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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20180914 00:30:00

also tonight, after president trump told millions that the government is fully prepared for this hurricane, the president tweeting today, questioning how many really died in puerto rico, saying 3,000 people didn't die after hurricanes hit puerto rico, and the president now says that number was raised to make him look bad. we are also following several other breaking headlines tonight. more than a dozen explosions outside boston in several different communities. authorities are urging some residents to get out. and paul manafort, tonight news of a key meeting. is manafort about to plead guilty? is he striking a deal with robert mueller? and good evening from wilmington tonight. and as we come on the air in the west, millions along the coast here and inland are bracing now for this monster hurricane. the cape fear river right behind me here. we witnessed some of the very outer bands of the hurricane. the winds, the rain of course here already. and there's a good chance that the eye of this hurricane could make landfall right here or just north of here. the track just out from the national hurricane center tonight. the storm is slowing down, which means it will sit here and pound the coast, dangerous one winds and several feet of rain. it is also growing in size. that flag whipping in the wind and in tatters by the end of the day. this hurricane is 500 miles wide, ocean water breaching the dunes already and rushing into the streets. these images from cape hatteras tonight. heavy rain falling, some 90,000 already without power as we're on the air here in the west. a nuclear power plant here in the path of this hurricane shutting down already. and the hurricane hasn't even made landfall yet. 1.7 million under evacuation orders tonight. i found shelters today full, folks telling me they were sent elsewhere. at this hour, hurricane florence is massive. tropical storm-force winds will stretch well more than 100 miles from the eye of the storm in each direction. that's across more than 300 miles. we do have the new track tonight, the expected landfall, the time and where. flooding, david. >> all right, gio, get back up shore here. tonight, a nuclear plant right here in the path of the hurricane in north carolina has shut down. tonight, the destruction is already begun on the barrier islands and the police chief here telling me his biggest fear, as this hurricane sets to make landfall in the coming hours. tonight, this is what millions of americans along this coastline have feared. the outer bands of florence slamming ashore already. and the eye of the storm still hours away. along north carolina's barrier islands, in north topsail beach, dangerous winds already. waves crashing through this home, knocking down walls. water surrounding homes. this garage door smashed. and again, this hurricane doesn't make landfall until the morning hours. in avon tonight, strong waves hammering this pier. water rushing ashore. breaking through the dunes in hatteras. in nearby frisco, ocean water flowing like a river down cape are going to floor like we haven't seen in a very long time. >> reporter: there is already help coming in from all over the country. search and rescue teams from sacramento. 80 first responders from rockville, maryland. >> thank you, guys. >> thank you, sir. >> reporter: and tonight, north carolina's governor roy cooper with some of those first responders and a final warning. >> my message today -- don't relax. don't get complacent. stay on guard. this is a powerful storm that can kill. today, the threat becomes a reality. >> reporter: authorities are telling residents here to prepare for days without power. perhaps weeks. they also fear the hurricane could flood some 16 nuclear reactors across three states. the brunswick nuclear plant announcing tonight it will shut down, saying they are, quote, currently in the path of hurricane florence and they anticipate the plant site will experience sustained hurricane-force winds. with tropical storm-force winds now expected to reach more than 300 miles across, many families have now decided on this final night before landfall to get out. >> be safe, guys. >> you, too, be careful. >> see you in a few days. >> reporter: the forecast is calling for destructive winds pounding the coast for at least 36 hours. and several feet of rain. >> it's really somewhat of a gloomy feeling knowing that the coast of north carolina is going to be changed forever. >> reporter: on the streets here, a "pray for wilmington" sign and instructions for shelters right beside it. late today, governor cooper saying some 12,000 people are already in shelters, they're now opening even more. many are already at capacity. you can see here on the door, says the shelter is full. this is the codington elementary school, and we were told some of the folks who are here were actually brought from another shelter that was overflowing because of so many people that want to make sure they're safe during this storm. ricardo romero is one of them. so, that shelter was already full -- >> yes. >> reporter: and overflowing, so they brought you here? >> that is correct. >> those shelters stretching to keep up with demand tonight. everyone bracing as this hurricane grows much closer, just off the coast tonight. abc meteorologist ginger zee here with the newest track. you've got landfall time, an aprax make, of course, and where, which is important. we've been talking, so is the sheer amount of time this hurricane is going to stall right here over just a huge area, several states. >> reporter: yes, several states, several