she wrapped up her cat. that s a classic christmas movie christmas vacation. hopefully you won t get a gift like that and hopefully you ll find time to figure out what to give rather than wrapping up the family pet. what do you do if you forgot someone on your list? if you re thinking about regifting. here are all the rules for gifts this holiday. carmen, sarah, and wendy are back to talk about gift-giving ethics. if you re using a credit card, people are going to spend more like 78 more they re going to spend this year than last year. and most people say they re going to pay off their holiday debt by the end of january. i mean, that s look, that s good intentions. but the road to hell is paved
i could use this year? a cardigan. it s easier to take off and on when i m cold or hot in my office. would you mind if i return it for a cardigan? you should ask. i think that s the best thing to do. if you think they ll be offended, you can try to return it and not let them know. but i think i would avoid hurting their feelings and i would find a really good family in need who could use a great sweater. i m a big giver to, you know, local st. joseph center is where i go to. but local places. to quote my father, forget it, drive on. just forget it. thank you, everyone, so much. carmen, sarah, and wendy, very nice to meet you. all this talk about bad gifts, chances are you re getting one or two. improve your chances of full store credit our your money back for your gift by bringing along the sales slip or gift receipt. return the item in mint condition unopened. and you encounter a problem, contact the store manager or customer service department first.
so let s begin this morning with family. where else? we want to start by welcoming part of our tv family, carmen wong-ulrich the author of upcoming book the real cost of living. and wendy walsh is a psychologist and blogger. sarah, spending this time with your family can be extraordinarily stressful before you walk out the door. not my family, of course. but when you walk out the door, you ve got to be ready. you ve got to be ready. think about this, right? before you sit down for your lunch or dinner, think about what s going to make you annoyed. we all regret when it comes to the holidays, you become who we are when we re kids. you can t control people s behavior, but you can control how you react. i know so-and-so s going to do this, don t be surprised by it, roll with the punches. my dad always says fido,