. >> two of our four helicopters were hit including the one i was in. >> that of course was not true and the soldiers who did come under fire finally blew the whistle and the investigation may have to include statements bryan williams made while experiencing hurricane katrina while he recovered a floating body and his credibility is taking a hit online and in the front page. the new york post doing punoekio cover and they are having fun at placing him at key events in history, and nbc has yet to come out with a statement. and the pilot saying he did come under small arms fire saying he too may have misremembered. >> and he said he was hit by a rocket prupeled grenade in 2002, which, of course was not true. and more than a decade ago, his reporting of the story. and i spoke with the capital hill reporter of stars and striepz and the one who broke this story and continues to tell the truth. it's been really stellar reporting by you guys. let's just start with, when in your estimation based on the conversations you had with the guys in these helicopters, when did the misleading statements by mr. williams begin? >> what they told me was that from the very beginning they felt this story was misreported and misrepresented and they've been frustrated and angry about it since then. >> he claims he was part of a group of helicopters going on a mission and one of the choppers took rpg fire ak-47 fire and so on and you have a map that shows are williams' helicopter was not part of that. >> and i spoke with five veterans at length about this. there were two companies here. a chinook company, that came under fire and there was a second group traveling in the opposite direction south carrying bryan williams and the nbc crew. the second company traveling south never came under fire. they finished their mission and ended up landing due to a sand storm. >> now it's coming out that the reports, as far back as 20003232003, when he first got back were not accurate. here is the first one, he offered the following audio from one of the choppers that was apparently in the big windy group, it was not in the group he was in, that was heading in the totally opposite direction. here's how he reported it. >> indeed just before we're able to make our drop radio traffic makes clear this routine mission is running into trouble. >> we currently are not under fire but we are looking for some kind of security. >> we took fire on the way misleading? >> because that's a different company altogether. >> i should tell you that the pilot of bryan williams' flight he said "our flight was objective rams was uneventful and the exception of a dust -- and the second thing that happens is he suggests the chinook, that bryan williams was in was almost blown out of the sky. >> suddenly without knowing why, we've been ordered to land in the desert. and we learn that other helicopter was almost blown out of the sky. >> in no way was he following this chinook that came under fire. again, he was in a separate formation and separate company traveling in the opposite direction. so i don't see in any way how you could accurately portray that as aircraft that was following his. >> and he talked about how the big windy aircraft was not part of our uniontunit. i ", the big windy aircraft was not part of our unit. it was not part of our flight." this was the pilot of the helicopter. bryan williams began the story in 2003, and this was not true. then we heard him get very explicit about the fact that the helicopter in which he road actually took ground fire. >> two of our four helicopters were hit by ground fire, including the one i was in rbpg and ak-47. >> and not supported by the facts? >> not supported by the facts. i have two veterans who were on aircraft in the company he was flying with and they said they took no fire at any point in that day. >> and then it culminated in a report last friday, where this was the grand sort of -- you know, the grand daddy of all the stories he told where now the aircraft he was traveling in received rpg fire. >> the story actually start with a terrible moment a dozen years back during the invasion of iraq where a helicopter we were traveling in was hit by an rpg. >> i had never heard that one before. that was taking it to a whole new level. >> that was flawed. >> and he said the captain of his aircraft had received a purple heart for a wound to the ear. >> and again simian says i inthe pilot and i do not have a purple heart and my ear is just fine. >> and the rpg pushed some of these veterans over the edge and they got more vocal and spoke with you, stars and stripes. and then he had to issue an apology and now they're still saying it's misleading. >> i said i was traveling in an aircraft that was hit by rpg fire, i was instead in a following aircraft. >> what's wrong with that? >> again if you see how these companies were flying, there's just no way to explain it as you were following this other aircraft. it also implies that he was close. you know, i was told by these crews that when these chinooks fly, they have several rotor blades in with between them. that's close enough to have very good visuals on the aircraft there. so, traveling in the opposite direction, it just cannot be described as following the aircraft. >> what do these guys who was actually there think he's been dwoog doing with the story? >> they think he wants the glory and he wants to share in the glory of this story and it's an extraordinary story. the guys on this one chinook, were fortunate to survive. >> he inflated his memories over the years do they accept that? >> the veterans i spoke with who talked to me about this apology, they accepted it. one said i don't want to kick him while heezer rr down now, but i think the wider military population, there's a lot more arrange out there and plenty of people calling for williams to be fired. >> i do want to tell the viewers that there was one man who went on cnn and claimed to be the pilot of the flight williams was in, and that has been recanted and he was the one supporting that there was fire and now he says he doesn't know if that was true and now there are doubts that he was on this mission because this other guy says he sr the is the pilot. >> i have howie kurts coming up. we had a very fiery debate and the viewers logged in. those are the statements. you heard them yourselves. what do you think. follow me on twitter at meagan kelly. but we brought him on to talk about this. -- well, in a second i'll tell you. and what may have caused the plane crash. and of course, there is a story. and there is a twist in the story about bruce jenner, the man who took home a gold for decath lawn and that he is doing surgery to become a woman. >> i worked out a lot and ate a lot of wheaties because a good breakfast with wheaties is good forria and good tasting. ♪ ♪ the bold nissan rogue, with intuitive all-wheel drive. because winter needs a hero. now get 0% financing or up to $1,000 back on the 2015 nissan rogue. nissan. innovation that excites. the real question that needs to be asked is "what is it that we can do that is impactful?" what the cloud enables is computing to empower cancer researchers. it used to take two weeks to sequence and analyze a genome; with the microsoft cloud we can analyze 100 per day. whatever i can do to help compute a cure for cancer, that's what i'd like to do. ♪ are your joints ready for action? 