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Transcripts For CNNW Early Start With John Berman And Christine Romans 20150805

know which ten republicans will be on the main stage for the first presidential debate. all of them smooshed on to one stage! based on five recent polls, donald trump will be center stage. fox news selected trump, jot walker and jeb bush. the way it works the top pollers literally are in the center and they will be flanked by seven other republicans. and then this is the consolation prize. along with turtle wax, seven candidates face off in a 5:00 p.m. debate and probably draw fewer viewers but could be very substantive in and of itself. gat let's get the latest from dana bash in washington. >> reporter: this is the biggest republican field in modern history. 17 candidates. so it's really not easy for the gop or the networks to navigate such a crowded debate stage. never mind. candidates who have to face a front-runner reality tv star and that is why they decided to have just ten people max on the stage and fox news announced which are going to make the cut and they determine that, by the way, based on national polling. here they are. donald trump, he's going to be in the middle. next to him, former governor jeb bush. on the other side, governor scott walker. from there on out is former governor mike huckabee, and political candidate ben carson, and ted cruz and marco rubio, and governors chris christie and john kasich. now, kasich bumped former governor rick perry out of this main debate which is a big disappointment for him. he is the longest serving governor in texas history. he really wanted to redeem himself from his embarrassing performance on the debate stage four years ago. remember that oops moment? but also, he has been the most aggressive in getting in donald trump's face. he called him a cancer on conservatism. so that is going to be a big problem for him. but for those who will be on the stage prime time, the key thing, according to a lot of aides i've talked to is do no harm. one aide actually said something very wise, that you probably can't win at this stage of the game, but you sure can lose. john and christine? >> and that is a really interesting point. the candidates who did not make the cut for the marquee nighttime debate are reacting this morning. some lashing out at fox news and the republican national committee in frustration. former pennsylvania senator rick santorum irk this statement. the idea they left out the runner-up for the republican nomination, the former four-term governor of texas, the governor of louisiana, the first female fortune 50 ceo and the three-term senator from south carolina, due to polling seven months before a single vote is cast, preposterous. >> if you don't use some degree of polling, then it becomes completely subjective. the last thing i think people want, frankly, is people in washington or people at the rnc deciding who gets in based on the fact they have held some kind of elective office. >> others republicans are trying to put an optimistic spin of being assigned on the second-tier debate. rick perry saying the following. i look forward to being on the fox news 5:00 p.m. debate what will be a serious exchange of ideas and positive solutions to get america back on track. carly fiorina put out this statement. a super pact backing bobby jindal posted an ad it plans to air in iowa during the main event. >> the debate is cleveland is all about a celebrity but one candidate is moving up where it counts in iowa. bobby jindal. >> lindsey graham took a light-hearted approach suggesting viewers pregame what he called the trump debacle by grabbing a cold one and watching the happy hour debate and hiding their cell phone numbers. from our donald trump, he is talking about the debate on thursday. giving a little preview of what he plans to highlight. in an interview last night with bill o'reilly, he said he does not plan to go directly at jeb bush or his other competitors. >> i want to be right down the middle. i want to talk about the policy and i want to talk about the wall and i want to talk about illegal immigration and i want to talk about bad trade deals. i may say that i can negotiate better than any of these folks. i did write the deal and i built a phenomenal business, as you know. you know, i have certain abilities that they do not have. i'm not looking to hurt anybody, i'm not looking to embarrass anybody. if i have to bring up deficiencies, i'll bring up deficiencies, but certainly i'm not looking to do that. i'd rather go straight down the middle. you don't know what is going to come at you. you don't know where other people are going to come. i you don't know where the three folks that are asking the questions, will they try to trick you up, which is unfortunate. because all of that has nothing to do with being a great president, but i'm doing it because it's something you have to do. and, again, i've never debated. sort of my whole life has been a debate, but i've never debated before. these politicians, all they do is debate. it's interesting. if you criticize, the guys have 30 seconds for rebuttal. if you are criticized or you're hit, you're just giving an opponent more air time. >> it is true but we don't know how fox will handle it. if you hit somebody, they respond and hit you back and it can go back and forth forever. my hunch is what dana was saying and whatever they say is true these guys largely hang back as much as they can. >> do no harm. on the democratic side, bernie sanders is edging closer to front-runner hillary clinton in the early primary state of new hampshire. a new poll finds the vermont senator is trailing clinton by just six points. 