Various ministries and departments raised concerns about the security implications linked with the deployment of CCTV cameras and hardware testing of such devices. CCTV Security Camera: Indian Government Issues Advisory on Surveillance Cameras, Advises Ministries and Departments To Avoid Brands With History of Data Leaks, Security Breaches.
about how he intends to pursue that in the coming years. you have to wonder, what s the follow-up to this? thanks, nick. good to see you. let s go to the breaking news from overseas. four people are dead and 13 wounded in jerusalem after a truck barreled into a crowd of israeli soldiers. they were gathered next to a bus. the driver was shot ask killed at the lucy, what do we know about this? alex, it turns out this attack was captured on cctv security camera footage. the video shows busloads of young israeli soldiers gathering on this popular promenade on the city of in jerusalem and they were going to go on a cultural tour when you see a white truck ramming into the crowd, it doesn t stop and he lurches forward and he slams it into reverse and crushing more people in reverse before scaling to a halt. the palestinian from east jerusalem was shot dead and you