misconstrued as a weapon then you have a problem. i think that s important. if it falls into a martial arts territory you probably require surgery. and the second point is perverts, take a breather. you don t need to take your sex toy wherever. if you are going to club med, buy it there. i buy all of my sunscreen when i get to a place. i don t take it with me. do the same thing with your interrogator. it costs like $95 per vibrator. who has that? you researched the crap out of the story. what was the vibrator market like in the early 18th century? vibrators have been around longer than airplanes. i learned that today. well they both get you off the ground. did you know cleopatra used to put honeybees in a box and used that? they used to put mice on a wheel. they used to sell the case paintings. they were written with
wheel. they used to sell the case paintings. they were written with vibrate you ares. they were. the earth is actually built on a vibrator. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. red eye at fox news .com. and to leave a voicemail on my direct line 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from andy levy. he is vibrating. tonight s half time report is sponsored by swamp soccer. it is exactly like regular soccer except watchable. thanks swamp soccer.