42% to 36%. that is a in poll where the margin of error there is 5.9 percentage points. nationally, the former secretary of state is well ahead of bernie sanders leading in polls by more than 30 points. the fbi is looking into the the security used to protect hillary clinton's private e-mail system during her time as secretary of state. her lawyer david kendall confirmed to cnn that the fbi is checking to make sure materials were properly stored. "the washington post" first reported the story said the fbi is not targeting hillary and she not accused of any wrongdoing. the clinton campaign sent out a statement she did not send nor receive any e-mails that were marked classified at the time. we want to assure that appropriate procedures are followed while these e-mails reviewed will not unduly delaying the release of her e-mails. we want that to happen as quickly and as transparently as possible. hillary clinton is also sparring with jeb bush over federal funding for women's health. the former florida governor gave clinton an opening while attacking planned parenthood at an evangelical conference. >> you could take dollar-for-dollar, although i'm not sure we need half a billion dollars for women's health issues. >> jeb bush said he's not sure we need $500,000 for women's health issues. i'm reading it because i want to quote it exactly. now, he's got no problem giving billions of dollars away to the super wealthy and powerful corporations, but i guess women's health just isn't a priority for him. now, this really isn't complicated. when you attack planned parenthood, you attack women's health and when you attack women's health, you attack america's health. this ended up as a twitter war. hillary clinton told jeb bush you are absolutely and unequivocally wrong and bush responded what is unequivocally wrong is giving taxpayer money to an organization whose practices show no regard for the lives of the unborn. in the end jeb bush remarked back. bush said in a statement with regards to women's health funding broadly i misspoke as there are countless community health centers, rural clinics and other women's health organizations that need to be fully funded. >> a fifth undercover video has now been released by an anti-abortion group alleging that planned parenthood is illegally profiting from the sale of fetal tissue and sparking outrage in the republican ranks and a major talking point in the race for the white house. we get more this morning from cnn's senior washington correspondent joe johns. >> reporter: call this the latest sign this controversy over use of fetal tissues and research is going to stick around for a while. some congressional republicans are talking about linking the fight over planned parenthood to a possible government shutdown battle this fall. and the release of another controversial video is adding fuel to the fire. it's like the other productions. edited undercover video with a planned parenthood official identified as a research director in texas. apparently, unaware she is being recorded, talking about extracting intact fetus cadavers and body parts from abortions for use in fetal tissue research. interspersed and talking about budgets and money. the end of the video includes graphic pictures what is described as fetal tissue with the voices of the actors who posed as representatives of a company that collects tissue samples, asking questions and identifying body parts with planned parenthood lab technicians. several states, including texas, has launched planned parenthood investigations with a video of the group offering to suggest medical procedures in order to preserve tissue and parts for research groups to purchase. there are calls for the justice department to investigate. planned parenthood asserted in a statement that the footage released today doesn't show planned parenthood staff engage in any wrongdoing or agreeing to violate any legal or medical standards. the latest poll shows half of americans oppose cutting funding to the organization but it runs sharply along party lines. 68% of democrats oppose defunding and 66% of republicans favor it. john and christine? >> joe johns, thank you for that. 10 minutes past the money. time for an "early start" on your money. european and asian stocks higher and european stock futures up. apple fell more than 3% yesterday. it's now down 15% from its record high set in april. that has wiped out 113 billion dollars in value or basically the entire value of a huge company like netflix or mcdonald's. that is how big and valuable apple is. so what is going on here? there is concern apple is losing ground in china and an important market. at the same time, the u.s. smartphone market is saturated. the big business story to watch this morning is higher interest rates are coming in september. dennis lockhart said barring an unexpected deterioration in the u.s. economy is something he doesn't company, the fed will raise rates next month. >> it's coming. >> it's coming. he said, quote, the economy is ready and it is an appropriate time to make a change. global markets, everyone is just sort of bracing what is coming next. >> everything you will hear today and the next 24 hours none of it probably is important for your wallet as that last story right there. >> you're right. this morning, experts investigating pieces of a plane found washed ashore in the indian ocean. is that plane the missing malaysia airlines flight 370? we are live after the break. woman: this is not exactly what i expected. man: definitely more murdery than the reviews said. captain obvious: this is a creepy room. man: oh hey, captain obvious. captain obvious: you should have used their genuine guest reviews are written by guests who have genuinely stayed there. instead of people who lie on the internet. son: look, a finger. captain: that's unsettling. man: you think? captain: all the time. except when i sleep. which i would not do here. would have mentioned the finger. i brto get us moving.tein i'm new ensure active high protein. i help you recharge with nutritious energy and strength. i'll take that. yeeeeeah! new ensure active high protein. 