miles and millions of people that will feel this for the next 36 to 48 hours, david. it is like a washing machine. so, this storm now east-southeast of us here in wilmington by 85 miles. it was the same last hour. that means this thing hasn't moved. it is supposed to move the northwest at 5 miles per hour with that tornado watch in place. we've seen tornado warnings already popping. that is one of the threats yet tonight. as that path takes it on land tomorrow morning, so, it should make landfall sometime here on our friday, move inland and then become more of a tropical storm as it passes the state line into south carolina. no matter the case, it will drop patients, seniors here in the community. and there is an urgent effort tonight to get them help and to check on them. abc's chief national affairs correspondent in myrtle beach, south carolina, on that part of the story. >> reporter: tonight, with florence's winds, rain and angry surf bearing down, most have fled, headed for safer ground. we rode along with myrtle beach police. corporal thomas vest tells me what worries him about the storm. >> it looks like a lot of people are still trying to decide if they're going to stay or go. >> reporter: more than 420,000 people have evacuated the south carolina coast, including more than 2,200 people from 113 health care facilities. tonight, further north, at the davis community nursing home and assisted living facility in wilmington, north carolina, some 600 residents, staff and their families are sheltering in place. >> those people who are critical care, it would be difficult for us to move them hours away. >> reporter: medical professionals across both states do not want a repeat of scenes like these in texas during hurricane harvey. and in florida, nearly 150 evacuated from this sweltering nursing home that lost power during hurricane irma. 12 of its residents lost their lives. david, there's a curfew right now from 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. the police have allowed us to be out here, but this is eeri. this is ocean boulevard, and take a look at this david, tonight, it's a ghost town. david? >> reporter: well, tom, really great that you checked on the seniors today. we certainly don't want a repeat of what we saw in texas and florida. tom will be with us straight through this hurricane. president trump sending out tweets today, reassuring that the government is, quote, completely ready for hurricane florence. but he sparked a firestorm with another tweet, denying that thousands of american citizens died in puerto rico from hurricane maria and its aftermath, claiming the number was fabricated to make him look bad. here's our chief white house correspondent jonathan karl tonight. >> reporter: even before hurricane florence hits shore, president trump is already congratulating his team on a job well-done. >> we are getting tremendous accolades from politicians and the people. >> reporter: but even as the hurricane approaches, the president today is making a startling new claim, downplaying the human suffering caused by last year's hurricane maria in puerto rico. "3,000 people did not die in the two hurricanes that hit puerto rico," he tweeted. he then falsely accused democrats of inflating the death toll -- "in order to make me look as bad as possible." a comprehensive study from george washington university concluded nearly 3,000 people died by causes directly related to the hurricane and its aftermath -- a figure accepted by the government as the official death toll. that's nearly 3,000 american citizens, most of them poor and elderly. our team saw the suffering first-hand. maria ortiz caring for 11 seniors in a nursing home without power. >> we can't let them die. we can't let them die. and we need help. all the help we can get, please. >> reporter: when president trump visited the island, he tossed paper towels to storm victims. but just 15 minutes away, in this apartment building without power or clean water, david spoke with 70-year-old maria diaz. "we don't want to die here," she told him. the governor of puerto rico today is taking issue with the president's tweets. "the people of puerto rico," he said, "do not deserve to have their pain questioned." and among political leaders, the president seems to be alone in questioning the death toll. >> i have no reason to dispute these numbers. >> with 3,000 people dead, for the president to say puerto rico was a success, a triumph of his presidency, is simply delusional. >> reporter: the white house released a photo this evening of the president getting briefed on hurricane preparation efforts. and despite the controversy stirred up by his comments of hurricane maria, white house officials insist he is very much focused on hurricane florence and they expect he will travel to the areas affected by the hurricane as soon as is practical. david? >> jon karl, thank you. there's still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this thursday. breaking news tonight. dozens of explosions outside boston, in several different communities. you can see the homes in flames there. authorities urging some residents to get out. we'll have the latest in a moment. the deadly rampage in the west the gunman opening fire, shooting five victims in multiple locations. what authorities have now revealed. and elizabeth smart back in the news tonight and speaking out. her urgent plea tonight, just days before one of her kidnappers is about to go free. authorities say they miscalculated the time served. miscalculated the time served. we'll be right back. loors with d bucket is a hassle, meaning you probably don't clean as often as you'd for a quick and convenient clean, try swiffer