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Transcripts For CNNW CNN Newsroom With Fredricka Whitfield 20180811 15:00:00

screws loose, i guess, never really knew it until now. thinking if i land successfully, alaska will give me a job as a pilot? >> i think they would give you a job doing anything if you can pull this off. >> yeah, right. can this thing do a back flip you think? try to do a barrel roll. if that goes good, i'll go nose down, call it a night. >> let's try and land the airplane safely and not hurt anyone on the ground. >> all right, man, damn it. i don't know, man, i don't know. i don't want to. i was hoping that was going to be it, you know? >> cnn's aviation and government regulation correspondent rene marsh joins us, working this story all morning with her sources, chilling to listen to that audio, so calmly the man talking to air traffic control. what do we know about this man and his level of access? >> we know he is a 29-year-old, after the plane took off and took off from the airport, witnesses saw it flying erratically. tell us what did you see when this airplane was up in the air? >> my wife and i were in the back alley. we live in eatonville, about 60 miles south of seattle. my wife looked at me. s she knew about the airplane, what's up with that. i said that's a q 400. that should not even be in this area at all. and she started shooting video. i said get video. there's possibly 75 people or more on the plane. we have a small municipal airport in town, not big enough for one of those planes. so it was literally like 300 feet off the ground. and heading south, straight in line with the main drag here. it started to turn and go towards mount rainier, looked like it was going down, he pulled it back up. looked like he was going to circle around to land at our airport. i told my wife, grab my keys and wallet, i am heading to the wallet. i had phone in hand, heading to the airport, he turned north towards jblm. at this time there were no fietder jefiet fighter jets. not knowing the situation, i was concerned about 75 people could be on that plane. >> incredible. we later learn he was the only person on board the plane, thankfully was the case in this situation. i want to talk to you about your background as ground service agent. you don't need to talk specifically about the individual on the plane, but from your perspective, what kind of access would an employee have for as long as you did, could you have dreamed up a scenario like this? it seems almost impossible. >> no. i would have never thought anything like this would ever happen ever. >> talk to me a little about the type of security screening you have to go through before you can be hired for a job like this. obviously -- >> horizon, horizon has their security process, all airlines have a security process. the airport has their processes they follow. there's cameras, i mean, you're monitored the whole time when you're there. how this guy was able to get the plane off the ground is astonishing. we're all going to be looking at this. it is a learning lesson. thank god nobody was injured except for him. learning lesson. this has to be a learning lesson. i don't know what the lesson is, i don't know how -- they're the professionals. but they do an amazing job. we've mazing workers. -- we have amazing workers. these workers, they work great, they're all about getting passengers safely on and off. you know, i don't know the answer to that. you know, if this is just a one off, and hopefully they can get the answer why he did this. >> all right. nick junka, i appreciate your perspective. we're thankful for the fact this person didn't appear to be inclined to hurt anyone other than himself, a tragic situation. there will be a ton of questions about what happened and how it could change protocols going forward. nick, thank you for your perspective. we appreciate it. we're going to continue to follow that breaking story. we have more breaking news this morning. indicted new york congressman chris collins has announced he is suspending his campaign for re-election. the republican representative was charged this week with insider trading. cnn white house reporter sarah westwood i believe is following the latest developments, it is actually athena jones. i'm sorry. you have been following the latest on chris collins. tell us what do we know at this point? >> hi, ryan. we're just learning in the last hour or so that representative collins is going to be stepping aside. this comes a few days after he vowed that he would fight these charges, he would continue to work for the citizens of his district. reliably red district. this is part of the statement. after extensive discussions with family and friends the last few days, i decided it is in the best interest of the constituents of new york 27, the republican party, and president trump's agenda for me to suspend my campaign for re-election to fight charges he calls meritless. now that he is stepping aside, it is not entirely clear what happens to that race outside buffalo. that's a reliably red district. it is difficult to remove a nominee's name from the ballot in new york, according to new york board of elections because of various reasons. it is not clear what is going to happen with that seat. collins was the first member of congress to endorse president trump. we have not heard any response from the president on the latest news. >> thank you for that update. chris collins not seeking re-election after being indicted. athena, appreciate that report. still to come, charlottesville, virginia on edge, one year after white nationalists clash with counter protesters. today, the president is condemning racism and calling for calm as the white supremacists plan for a rally outside the white house this weekend. a live report is koj up. -- coming up. with an ingredient originally discovered... in jellyfish. in clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ♪ ♪ our new, hot, fresh breakfast will get you the readiest. 