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>> he brought williams to the anchor chair and he did not put his weight behind his successor either. and the distancing on the part of the nbc folks. >> i have to get to bruce jenner but do you think he's going to be fired? >> i wouldn't say so now, he's had a long solid career at nbc. if you say it's a one time mistake, he probably hangs onto his job but if there's more he has a credibility crisis. >> and jenner why do you say this is a media circus. >> this is media circus with bruce jenner at the circle. and that's because over the years, we see the pictures and the change in his appearance and he hasn't said a word. and this isn't a man living in a fortress, he is in reality shows and for him to be silent about this, kind of creates this mystery that's been filled with gossip columns. >> and he lives with these kardashians where everything they do is fauder for reality tv. and do you believe this will take millions of americans who don't know what it's like to be transgendered and know what it is to go through that? >> by holding back and letting the suspense build, it puts journalists in a difficult point. we don't want to mischaracter isis it but it's a very mystifying situation now. right now. >> and diane sawyer is one thing, but reality tv on e, well, we'll see. howie, good to see you. we'll be watching this sunday morning. >> thanks, megyn. >> back with lathe breaking♪ hey, john! john and horace dodge launched their first car in 1914. but they were not only business partners, they were brothers. competitive... stubborn... and always pushing each other, the way only brothers can. ♪ one hundred years later, their spirit liv test test. at the time test. test test. test test. 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[people gasping] objection your honor. sustained. with the x1 dvr library you could take anywhere, xfinity is perfect for people on the go. breaking news tonight on whitney houston's daughter bobbi kristina. tmz is reporting there's an active criminal investigation underway. the 21-year-old found facedown in her bathtub last saturday. reports say when she was found she had injuries. and now her boyfriend is facing questions. tonight, waga reporter ang leek proctor reports from atlanta on the conflicting reports of brown's condition. >> reporter: there is very little that compares to a grandma's love. and so friday afternoon sis si houston came to see her ailing granddaughter. the 81-year-old wore a white coat and tan shawl and was escorted in to emery university hospital. inside the brown and houston families remained hopeful as 21-year-old bobbi kristina continues on life support. a man who describes himself as a close friend max lomus found bobbi kristina facedown in a bathtub in her home saturday. doctors have apparently told her father, bobby brown they have done all they can. but the 47-year-old who gave us a thumbs up on his birthday yesterday is relying on his faith and refusing to give up. >> that was our fox affiliate reporter angelique reporting. we'll be right back with breaking news on rosie o'donnell. >> true followers of islam follow the prophet of mohamed and the example he set. that's what we see with [bassist] two late nights in tucson. blew an amp.but good nights. sure,music's why we do this,but it's still our business. we spend days booking gigs then we've gotta put in the miles to get there. but it's not without its perks. like seeing our album sales go through the roof enough to finally start paying meg's little brother- i mean,our new tour manager-with real,actual money. we run on quickbooks.tha t's how we own it. next. ♪♪ expected wait time: 55 minutes. your call is important to us. thank you for your patience. waiter! vo: in the nation, we know how it feels when you aren't treated like a priority. we do things differently. we'll take care of it. vo: we put members first... join the nation. thank you. ♪ nationwide is on your side ♪ (coughing) coughing disrupts everyone's life. that's why so many people are turning to delsym for longer lasting cough relief. delsym has an advanced time release formula that helps silence coughs for a full 12 hours. up to twice as long as other cough liquids. all night... or all day. mountain community in manmouth, california giving back to its heroes. they're raising money to build a brand new state-of-the-art wounded warrior facility without any federal help. they get the vets out on skis and in physical and mental therapy. this place is going to be amazing for them. if you would like to help, go to looks like it's by the way breaking news on rosie o'donnell. she is leaving "the view" and live from america's news headquarters, i'm patricia stark. the parents of u.s. aide worker kayla mueller saying they are still hopeful she's alive despite claims by isis that she was killed in a jordanian air strike. in a statement released late friday, they are also asking for the 26-year-old captors to communicate with them privately. both the u.s. and jordanian governments are casting doubt on the claim she was killed in an air strike. six people charge in st. louis with providing money and material support to al qaeda and isis terrorists in syria and iraq. they are all natives of bosnia. all but one of them have been arrested. according to the indictment, they sent money military surplus, equipment and other materials to turkey and saudi arabia. it was allegedly then forwarded to terrorists. i'm patricia stark and now here's "hannity." ocusing on her family's well-being. see you monday at 9:00. welcome to "hannity." new developments tonight. nbc news brian williams is still at work today behind the a


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