16 grams of protein and 23 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. nbut your dell 2-in-1 laptoped gives you the spunk for an unsanctioned selfie. that's that new gear feeling. get this high performance laptop bundle for only $399. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. >>mine hurt more.. >>mine stopped hurting faster! neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. fights the pain. use with band-aid brand. when broker chris hill stays at laquinta he fires up the free wifi, with a network that's now up to 5 times faster than before! so he can rapidly prepare his presentation. and when he perfects his pitch, do you know what chris can do? and that is my recommendation. let's see if he's ready. he can swim with the sharks! he's ready. la quinta inns & suites take care of you, so you can take care of business. book your next stay at! la quinta! an absolutely crucial day in the investigation into what happened to malaysia airlines flight 370. testing begins today on that piece of debris. the flaperon that washed ashore on reunion island. they will test it in france. they know what tcomes from a boeing 777 but they want to see if is there a definitive link to mh-370. investigators from france and malaysia will be on hand. a crucial day as i said. let's get to cnn's saima mohsin live in france. >> reporter: a lot of hopes and fears resting on today's investigations. those investigators will arrive sometime this afternoon we are told by the paris prosecutor's office. who are they? the united states and ntsb and national transportation safety board, boeing, malaysia airlines. malaysia civil aviation authorities. a team relating to mh-370 and chinese officials and australian safety board joining in at the very last minute. they will come to this lab. a high-tech lab and one of the best in the world where previous aircraft investigations have taken place. they will assemble and run their tests. the flaperon was delivered as you remember over the weekend in a sealed container led by a police escort. this is an incredibly delicate and sensitive investigation on so many levels. is it mh-370? one of the greatest aviation mysteries of all time. where did it go down? how did it go down? those are the kind of answers that potentially they can answer once they run more tests. you know, where did the flaperon tear away from the plane? did it come off mid air? did it come off and hit the water? so many questions to be answered. but the biggest and most crucial one that everyone wants to know, not least the families, is is it from mh-370? >> that is what they want to know and hopeful we will get answers the next several hours. thank you. president obama later today will be pushing for the passage of the iran nuclear agreement during a speech at american university and expected to tell the audience the world cannot miss this opportunity. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu calling on jews to reject the deal. he called the agreement fatally flawed and warned more deaths and attacks if it is approved. congress has until december 17 to vote on it gripping testimony from the loved ones who lost loved ones in the colorado massacre. jurors trying to hold back their tears. they are trying to decide whether james holmes should be put to death for killing 12 people and wounding 70 others. victim impact statements resume later this morning. on tuesday a father described how he and his family return occasionally to the aurora theater where his son was shot and killed. tom sullivan telling jurors they sit in row 12 and leave seat 12 vacant. that is where his son alex was sitting when holmes shot and killed him. that is wrenching. >> really sad. firefighters in california are having a hard time gaining ground on massive wildfire there. the rocky fire has burned northwest of sacramento and grew to 67,000 acres on tuesday. so far the officials say the flames are 20% contained and the fire has destroyed dozens of homes and buildings in its path. tens of thousands of people have been force to do evacuate. transcripts of tom brady's deflategate appeal released. got to say not very good for roger goodell. tom brady's attorney thinks it's enough to overturn the suspension. exactly what was going on inside this hearing and can these sides get their act together, andy scholes? come up with an answer by the time you come back with the bleacher report! you. right down to your skin. aveeno® daily moisturizing lotion with 5 vital nutrients for healthier looking skin in just one day. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results® can a a subconscious. mind? a knack for predicting the future. reflexes faster than the speed of thought. can a business have a spirit? can a business have a soul? can a business be...alive? just about anywhere you can use splenda®... calorie sweetener. splenda® lets you experience... ...the joy of sugar... ...without all the calories. think sugar, say splenda® new this morning former ravens running back ray rice is speaking out saying he understands why nfl teams are hesitant to give him another shot. >> andy scholes has more in this morning's bleacher report. >> ray rice says he considers himself a rehabilitated man and he is hopeful that a team will give him another chance to play in the nfl. rice was cut by the ravens last season after video surfaced of him striking his then fiancee in a casino elevator and speaking with espn, rice said that moment was the worst decision of his life but he hopes that it sheds light on domestic violence. >> to the survivors of domestic violence, i understand how real it is and i don't want to ever, you know, take that for grand because it's a real issue