telling women that basicallyxd love is only for skinny white women, they finally roll out the same producers who brought us the bachelor and who wants to marry a multimillionaire brought out more to love, which is the fat chiller is what they subtitled it inside. and they said it was going to be about larger size women having a chance for romance like the rest of us. as if there s a us versus them. it s really just about them being fat and to be not. or normal size. the way necessity didjf it w byçó havingw3 instead of cockta parties, they rolled out meat on a stick and pizzas at the cocktail party. z do stuff their face with that,ed right? ie1 want to i want to tala little bit about the stereotypeq around race and ethnic identity. we were talking about lin-sanity. margaret, you wanted to weigh in. there s a lot of racist