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>> so i don't know if we as a city or even as a nation have had that real honest dialogue about equities in terms of really moving the needle forward. i'm not sure that we've actually instituted policies, procedures or even support that could help move the conversation beyond the conversation. >> reporter: so the conversation continues this weekend as the second unite the right rally organizes in the nation's capital. in charlottesville, the focus will be on continued healing. the chief says the city has an all encompassing plan for whatever or whoever the weekend may bring. despite president trump's tweet this morning, many here in this community feel the president has done irreparable damage, namely the charlottesville mayor was among the activists here in these streets a year ago, before she was mayor, trying to protect the city from white nationalists marching into it. she says the president's rhetoric, she calls hate, continues to cause turmoil for this community. td concern i hear from -- the concern i hear from members of the community, despite 1200 personnel here to support the city in law enforcement capacity, people are concerned for the lone wolf, like the driver that plowed a car into a group of counter protesters. that's what they fear. they don't expect another siege by white nationalists. ryan, tonight many students from uva and members will gather at the rotunda at uva, the same where the white nationalists brought tiki torches a year ago. they say it is a time to reclaim grounds and get support from university of virginia. >> kaylee hartung where things are quiet. hope it stays that way. joining me to discuss this, congressman tom garrett, republican representative from virginia, he represents the charlottesville area. congressman, thank you so much for joining me. you obviously were very strong in condemnation of the racist actors at the rally in charlottesville last year. i want to get your reaction to president trump's tweet this morning. last year he was heavily criticized for saying, quote, there were very fine people on both sides of last year's event. this year, he is condemning all types of racism. what has changed from the president's perspective? >> he should have been heavily criticized last year. he totally blew that for lack of a more artful term. what he did do last year, a week later there was an attempt at a horrific rally in boston, and he got it right the second time. but i can't defend his statements, i'm not here to do that. i'm glad with the tone he struck this morning. you know, everybody is going to choose inartful words from time to time. i was disappointed in his characterization of people involved in the violence last year. >> what about his conduct overall in the past year, he has been embroiled in several high profile polarizing debates on race relation after taking office, renewing a fight with nfl players for national anthem protests, fighting with other professional athletes, should he be doing more to bridge the racial divide which is what he appears to be doing with this tweet? >> well, again i can't sort of step inside the mind of the president. i think he has done some impressive things. i think some of the data african-american real earnings and unemployment at historic lows, latino, et cetera, fly in the face of some of the rhetoric where you hear whatever he said, great people on both sides. i don't know why he has decided to sort of take an issue with the expression of individuals in the nfl. i think that we've all been blessed to live in a great but flawed nation, certainly disagree with their decisions, but respect them and their right to make their decisions. i'm not the president. i can't channel him. i would do a lot of things differently. what we need to do is i think look at outcomes and less at rhetoric and then, ryan, truly focus on those things which unite us while acknowledging things divide us, and listen respectfully without hate and attacks against people on both sides. shameful and unamerican >> let's talk about charlottesville, the area you represent in congress. what things are like a year later. have you been in contact with police how they plan to maintain piece on the anniversary, are you satisfied that order will be maintained this time around? >> look, to be completely honest, i was exceedingly shocked when it devolved into violence it did last year. but i'm optimistic we won't have replays. there's all sorts of criticism, and you want to study when things went wrong. i wouldn't lay all the blame the at the feet of law enforcement. there were people setting guidelines how to act and react. having said that, let's look at the root cause, and that's hate mongers and people that want to watch it burn. i don't even want to use names of these individuals publicly because it throws proverbial gasoline on the flames. the reality is in this countries we have differences and divisions but people that throw newspaper boxes at each other and hit each other with sticks are in such a tiny minority on the fringe on either side that most of us never met them and don't know them, that's because there aren't many of them, praise god. let's not give them a megaphone. this is news that needs to be reported on, but let's not make it more than it should be. it is damaging. we should be able to disagree without being disagreeable. >> the right group is planning another rally tomorrow, next to the white house. are you concerned about a similar level of violence breaking out tomorrow as counter protesters are expected there as well? >> well, let me take a brief moment to take exception with their nomenclature, unite the right. national socialism is socialism which isn't right. these people are cowards, they behind behind park police and law enforcement, they engage in rhetoric that any reasonable person would know would incite fear, anger, animosity on purpose. after the march in may last year, you can tell me this is your first amendment right, but when you carry torches, wearing all white at night next to a confederate statue, we have a failed middle school history or something else. these people are cowards, not indicative of who we are as a nation, should be uniformly condemned. they'll behind and law enforcement will get it right, but shine the light of attention on them. again, news that needs to be reported. almost threatens to give them more oxygen than they're worth. >> and i do, congressman, while i have you here, would like your reaction to news your fellow colleague