The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation reported that using publicly available data through the United States Geologic Survey, National Hurricane Center and
By analyzing 9 years of data, Florida researchers recently proved that toxic algae blooms are exacerbated by nutrient-rich freshwater releases. The results confirm what scientists, activists, fisherman and others have observed anecdotally for years.
By analyzing 9 years of data, Florida researchers recently proved that toxic algae blooms are exacerbated by nutrient-rich freshwater releases. The results confirm what scientists, activists, fishermen, and others have observed anecdotally for years.
By analyzing 9 years of data, Florida researchers recently proved that toxic algae blooms are exacerbated by nutrient-rich freshwater releases. The results confirm what scientists, activists, fisherman and others have observed anecdotally for years.
By analyzing nine years of data, Florida researchers confirmed what other scientists, activists, fisherman and others have observed anecdotally for years.