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Transcripts For DW Treasures Of The World - Delos - Island Of Heavenly Light Greece 20181024 21:15:00

while islanders get on with their lives in cramped quarters a joint commission from kenya and uganda is trying to agree weatherboard allies for now they co-manage making go a rocky marriage of convenience. europe news from berlin for all of us here in berlin thanks for the company will see you next time. for more. told me aboard. the boat. the first day of school and the. first clip listen. and then the shores of grand moment to run a joint direct attack on her journey. in our interactive dungeon dora entering it and returns home. for her. north wind came elite and the number of zeroes pregnant with the gods apollo and. genesis he had a wife of zeroes had decreed that she should not do live on any land whether some show. but deals was. floating i'm not glad. poseidon showed lito the way and she gave birth to our to miss the goddess of the moon. leto's labor is you and for nine days and nights she toiled unable to deliver. he was detaining goddess of child at olympus. in had told meant to knelt and clasped the one date palm that grew on the loss then came to her in the form of a bird and lito delivered upon. the goddess themis gave him nectar and them brucia the food of the immortals on the fourth day apollo called for a bow and arrows the swans flew seven times around the island singing the last and blossom and poseidon fixed the island to the sea bed on diamond columns. for two and a half thousand years ago out of on a has stood here for the god of the lion and the royal lions for apollo who knows what the future is. the gods had homes on deal us they climbed these steps to heaven. the first people came to deal us five thousand years ago bringing leg gods with. whom do they worship in this cave surely not apollo the god of light the most ancient of gods are dark but apollo is present on his island though no one has lived here for a very long time and none since time immemorial may give birth or die here. ruins are all that remained. in its heyday the last may have looked like this with temples and treasuries statues and votive offerings perhaps in the fifth century b.c. when deal us was great or in the second. the shrine at the last did become renowned for its three great temples of apollo. of one stone i was huge statue and banks here stood the nine meter apollo sculpted out of marble from the island of naxalites where men statues were carved from the rock face. the torso and lower part of the body the head has long since been removed as a keepsake besides the statues to the bronze pond donated by nicky as of athens in the year four hundred seventeen b.c. but it blew over in a storm and smashed the statue. of the guns back in his curly locks. what was it that made the law so important. the island afforded the last and best anchorage between europe and asia it was halfway between the bosphorus and crete between the cities of now cleon and some us. its position made the loss a center for both trade and religion in four hundred seventy seven b.c. it even became the chief city of the delian leake the naval federation and which athens and the ionic islands also belong. the remains of the temples built to apollo by next house the loss and athens. the splendor of de los redounded to the glory of the whole deity in the now the poppy flowers here the symbol of. transience only foundations and columns remain the bases of votive altars and fragments of snow white can tell acknowledging. the third largest temple in ancient greece was the whole of the bull a macedonian warship was displayed that in grateful memory of a naval victory. in the grass nine bulls heads that once graced the for sounds. erect found lloyd male genitals show that another guard was worshiped here as well down asus the god of wine and ecstasy and time went by this youngest and most unruly of the progeny of zeus displace the other objects of greek worship appollo had been the god of the classic era when the greek ideal was kind of gothia the beautiful and good but in later times dark brooding gods brought in on the trade routes took the place of the elder such as the egyptian goddess isis whose temple facade has been reconstructed these guards came from asia minor egypt for nisha and north africa. the wealth that was brought home the trade route went into the fine houses built in the hellenistic period. the walls decorated in some places and occasionally the clustered section has survived. now seabreeze is one of the poppies of de los angeles's in hand. the different layers of castaway clearly visible on the walls a handsome record of many years of life on. the main system and the underground heart of dealers the source of life. the thought of death comes readily on deals the godzilla's theni dayana says and isis and of course the punishment artemus seem to touch profound death said the human spirit. all of them in ages of human kind of human passions virtues and weaknesses. and base on the island when none to give birth or death wish it were still the dying and women in labor to the nearby island of. the mosaics wonderfully and act the rhythms of life up and down