looking forward By Advertiser, in Business · 23-12-2020 01:00:00 · 0 Comments
Linen etc. is excited to announce that In January 2021, they will be moving from their current location in Budens and opening their doors at a prime location in Lagos.
“Linen etc. are looking forward to 2021, moving on from the great impact most businesses have suffered financially in 2020. Linen etc. have taken the opportunities in 2020 to ensure continuous improvement in both of our stores, in Lagoa and Lagos, and we are expanding to fulfill our services.
“Our focus is firmly on the choice of products that we offer to customers and continuing to improve the whole shopping experience. The whole Linen etc. team are fully involved in creating our vision for the future, utilising our collective energy and creativity.”
you notice anything suspicious? neighbors are shocked. they live in a rural part of missouri, christian county, and take a listen to the sound of people who live there who were shocked by this. they were just the old neighbors next door, good people. we ve known them for about 12 years now. and they re the kind of neighbors you would lean over the fence and talk about chickens with. it s something you wouldn t expect in this part of the woods, as they call it, you know. and there is no idea what the motive could have been for either of the udens to commit these murders. they do not know, and as we know of right now, they re in a jail in missouri waiting to be extradited to wyoming where they committed these crimes. crazy story. we ll stay in touch with you. coming up next, frightening new video shows a school bus crash from inside the bus. what happened? the cause? we ll tell you next. plus, sad news today out of