Kenzie Kay Jean Linder was born Friday, May 12, 2023, at St. Anthony's Memorial Hospital in Effingham, Illinois, and departed this life peacefully on Sunday, May 21, 2023, at St. Louis Children's Hospital in the loving arms of her mother and father. Kenzie was baptized as a Child of God with her parents and grandparents at her bedside before her passing. Kenzie was the daughter of Cole and Morgan and much anticipated baby sister to brother Knox. Her sweet life was filled with great love, many struggles, precious kisses, and an abundance of prayers. Our sweet Kenzie Kay Jean was named after two very strong, important women in Cole and Morgan's life. Mrs. Kay Kitley and Mrs. Jean Pittman, both of whom departed this life too soon and are missed every day. Cole and Morgan had wished to honor these women by naming their precious daughter after them both from the day they found out they were expecting a baby girl. Kenzie is survived by her parents: Cole and Morgan Linder of Fl
The Perry Foundation awarded a grant to Keep Olney Beautiful/Olney Recreation Association (ORA) April 28. Perry Foundation Board President Justin Piegat and Board Member DJ Meschkat presented the check to Mayor Rue Rogers on behalf of Keep Olney Beautiful and ORA Board President Landon Rowe. The grant funds will assist with the $125,000 sprinkler system that is one of many