wetjet. there's no heavy bucket, or mop to wring out, because the absorb and lock technology traps dirt and liquid inside the pad. it's safe to use on all finished surfaces tile, laminate and hardwood. and it prevents streaks and hazing better than a micro fiber strip mop, giving you a thorough clean the first time. for a convenient clean, try swiffer wetjet with a money back guarantee. brand power. helping you buy better. thanks to move free ultra 2in1... i run after this guy... and take long walks with this guy. unlike glucosamine chondroitin, move free ultra 2in1 is clinically proven to improve joint comfort in the first week. and it keeps improving comfort with continued use. move free ultra. david wright. >> reporter: north of boston tonight, more than 50 fires and explosions so far, apparently caused by a gas main explosion. in lawrence, fire crews are responding to more than two dozen fires across the city. in north anover and andover, officials are urging all residents to evacuate. the area roads gridlocked. according to the state fire marshal, a surge in the gas main started all this. >> i was in shock. i started running down the street and then my neighbor came out and was like, don't go down there. >> reporter: the columbia gas company says it was doing work on the lines when the explosions occurred. the local power company now says it has cut off power to the entire area as a precaution. david? >> david wright tonight. david, thank you. when we come back, the deadly rampage in the west. several victims, several locations. and elizabeth smart speaking out tonight. her warning to authorities just days before one of her kidnappers is set to go free. re, burning, pins and needles of diabetic nerve pain these feet... ... made waves in high school... ... had a ball being a dad... ...and built a career in construction. but i couldn't bear my diabetic nerve pain any longer. so i talked to my doctor and he prescribed lyrica. nerve damage from diabetes causes diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is fda approved to treat this pain from moderate to even severe diabetic nerve pain. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling or blurry vision. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs, and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. now i have less diabetic nerve pain. if you're eligble, you could pay as little as $25 a month. visit you might or joints.hing for your heart... but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. ito take care of anyct messy situations.. and put irritation in its place. and if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected... you can get comfortable doing the same with yours. preparation h. get comfortable with it. i love you, basement guest bathroom. your privacy makes you my number 1 place to go number 2. i love you, but sometimes you stink. febreze air effects doesn't just mask, it cleans away odors. because the things you love the most can stink. and try febreze small spaces to clean away odors for up to 30 days. breathe happy with febreze. and the wolf huffed and puffed... like you do sometimes, grandpa? 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(giggles) get symbicort free at if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. some breaking news tonight involving president trump's former campaign chairman paul manafort. tonight, sources telling abc news that manafort has tentatively agreed to a plea deal in order to avoid a second trial. he met today for more than four hours with special counsel robert mueller's team. sources say mueller wants information on president trump and the 2016 campaign. it's unclear tonight whether manafort has agreed to provide that information as part of his plea deal. elizabeth smart is speaking out tonight. she is angry one of her kidnappers will be released next week, several years earlier than expected. authorities in utah say they miscalculated the time wanda barzee served in federal custody. smart urging them to reconsider their decision. >> i believe that she is a danger and a threat to any vulnerable person in our community, which is why our community should be worried. >> barzee and her husband kidnapped smart in 2002, holding her captive for nine months. and that deadly killing spree in bakersfield, california. police say javier casarez killed five people, starting with his wife and a man at a trucking company. he shot a witness, went to a home and killed two more people, carjacking a mother and child who escaped. he killed himself when confronted by a deputy. authorities say the gunman and his wife were getting divorced. when we come back, the main story of the night, hurricane florence where it is right now, where it's expected to make landfall first thing in the morning, and what ginger is now seeing tonight in the rain fo foreca forecast. george woke up in pain. but he has plans today. hey dad. so he took aleve. if he'd taken tylenol, he'd be stopping for more pills right now. only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. aleve. all day strong. 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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20181127 01:30:00