in our society and, you know, my video, you know, put the light out there. if you have never seen what domestic violence looks like and you look at my video i can understand why some people will never forgive me. >> rice is currently a free agent. his college coach has been making calls on his behalf to get him into an nfl training camp. we are learning more this morning about tom brady's deflategate hearing. the transcript from the hearing was released. in it brady denied under oath to nfl commissioner roger goodell he tampered with footballs before the afc title game. brady also said he never asked anyone with the patriots to tamper with footballs. also during the hearing, investigator ted wells testified he never warned brady he would be punished if he did not turn over his cell phone. brady and the nfl are scheduled to meet for a settlement hearing in new york a week from today. kaiser carlile who died over the weekend after struck in the head by a bat was honored last night in liberal, kansas. kaiser's sister threw out the first pitch before the game and all the players wore kc t-shirts and fans were made in the 9-year-old's memory. kaiser baseball cards were made available to fans for a small donation. the go fund me page set up to help the family has already generated more than $100,000. we are now one year away from the summer games in rio. it looks like the usa is going to have another star in the pool for the second straight day, katie la decky set a world record at the world relays. she set a world record and she had just set the previous world record, guys, on monday! so she looks like she is going to just absolutely dominate when we get to rio next year for the summer olympics. of course, michael phelps is going to be in the pool as well, hopefully, on the men's side. it should just be an exciting time in the swimming competition next year. >> was there anyone else in the pool with ledecky? no one else was there! she was a full length ahead of everybody. >> it looks like the gold is in her grasps all right. >> love it. excellent! thanks so much, andy. going for the gold also, we now know which republican presidential candidates -- >> that is a good segway. >> thank you. i get paid for that. >> do you? i have to talk to my agent! >> a new poll shows trouble for hillary clinton. that's next. my cut hurt. >>mine hurt more. >>mine stopped hurting faster! neosporin plus pain relief starts relieving pain faster and kills more types of infectious bacteria neosporin plus pain relief kills the germs. fights the pain. use with band-aid brand. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara® it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara® helps me be in season. stelara® may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara® your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara® may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara® if you are allergic to stelara® or any of its ingredients. alert your doctor of new or worsening problems including headaches, seizures, confusion and vision problems. these may be signs of a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you or anyone in your house needs or has recently received a vaccine. in a medical study, most stelara® patients saw at least 75% clearer skin and the majority were rated as cleared or minimal at 12 weeks. stelara® helps keep my skin clearer. ask your doctor about stelara®. ♪ the stage now set. ten place setting. a lot of forks and knives for the first republican presidential debate. we will tell you who will be facing off and who is getting left out. we have a lot of people upset this morning voicing their frustration. also new trouble in the polls for hillary clinton. >> table for ten. setting a table for ten welcome back to "early start." i-john i'm john berman. >> i'm christine romans. at long last, we know who is on the main stage for the first presidential debate tomorrow night based on five recent polls. fox news has selected donald trump, jeb bush, scott walker to take center stage. the 5:00 p.m. debate might be the most fascinating. let's get the latest from dana bash in washington. >> reporter: this is the biggest republican field in modern history. 17 candidates. so it's really not easy for the gop or the networks to navigate such a crowded debate stage. never mind. candidates who have to face a front-runner reality tv star and that is why they decided to have just ten people max on the stage and fox news announced which are going to make the cut and they determine that, by the way, based on national polling. here they are. donald trump, he's going to be in the middle. next to him, former governor jeb bush. on the other side, governor scott walker. from there on out is former governor mike huckabee, and neurosurgeon and first-time political candidate ben carson, senators ted cruz and marco rubio and rand paul, as well as governors chris christie and john kasich. now, kasich bumped former governor rick perry out of this main debate which is a big disappointment for him. he is the longest serving governor in texas history. he really wanted to redeem himself from his embarrassing performance on the debate stage four years ago. remember that oops moment? but also, he has been the most aggressive about getting in donald trump's face. he called him a cancer on conservatism. so that is going to be a big problem for him. but for those who will be on the stage prime time, the key thing, according to a lot of aides i've talked to is do no harm. one aide actually said something very wise, that you probably can't win at this stage of the game, but you sure can lose. john and christine? >> dana bash. interesting to see if doing no harm is enough in a field this deem. some of these candidates need to make a name for themselves somehow, sometime soon. as for the candidates who