mccarthy and michael jackson version they have their own. ainsley: take my name like when you get married you take the husband s name. lawrence: that s a requirement for me. if you want the ring you need to take my last name. ainsley: what if she is on television though. i have always had ainsley earhardt my whole life. but i started in television at 22. and i never wanted to change that because my name. lawrence: you make a compelling case, you know, if you want the ring, take my last name. that s my rule. i m not compromising. lawrence: you dated a girl had who said i don t want babies. lawrence: no go to her. ainsley: see you. brian: in fact, we have her now. can she join us? lawrence: now you know why i m still single. brian: i i didn t want to interrupt this see if it went awry and save the show again. i talked to two different people that got married women have you changed your name. yeah, i haven t gotten around to it. ainsley: it takes a long t
make fun of himself going down that ramp. i give this great speech but everyone talked about how slow i walked because you have i have these. i wear these white ones now but when you have a new canvas shoe, you slide until you scuff them up. that s what he h he went down there like he is too old. there is something wrong with him. that was the story. i made a mistake going down that way. and i told the general. go down the ramp slowly, eviscerated by all of media. remember that? now we have a president who keeps falling. brian: four times. ainsley: bless his heart. he falls on the stairs. lawrence: he has rubber soles. he doesn t pick up his feet. ainsley: he fell there they say he is okay. he might be a little score today might have a skinned need or something. when he almost fell down those steps in japan those steps were concrete. i saw him shuffle and almost fall and thankfully he didn t. because that could have been really bad. he could have really gotten
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