tonight, several developing stories as we come on the air. the storm slamming the northeast now, blinding rain and wind. deadly in michigan, after whiteout conditions and a record blizzard paralyzes travel. and tonight, millions now under flood and wind alerts from philadelphia to new york city to boston. the major news tonight from general motors, cutting jobs in ohio, michigan, maryland. thousands of workers, and at least three gm cars will no longer be made. president trump tonight on the tear gas used at the border. what he now says about using it. the deadly police shooting and growing outrage. the young black man killed by officers. police mistaking him for the gunman. the real suspect tonight still on the loose. the bombshell report on climate change, from 13 u.s. agencies put out the day after thanksgiving. its warning about farming in the midwest, future floods and fires in the u.s., and tonight, the president is asked, does he believe it? cyber monday still under way as we come on. the big deals still to come. the list of what we found tonight. oprah's loss. her mother passing away on thanksgiving, and what oprah said late today about her mom. and touchdown on mars. the anxious scientists at nasa, and then the cheers. and tonight, the first image coming in now from mars. and you'll see it right here. good evening. and it is great to be back with you after the thanksgiving holiday. but it's turned into a real travel nightmare for millions, trying to get home. the same system now slamming the northeast tonight, and it's been deadly. first, the major blizzard across the plains and the great lakes. a bus spinning out, that's i-35 there in osceola, iowa. traffic at a standstill in near whiteout conditions. hundreds of flights canceled again tonight out of chicago's o'hare airport. the ripple effect across the country. and right now, more than 30 million americans are now under flooding and wind alerts. cars under water. that's downtown philadelphia. flood and wind worries as far north as boston tonight. this is the storm, as it blasted its way across the country. there are major delays at all of the new york area airports tonight. and abc's gio benitez leads us off from laguardia. >> reporter: tonight, that powerful storm stranding holiday travelers on frozen roads and at packed airports, now drenching the busy i-95 corridor from philadelphia to new jersey to new york city. >> you're talking about rainfall rates over an inch an hour here. >> reporter: blizzard conditions grinding travel to a halt across the midwest on the busiest travel day of the year. at chicago's o'hare airport, more than 2,000 flights canceled since sunday. our alex perez found danny koutlemanis still trying to get home to colorado this morning. >> i've been bumped twice. i can't even rent a car. >> we are literally driving and cannot see anything. >> reporter: blizzard conditions closing most of interstate 70 in kansas. some drivers abandoning their cars. drivers stuck on route 75 in nebraska, too, and on interstate 80, high winds ripping the top off this 18-wheeler. there was record snow in rockford, illinois, where multiple vehicles, including a snow plow, caught fire. and in new york city, a driver plowing into pedestrians. it's unclear if the slick roads contributed to the accident. >> what a mess tonight. gio benitez joins us live from laguardia. and gio, the delays and cancellations are starting to pile up? >> reporter: they really are, david. taking a look at the boards right here, we are seeing so many flights either canceled or delayed. we're looking right now across this country at more than 5,000 delays, 1,500 cancellations. david? >> gio benitez leads us off tonight. this system is still hitting now, so, let's get the track of it tonight. meteorologist rob marciano live along the west side highway tonight. hey, rob. >> reporter: hi, david. this has been a powerfully stacked storm, from top to bottom in the atmosphere. now we have a secondary low kicking in along the coastline. check it out on the satellite picture. shows you how expansive this system is. now we have flood alerts that range from maryland and new jersey, along the new england coastline where winds could easily gust over 50 miles an hour tonight. there's a lot of rain on the warm side of this. eastern massachusetts seeing its wettest fall on record. more rain coming tonight. that should clear by 7:00 a.m. but notice in albany, it turns to snow. north of i-90, significant snowfall. and then lake effect snow behind this. a lot of cold air. another epic november storm, david. and winter hasn't even started yet. >> unfortunate reminder. rob marciano, our thanks to you, as well. we move on to other news this monday night, and the news today couldn't have come at a worse time. just weeks now until christmas, and general motors has now revealed it will lay off workers in ohio, michigan and maryland. thousands of jobs. and at least three vehicles will no longer be made. abc's eva pilgrim is in detroit tonight. >> reporter: tonight, major cuts at car giant gm. nearly 15,000 jobs eliminated, a whopping 15% of the company's work force. in all, five plants slated to shut down by the end of next year, including those in warren, michigan, white marsh, maryland, warren, ohio and detroit. >> we're going to come back hard and we're going to try to convince them that a modern plant in an area where you can get a good workforce is an asset. >> reporter: gm citing a shift to focus more on automation and high suv sales. the company announcing they're eliminating the low-selling chevrolet cruze, volt and impala cars from their roster. today, the president not hiding his frustration with ceo mary barra. >> i expressed the fact that i am not happy with what she did. that car is not selling, it's the cruze, chevy cruze, it's not selling. but hopefully she's going to come back and she's going to put something. but i told her, i'm not happy about it at all. >> reporter: the president also asked if increased tariffs due to a trade war are to blame. >> no, not tariffs. that has nothing to do with tariffs. she said the car was not selling. >> reporter: gm acknowledges the tariffs aren't to blame for the