Southwestern Adventist University President Ana Patterson was one of three women recently recognized for positive contributions to the Seventh-day Adventist Church and their communities.
Dr. Carlton P. Byrd has been elected president of the Southwest Region Conference and will be leaving his position as senior pastor of the Oakwood University Church.
2 Min Read
Published on: 02-25-2021
In response to the recent winter weather disaster in Texas, United States, the Oakwood University Church (OUC) and Breath of Life television ministry conducted a “water drive,” collecting more than 30,000 bottles of water as well as other essential items, including socks, undergarments, gently used clothing, feminine products, and cleaning supplies. The items traveled by truck on February 22, 2021, from Huntsville, Alabama, to the Houston, Texas area.
The donated items were delivered to the World Harvest Seventh-day Adventist Church, a distribution site in Houston and a church where Carlton P. Byrd, current OUC senior pastor and speaker/director of Breath of Life, previously served as pastor. From there, the much-needed water was given to Houston residents, beginning at noon the following day.
2 Min Read
Published on: 02-04-2021
From February 4 to 27, 2021, Andrews University in Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States, will celebrate Black History Month with activities, speakers, and events. Black History Month honors and raises awareness of the accomplishments of people of African descent.
The theme of this year’s Black History Month is “Rise.” Inspired by Maya Angelou’s literary work “Still I Rise,” this theme will explore ways to rise in the face of injustice, oppression, uncertainty, trauma, and grief. The theme will also celebrate how members of the Black community have risen throughout the years, Michael Nixon, vice president for Diversity & Inclusion at Andrews University, said. “We invite our entire campus community to join us in this powerful celebration of the Black diaspora as we highlight the ways we have risen in the past, are currently rising up, and look forward to rising in the future,” he said.