Crowder is a 3x GRAMMY nominee who is topping the Billboard charts, but even a musician who feels on top of the world can feel the weight of poor mental health. He spoke with Good Morning America about these go-to techniques.
Reviewed by Tony Cummings
Those revivalists from Northern Ireland Rend Collective started a boutique label with Sparrow last year and the first act signed were Urban Rescue. These guys from San Diego play electro-tinged pop rock and indeed Never Stop is an eminently danceable groove declares that there is no place the band would rather be than communing with God (a lyrical theme that reminded me of a pop dance gem of another era, V enna s Where I Wanna Be ). Another truly outstanding cut here is the finale Up From The Ashes which over ricocheting percussion incorporates into its anthemic sweep a passage which is either a poem or an extemporised prayer from one Michael Nelder. There are two snags with this uplifting album - one is that there is a bit at the end of Alive In You which is a ringer for the melody of Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) ; the other is that there are a tad too many gang vocals singing the hooks and bv parts for comfort. Overall, this team, who after years