cuts, but in june issued a stark warning that, quote, increased import tariffs could lead to a smaller gm." and tonight, say the trade policy has cost them $1.4 billion. >> so, let's get to eva, live in detroit tonight. and eva, while nearly 15,000 jobs are being cut, as you reported there, some of those workers will be given the chance to try to relocate to other plants? >> reporter: that's right, david. gm says it plans to expand operations in those well-performing areas. about 3,000 of those workers will be up for those new positions. david? >> eva pilgrim with us tonight. thank you, eva. the images of the tear gas used at the u.s./mexico border seen across the country and the world. thousands of migrants from that caravan have now arrived in tijuana. some of them breaking through mexican security, u.s. border patrol then firing tear gas at them. this mother and her children among those caught in the chaos. tonight, president trump was asked about the tear gas, and here's abc's chief national correspondent matt gutman from tijuana. >> reporter: tonight, more than 100 migrants deported after those violent clashes in the border town of tijuana. a peaceful protest turning chaotic when hundreds of central american migrants first clashed with mexican police. then, rushed the border fence. they were met by a wall of tear gas unleashed by heavily-armed u.s. agents behind those coils of wire. some of those migrants throwing the canisters right back. thick smoke sending mothers with children in diapers into a panic. today, the president denied that agents used tear gas against children. >> are you comfortable tear gassing children like what we saw at the border? >> they're not, as you know, they're not. they had to use, because they were being rushed by some very tough people. >> reporter: we met 16-year-old henry, covered in those bandages. and one of the things that he says is that he's not going to stop, he wants to still get into the united states, and he's not going to quit now, just because he was wounded. the clashes forced authorities to close this port of entry, one of the busiest on the planet, for nearly seven hours. thousands of people, most there legally, stranded at the border. >> all right, matt gutman with us live tonight from tijuana. and matt, the department of defense just announcing they're moving more troops to california, to the border there, to offer support? >> reporter: that's right. 300 additional troops to california, bringing the total there to 1,800. now, there is a concern of a prolonged standoff here, the migrant caravan is expected to swell to over 9,000, and it could take months, david, just to process all those asylum requests. >> all right, matt gutman, thank you. we're going to turn next tonight to the growing outrage. a young black man was shot and killed. police apparently confused him with the suspect. that suspect is still at large tonight. and here's abc's steve osunsami. >> reporter: e.j. bradford's family tonight says that he was that so-called good guy with a gun at a shooting inside this alabama mall on thanksgiving day. but because he's black, they say he was shot and killed by responding police. this is a picture of the 21-year-old in uniform. he briefly served in the army. >> and the officer that shot him, you didn't give my child no warning, basically. you just up and shoot, assuming because you see a gun. >> reporter: alabama police tonight say they're sympathetic to mr. bradford's grieving family, but stopped short of saying they're sorry. >> everybody out now! >> reporter: they admit that the real gunman, who shot two people and sent shoppers scrambling, is still at large. bradford's family believes he was trying to help save lives and say his gun was legal. >> it feels like someone has ripped my heart out. >> reporter: late this evening, the mayor came out and called for patience. the family of the victim is asking for police to release all of their body camera videos. there is a protest scheduled here tonight. david? >> steve osunsami. thank you, steve. there is still a major senate race to be decided, now three weeks after the midterms. voters in mississippi will head to the polls tomorrow. and tonight, the president is there, putting his support behind republican cindy hyde-smith, who has been under fire. and tonight, more of that video now surfacing during which he says if she was invited to a public hanging, quote, i would be in the front row. abc's chief national affairs correspondent tom llamas is there tonight. >> reporter: nooses found hanging today outside the mississippi state capitol, along with these signs. one reading, "we're hanging nooses to remind people that times haven't changed." it comes as the republican candidate here, senator cindy hyde-smith, is facing criticism for appearing to embrace the state's racist past. she's seen in this facebook photo from 2014 posing in a confederate cap. her caption? "mississippi history at its best." and earlier this month, joking with a supporter about public hangings. >> if he invited me to a public hanging, i'd be on the front row. >> reporter: the president, campaigning with hyde-smith today, addressed her comments on his way to mississippi. >> she felt very badly. she certainly didn't mean that. >> reporter: initially, hyde-smith dismissing backlash as "ridiculous." >> i put out a statement yesterday and that's all i'm going to say about it. we stand by the statement. >> reporter: later, apologizing in a debate against her opponent mike espy, the democrat vying to become the state's first black senator since reconstruction. >> for anyone that was offended by my comments, i certainly apologize. >> i don't know what's in your