last time we had a vote of 419-6 on anything? so it presents the issues. this is the am bill: it shows you the problems with the law. designed to keep healthcare costs down. it is going to be very expensive. individual mandate, do you really fine poor people for not having health insurance they can t afford in the first place? it was designed in a very poor manner and hurt people very badly. lawmakers recognize the cadillac tax thing was a punitive action. the goal is to get people to have healthcare insurance. why would you penalize someone for having a good plan? seems like they are picking this law apart every year. it is being chipped away. it wouldn t be beyond the realm of reason that at some point it would be found unconstitutional. i m not sure it will be in play.
democratic field is endorsing medicare for all. you re right. this could be their achilles heel and where they differentiate themselves from a joe biden or anything else and buttigieg is saying medicare for those who want it kind of thing. he is watering it down. there is a sense at some point you have to come up with a number that it will cost and justify that cost. i don t know that bernie will ever be able to do that. bill: similar note here the cadillac tax is going bye-bye in the house. remember we debated this in 2010 over and over again. everybody said it was so important. no one likes it. a vote of 419-6. how did that fall apart? it underscores the challenges for joe biden. just as bernie sanders has explained the medicare for all, others will say hey, you are trying to run obamacare 2.0. one of the key features of it, the cadillac tax, when was the
joins us now. is he right there, that comparing it to what is the question? it almost sounded like the costello thing. he didn t really give an answer. except at this point maybe that s how bernie sanders it will cost everyone a lot more money but, you know, it is better than whatever we ve got because corporations are making money on it. this is more of an anti-corporation, anti-capitalism thing than anything else. i really don t think anyone believes that healthcare outcomes will be better. i don t think anyone believes you will still see your doctor. all those kind of things will be gone. this is strictly in my mind a motion of someone who believes that capitalism is not a good thing and that government should be in charge of certain aspects of our lives, particularly something as important as healthcare. that s why you can never get a solid number and you get these sort of heather: nearly half of the
business network made a good point. president trump doesn t look at people or as black or white. this isn t about racism. he says you are either my friend or my enemy. that s how president trump thinks. some of these calls and some of these criticism that he is a racist are a little misguided. the other thing is if you want to talk about policy and not talk about personal attacks, what he should be doing is talking about where we re at at the u.s. economy now and jobs. unemployment, manufacturing coming back to this country, the stock market has hit all-new records again. lean on that. i do agree with some of the things you said it is hard to watch some of this, it is. but bill: robert, back to you, number six. the headline at fox omar boycott. she introduces resolution defending boycott of israel likens it to boycotts of nazi germany. did you call your mom and express your dismay with her?
nomination on the democrat side. meanwhile, by personalizing the stuff that the democrats and a lot of people are upset about creates a certain kind of cognitive dissidents. people are saying what does it mean? why is he saying that? stick to the policy. it is very left and very much clearly defined. very much embraced by those democrats. plus the other thing is his record. he hit his record last night but incomplete. i would tell him to say more. i would tell him to say no one has tried to keep more promises as a president than i have. bill: say more, continue with that. what is the what s the emphasis? the list is, of course, the taxes and the economy tremendous. unemployment numbers for the different groups. defense, he hit that. talk about veterans affairs and what he has done for the veterans, more choice. talk about the right to try drugs that people can do now that they couldn t do before.