put a monitoring system for looking for dangerous asteroids on hold for two weeks reportedly. a big one is expected to brush by earth on february 4. as for the 417 national parks the administration wants to keep limit td access where ever possible. services would be reduced in all 19 of the smithsonians museums would shut doors after this weekend. beyond that, not everybody would be out. for example in the military there s a lot of worry about the impact. there would be some discomfort no doubt for military families. if the pay was delayed. other benefits. but congress has previously gone out of the way to keep that from being to agree jous. and the troops would stay on duty. indeed, roughly 1.9 million government workers would keep at it. since their jobs are essential. air traffic controllers, security officers, food inspectors, prison guards. social security checks would go out as would be expected for the
700,000 people, good program, protection for kids brought here illegally. too young to commit a crime. they were toddlers when most were brought here. donald trump scrubbed the program, threw it to congress, he created this mess. that s why we re here. can i ask you, something? we keep hearing about chain migration. some people think it s a slur. some think it s what it is. do people understand what that means and that you can bring immediate family members in under a certain age and there is a vetting process? you can t just like bring i want to bring 20 people over, my family with me. it doesn t work that way. there s a verying process for family members to come over. sometimes it takes years and years to do it into i don t think people fully understand it. it s along the lines of the other slur anchor babies people use. they re both dericive terms would go against the grain of what america supposedly represents. the idea we re a melting pot
deal. a businessman who knows how to bring people together to the negotiating table. and close the deal. that s what senator graham the south carolina republican has been telling the president for a week now. close the deal. because that is the language that trump understands and it s the language he uses to promote himself and his political brand. if trump can t get senators together on this, can t get congress together on a deal, then that does hurt his political brand as a deal maker. the president will be armed with twitter and watching cable news. what do you think the reaction will be? it will be all over the map. again, president trump this goes to what she was saying. his first priority is himself looking good. and then being able to say that members of congress couldn t get the job done or let him down. or he s the one looking out for the people. he didn t say he was the ultimate deal maker, he said
leaders of the country before him were stupid and stupid all the time. he said that they were incompetent and couldn t get things done. now he s in the situation where he s in charge of this mess. and staying at least arms length away from it. not taking a firm position. because he doesn t have a clear sense really nobody does, of how the public is going to raek. if the shut down goes on through the state of the union. i doubt it will go on eleven days. what if it does. he wants to say it wasn t his doing. it was congress. interesting. our colleague maggie and michael sheer. have a new piece in fact new york times. lays out what happened with chuck schumer. they report schumer and trump had cheese burgers together at white house. schumer left thinking they made deal. three or four day extension. and the president called him later and said he thought they agreed to three weeks. what do you think?
unconstitutional. i don t care about what somebody said. you are most likely guilty and maybe you re going to go to jail. that s not the way the law, would. don, i can say clearly all members of congress want a deal with the d.r.e.a.m.ers and make sure they have some protected status. chain migration, they re bringing in extended families. extended family. do you know what the rules are to bring in extended families? do you know what the vetting process is? it s not like you can just call up aunt susie or your third cousin willie and bring it over. that person has to go through a vetting process and show papers. a long vetting process. it s a long process. can i just want to look at this statement to me. senate democrats own the schumer shutdown. let s put a line through that. you don t need to do that. you can say tonight they put politics above our national security. tonight our lawmakers didn t do the right thing.