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Transcripts For KPIX CBS Evening News With Jeff Glor 20190101

shutdown with no deal in sight. >> both sides calling for a compromise, so why don't we have one? >> nancy pelosi and donald trump haven't talked for 20 days. >> a colorado man accused of filling his fiancé was formally charged today. >> despite the fact that her body has yet to be found. investigators believe patrick frazee may not have acted alone. >> investigators are trying to determine out how a lion escaped from a enclosure before killing an intern at a north carolina sanctuary. >> she was just an absolutely beautiful person. >> nasa will start off the new area by making history. >> the "new horizons" space craft is set to reach an icy world at the edge of the solar system. >> nothing like this has ever been done before. >> three, two, one... whooo! >> happy new year. people all around the world starting to celebrate the start of 2019. ♪ for auld lang syne vladimhior isf tonighi'm this is our western edition. as americans get ready to ring in the new year, 2019 has arrived in much of the world, with fireworks from skyscrapers in places like taiwan, and in dubai, home to the world's tallest building. in this country, a stormy exit to 2018. whiteout conditions in fargo, north dakota. in the south, high winds and heavy rain caused numerous accidents in mississippi. more on the weather in just a moment, but we begin in new york's times square. tony dokoupil is with the masses. >> reporter: hey, vlad. here come the rains, but the people are here and the celebration must go on. to keep everyone safe tonight, the n.y.p.d. tells us they've got an additional 1,000 people on patrol, that brings the total to roughly 7,000 people on duty, that will include k-9 teams and counterterrorism squads with long guns and armor. a drone in the sky was supposed to be a new element, but because of the weather, it's not flying. so, the n.y.p.d. will have to rely instead on the helicopter, and about 1200 security cameras in that crowd below. it's not only new york tonight, out there in las vegas, about 300,000 people are expected to pack into the strip. they'll be protected by roughly 1500 law enforcement and 300 members of the nevada national guard. on hotel rooftops there, expect snipers, and speaking of hotels, every hotel here in new york city has had detectives in it for days looking out for suspicious activity, and looking for entry routes in case there is any trouble. vlad. >> duthiers: all right, tony dokoupil for us in times square, thanks, tony. all right, times square won't be the only place getting a stormy start to 2019. eric fisher is chief meteorologist at our cbs boston s >> reporter: well, vlad, a lot of these cities, towns, and states in the east have seen the wettest year on record, so what a way to end it than to sneak in a little more rain before the final bell. another storm system is tracking to the east. the severe threat lowering across the south eastern states, but we will track more wet weather, but this is a midnight forecast, very mild as well. many of these towns, cities were in the single digits, even below zero at this time last year, so a major change compared to how we rang in 2018. so there goes the rain overnight into early on tuesday morning. most of the snow held across canada and across the state of maine as well. but behind the system, will bring in the cold. a lot of cold is coming down the plains and the upper midwest. windchill advisories and warnings are up, and it will be a very cold new year's day in that part of the country. not just cold there, but across much of the west. even in southern california, l.a. at 61. and, vlad, california cold at the rose parade tomorrow morning, 30s to start and plenty of wind as well. >> duthiers: well, rain, shine, sleet, or snow, my guess, eric, is that people will still be partying for the new year. happy new year, my friend, thank you.u l. >> duthiers: a big name democrat chose the final day of 2018 to announce her interest in running for president in 2020. ed o'keefe reports elizabeth warren is among the first to enter what is expected to be a crowded race. >> washington works great for the wealthy and the well- connected, it is just not working for anyone else. >> duthiers: elizabeth warren's announcement is the first concrete step towards a run she began planning for years ago. >> that's why today i'm launching an exploratory committee for president. >> reporter: the new exploratory committee allows her to start raising money, hiring staff, and traveling to early primary states. she's the best-known democrat to take official steps towards a 2020 campaign that could eventually include nearly two dozen contenders. at least seven other senators, current and former mayors, governors and cabinet secretaries, and former vice president joe biden are considering bids. today in an interview with fox news, president trump said, "i wish her well." when asked whether he thinks she believes she can win, he replied. >> reporter: with a background in bankruptcy and commercial law, warren pushed for the creation of the consumer financial protection bureau in response to the 2008 economic collapse. she's