Latest Breaking News On - Carla cain - Page 1 :

West Point students earn top honors in national art contest

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Bass, Anderson-Oberman square off in lively debate

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Anxiety and Depression Workshop in the Southern Tier

For people who suffer from anxiety and depression, Carla Cain has ways to help. She has a workshop for people to help themselves and overcome their struggles with mental health.


Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News 20091215

performance of spur of the moment. we'll tell you about this. it's all for a great cause so stick with us. >> very cool. festive day here. and the temperatures, maybe they don't put you in the mood of christmas but they are a break from what we've seen in the past. tucker will tell us about it. >> you're right. good morning. temperatures right now in the upper 40s, even some low 50s breaking out across the area. a mild day. not much in the way of sunshine. still dealing with morning fog but at least we'll have temperatures well above average this afternoon. 48 right now. that's not a bad start to the day. humidity way up, 89%. winds out of the south and west at 3 miles per hour. let's see what we can find on our satellite radar. we'll find cloud cover and fog. there you can see the satellite radar. the rain showers are off to the forth and west and associated with cold front which will bring in colder air later tonight and during the day tomorrow. so if you want to get outdoors and take the dog for a walk or spend time outdoors, i recommend today because into tomorrow the high temperatures will be back into the upper 30s to about 40. here is a quick look at the forecast. i'll have more details coming up in a few minutes. again, a mild afternoon with highs in the middle 50s, a lot of clouds and getting rid of the morning fog during the next hour or two and dry with no rain expected, maybe a sprinkle. i'll have more details on the forecast coming up. over to you, tony and allison. >> tucker, thank you. our top story, gay marriage in the district, supporters say it's a matter of when not if. >> that's right. today council members will make a historic vote and it appears they will approve it. that will make the district one of five places in the country where same-sex marriage is legal. sherry ly joins us live outside of council chambers with more on the vote. good morning, sherry. >> reporter: good morning tony and allison. the meeting begins here in just about an hour. and this is the final vote on the gay marriage bill. it is pretty much a formality at this point because it passed earlier this month 11-2 and if all goes as expected, that is not expected to change this time around. and for the first time same-sex marriages could be legal in the district. last night openly gay council member david catania who drafted the bill spoke at a rally to support the bill in d.c. right now same sex is legal in four states and new hampshire will join them at the 5th state in january. and if this does pass, the mayor has said he will sign it. >> i'm at a loss of words as a member of which community, and i look out at our community and realize we're on the verge of history tomorrow. what we're doing, friends, is profoundly american. >> this is all about equality. and although some people have said this isn't a civil rights issue, it's quite clear from discussion going back decades that marrage is a civil right. it's a fundamental civil right and that's what we're addressing here, is equality. >> reporter: groups that oppose the gay marriage bill are still trying to find it. not all council members are on board. the two voting against it, marion barry and yvette alexander. and if the bill does pass, they will not begin marriages immediately in the district because the bill must then go to capitol hill for a 30 day congressional review before marriages can begin. live at the wilson building, sherry ly, fox 5 news. back to you. >> sherry, thank you very much. today a d.c. man serving a life sentence for murder and rape could go free. donald gates has been behind bars for 28 years now. now he always said he was innocent. that is not the person we are talking about. if we could remove that, please. but in 1981 he was convicted of killing katherine shilling in rock creek park. that was from the gay marriage bill in the district. moving on to this story. the fbi lab tech said two hairs from the crime scene belonged to donald gates and a paid police informant said gates confessed. police found old dna evidence and the results appear to clear gates. tony. a d.c. teen is recovering from an alleged hit-and-run involving a police patrol car. dominic turner claims he and a friend were running from police in an ally in northeast when an officer hit him with a cruiser and took off. but cathy lanier said the officer remains on scene and the office is conducting an independent review. turner who is recovering from broken ribs, in ternal bleeding and a damaged lung says the incident has left him in fear. >> it was hot and sad. it caused me to vomit. it was an anti- -- i'm just glad i'm still here. >> when we try to