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[ male announcer ] purpose elevates what we do. raises it to a more meaningful place. makes us live what we do, love what we do and fills our work with rewarding possibility. aarp connects you to a community of experienced workers and has tools to help you find what you re good at. an ally for real possibilities. aarp. go to aarp.org/possibilities. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the moist, chewy, deliciousness you desire. mmmm.
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it is worrisome. julie, mary catherine, good to see you both. good to see you. thanks. martha: speaking out for the first time what happened during this deadly bus accident and the good samaritan who rushed into help. gregg: plus growing questions about border security as a senate group wraps up a new immigration bill. the new information suggesting that the border isn t as safe as the white house claims. [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ] this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the deliciousness you desire. the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. how old is the oldest person you ve known?
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