within and without duck and light day and night the imagery of deals is always human and hot air us riding to dolphins guiding to lovers through the sea of life. the ruined houses take them names from the finest mosaics found in the such as this diana says riding a leopard human passions unbridled bull concealing. the dolphin and anka symbolize fidelity. it also accompanying a female seem longs to. be extatic flute and drum the music of dinosaurs the instrument of apollo was the life and then there are the many faces of dialysis and masks of intoxication. and of coming. to. the musk's of apollo where those of tragedy of human guilt and expiation the theater of apollo was that of catharsis the purging of guilt at the theater upon a remade humankind in his own image beautiful and good. deed else was sacked in eighty eight b.c. and twenty thousand inhabitants. since then it has been uninhabited and the news except occasionally by pilot. the lion is of de los remaining to watch over the. five of the nine still stand one smooth by the wind and the weather. they still face the sacred lake that no longer exists in nine hundred twenty six it was filled in to prevent the spread of malaria. a single date palm now tells of the torment of a goddess who once gave birth to a gong on deviance the god of music of healing and of death. enter the conflict zone confronting the powerful being a few billion views on the great n.t.e.u. populace are making gains across the continent this week conflict zone using prof what i have with comic stores the food the finnish prime minister has loads to conflate the conflicts president of the u.k. information and easy fix iraq conflict so full. of detail please. call the road rage duramax europe's final most popular countries to visit. the many faces zones better lighting time. in some and in winter captivate the visitor. another 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Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20200313 00:30:00

tonight, several breaking developments involving the coronavirus here in the u.s. the first containment zone in the u.s. now in effect tonight. the national guard moving in. in new york city, a state of emergency now declared. across the country, the number of cases growing. the chaos overseas tonight, as americans frantically try to get on flights home after president trump announced overnight travel from europe to the u.s. would end for 30 days. tonight, the scare on board a jet blue flight from jfk to west palm beach, when a passenger revealed upon landing he had just learned he tested positive. doctors in this country growing more concerned over the lac of tests. the president saying today it's going very smoothly, but tonight, what dr. anthony fauci acknowledged in front of congress. on wall street tonight, the dow falling more than 2,300 points. the worst day since this crisis began. we're live. tonight, the ncaa tournament has been canceled. the nba suspending its season. at least five nba teams now under self-quarantine. two players from the utah jazz testing positive just days after one of them playfully touched every microphone on the podium, joking about coronavirus. tonight, his apology. and the most famous soccer player in the world and his team in isolation after one of the players tests positive. tom hanks and rita wilson both testing positive for coronavirus, as well. and tonight, tom hanks' message about their symptoms and what comes next for them. from italy tonight, the toll worsening. a brother posting a heartbreaking video inside a home. his sister losing her battle. teams arriving behind him, days after he started begging for help. authorities now say italy is still two weeks from its peak. and president trump and this image tonight. a brazilian official, to the far right, just days ago at mar-a-lago, standing beside the president. that official has now tested positive for coronavirus. the president is asked, will he be tested? good evening and it's great to have you with us here on a thursday night. and it was a another day of fast-moving developments in this coronavirus emergency and we will carefully get through it all right here with you tonight. we're going to begin with the states of emergency across this country, and now here in new york city, a state of emergency declared, as well. tonight, more than 1,300 people sickened in the u.s. at least 39 have died in this country. at least 45 states now and the district of columbia reporting cases. additional school districts shu shuts shutting down today. now 4.9 million schoolchildren across the country at home. that first containment zone now in effect. the national guard on the scene in new rochelle, new york, just outside the city. and in new york, a ban on crowds of 500 or more, broadway dark, concert halls and museums set to close. and that state of emergency here in new york city, the mayor reporting a major jump in cases today, 95 confirmed cases, saying there could be 1,000 in just a week. the ncaa tournament canceled. the nba season suspended. and that chaos across much of europe tonight. americans are rushing to get home, after president trump announced overnight that 30-day travel ban from europe to the u.s. it caused a lot of