also a fierce critic of top corporate executives, and frequently spars with them in committee rooms. >> that's not my question. it is about responsibility. >> duthiers: all of this makes her a favorite target of conservatives. in october, warren revealed a d.n.a. test had found she has native american ancestors. but the cherokee nation tribe denounced her move as "inappropriate and wrong." >> reporter: today, she defended her decision. >> i've put it all out there. >> duthiers: she took the test partly in response to attacks by president trump, who often mocks her. >> they call her "pocahontas." pocahontas, how about that. pocahontas. >> duthiers: so with 673 days to go until election day 2020, where's everybody else? well, other democrats are spending the final hours of 2018 talking it over with family, and interviewing potential staffers. we expect more announcements shortly after the new year. vlad. >> duthiers: she is the first, but she certainly won't be the last. >> reporter: ts d tha you verynt shutdown, the incoming house speaker announced a plan for reopening agencies just as soon as democrats take control of the house this week. but chip reid tells us, a large stumbling block remains, mainly the wall. >> reporter: nancy pelosi arrived on capitol hill today three days before she will be sworn in as democratic speaker of the house, and she's not wasting any time. she and senate democratic leader chuck schumer unveiled the outline of a bill to end the government shutdown. pelosi intends for house democrats to pass the bill on their first day in power. but the bill includes only $1.3 billion for border security, and since president trump wants $5 billion for a wall, the white house said today he will reject it. with no deal, one quarter of the federal government will remain closed, and 800,000 employees will either stay home or work without pay. president trump is blaming the democrats. today, tweeting, "democrats, come back from vacation now and give us the votes necessary for border security, including the wall." but a big sticking point is that word: "wall." >> build that wall, build that wall. >> reporter: the central promise of his campaign, he says, the shutdown will continue until congress gives him the money to build it. >> whatever it takes. i mean, we're going to have a wall. >> reporter: but outgoing white house chief of staff john kelly contradicted the president, telling "the los angeles times," to be honest, it's not a wall. the idea of a solid concrete wall, he said, was left behind early in the administration. while the gridlock continues, federal contractor raekwon snyder is wondering how h'll make ends meet. >> i actually started donating some blood plasma. whatever i have to do to put food on the table and keep a roof over our heads, that's what i'm going to do. >> reporter: in an interview with fox news late today, the president was asked about negotiating an end to the shutdown with democrats.adto go" "they," meaning schumer and pelosi, "can come over right now." but until they find some kind of compromise on the wall, this shutdown is likely to continue. vlad. >> duthiers: all right, chip, thank you very much. there is a manhunt in texas for a gunman who killed a seven- year-old girl and wounded her mother. jazmine barnes was killed sunday when a man in a red pickup pulled up next to their car and began firing. police have no motive. the suspect is described as a white bearded man in his 40s. investigators want to know how a lion got out of an enclosure before it killed an intern at a wildlife conservatory in north carolina. janet shamlian is there. ( roar ) >> reporter: this is the lion named matthai the killed 22- year-old alexandra black at a rural north carolina animal refuge.scaped tother rkedclt sund alex b graduate of inana si with dreams of being a zookeeper. she loved animals and had worked at the facility just ten days. dana drenzek says alex was a natural, when she interned at wolf park in her home state of indiana. >> it could be snowing or raining, and if she needed to go out and do her job, not a problem, she was happy to do it. >> reporter: her family says she died following her passion. lieutenant darrell mcclean of the caswell county sheriff's office said officers had no choice but to take the animal's life. >> there were multiple attempts by the conservatory staff to tranquilize this animal, multiple attempts, to no avail. >> reporter: shelters like conservator's center aren't regulated by the a.z.a. which accredits zoos, but they are licensed with the u.s.d.a. under the animal welfare act. jennifer ireland of the north carolina zoo in asheboro says protocols are in place there to ensure security. >> when we work with dangerous animals, such as lions, we always have two people makingree locked, that all the proper doors are closed, and that all the people are accounted for before we move animals into spaces or before we enter any space that an animal was just in. >> reporter: the center houses 80 animals, including 14 other african lions. tonight it is closed indefinitely pending that internal investigation. its workers shattered by grief. vlad. >> duthiers: all right, janet, thank you very much. the state department today