speak up against the police, they usually take the police side. >> it's unclear why police were chasing turner and his friend. they say they might have thought the boys were drinking because they were carrying plastic cups. we're following development of a massive recall announced this morning. take a ook. the federal government says the cord on roman shades and roll- up blinds are too dangerous for kids. they are recalling 50 million window coverings saying 8 million children have been strongled to death since 2001. another 16 seriously hurt. consumers can get a free retrofit kit for the blinds, but safety officials are urging parents to only use cordless window coverings. you can find all of the information on, right on the home page. look under web links. now to another big story we're following for you this morning. potential big trouble for the health care reform. >> a proposed expansion in medicare could be sacrificed as senator harry reid fights to get the 60 votes he needs to pass the legislation. ainsley earhart has the details. >> reporter: more changes could be coming as senate democrats fight among themselves to pass sweepg health care reform legislation. a proposal that would expand medicare could be out, which would be a blow to the liberal base of the party, i think the democrats both in leadership and chambers believe that they need to get this through, but that's not what the american people think. >> reporter: the fearest opposition is coming from senator joe lieberman, an independent who caucuses with democrats. but at least 12 other democratic senators whose votes are essential to passing reform are said to have issues with expanding medicare. >> whatever differences exist within the united states senate, those differences will peal by comparison to the compare -- pail by carson to the benefits. >> reporter: it would allow people as young as 55 to buy into the program. but senators have yet to hear the details, including costs. enough so that harry reid is ready to jet ison it ahead of the meeting with president obama which all democratics are invited to attend. >> democrats and we hope a few republicans will be able to deliver good news to the american people that we have passed a proconsumer, pro- patient bill. >> reporter: this become a last minute substitute for a government run insurance plan, the so-called public option. but democrats are appreciating to get something done now. >> and the president is in viting democrats to the white house today to discuss ways to get health care passed. this week the president called overpaid bankers fat cats and yesterday he got a chance to address the executives of a dozen major panel ins -- financial institutions at the white house. banks promised to loosen the purse strings and look at how ceo's are being compensated. >> with the help of the of the american government and the american taxpayer, our banks now have a greater obligation to the goal of a wider recovery. >> i think a lot of it is [ inaudible ]. the administration can press and banks can promise, but underlying all of this is the understanding that we don't want banks to be going back to making bad loans. >> city group and wells fargo are the last two banks returning a total of $45 billion in aid to taxpayers. this frees them from as a stipulation of the troubled asset relief program. an update on the five northern virginia men dea tained in pakistan. they cannot be deported until a judge looked at their case. we were accused of trying to join a terrorist group. their families reported them missing after finding a farewell video message last month. a local man remains in a cuban jail. the unidentified man works for development consultant inc. in bethesda. he's accuseof passing out cell phones and laptops. the government could consider it a threat. he's been in jail since december 5th. right now the state department is working to gain access to him. two georgia men who videotaped d.c. landmarks and sent the tapes to terrorists overseas have learned their fate. islam sand ecka was sentenced to 18 years in jail and his accomplice got 13 years in prison. both men were convicted in august. the white house is expected to announce today a number of detainees at guantanamo bay will be mved to a facility in illinois. president obama has directed the feds to acquire the thomson correctional center in a small town 150 miles outside of chicago. sources say the facility will house federal inmates and no more than 100 detainees. insufficient evidence, that's the ruling on a sexual assault case involving a female midshipmen in june. the wok reported being sexually assaulted in norfolk, virginia. but commanding officers said there wasn't enough evidence to take the case to court. another midship woman claimed the same allegation but that is still under investigation. this morning what ashley dupree has to say about her new gig next. and elliott spitzer, tiger woods, they've spawned a lot of interest in prenups and how do you know if one is right for you. we're talking to an expert next. you don't want to miss that. we'll be right back. it's 911. hi, i'm major jason vern anna saying hello from germ annie, with my wife sendy, my daughters