chris collins is suspending a re-election campaign. you're also not running for re-election. are you concerned about your fellow republicans in that they could lose the house of representatives in november? >> i mean certainly anything is a reality, candidly, ryan, listen to this from people on the right when they talk about how tough president obama was on america and on the left, how horrible president trump is. the reality is this nation has been through horrible things, come out the back end surviving. if the republicans lose majority of the house, america will survive. if they retain it, america will survive. we need to not look at a snapshot in time but continuum of history. i respect chris for his service and his decision and will let the legal process play out which is how it is supposed to work in this country. >> and before you go, i would like your expertise as member of homeland security and foreign affairs committee. i'm sure you've seen news about a plane stolen and crashed in washington state oervernight. does this display a blind spot in the system and do you think congress should look into this? >> we will look into it. let me give you breaking news back to charlottesville. i sat in close session briefing probably two months ago about charlottesville and asked if russian inter meddling had to do with charlottesville. i was told yes, it did. i was asked is this classified, they said no, it is not, i waited until today. this is what happens, russian inter meddling is seeking to pit americans against under americans to undermine confidence in western style democracies, done so in baltic states and western europe. they'll continue to do so. they're trying to make the world safer. oligarchs and people like putin use things like this racial divisive fight which ignores the commonalities we have, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, this is the sort of thing they do. as a member of homeland security, seriously that's what scares me most. americans pitted against americans over real differences but that are minimal in the grand scheme of things, that we are an american family of brothers and sisters, regardless of religion, race, et cetera and need to focus on that but with respect. >> important piece of information at the end there, congressman. so appreciate your perspective on this. thank you for joining us. >> thank you, ryan. thanks for what you do. still ahead, we're following the latest details out of seattle as federal officials begin investigation into the stolen plane. we're learning two military fighter jets were armed and ready to take that rogue plane down. managing blood sugar is not a marathon. it's a series of smart choices. and when you replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna made with carbsteady to help minimize blood sugar spikes you can really feel it. glucerna. everyday progress. tremfya® is fors caadults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. i'm ready. with tremfya®, you can get clearer. and stay clearer. in fact, most patients who saw 90% clearer skin at 28 weeks stayed clearer through 48 weeks. tremfya® works better than humira® at providing clearer skin, and more patients were symptom free with tremfya®. tremfya® may lower your ability to fight infections and may increase your risk of infections. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or have symptoms such as: fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. before starting tremfya® tell your doctor if you plan to or have recently received a vaccine. ask your doctor about tremfya®. tremfya®. because you deserve to stay clearer. janssen wants to help you explore cost support options. when it comes to strong bones, are you on the right path? 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>> almost immediately there's interagency coordination call done. faa, dod, norad, nor com talking in real time. if they feel they have to move to that drastic measure, they go to national command authority, secretary of defense and president if necessary to make that call. that said, authority to do a shoot down is delegated to the norad commander, who if he felt it was necessary could have done it. i want to pick up that this is an important mission. operation noble eagle, doing it since 9/11. in 17 years we have been doing this, there are more than 1800 intercepts of nonmilitary aircraft. it is a 24, 7 operation. i agree with peter completely, it shows how effective it is becoming. >> i want to play some cockpit recording that we have of the man flying the plane, extraordinary conversation. let's listen. >> let's try to land that airplane safely, not hurt anybody on the ground. >> all right. damn it. i don't know, man. i don't know. i don't want to. i was kind of hoping that was going to be it, you know? >> he's obviously in distress at this point. longer bits of the conversation, it is extraordinary how calm both sides of the conversation are. but peter, is there a mechanism for mental health screenings, is there something in place with the airline? >> they have protocol for pilots but really other than normal robust employee assistance programs that you find in any industrial setting, there really isn't. i'm not sure how you prepare for this. obviously you ask fellow employees to keep an eye out for your friends, for your fellow workers. i'm not sure what you do. it is a one off event. the airport will review security procedures, horizon will review its procedures, but i'm not sure where you go with this other than we need to pay more attention to mental health. >> and this is again an example of something that could have been much worse, turned out not to be a good situation, but can be something to learn from going forward. peter, john kirby, thank you so much. appreciate you being here. president trump on the attack, slamming the fbi and former deputy director andrew mccabe. more on the latest threat from the president when we come back. with hormonal therapy, as an everyday treatment for a relentless disease. verzenio + an ai is proven to help women have significantly more time without disease progression, and more than half of women saw their tumors shrink vs an ai. diarrhea is common, may be severe, and may cause dehydration or infection. