More trouble at this time it could be a really serious prosecutors send a one hundred seventy strong raid team to the offices of germanys biggest lender the allegation Money Laundering on a mind boggling scale also on the program pakistani families the victims of a factory fire take the German Company and work for to court in germany and is your car spying on in china revelations that electric car drivers have their details of the whereabouts sent straight to the go. To the Program German prosecutors have raided the offices including they have quarter of a bank as part of an investigation into Money Laundering inquiry is based on revelations made in the Twenty Sixteen Data Leaker known as the part of
a paper which suggested that bank staff had helped criminals funnel money into offshore tax. Police vans surrounding the headquarters of germanys biggest lender if deutsche is image wasnt a ready in tatters it certainly is now as the panama paper is. Different docked. Mission a rose in the
a massive savings and restructuring drives it says a significant number of those cuts will be here in germany the move comes in the wake of buyer s controversial sixty three billion dollar takeover of u.s. rival months. byer one of germany s oldest dance companies wants to make itself leaner and meaner by increasing efficiency productivity and profitability by instead playing to concentrate resources on its core businesses of pharmaceuticals consumer health and crop science it s a setback since it bought u.s. crop sciences giant months and two in june this year for sixty three billion euros one of germany s biggest ever corporate takeovers but two months later a us court ruling ordered buyer to pay multi-million dollar damages to a cancer sufferer. the judge ruled that its newly acquired subsidiary should have warned users about the cancer risks from its roundup herbicide the company shares have been under pressure since then losing thirty six percent since the beginning