Published: 12 March 2021
PHILIPSBURG: - The Committee for Constitutional Affairs and Decolonization (CCAD) held its first committee meeting on Wednesday 10th March 2021. Chairperson of the Committee MP Ludmila Duncan requested that the first meeting be closed-door in order to discuss the working methods of the committee.
“In my capacity as Chairperson, I presented a proposal on the contextual framework for the committee as well as a proposal to host a roundtable discussion of experts to discuss the democratic deficits in the Kingdom Charter and possible ways forward,” stated the MP. Local experts will be invited to present position papers and present their views in Parliament. This would be the first roundtable discussion held in Parliament.
Topic 2: SMCC: When fuel clause GEBE will be corrected?
Topic 3: SMCC: Snail pace of NRPB rebuilding back better stronger homes
Topic 4: SMAPP: Cuts in (semi)public remuneration now in legislation violating human rights
Topic 5: SMAPP: Unlawful proceedings of PM Silveria Jacobs and COM to please the Dutch
Topic 1: SMCC: NV GEBE discriminates among its customers.
NO RELIEF: PAYMENT PLAN OR DISCONNECTION. NV GEBE announced in a press release published on Tuesday Feb. 2, 2021, that after months of suspended disconnection of its electricity and water services, the company will be resuming its monthly standard course of action to collect outstanding funds. During the early part of 2020, and several times thereafter, NV GEBE halted the disconnection of services to allow the financial recovery of its customers who were experiencing economic difficulties due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. “We fully recognize that the pandemic continues to be a time of hardship