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor if you have fever, chills, or other signs of infection. verzenio may cause low white blood cell counts, which may cause serious infection that can lead to death. serious liver problems can occur. symptoms may include tiredness, loss of appetite, stomach pain, and bleeding or bruising more easily than normal. blood clots that can lead to death have also occurred. talk to your doctor right away if you notice pain or swelling in your arms or legs, shortness of breath, chest pain or rapid breathing or heart rate. tell your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan to become pregnant. common side effects include nausea, infections, low red and white blood cells and platelets, decreased appetite, headache, abdominal pain, tiredness, vomiting, and hair thinning or loss. i'm relentless. and my doctor and i choose to treat my mbc with verzenio. be relentless. ask your doctor about everyday verzenio. chicken! that's right, chicken?! candace--be relentless. new chicken creations from starkist. buffalo style chicken in a pouch-- bold choice, charlie! just tear, eat... mmmmm. and go! try all of my chicken creations! chicken! weenchts following breaking news out of seattle, where a man stole an empty plane. the ground service agent crashed and he died in that crash. they just gave an update to reporters. take a listen. >> what task we will be accomplishing out there. i will be working with horizon maintenance personnel, they have some staff they've made available. we're going to locate flight data recorders, those are two items of importance now. the ntsb will take custody of those and we'll ship those to washington, d.c. to the recorders lab for readout and that will be our support for the investigation to the fbi. >> what do you make of this person doing this? >> very unusual. it's not like we get this every day. he was able to take the aircraft and get it airborne and we do know he was in communication with air traffic control. i think some of that information has already been out. until the fbi has an opportunity to get a better background on the person, find out what motive they have, it is too early to make determination on what the objective was. >> what's your understanding of what's left of the aircraft? >> it is highly fragmented. the wings are off, the fuselage is kind of positioned upside down, but it is fragmented. last night there was a fire. they weren't actually able to identify everything, it was dark. i think with daylight, the fire is out, we'll be able to identify the parts and pieces of wreckage and focus on areas we're looking for. >> to your understanding, went down on its own, not brought down by the f-15s? >> that is correct. as far as i know it went down on its own. actually, i won't be determining that, the safety board is just here to support. the fbi will be looking into that. i'm trying to determine why he did this. obviously they'll talk to family and friends and looking at his home, those type of things you would expect an investigation to be done. >> that's the latest on the information happening. that was an ntsb briefing on the situation with an airline that was stolen by an airport employee. not a lot of new information. the investigation is on-going. we continue to monitor that situation, we'll give you the latest as it is available. still to come, the president attacking the fbi on the heels of an explosive week of testimony in the paul manafort trial. this as the special counsel investigation now turns its focus on president trump's former associate, roger stone and his inner circle. i wok(harmonica interrupts)ld... ...and told people about geico... 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>> president trump has been active on twitter during his working vacation here in new jersey. and this morning, he's taking aim at a familiar foe, the fbi and its former leader. trump is threatening to get involved in a document dispute between a conservative group and the justice department. and judicial watch, that group is seeking fbi communications relate to the start of the russia investigation, which is something that congressional republicans are also fighting for. trump going after mccabe on twitter this morning, saying, why isn't the fbi giving andrew mccabe text messages to judicial watch or appropriate authorities? fbi said they won't give up even one. i may have to get involved. do not destroy. what are they hiding? mccabe's wife took big campaign dollars from hillary people. then he says, will the fbi ever recover its once stellar reputation, so badly damaged by comey, the former fbi director, mccabe, peter s., that's fbi agent peter strzok, and his lover, the lovely lisa page, and other top officials now dismissed or fired? so so many of the great men and women of the fbi have been hurt by these clowns and losers. we should note the justice department provided thousands of pages of documents to republicans in congress including those text messages between strzok and the former fbi attorney lisa page. and mccabe has already left the bureau after that sweeping report into his conduct. trump still frustrated with the level of transparency. as the former campaign manager paul manafort stands trial. he's been escalating his attacks on special counsel robert mueller as the manafort trial continues to generate headlines, ryan. >> sara, is the white house giving you any insight into what exactly the president means with his threat to get potentially involved? what exactly did he do? >> it's not the first time republicans have come calling on trump, to maybe push the fib to be more compliant with its document request. mark meadows has been instrumental. and chief of staff john kelly brokered some meetings between republicans and the justice department to try to speed this process along. >> sara westwood, nearby the president in new jersey, reporting on the latest from the white house, thank you very much. we've heard much more -- we have much more just ahead in the "newsroom." it all starts after this break. alright, i brought in new max protein give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you don't. i'll take that. 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Transcripts for CNN CNN Tonight 20240604 03:02:00