grace, faith and hope and my son micah, i want to say hello to the maxwell family there in gainesville, virginia. seasons greetings. go army, beat navy.  the call girl who helped her bring down eliott spitzer is speaking out about her new gig. now we told you about this yesterday. ashley dupree is now writing an advice columnfor the washington post called ask ashley. she feels the springs of questions from how to tell if your daughter is in trouble to the tell tale signs a man isn't happy in marriage. this morning on our sister station she weighed in on the tiger sex scandal too. >> i don't have a ph.d., but i do have experience and i know the missing piece that is missing in a man's marriage and it is tongue and cheek and i'm having fun with it and it's just through my experiences and what better way to learn than from someone who has been there. >> what advice would you give tiger woods' wife? should she say from him. >> that's a tough question. i would stay step back. go to therapy and go together and see if you can make it fork without. i believe in love and forgiveness but not the cost of your sanity. if she isn't going to be able to trust him and every time the phone rings or a text message comes through she'll feelin secure, then leave and start life over because it's not worth your sanity. >> dupree has been blogging on a celebrity gossip site. tony. >> sounds like sensible advice. from eliott spitzer to mark and jenny sanford split to tiger woods, prenuptial agreements are being looked at closely these days. katherine dickerson from a law firm that is seeing an increase in requests for prenuptial assistance. good morning. thank you for joining us. >> good morning. >> prenups sounded like something rich people were involved in or one rich person if they were going to mary someone who didn't have the same amount of wealth. how common are they becoming for average people? >> they're becoming increasingly common. in part because now we have a much greater incident of second marriages, people going into the second marriage with children whom they want to make sure that they safeguard their inheritance. prenuptial agreements don't deal just with divorce but who inherits. so it's separation, divorce or set that the prenup addresses as well as how couples arrange things financially between themselves during the course of the marriage. we have people who are delaying their marriage, who have accumulated a lot of wealth before they get married and they don't want to lose that should the marriage not end in happily ever after. and because there are so much -- to be kind, the more experienced, they have a better appreciation of the financial entanglements that their peers might have gone through when their marriages ended so they're more financial savvy. >> so someone who is watching this and considering getting married, how does someone know who they might be -- when they might need a prenup or might be a good idea for them? >> one thing they need to consider is who else in their lives they want to take care of? are there parents, children from a prior relationship? they also need to consider their spouse, because it might be that they're marying someone who has more assets than they do. and so what are the risks of marriage? i think it's one of the interesting things in the tiger woods' marriage, when she married him she knew in part that he would be traveling a lot, and that his job required him to travel and thats with one of the risks that she ran, knowing that he would spend a lot of time away from her, away from the children and after the children, she couldn't travel with him. she did travel with him a lot and that's one thing that couples do. >> you raise an interesting point because i think we tend to think of -- and i'm generalizing here, a rich person going in and saying i want to protect my assets in case this goes sour, i don't want this other person to get everything i've got but someone who does not have the level of assets as the other person may want a prenup so they're taken ce of in the event of a divorce or separation. here is the other question. are these contractually binding? because you hear time and time again about a case comes up and then someone is fighting their prenup agreement, saying well it shouldn't stand? >> well it depends. they're contracts and so like any other contract, depending on how the parties negotiate and entered into, it the contract could or could not be found binding. if you're signing your prenup two hours before your wedding and if you say you don't do this, you're going to be embarrassed in front of your friends and family and there is duress, then that is an argument for any form of contract. if one person is more sophisticated and we have one person who didn't have the opportunity to consult with an attorney and they were just signing something without educating themselves or having the opportunity to educate themselves before they sign it, then that's also grounds to contest a contract. >> in the case like tigers woods' case and let's assume they had a contract. and if the marriage ends because of infidelity and that type of thing, does the cause of the dissolution of the marriage affect