The white house is filled with economists like ben stein. Charles in a good way or bad way . Nonjudgmental way. Been is one of the smartest guys i know but there are no supplysiders in the trump white house. In the Republican Leadership positions no one is using dynamic account, lets cut taxes and be revenue neutral and a massive tax cut for businesses, it is a good thing since it is the highest in the world, we need to somehow do healthcare reform first and if we cant get healthcare reform and savings we will ratchet stuff back but the plans we talked about, not doing Corporate Tax cut at all but a repatriation, what they might have to replace it with, repatriation, to repatriate profits overseas and tax at a lower rate used for infrastructure payments but you would not use the great Corporate Tax. Andrea charles a lot of things are not as advertised, to pay for infrastructure but it is getting more complicated, not less. Here is what is going on, why you cant do big big tax cut, you
The white house is filled with economists like ben stein. Charles in a good way or bad way . Nonjudgmental way. Been is one of the smartest guys i know but there are no supplysiders in the trump white house. In the Republican Leadership positions no one is using dynamic account, lets cut taxes and be revenue neutral and a massive tax cut for businesses, it is a good thing since it is the highest in the world, we need to somehow do healthcare reform first and if we cant get healthcare reform and savings we will ratchet stuff back but the plans we talked about, not doing Corporate Tax cut at all but a repatriation, what they might have to replace it with, repatriation, to repatriate profits overseas and tax at a lower rate used for infrastructure payments but you would not use the great Corporate Tax. Andrea charles a lot of things are not as advertised, to pay for infrastructure but it is getting more complicated, not less. Here is what is going on, why you cant do big big tax cut, you
The white house is filled with economists like ben stein. Charles in a good way or bad way . Nonjudgmental way. Been is one of the smartest guys i know but there are no supplysiders in the trump white house. In the Republican Leadership positions no one is using dynamic account, lets cut taxes and be revenue neutral and a massive tax cut for businesses, it is a good thing since it is the highest in the world, we need to somehow do healthcare reform first and if we cant get healthcare reform and savings we will ratchet stuff back but the plans we talked about, not doing Corporate Tax cut at all but a repatriation, what they might have to replace it with, repatriation, to repatriate profits overseas and tax at a lower rate used for infrastructure payments but you would not use the great Corporate Tax. Andrea charles a lot of things are not as advertised, to pay for infrastructure but it is getting more complicated, not less. Here is what is going on, why you cant do big big tax cut, you