this means? >> yeah, it looks like the post from trump came out while they were working on a -- on a motion to agree upon a protective order in general to exchange discovery material. and this obviously caught their attention. this is not the sort of norm that they're used to dealing with. but we also all know after watching trump for many, many years now in court proceedings particularly those where he's a target that he likes to play the bad boy. he likes to threaten. he likes to cajole witnesses. he likes to tell prosecutors, call them nasty names. and jack smith is going to call out to the judge's attention and see if they can get some restrictions. they can't zip him up, but they are going to make sure that all those documents that he gets are in the hands of his lawyers and his lawyers are responsible and not going to let him have them other than prepare his defense. >> and trump has been accustomed to saying and blasting out on


Transcripts for CNN CNN Tonight 20240604 03:04:00

and she may or may not do anything at this point. i think that most important is to get the discovery material in the hands of trump's defense counsel so they don't have any way to stall a trial. it appears there have been an exchange of drafts and they couldn't agree upon anything, so they're going right to the court to get that resolved. >> and is the department of justice right in seeking this protective order that trump could have a chilling effect by posting these sorts of things? >> well, what you want to do is have a fair trial both for the defendant and for the american public. and the way to distort the fair trial is to put out inflammatory statements and create chaos. and i don't think this judge and this prosecutor are going to tolerate that, but we'll not know until the judge reacts to these filings. >> and, john, you know, one of the things i wanted to ask you


Transcripts for CNN CNN Tonight 20240604 03:08:00

he'll have as many indictments as years spent in the white house. you just saw how trump is essentially vowing to do exactly that if he's elected again. but perhaps you've noticed how trump's allies have defended the ex-president's attempts at overthrowing american democracy by claiming he was just exercising his right to free speech. these trump world figures suddenly sound like champions of the first amendment. >> this is a violation of his right of free speech. >> this is an attack on free speech and political advocacy. and there's nothing that's more protected under the first amendment than political speech. >> you're entitled to question whether it was honest or not. that's the uniqueness of the first amendment. >> you even have a right to lie under the first amendment. >> it says you were spreading falsehoods, that you were undermining the integrity of the election. that's all part of the first amendment. >> what we have now is an administration that has


Transcripts for CNN CNN Tonight 20240604 03:11:00

>> so mark this moment on your calender. trump and his defenders are all about free speech now perhaps because his version of the first amendment is a get out of jail free card. i want to bring in congressman brenden boyle, a democrat from pennsylvania who says trump's trial should be televised. congressman, i suppose this newfound love for the first amendment, free speech and free press, means we can get cameras in the courtroom for the trump trial coming up in this case. you're one of roughly three dozen house democrats who signed a letter calling on trump' trials to be televised to the public. arguing, quote, if the public is to fully accept the outcome it will be vitally important to witness as directly as possible how these trials are conducted. let's talk about this. why's it so important for you? >> this will be perhaps -- and i know this sounds like hyperbole -- but i genuinely believe this will be the most


