“Visual Storytelling Exhibit: The Legacy of Captain Bottle Works” and the Small Works Juried Exhibition will be on display Thursday through Jan. 27 at the arts center, 411 Third Ave.
“Visual Storytelling Exhibit: The Legacy of Captain Bottle Works” and the Small Works Juried Exhibition will be on display Thursday through Jan. 27 at the arts center, 411 Third Ave.
This event will recognize a Johnstown native whose stories and characters in comic books are legendary. Ditko Con will be held from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 30 at
Neither a bird, a plane or Superman, but rather a combination of Silver Age heroics, noir detective story and 1990s-style paranormal action adventure, Captain Bottle Works is bursting onto the
Neither a bird, a plane or Superman, but rather a combination of Silver Age heroics, noir detective story and 1990s-style paranormal action adventure, Captain Bottle Works is bursting onto the