said it expects russia to provide access to an american citizen arrested in moscow. he is charged with espionage. here is barry petersen. >> reporter: under the splendor of the kremlin, russian president vladimir putin tonight wished for a happy new area, but maybe not so happy for u.s. y arreed an american in moscow." acclaimed he was "on a spy mission," a crime that carries up to a 20 year sentence. u.s. officials say they have not spok president trump cancelled a meeting with putin at the g-20 in argentina last month. after russia refused to return ships it seized from ukraine. and the kremlin claimed that russian maria butina was tortured by the americans to plead guilty to infiltrating american political groups. butina agreed to cooperate with prosecutors investigating russian meddling in the 2016 election. at his annual news conference, putin talked about butina, and at one point warned about what he called "the principle of an eye for an eye." which is why the russian media is speculating tonight that the american may have been taken to be offered for butina, a classic tit-for-tat trade from the darkest days of the cold war. >> duthiers:next on the "cbs ev" a colorado man is charged with murder in the death of his fiance. the question is: were others involved? .s... and joints. megared. 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(cheers) 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. >> duthiers: the stock market finished 2018 on a positive note. the dow gained 265 points today, but it lost 5.6% for the year, its worse performance in a decade. the s&p 500 ended the year down 6.2%. 2019 is being welcomed with a worldwide party. in paris, revelers celebrating with fireworks on the champ-é lysées near the arc de triomphe. in hong kong, a huge firework show lit up the sky over victoria harbor. even north korea spared no expense with a countdown and fireworks over the capitol, pyongyang. nasa's "new horizons" spacecraft is hours away from a close encounter with a frozen remnant of the solar system's birth. ultima thule is 4.1 billion miles from earth, the most distant body ever explored. a billion miles farther than pluto, which new horizon studied in 2015. up next, new year's greetings from the folks who get us on the air each night. by: >> duthiers: we end the year by introducing you to the hundreds of journalists who put this broadcast on the air. we are so grateful for them and for you. for jeff glor, i'm vladimir duthiers. happy new year. ♪ should old acquaintance be forgot ♪ and never brought to mind ♪ should old acquaintance be forgot for auld lang syne ♪ we'll take a cup o'kindness yet ♪ for auld lang syne for auld lang syne >> ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! ♪ should old acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind ♪ should old acquaintance be forgot ♪ and days of auld lang syne ♪ for auld lang syne, my dear for auld lang syne ♪ we'll take a cup o'kindness yet ♪ for auld lang syne for auld lang syne, my dear ♪ for auld lang syne ♪ we'll take a cup o'kindness yet ♪ for auld lang syne ♪ aye, hey, hey hey, happy new year baby ♪ hey! five, four, three, two.. ♪ should old acquaintance be forgot ♪ and never brought to mind ♪ should old acquaintance be forgot and days of auld lang syne ♪ >> does anybody really know the words? might as well sing along! ♪ happy new year, baby oh, happy new year baby! ♪ should old acquaintance be forgot ♪ and never brought to mind ♪ should old acquaintance be forgot ♪ and auld lang syne ♪ happy new year and have a drink on me ♪ captioning sponsored by cbs captioned by media access group at wgbh >> ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one! happy new year! breaking news now at 6:00, a boat ride in choppy waves turns deadly. >> we have a roundup of all of the damage here. >> before us b.a.r.t. speaks out 10 years after an unarmed man is gunned down and killed by b.a.r.t. police, the changes to the police force a decade later. kpix5 news begins now with breaking news. >> a deadly boating accident in richardson bay near sausalito, let's get right to kpix5's christin ayers who is live at the scene for us. what do we know? >> reporter: witnesses called police just after 2 p.m. today as a man and woman were on a alathe in ose fe ofsmall called to the area. they had been in the bay on that small rowboat before going overboard. by the time rescuers arrived the woman was still above water, but the man had gone under water and had already suffered a heart attack. he was pronounced dead later at a nearby hospital. authorities say it's unclear now how the two wound up in the water and whether the boat capsized. they say winds were around 30 miles per hour in this area and the time and there was, in fact, a small craft advisory in effect at the time. it's unclear if those 30 mile- per-hour winds may have pushed that boat over and caused it to capsize. in sausalito, christin ayers, kpix5. >> thanks. the wind was strong enough to bring down several trees in santa cruz, one right onto this car. there were also scattered power outages. kpix5's don ford is li for fmont whe nd >> reporter: the wind has been blowing pretty good


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