the prenup? >> amazingly, that's one of the great things ab pre -- a prenup, it doesn't. you contract around the right if you had gone to court and alleged that there was fault on the grounds of one or the other party and that resulted in the dissolution of marriage. one of the things about this form of contract is that it anticipates, it has to anticipate what happens if someone gives up their employment and stays at home with children or if you have to travel and give up your work, that sort of thing. and so you waive your rights in court for this relieve in this contract. >> very interesting. katherine dickerson with smolten believey. and i understand that parents are insisting that their parents are getting prenups. we'll talk about that another time. appreciate it. back to you. >> a gift from someone's parents? interesting topic. the district one step closer to giving marijuana the green light but making it legal isn't a done deal yet. what could send this plan -- pardon the pun -- up in smoke. and holly is checking out hundreds of nativity scenes. good morning. >> good morning. we're checking out nativity scenes from around the world. some have three figurines, some have many, some include animals, some are in globes, some are dressed in fur. it's amazing to see and it's going on at the john paul ii north cultural center in northeast where we are live. coming up, we'll talk more about the tradition of puttg the nativity scenes out. and how it all started and how you can come and see the wonderful collections. before we take you to break, let's look at today's trivia question. this year's golden globe nominations were released last hour. but which actress hold the record for the most awards. if you want to take a guess, head to our facebook stage. we're coming right back after the break. on her t-ball team. and i'm better than the boys. i bet you are. mmm-hmmm. amber has a rare cancer that only 18% of children survive. but st. jude children's research hospital helped discover a bold new treatment, and today, her cancer is gone. and i can play t-ball again! look out boys, amber is back. give thanks for the healthy kids in your life. and give to those who are not. go to or shop wherever you see our magnifying glass. fox 5 followup. as bad weather moves in, hopes of finding two missing hikeers fades. rescuers say survival chances are slim for anthony vieh ety and katie nolan. crews found their friend dead on a mount. rescuers say weather will force them to reassess search plans. they'll bring in heat sensing equipment to aid in the search. authorities continue to investigate the disappearance of susan powell. she's the utah woman missing for more than a week. her husband has hired a defense attorney and did not show up for a scheduled interview with police yesterday. however he's not been named a suspect. he claims his wife was last seen right before he took their children on a camping trip in the middle of the night. two loudoun county firefighters are under investigation, suspended without pay after a fellow firefight, who is black, found a noose inside his car. suspends firefighters are white. the sheriff's office says charges are not likely, but the fire department is still investigating. a popular apparel company responsible for a lot of popular outer wear is sizing a small internet business. "giant is going after a business that started to help a college kid put himself through school. plus we're celebrating the holidays with some soul this morning. music is from the compilation cd soul of the holidays will perform for us live coming up. delicious pillsbury cinnamon rolls give off the warmth and aroma that will delight your family with freshly baked goodness. it's never been easier to bake at home with pillsbury's baked goods. but i've got a warm, fresh baked strawberry toaster strudel. see the difference? mmmm. i do. (announcer) pillsbury toaster strudel. the one kids want to eat. did you hear that? i think it was ben. but was it mooomm... ...or maaoomm? i have no idea. mooomm. i know that one. (announcer) some things a mom just... ...knows. like when they call for..., you turn to us. triaminic thin strips. each strip is pre-measured, so you know you're giving... ...the accurate dose of medicine, everytime. it's the number one pediatric brand ... (child coughs) ...committed only to children's cold symptoms. put your trust in triaminic. okay, this is the web page for a small company called the south butt, with two t's. this is the company in a the north face apparel cop is suing. the lawsuit seeks unspecified damages and asks the court to prohibit the south butt from marketing its pari product on line. the south butt was started to help a boy put through college. and it usesthe line says never stop relaxing and they use never stop exploring. >> i like it. >> so it's not an actual -- >> it's not a ripoff, it's a parity, with a completely different name. south butt, the logo is different and i think that will fly. >> how much of a threat can the south butt be. >> one guy selling it out of his garage. >> and as expensive as those north face jackets are -- >> mark my words, this will stand. he'll be allowed to sell it. >> and guess what, north