When Lois Johnstone’s parents sold their house, the buyer decided she didn’t want it unless it came with the big hand-braided rug in the living room, one that Johnstone’s mother
New York City, Hour Two - Antiques RoadshowTV Schedule for New Hampshire s only statewide locally owned and operated television network, engages minds, connects communities, and celebrates New Hampshire with programs that entertain, educate and enrich.
Highlights include a Tiffany Studios mosaic inkwell, ca. 1905; a show run from the Beatles’ first “Ed Sullivan Show” appearance along with an autographed photograph of the band; and a Joseph Kleitsch oil painting, ca.1925.
Rutland and its Halloween Parade was featured in more than 20 DC Comics publications, where superheroes like Batman, Superman, and the Avengers all come to Rutland.