there. investigators are still not sure how he got st recent case, this man medication mixed poorly with alcohol. he he said he would have called 911, but lost his phone too. glad hes going to be okay. Ur school kids who thought they were eating soil bars were rushed to the hospital today. those bars contained drugs. happened at lake erie prep school we just learned all four of those students have been treated anal and are back home with their families. many of the parents had no idea totally shocked and terrified when we broke the news this afternoon speemac i didnt hear anything about that. speemac that many parents at Lake Erie Preparatory School on clevelands east side. four kids sent to the hospital. speemac everything is going on nowadays. a School Administrator said and eight great girl brought a cereal bar to eved to be laced with the drugs. the team was approached by students saying, i dont i dont feel well. and the authorities jumped into action. Love our kids. part of that l