face, don't let south butt become more popular then you'll be sad you were petty. >> pain they feel a threat coming on. >> if a kid is doing it to raise money for college, setting up a website and getting some jokers to take part, that's cool. but he has to be producing clothing. >> that's the deal. you can buy his clothing. >> let him do it. >> let him put himself through school. so that's the talker of the day. >> that is a talker of the day. >> i put yourself through school, didn't you? >> selling clothes, yeah. >> not selling clothes. >> are you serious? >> no. i've never sold clothes in my life. but i had some great ideas for a lothing line which we'll talk about later. >> i thought you were a hard worker? >> i worked for a moving company. >> i thought you said you were a roofer? >> i did it all. >> we'll look that up. >> a lot of heavy lifting. >> tucker barnes -- >> let's get to the weather. every one has to do what they have to do to pay for school. >> not everything. >> not everything. ash lie dupree is not a good example. it's mild out there. a nice start to the day. the temperatures aren't bad. 51 in fredericksberg, quantico is 47 and 48 out the dulles. 45 in frederick. you get the idea. temperatures 10-degrees above from yesterday. still dealing with the fog to the west of the city and it will take a couple of hours to burn that off. and in areas that aren't experiencing fog, we have clouds across the area and we won't be able to get these out of here for much of the day. there might be a few peeks of sunshine. you see the light showers across central sections of pennsylvania, this is going to continue to push on to the south and east during the course of the morning here into the afternoon. and eventually it's going to allow the cooler and drier air off to the north and west to get in here, but it take until the nighttime hours. so up ahead of it, a lot of clouds and temperatures in the 50s. and a cold front coming through to the end of the week. early fog and afternoon clouds. mild out there. high temperature about 55 degrees. winds out of the south and west at 5-10 miles per hour. cold tonight. here comes the cold air. overnight low 32 in town. upper 20s for you off to the north and west. winds shifting out of the north and west at 5-10 miles per hour. blustery tomorrow. 41 and it won't feel that warm as we're going to have winds out of the north and west all day, 10-15 miles per hour. thursday, friday and saturday, plenty of sunshine, but you can see our temperatures are seasonably cool around here. even a little below average with highs of about 40, overnight lows in the middle 20s toward the end of the week. so much colder air on the way after today. that is a look at the forecast. allison, back to you at the desk. >> tucker, thanks. it is not legal yet, but soon smoking a marijuana cigarette to ease your pain may be within your legaright. >> recently the obama administration said it wouldn't prosecute patients for smoking medical marijuana. right now 13 states have legalized marijuana for medicinal purposes. the green light for the district to join that list comes from congressional passage of a d.c. funding bill. phil mendelson says city lawmakers need time to work out details. now crackdown on counterfeits. if you thought about buying a knockoff handbag or watch to give this holiday season, think twice. that good deal could have consequences that you've never even thought about. matt acland has the consumer alert. >> reporter: take a look at this counterfeit spread. all tv laid out after being seized by federal agents. just about everything you can think of, from jeans, colognes, even fake blackberries. > this is big business from a criminal perspective. this is organized crime on a grand scale. >> reporter: federal agents in the u.s. and mexico seized more than 700,000 counterfeit items in 26 states and mexico. all of it is a part of operation holiday hoax. officials say this time of year is when the united states is flooded with knockoff items. >> law enforcement activities targeted businesses, stores, swap meats, flea markets, anyone involved in it. >> the music and industries have lost millions of dollars because of counter fitters. dave glickman from the motion picture association of america says impact of this is causing people their jobs. >> one purchase of a counterfeit dvd may not be much but multiply by tens of thousands, the impact is monumental. >> reporter: a lot of stuff is really hard to determine the real stuff from the fake stuff. but not all of the time. for example, this is my real iphone here. check out this fake one. it's about half the size. but rest assured, this doesn't do the same. just a few les away from where the press conference was held today, we had to problem finding fake merchandise on sale. prodda, dng and burr berry bags all dirt cheap. the vendor admitted it was all fake and says his customers know it's fake. >> they know. because we are a specialty store. so they know. >> reporter: federal officials say despite taking $26 million in merchandise off the street during operation holiday hoax, they still have so much work to do. but they say they need help from consumers. >> realize that