heart, but we all know what came out of your mouth. >> reporter: david, many of the voters i spoke to the rally here say that senator hyde-smith has made mistakes, but her words and actions have been taken out of context. they say the democrat in this race, mike espy, has always made mistakes when it comes to his lobbying. but bottom line, they say if the president is with senator hyde-smith, then so are they. david? >> and we'll be watching the race tonight. tom llamas reporting in from mississippi. there was a bombshell report on climate change from 13 u.s. agencies put out the day after thanksgiving, when millions of americans were still marking the holiday. but in that report, it warns about farming in the midwest and future floods and fires in the u.s. and tonight, our jon karl asking the president, does he believe it? >> reporter: president trump today dismissed the report written by scientists from 13 federal agencies and released by his administration the day after thanksgiving. it's a report that warns climate change is already taking a toll. record wildfires in california, stronger hurricanes, crop failures in the midwest. the report bluntly warns of more to come, including threats to "air quality and the transmission of disease", and says if steps aren't taken to limit the release of carbon into the atmosphere, the economic consequences will be devastating. a 10% loss to the economy, worse than the great recession. today, we asked the president about it. mr. president, have you read the climate report yet? >> i've seen it, i've read some of it and it's fine. >> reporter: they say economic impact could be devastating. >> i don't believe it. >> reporter: you don't believe it? >> no, no, i don't believe it. right now, we're at the cleanest we've ever been. and that's very important to me. but if we're clean, but every other place on earth is dirty, that's not so good. >> jonathan karl live at the white house tonight. jon, you know many are questioning the timing of the release of this report, the day after thanksgiving. was it meant to bury it? >> reporter: sure it looked that >> reporter: it sure looked that way, releasing the report right in the middle of black friday. but if that was the intent, david, it looks like it backfired. because it was released on such a slow news day, the report dominated news coverage throughout the holiday weekend. david? >> jon karl, thank you. to the mueller inves investigation, and to former campaign adviser george papoos. he's spending his first night in jail. he surrendered at the federal prison in oxford, wisconsin, this morning to serve a 14-day sentence after pleading guilty to lying about his contact with russians during the campaign. and tonight, another subject of the special counsel investigation says he's now rejected a plea deal. jerome corsi, a conservative writer and associate of former trump campaign adviser roger stone, says prosecutors wanted him to plead guilty to lying to fbi agents when he was questioned about communications related to wikileaks' julian assange in 2016. of course, he says he did briefly forget about an e-mail exchange with roger stone, but says he did not intentionally lie, and to confess to that, he says, would be the crime. he spoke to our pierre thomas just a short time ago. >> if i have to go to jail for the rest of my life, i will not tell a lie to a federal judge or anybody else. they want to send me to prison the rest of my life, so be it, have at it. but they will not get me to commit a crime. >> corsi telling pierre he fears law enforcement could arrest him as soon as tonight. and there is yet another breaking headline involving the mueller investigation, and this one involves paul manafort. let's go to pierre thomas. >> reporter: david, a significant development in the special counsel's russia investigation. the government is claiming that paul manafort is in breach of his plea deal. the special counsel's motion with the court claiming that manafort committed federal crimes by lying to the fbi and the special counsel's office on a variety of subject matters. the government claims his plea remains in tact, but they will no longer recommend a reduction in sentence. mana farther's attorney says he met with the government on numerous occasions and believes he provided truthful information. david? >> pierre, thank you. we turn next here this evening to touchdown on mars. there were anxious moments at nasa's jet propulsion lab today, we were watching along with them, as a spacecraft made its final approach to mars. abc's clayton sandell is in pasadena. >> touchdown confirmed! >> reporter: tonight, a touchdown worthy of an interplanetary super bowl. >> that's great. they got it. >> reporter: moments later, this image from nasa's insight mission, proving it stuck the first mars landing in six years. insight survived the seven minutes of terror, an autopilot plunge from space to ground, 12,000 miles per hour to full stop. and every step, flawless. you made it through that seven minutes of terror. >> yeah, i still have a few fingernails left, but they're mostly gone. >> reporter: mars is tough on spacecraft. more than half that try to get there fail. but now insight begins a two-year mission, for the first time, peering inside the red planet. and they'll do that using these sensors, david, that the team hopes will unlock some ancient mysteries about our solar system. david? >> a big day. clayton sandell, our thanks to you, as well, tonight. and there is still much more ahead on "world news tonight" this monday. cyber monday, the big deals still to come tonight. the list of what we found, coming up here. also, the new headline and the desperate search for that missing girl. police asking the public to take a good look at the sneakers she was wearing. we'll tell you why. also, oprah's loss. her mother passing away on thanksgiving. and what she said late today about her mom. and the young american killed by a remote tribe on an isolated island. police afraid they were about to be attacked, too, as they tried to retrieve the body. to retrieve the body. a lot more news ahead.jardiance- and now you know. jardiance is the first type 2 diabetes pill proven to both reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who have type 2 diabetes and heart disease... ...and lower a1c, with diet and exercise. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may be fatal. symptoms include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, and trouble breathing. stop taking jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of ketoacidosis or an allergic reaction. symptoms of an allergic reaction include rash, swelling, and difficulty breathing or swallowing. do not take jardiance if you are on dialysis or have severe kidney problems. other side effects are sudden kidney problems, genital yeast infections, increased bad cholesterol, and urinary tract infections, which may be serious. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. isn't it time to rethink your type 2 diabetes medication? 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>> reporter: tomorrow is a good day. >> we're on. let's do it. when we come back here tonight, we do have more news coming in on that missing girl taken from in front of her home before school. and oprah's loss. what she said today about the passing of her mother over thanksgiving. sometimes bipolar i disorder can really get you going. but mania, such as unusual changes in your mood, activity or energy levels, can leave you on shaky ground. help take control by asking your healthcare provider about vraylar. vraylar treats acute mania of bipolar i disorder. vraylar significantly reduces overall manic symptoms,... and was proven in adults with mixed episodes who have both mania and depression. vraylar should not be used in elderly patients with dementia, due to increased risk of death or stroke. call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may mean a life-threatening reaction or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. side effects may not appear for several weeks. high cholesterol and weight gain; high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death decreased white blood cells, which can be fatal; dizziness upon standing; falls; seizures; impaired judgement; heat sensitivity; and trouble swallowing may occur. you're more than just your bipolar i. ask about vraylar. coaching means making tough choices. jim! you're in! but when you have high blood pressure and need cold medicine that works fast, the choice is simple. coricidin hbp is the #1 brand that gives powerful cold symptom relief without raising your blood pressure. coricidin hbp. they work togetherf doing important stuff. the hitch? 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(door bell rings) it's ohey. this is amazing. with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis, are you okay? even when i was there, i never knew when my symptoms would keep us apart. so i talked to my doctor about humira. i learned humira can help get, and keep uc under control when other medications haven't worked well enough. and it helps people achieve control that lasts. so you can experience few or no symptoms. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal infections and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. before treatment, get tested for tb. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. be there for you, and them. ask your gastroenterologist about humira. with humira, control is possible. finally tonight here, america strong. firefighters, paramedics and the family dog named lady. it was the image today that reminded us of the work our first responders do every day, even to save our pets.sten to h" >> good girl. >> reporter: the wayne township fire department in indianapolis, indiana. that's captain eric bannister in the fire helmet. operations chief rick duncan on the left, responding to a fire this afternoon. ner's dog, lady. chief duncan holding an oxygen mask to lady's face and her tail begins to wag. you can see her taking deep breaths. we've seen these moments before. in bakersfield, california, firefighters carrying little jack, unresponsive. >> hold on. we're going to give him some oxygen. >> reporter: within minutes, they're giving him oxygen. and they pat him. and a short time later, jack's up and alert. and back in indianapolis tonight, after wagging her tail, look at lady, standing up, pulling away, just about ready to breathe on her own. she's ready tonight. thank you to our first responders and thank you at home for watching. i hope to see you tomorrow. good night. before and after. tonight, we give you an exclusive tour of the devastation done to paradise. >> i'm sandhya patel. tracking three storms for this week. he'll ha i'll have the timeline coming up. we all know car break-ins is a problem. i'm here with the new legislation and the little-known loophole aimed at cracking down on these crimes. >> live where you live, theis i abc 7 news. >> you know one happens about every 20 minutes. for the second time in a month we are making this topic the topic of our building a better bay area. >> it means we are digging into the issue and really trying to find solutions. >> since we last covered this topic, things have actually improved. at the end of object ctober, we


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