The Community Action Partnership of Kern offers free individual tax preparation services to low and middle-income residents of Kern County through the VITA program.
clinton s to explain. she has her own vision for where she would like to take the country. jaimie: was the marshall, talk talkshow host, fox news contributor and radio talkshow host for the new england talk network. welcome to both of you. what are the realistic expectations about issues president clinton had coming up with hillary clinton decides she will make a run for president? mitt romney was asked about this, but we talk about bill clinton. the idea this is going to be a key part of the election of the future is nonsense. as is part of hillary clinton s problem. she has to go back to kathleen sebeliuthe1990s to find a momene she was somewhat relevant, that is hillary care. hillary care is a precursor to the biggest policy failure in the past 40 years as obamacare. cap talk about today because obamacare stinks, and can cap k