confusion and we'll explain tonight. passengers right there in barcelona lining up for a flight back home. while on capitol hill today, dr. anthony fauci from the national institutes of health acknowledging after they were asked about testing in this country, he said, the system is not really geared for what we need right now, saying, quote, it is a failing. and word tonight from tom hanks and rita wilson who have tested positive, they describe their symptoms and when they knew they needed to be tested. we begin here with abc's chief national affairs correspondent tom llamas tonight. >> reporter: tonight, preparing for life in the pandemic. in new york, national guard troops tasked with delivering an estimated 400,000 pounds of food. the first shipments sent directly to that hot zone outside of manhattan. we were there as the food arrived. here in new rochelle, the national guard has been activated. they're bringing in bags and bags of food. these are mostly non-perishables. but they also have lunches prepared for children, breakfast, as well. there's a lot of uncertainty in this area, but one thing is certain, they want to make sure families don't go hungry. so many here told to stay home. living in the nation's first containment zone. this warning outside a reported testing facility -- "keep all windows closed." more than 100 cases here in new rochelle. and new york city, with 42 new cases today, the mayor declaring a state of emergency. >> i think we have to fully understand, this is the shape of things to come. >> reporter: this as new york bans all gatherings of 500 people. starting tonight, the lights will go out on broadway. the great white way told to shut down, along with performances at carnegie hall and lincoln center. >> so, we're going to take very dramatic actions in that regard, to reduce the number of people in contagious environment. >> reporter: new york following the lead of states like california, oregon and washington, all cracking down on crowds because of the coronavirus. more than 10,000 school closures nationwide, affecting nearly 5 million schoolchildren. scores of colleges and universities also canceling classes. from san jose to salt lake to boston, so-called surge tents popping up. e.r. rooms preparing for potential patient overflow. as doctors across the country are sounding the alarm on the need for more testing. >> right now, we're really limited and the demand for testing far outweighs what the state's capacity is. >> reporter: today, federal officials were pressed on who was in charge of making sure people who needed to be tested, including health care workers, are. >> there's not one person that can ensure that these tests can be administered. yes or no? >> my colleague is looking at me to answer that. here we go. >> okay. >> reporter: the country's top infectious disease doctor making this admission. >> the system does not -- is not really geared to what we need right now. what you are asking for. that is a failing. >> a failing. >> it is a failing. let's admit it. >> reporter: as doctors scramble, so are americans stuck overseas. >> to keep new cases from entering our shores, we will be suspending all travel from europe to the united states for the next 30 days. >> reporter: the president's surprise travel ban on most flights from europe, leading to chaos at some airports. >> it's just honestly pandemonium. no one knows what's happening. i don't know if this ban currently applies to u.s. citizens, but i'm not going to risk it, because i do not want to be stuck in barcelona for 30 days. >> reporter: the white house later clarifying the ban will only apply to foreign nationals, not citizens or green card holders. but travel could get worse. the president not ruling out imposing domestic travel bans. >> are you considering the travel restrictions within the united states, such as to washington state or california? >> we haven't discussed that yet. is it a possibility? yes. if somebody gets a little bit out of control. if an area gets too hot. >> reporter: and overnight, a scare in the air for passengers aboard a jet blue flight from new york's jfk to west palm beach. officials say a passenger alerted the crew upon landing he received a notification he tested positive for the coronavirus. >> an individual on this flight got a text that he tested positive for the coronavirus. >> reporter: the plane and both airports sterilized. passengers released, told to monitor their health over the next few days. >> so, let's get to tom llamas who is leading us off tonight from new york. and tom, i know here in new york city, with those new rules, they limit crowd sizes, right now, still no plans to shut down mass transit. but the bigger picture tonight, and you tried to clarify there in your report, because there was so much confusion after the president spoke last night, americans will still be allowed to travel home from around the world and europe, even during this 30-day ban? >> reporter: that's right, david. to be absolutely clear, foreign nationals from certain parts of europe right now are affected by that new travel ban. as you mentioned, here in new york, there is a state of emergency in the city. cases have spiked, but the mayor making it clear