lilike a porcecelain doll.. if youou have postmenopapausal osteoeoporos and are e at high ririsk for fracture,, yoyou can builild new boneneh evevenity®.. ask your d doctor if y you cao more thahan just slolowing dn bone lososs with evevenity®. wawant strongeger bones? then b build new b bone; evenityy® can n help in jujust 12 mont. evenityy® is provoven to redue spine fracture risk by 73%. evenitity® can i increase risf heart atattack, stroroke, oror death frorom a cacardiovasculular problem. dodo not take e evenity® if you have lowow blood calalcium, oror are allerergic to it.. seserious allelergic reactcts and low blblood calciuium haveve occurred.d. tell your doctor a about jaw bone proroblems, as t they have b been rereported witith evenityy. or a about pain n in your hi, groin,n, or thigh,h, as unusualal thigh bonone fractutures have o occurred. don t t let a brbreak puput you on a a shelf. talk t to your dococtor ababout buildiding new bone withth evenity®! yeah, everythi
and are e at high ririsk for fracture,, yoyou can builild new boneneh evevenity®.. ask your d doctor if y you cao more thahan just slolowing dn bone lososs with evevenity®. wawant strongeger bones? then b build new b bone; evenityy® can n help in jujust 12 mont. evenityy® is provoven to redue spinine fracture risisk by 73. evenity® can increase risk of heart atattack, stroroke, oror death frorom a cacardiovasculular problem. dodo not take e evenity® if you have lowow blood calalcium, or are allergic to it. serious allelergic reactctios and low blblood calciuium haveve occurred.d. tell your doctor a about jaw bone proroblems, as t they have b been rereported witith evenityy. or a about pain n in your hi, groin,n, or thigh,h, as unusualal thigh bonone fractutures have o occurred. don t t let a brbreak puput you on a a shelf. talk t to your dococtor ababout buildiding new bone withth evenity®!
i gogot real relelief with c co. watch h me! feel real l relief. ask yourur rheumatolologist about cosentyxyx. this is wealth. this i is worth. ththat takes w wealth. but t this is woworth. and thatat - that s s actualy worth h more than n you thin. don t t open that.t. wealth is important, and we can helelp you builild. but it s s what you u do with, ththat makes l life worth h l. principapal. fofor all it s s worth.