you're putting an american worker out of a job you're giving it to a criminal who is giving a further share of that profit to another criminal. >> reporter: matt acland, fox 5 news. >> even the operation is over, the enforcement will continue. feds are working with local police to shut down illegal vendors. it's a georgetown hot spot but now it's on the move. where you can find the new georgetown cup cake next. and do you like long, hot showers? for some that option is now off the table. why they're time is being cut. and first another look at today's trivia question. which actor holds the record for most golden globe nominations. jack lemon, jack nicholson, angela lance bury or meryl streep? do you think you know? >> i bet it's merrill. >> i know she has the most oscar nominations. >> i bet it is. >> it might be jack. >> which one? [ laughter ] 'syo dd  oh, yes, the totals are in. this year's stuff a truck food drive was a huge success. you helped us raise nearly 65,000 pounds of food for the capital area food bank. that is up from about 52,000 pounds last year, whether you visited our dropoff sites or donated over the phone, thank you to everyone who contributed. that is a big success and people are going to have nice holidays because of it. thank you. cup cake lovers, this one is for you. and me. georgetown cup cake is moving. they're opening up the new flagship location at 3301 m. street. the ribbon cutting will take place in just about 20 minutes. stop by and have a free cup cake. we love free. georgetown also has a second location in bethesda. >> we love cupcakes. a college in colorado has come up with a new way to save a buck and help the environment. the university of colorado in boulder is considering putting timers in dorms limiting the amount of time students would be allowed to shower. students would hear a warning buzzer when the time is up. after that the water pressure would be significantly reduced. the university is also looking into power strips that automatically cut off power when the items plugged into it are not in use. when i was in college, we attempted to suggest to some of our physicalo students ways to cut down on water for the shower. >> uh-huh. >> that's all i want to say. [ laughter ] >> all right. that's noted. thank you. >> economically minded. christmas day over a week away and the pope john paul ii cultural center is celebrating. how you can make this experience christmas cheer. and we're getting into the holiday spirit right here in studio b. we have some musicians from the soul of the holidays, compilation cd here. they'll perform live in just a bit. we'll be back in a moment. it wil be fun. mrs. brooks was busy baking. she smiled knowing her family was on their way. "hold the train!" yelled aunt liz. the millers prepared for the long drive ahead. uncle doug arrived in topeka, unlike his luggage. but, as the crescent moon rose, so rose the ones in the oven. she welcomed them home eagerly. and they ate and talked and laughed and ate. mrs. brooks smiled. this was a most perfect holiday. remember when connections to the internet sounded like this - when high speed internet was out of reach of most american families and small businesses? as recently as the year 2000, only three percent of american families had high speed internet. then competition drove innovation - spurred private investment, and the internet took off - at record breaking speeds. at at&t we're taking the lead - investing some thirty-eight billion dollars in our wired and wireless networks over the past two years. last year ale we invested more than any other public company in america. and at at&t we support a national plan that makes high speed internet available to every american family in the next five years - because we know that now is not the time to stall momentum or to stifle innovation or investment. the future is at stake, and at at&t, the future has ways been and at at&t, the future has ways been our business. at&t... your world... delivered. the nativity is a special part of the season for those who celebrate christmas. >> and there is a place here in our area where you can see hundreds of nativity scenes. holly morris is at the pope john paul ii cultural center this morning with the details. holly. >> reporter: good morning you can see 300 in fact. and while every nativity is about the story, every crech has its own story as well. and we'll spend time with carla cain. merry christmas. >> merry christmas. >> reporter: and i know you have picked out a few to talk about so let's get started. >> well first i would like to show you this one from the philippines. it has particular importance to us, first because it's one that is donated temporarily for this exhibit but one of the staff members from the philippines. and while it looks very much like wood, it's actually made of volcanic ash. >> reporter: wow! it looks like it's all one piece, like it's been chiseled out of one piece. >> so it's just one example of the diversity of what is represented here in our exhibit. >> reporter: as we walk and show the other creches on display here, can you tell us how -- i know how it all began, but i mean how the tradition of setting out a nativity