that mass transit will not be shut down, though transit officials, david, say ridership is down. david? >> all right, tom llamas leading us off. thank you, tom. and also breaking at this hour, the financial markets in freefall. the worst day since this emergency began. the dow seeing its worst point loss ever, the worst day since black monday crash of 1987. trading, in fact, halted for a time yet again. the dow losing more than 2,300 points, a 10% drop. and all of this happened even with emergency action from the fed. so, let's get right back to our chief business correspondent rebecca jarvis tonight. rebecca? >> reporter: david, the president's announcement last night and the fed's announcement today to pump $1.5 trillion of emergency funding into the markets did little to stem the volatility here. as it stands, the dow is now down 28% from its record high hit just last month. and take a look at this. as it stands, the market is now back where it was in june of 2017. and the feeling here on wall street is until we know the extent of the health problems, we won't know the extent of the economic ones. david? >> all right, rebecca, our thanks to you, as well. the ncaa tournament now canceled, the nba suspending its season. and that news tonight from tom hanks and his wife, rita wilson, in isolation after both tested positive. and they described their symptoms. here's abc's chief national correspondent matt gutman tonight. >> reporter: tonight, the american entertainment industry shutting down. the cascade of announcements coming fast in recent hours, punctuated by disneyland's statement that it will close what is perhaps the icon of american entertainment until the end of the month. and for the first time in all of their histories, the nba, major league baseball, soccer and the nhl suspending their seasons. and the ncaa suspending its hugely popular tournament. if it happens, march madness will not happen in march. and the coronavirus hitting the heart of the nba. the season suspended after two utah jazz players, donovan mitchell and rudy gobert, tested positive for the virus. earlier this week, gobert, trying for a lighthearted moment in a dark time, playfully tou touchitouc touching tape recordering and microphones at a news conference. and then, moments before tipoff wednesday, with fans already in the arena, the nba sending everybody home after discovering gobert had tested positive. >> the game tonight has been postponed. you are all safe. and take your time in leaving the arena tonight. >> reporter: the jazz, now in self-qrae,s are all the players on if five teams they recently played against. gobert apologizing, writing, "at the time, i didn't know i was infected." and arguably hollywood's most relatable star, tom hanks, revealing he, too, has contracted the virus. the oscar winner, who has diabetes, posting this picture to instagram from australia, saying, "we felt a bit tired, like we had colds, and some body aches." hanks' wife, rita wilson, who is a breast cancer survivor, also testing positive for the virus, days after performing in front a sold out crowd in brisbane. the star of "castaway" and "saving private ryan" revealing that they wanted to play things right and get tested. the closure of disneyland part of the ripple effect of an executive order issued by california's governor. >> we do have in this executive order the ability to commandeer existing private sector assets, including hotels and motels. >> reporter: three empty hotels already taken over. more have been earmarked. this comes as california still grappling with the last few hundred passengers aboard that stricken cruise ship. this is the second outbreak aboard a princess cruise, compelling the cruise line to cancel all cruises for 60 days. viking cruises following suit. >> all right, so, let's bring in matt gutman, with us again tonight. and matt, these actions, closing down all of these sporting events, now disneyland, before we came on the air tonight, we learned of that. and as you said, all of this is unprecedented, but authorities realizing across this country that they need to do this to try to slow this down. >> reporter: they do, david, and they don't really have another choice. this is part of government pandemic planning. now, i spoke with public health officials just a few minutes ago, and they basically say that short of a vaccine and therapeutics, the only tool they have to try to contain this outbreak is to severely limit our social interaction. david? >> all right, matt gutman from california. matt, our thanks to you again, as well. and as we reported at the top tonight, dr. anthony fauci of the nih telling congress just today that our system of testing for the virus across this country is failing. president trump today said about testing, it's been going very smooth. and this image tonight, it was just days ago at mar-a-lago, the president with brazilian officials there and you can see the man on the right with the hat on, he's now tested positive for coronavirus. obviously a lot of questions about this. the white house tonight saying the president does not need to be tested. here's our chief white house correspondent jonathan karl. >> reporter: president trump today insisted when it