President Biden is offering what independent analysts suggest would be his most targeted assistance yet to middle-class workers while trying to repair what he casts as a broken bridge to the middle class.
$10,000. senator rick scott says if dems want solutions here is one. stop wasting taxpayer dollars and start holding institutions accountable for student outcomes. former trump senior counselor kellyanne conway with this. it also is a complete farce that they already passed something misnamed as the inflation reduction act and turn around and going to make inflation worse. we are making things more expensive because they continue to spend money that we don t have on things that we don t need. let s dig into the real cost of this bail-out. according to a budget model a one-time cancellation of $10,000 per borrower would cost $300 billion. but if the white house it wipes out $50,000 per borrower that price tag jumps to $980 billion.
President Biden announced a plan to help families with the costs of education. The pause on loan repayment is extended for the last time through December 31st.
people oppose the inflation reduction act because of that tax increase, and that goes across every demographic. liberals, moderates, and conservatives, so the inflation reduction act, all it s going to do is remind the american people that inflation is out of control and that democrats are to blame for it. shannon: when you look at something like the budget model, which is widely respected across party lines, even said basically it s going to be a wash at best and then we have this. hillary vaughn on the hill catching up with senator manchin about why this isn t going to pay off more quickly for people. when it comes to inflation, is it misleading to call visit inflation reduction act for americans when it s not going to make their grocery bill cheaper, it s not going to make everyday goods cheaper for them? why would immediately if not, but we never say anything happens immediately, like today you turn the switch on and off. speeone s or david, senator manchin, his vote was ke