Transcripts for CNN CNN Tonight 20240604 03:30:00

that vladimir putin could be looking at the 2024 presidential election for how to proceed in ukraine. one of those officials believes putin is banking on trump or anher republican to win the presidency because he thinks that would lead tohe u.s. pulling support for the wa could that strategy work? well, a new cnn poll out today shows after the first time a majority of americans are opposed to sending more money ukraine. that feeling is even more pronounced when you look at a party split for support of the war. 71% of republicans say they've had enough and want to stop and let's talk about this. let's get right to retired lieutenant colonel alexander vindman, the former director for european affairs at the national security council. great to see you as always. you just saw this brand new poll, and let me play this for you. this is what trump said tonight in alabama, at a rally in alabama. here's what he said. >> i will have the horrible war between russia and ukraine settled. i know them both very well. they will settle. would have never, ever happened.


Transcripts for CNN CNN Tonight 20240604 03:10:00

total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until the country can figure out what is going on. courts struck down that ban in part because it was, quote, unconstitutionally tainted with animus towards islam. the supreme court eventually allowed it citing the expansive power of presidential authority. then there's trump's track record on freedom of assembly. critics will point to the way the administration tear gassed and pummelled protesters after the death of george floyd. his administration also wanted to limit protests through the white house and at the national mall. trump and his allies have been quick to attack freedom of speech over the years. trump himself has targeted plenty of his opponents from individual citizens to whole companies when he did not agree with their expression of free speech. and he has scoffed at the idea of first amendment protections. >> maybe in certain areas closing that internet up in some way. somebody will say, oh, freedom of speech, freedom of speech. these are foolish people. we have a lot of foolish people. we have a lot of foolish people.


Transcripts for CNN CNN Tonight 20240604 03:23:00

mechanism where an every day person, a civilian could actually try to bring a civil lawsuit against somebody involved in an abortion. this is not about that. this is about the medical exception. the judge decided now that was too restrictive, it lacked clarity, and it put women in an unfair position and compromised the integrity of a doctor and their ability to decide what is medically necessary. >> and laura, i've got to ask you about the breaking news involving the special counsel jack smith filing this protective order or seeking this protective order after trump posted this threat on truth social. i mean, this was just several hours ago this evening when trump posted you go after me, i'm coming after you sounding like al capone in the untouchables. special counsel jack smith he's making clear here and alerting the judge, hey, we're not going to put up with this. >> it is absolutely prudent for a prosecutor who is worth their salt for understanding the importance of ensuring their witnesses, codefendants, anyone who may be involved, a judge,


Transcripts for CNN CNN Tonight 20240604 07:47:00

than 25 years. i've never seen it. now, of course we have seen team owners, players, management, all individually support political candidates. marc lasry, the former owner of the milwaukee bucks was one of president obama's chief fund raisers. we've had kelly loeffler, a former u.s. senator, who is a co-owner of the atlanta dream. since she was not supportive of the black lives matter movement, her players went out and fund raised and supported her opponent, now senator raphael warnock. all of those are examples of individuals supporting their political candidates. in fact, the co-owner of the magic, betsy devos, as we know, was trump's education secretary. she's an individual. what upsets these players so much is that this donation was not made on behalf of betsy devos or dick devos. it was made on behalf of the team. you have players and coaches and executives who have come out publicly with very different beliefs and opinions than desantis'. now their names are being used in association with this


Transcripts for CNN CNN Tonight 20240604 07:09:00

press. >> it's frankly disgusting the way the press is able to write whatever they want to write. as you know, i have a running war with the media. they are among the most dishonest human beings on earth. i call the fake news the enemy of the people, and they are. >> or freedom of religion. >> donald j. trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until our country's representatives can figure out what the hell is going on. >> you'll recall trump's travel ban once called for a, quote, total and complete shutdown of muslims entering the united states until the country can figure out what is going on. the courts struck down that ban, in part because it was, quote, unconstitutionally tainted with animus toward islam. the supreme court eventually allowed it, citing the expansive power of presidential authority. then there is trump's track


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