comes to coronavirus testing, everything is going according to plan. >> frankly, the testing has been going very smooth. >> reporter: but today, even some of the president's fellow republicans weren't buying it. >> people should not say, if you want a test, you can go get a test right now. that's coming. that's not here right now. >> well, we're not the best equipped nation in terms of testing, that's absolutely obvious. >> we all want a date, we all want to be told, by friday, there will be 10 million tests available. the problem is, they can't tell us that. >> reporter: and there was that acknowledgement from dr. anthony fauci, the government's leading expert on coronavirus. >> the idea of anybody getting it easily the way people in other countries are doing it, we're not set up for that. do i think we should be? yes. but we're not. >> reporter: and the president also falsely said today that everybody coming to the united states from europe is being tested. >> we have them very heavily tested. if an american's coming back or anybody's coming back, we're testing. we have a tremendous testing setup where people coming in have to be tested. >> reporter: that claim is not true. abc news has spoken to multiple people who returned to the united states today from europe who were not tested. the cdc did not respond to questions about the president's comments. today, the president is facing questions about whether he himself should be tested, after he was photographed over the weekend in mar-a-lago with a brazilian official who has tested positive. >> let's put it this way, i'm not concerned. >> reporter: here is another image of the president with the same man who tested positive. still, white house press secretary stephanie grisham said in a statement, quote, both the president and vice president had almost no interactions with the individual who tested positive and do not require being tested at this time. >> so, let's get to jon karl. and i wanted to get back to that image, jon, that you just reported on, because a lot of attention was paid to what we saw today. just a couple of days ago, the president standing next to those officials from brazil. the man on the far right there has now tested positive for coronavirus, right next to the president. we know that several republican senators who were at that event have self-quarantined, but you've learned that the president has not been tested himself? >> reporter: david, i actually checked just minutes ago and still, the president has not been tested and white house officials say they do not believe he needs to be tested. >> all right, jon, thank you. tonight, france now closing all schools and universities and sobering words from the french president tonight, calling the coronavirus the most serious health crisis in a century. international soccer star cristiano ronaldo in home isolation, his whole team, after a teammate tested positive. canadian prime minister justin trudeau is in self-isolation tonight after his wife, sophie, exhibited symptoms after returning from the uk. and tonight, you will see right here, the agonizing plea from a brother in italy and what then plays out behind him, as the situation only worsens in that country. we warn you, it's difficult. and here's abc's james longman. >> reporter: tonight, a heartbreaking call for help. this man saying his sister, lying on the bed behind him, is dead. falling victim to the illness saturday. he says the authorities abandoned him, claiming they refused to collect the body at first, only coming after his pleas. she's now one of more than a thousand italians who won't wake up from italy's nightmare. makeshift tents to treat the sick, fighting for their lives and their dignity. one hospital reportedly receiving a new patient every five minutes. experts warning italy is still two weeks away from the outbreak's peak, as more than 60 million people are urged to stay at home. this doctor in madrid, another victim of europe's contagion, documenting his illness to thousands of followers. >> i'm symptomatic right now. i feel tired, with little dry cough. >> reporter: the virus does not discriminate. the world's most famous soccer star, ronaldo, in home isolation after a teammate tested positive for covid-19. and the wife of canada's prime minister now showing symptoms after a trip to the uk. the trudeaus now both in isolation, waiting for their results. and in the uk, a dark warning from prime minister boris johnson about what lies ahead. >> many more families are going to lose loved ones before their time. >> reporter: and late tonight, france's president echoing that alarm, closing all schools and universities, calling it the most serious health crisis france has faced in a century. >> and so let's get to james longman with us again tonight, he's from self-quarantine there in london, and as we've been reporting here for days now, it was suggested upon landing in the uk after reporting from italy three times to us, authorities suggested to james that he self-quarantine, so, that's what he's doing. james, you reported tonight that italy, it's still believed, is two weeks from its peak. and these numbers were really telling, from the world health organization, it says that italy has more