scene began. >> well it began with saint francis in a city iitaly where we wanted to get the crowd of the city riled p with the baby jesus and he built a crech scene and that was in the year 1223. >> reporter: and it's a tradition that stuck. >> it's a tradition that stuck. it was spread by francians around the world and where they celebrate christmas you'll find various creches. >> reporter: some of them have just three, they have mary joseph and the baby, some have the kings and the shepherds and animals. is there any rhyme or reason how one is. >> it's a personal preference and how much space you have. someone can have more at their home. >> reporter: and this is from the vatican. >> yes. and we have another one from the vatican as well. >> reporter: is there any story as to how the members are placed? >> well, yeah, in terms of -- we should always have the baby jesus in the middle. and it's depending on the home that you're in, you may have -- wait until christmas day to have the baby or to put the baby in. >> reporter: i was recently just in mexico and there was a manger scene there and i said do they realize the baby jesus isn't there and they said they won't put him out until christmas day. and my grandmother used tmove the kings closer. >> so they were traveling. >> reporter: can you tell us about this one? >> this is from the vatican. >> reporter: and is this temporary also. >> no. this is from the permanent collection. >> reporter: that is really gorgeous. >> yes. and i would -- i would be remiss if i didn't mention our wonderful trees that you may have noticed throughout. >> reporter: i may have noticed them. we have italy here and here we have trees decorated by the friends of john paul through the salvation. so these are all decorated in the polish vain. and then on the wall behind the children, we have our nigerian crech. and it's gorgeous and just embraces the entire world. >> reporter: it is embracing. and we have embracing the group performing for us. it is the school of the incarnation and they are from maryland grades 4-8. and the wonderful thing about this group, other than the fact they're doing a delightful job this morning is that last year they were part of a special concert here at the center. they did like a simulcast from the holy land where those from the holly land performed some carols and then these children performed carols over at the holly land watching at the same time. they have a lot of things going on here at the john paul ii cultural center. go to our website, and we have a link to their website and you can find out about the different exhibits and concerts going on and the crech exhibit will be through the end of january. so you have a little bit of time to check that out. back to you guys. >> thanks, holly. the soul for the holidays compilation captures the essence and soul of classic holiday songs. >> with us today in studio, we have some of the star musicians who contributed to this album, to get us in the holiday spirit. to-in us is wayne bruce, the executive producer of the cd. and we're joined by vanessa renee williams who is right here. spur of the moment. members of the band are here. good morning. >> good morning. >> mike philips is here as well. so thank you very much for joining us. good to see you. >> good to be here. >> tell us about the cd. it's a great package. it's a cd and a dvd. >> it's a cd and live dvd performance that we taped last year for the holiday season. all of the proceeds, 100% of the proceeds, go to the organization food to feed which helps -- its mission is to feed needly families over the holidays. >> this features fantastic artists besides vanessa. tell us ho you will hear? >> phil perry, angie stone, mike phillips, spur of the moment, you'll hear the artist joe and tony rich. and mesa with brian cul pinson. pin son. >> and tonight we have a performance. >> and we'll have some fun there. >> the information is on your screen. >> there is the information and we'll put that on the website as well. and also if you want to check out the cd and dvd, it's soul of the or go to our website, and we'll hook you up with soul of the holidays. what are you going to play for us this morning? >> this christmas, the donnie hathaway. >> we're going to have un. >> how fun. >> let's hear it. soul of the holidays, this christmas. [ singing ] ♪ [ music ] 'syo dd it's time for the answer to today's trivia question. which actor holds the record for the most golden globe nominations. meryl streep holds a record of 25 and two of those she earned for julie and julia and it's complicated. >> is that out? >> it just came out. >> all right. golden globe nominees announced this morning. the nominee for best moment picture, up in the air, avatar, the hurt locker and inglorious bastards and precious. you can find a complete list of nominations on >> tucker. a quick look at the five- day forecast. mild today and 55, a lot of clouds in the forecast. tomorrow sunshine returns but so do the cold temperatures. only 40 with wind tomorrow. thursday and friday, sunshine but temperatures below average. >> thanks, tuck. >> spur of the moment with vanessa and


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