Today we continue with a series called growing in the seasons of life in these teachings Pastor Rick shows you how to make the most of the seasons of life no matter which one you re in now in just a little while we re going to tell you how you can take the complete audio for this series with you wherever you go find out more by going to Pastor Rick dot com for the word daily 180605000 while you listen to today s message right now. With a message called How to reconcile the relationship Now once you ve made peace with God And once you ve asked God for help you come to step 3 which is to convene a peace conference with dear mother your mother in law your father your brother your sister your husband your wife you re. Somebody who messed you up on a business deal you convene a peace conference a sit down face to face meeting. And this often will take more than one meeting why because conflict is seldom resolved accidentally It just doesn t happen to resolve on its own conflict this result
As you remain standing I want to invite you to take a moment to greet those sitting around you serve the peace of Christ with those who are here to worship. Seeing. You. Be shot out. Cold. Cold. Be. Our scripts are rating this morning is some 32 verses one through 11 blasts it is the one whose transgression is forgiven who sin is covered blasted is the man against whom the Lord counts no iniquity and in whose spirits there is no deceit for when I kept silence my bones wasted away through all my groaning all day long for day and night your hand was heavy upon me my strength was dried up as by the heat of summer I ve now is my sin to you and I didn t not cover my iniquity I said I will confess much transgressions to the Lord and you forgave the iniquity of my sin therefore let everyone who is a Godly offer a prayer to you at a time when he when you may be found surely in the rush of great waters they shall not reach him you are a hiding place for me you preserve me from trouble you surr
Mitt Romney Rockstro senior u.s. Leaders are expressing confidence they will be able to going to its allies to help protect shipping in the Persian Gulf area against Iranian threats defense secretary Mark Asper says he s gotten a good response from allies and some announcements could be expected soon Secretary of State Mike Pompei Oh so there s a lot of conversations are being held However after a meeting with their Australian counterparts in Australia the 2 u.s. Leaders came away with no official commitment as yet more on these stories at townhall dot com Maybe you d like to know what exactly really factor is it was created by doctors it s a 100 percent drug free supplement with 4 key ingredients that simply help your own body deal with the natural inflammatory response that it has it s easy to swallow for little capsules in each packet like the packets that I carry with me at all times 3 packets a day for a week then 2 packets a day for 2 weeks and I have just described a 3 week qui