hospital beds and doctors per capita than the u.s. does and the u.s. is just beginning to deal with this, a bit of a warning sign, what we're seeing in italy. >> reporter: yeah, that's right, david. so, with the virus still yet to peak in italy, they are being overwhelmed. the sheer number of people needing help. and it is a wakeup call, given that italy has perhaps more beds than the united states per capita. david? >> yeah, certainly is a wakeup call. james, thank you. and so, you heard that tonight about hospital bends in italy. and that country is still overwhelmed. so, when we come back tonight, dr. jen ashton on whether hospitals here in this country will be able to handle it. the wave of cases now expected here at home. and dr. jen answering your questions. it is cold and flu season already, so, how do you know when your symptoms could be coronavirus, when to call your doctor. we'll go down the list. we're also following breaking news just in from iraq tonight. a u.s. military strike in retaliation for a deadly attack that left two americans dead. and martha raddatz is standing by on that. back in a moment. ulse control, is about to become your problem. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier. hey! my focus is on the road, and that's saving me cash with drivewise. who's the dummy now? whoof! whoof! so get allstate where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. sorry! he's a baby! aleve it. with aleve pm. pain happens. the only one to combine a safe sleep aid. and the 12-hour pain relieving strength of aleve. so...magic mornings happen. there's a better choice. aleve pm. imagine a world where nothing gets in the way of doing great work. where an american icon uses the latest hr tools to stay true to the family recipe. where a music studio spends less time on hr and payroll, and more time crafting that perfect sound. where the nation's biggest party store can staff up quickly as soon as it's time for fun. this is the world of adp. hr, talent, time, benefits and payroll. designed for people. but when allergies attack,f any the excitement fades. allegra helps you say yes with the fastest non-drowsy allergy relief and turning a half hearted yes, into an all in yes. allegra. live your life, not your allergies. ♪ yes i'm stuck in the middle with you, ♪ no one likes to feel stuck, boxed in, or held back. especially by something like your cloud. it's a problem. but the ibm cloud is different. it's the most open and secure public cloud for business. it can manage all your apps and data from anywhere. so it can help take on anything, from rebooking flights, on the fly to restocking shelves on demand. without getting in your way. ♪ ♪ all right, we're back tonight, your questions and dr. jen ashton back with us. and jen, that got our attention from james longman. in italy, more doctors and hospital beds per capita than in the u.s. >> let's get to the numbers, david. in italy, for doctors, we have 4 per 1,000 people, in the u.s. here, we're at 2.6. when you look at beds in italy, it's 34 per 0,000 people compared to our 29. we rate better on infection control, but it's not just about these numbers, david. it's about space, it's about staff, particularly critical care nurses and respiratory therapists and it is also about supplies. >> which is why we all have to watch what's happening in italy right now. hasn't really even started, the wave here. >> exactly. >> jen, thanks. stick around, because i want to go back town the list of symptoms for people at home, and jen will have that a little later. but we're also following that breaking news tonight. a u.s. military strike in iraq and martha raddatz is standing by on that. are in, digital transformation never stops. verizon keeps business ready for what's next. 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[ singing indistinctly ] ladies, my friends and i are having a debate. -i have a back rash. -alright. whoa, mara. i laugh like this. [ laughs obnoxiously ] it's just not my scene. -i couldn't help but over-- -do you like insurance? i love insurance. did you know you can save money bundling home and auto with progressive, and renters can bundle, too? i know, right? [ laughs ] [ singing continues ] why'd you stop? i was listening. 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37 actors who almost died on set - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


What's on? Top 10 TV and streaming tips for Monday

What's on? Top 10 TV and streaming tips for Monday - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Bayless High School wins top honors in MoDOT's trash-can decorating contest – St. Louis Call Newspapers

Bayless High School wins top honors in MoDOT's trash-can decorating contest – St. Louis Call Newspapers - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Close Call | Harvard Magazine

Close Call | Harvard Magazine - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


Author visits Mesquite, expounds on new novel

Author visits Mesquite, expounds on new novel - get the latest breaking news, showbiz & celebrity photos, sport news & rumours, viral videos and top stories from Daily Mail and Mail on Sunday newspapers.


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