did not make the debate for the main cut, some are lashing out at fox news and the republican national committee. rick santorum's spokesman says the idea they left out the runner-up for the republican nomination, the former four-term governor of texas, the governor of louisiana, the first female fortune 50 ceo and the three-term senator from south carolina, due to polling seven months before a single vote is cast, preposterous. the rnc chief spokesman is defending the fairness of the selection process. >> if you don't use some degree of polling, then it becomes completely subjective. the last thing i think people want, frankly, is people in washington or people at the rnc deciding who gets in based on the fact they have held some kind of elective office. >> others left behind, republicans trying to put an optimistic spin on the second-tier 5:00 debate. rick perry who just missed out on the 8:00 p.m. debate said i look forward to being on the fox news 5:00 p.m. debate what will be a serious exchange of ideas and positive solutions to get america back on track. carly fiorina put out this statement. a super pact backing bobby jindal posted an ad it plans to air in iowa during the main debate. >> the debate is cleveland is all about a celebrity. one candidate is moving up where it counts, in iowa. bobby jindal. >> lindsey graham put out a funny suggestion how viewers could view the pregame what he called the trump debacle by grabbing a cold one and watching the happy hour debate and hiding their cell phone numbers. >> front-runner donald trump is previewing the topics he plans to highlight. in an interview with bill o'reilly last night he said he does not plan to go directly at jeb bush or the other competitors for the nomination. >> i want to be right down the middle. i want to talk about the policy and i want to talk about the wall and i want to talk about illegal immigration and i want to talk about bad trade deals. i may say that i can negotiate better than any of these folks. i did write the deal and i built a phenomenal business, as you know. you know, i have certain abilities that they do not have. i'm not looking to hurt anybody, i'm not looking to embarrass anybody. if i have to bring up deficiencies, i'll bring up deficiencies, but certainly i'm not looking to do that. i'd rather go straight down the middle. you don't know what is going to come at you. you don't know where these other people are going to come. you don't know where the three folks that are asking the questions, will they try to trick you up, which is unfortunate. because all of that has nothing to do with being a great president, but i'm doing it because it's something you have to do. and, again, i've never debated. sort of my whole life has been a debate, but i've never debated before. these politicians, all they do is debate. >> my whole life has been a debate, but i've never debated before. on the democratic side, bernie sanders is edging closer to front-runner hillary clinton in the first in the nation primary state of new hampshire. a new poll finds the vermont senator is trailing clinton by just six points. that is in a poll where the margin of error there is 5.9 points. they are statistically tied. nationally, clinton is ahead of sanders leading in polls by more than 30 points. overnight, we learned that the fbi is looking into the the security used to protect hillary clinton's private e-mail system during her time as secretary of state. her lawyer david kendall confirms to cnn that the fbi is checking to make sure materials were properly stored. "the washington post" first reported the story said the fbi is not targeting the former secretary of state and she is not accused of any wrongdoing. the clinton campaign sent out a statement she did not send nor receive any e-mails that were marked classified at the time. we want to assure that appropriate procedures are followed while these e-mails reviewed will not unduly delaying the release of her e-mails. we want that to happen as quickly and as transparentally as possible. hillary clinton is also sparring with jeb bush over federal funding for women's health. the former florida governor gave clinton an opening while attacking planned parenthood at an evangelical conference. >> you could take dollar-for-dollar, although i'm not sure we need $500,000 for women's health issues. >> jeb bush said he's not sure we need $500,000 for women's health issues. i'm reading it because i want to quote it exactly. now, he's got no problem giving billions of dollars away to the super wealthy and powerful corporations, but i guess women's health just isn't a priority for him. now, this really isn't complicated. when you attack planned parenthood, you attack women's health and when you attack women's health, you attack america's health. >> this piled spilled into a war of tweets. hillary clinton told jeb bush you are absolutely and unequivocally wrong and bush responded what is unequivocally wrong is giving taxpayer dollars to an organization whose practices show no regard for the unborn. bush said in a statement with regards to women's health funding broadly i misspoke as there are countless community health centers, rural clinics and other women's health organizations that need to be fully funded. you wonder if -- if he perceives down this political road and becomes the nominee, you will see that original comment about women's health in an attack ad. >> the fact you saw hillary clinton talking about it on a stage almost immediate after shows you, a, she has an organization up and running and, b, just how perhaps vulnerable that statement makes bush a little bit. all right. a new undercover video, a fifth released by planned parenthood is profiting from the fetal tissue. let's get the latest from joe johns. >> reporter: call this the latest sign this controversy over use of fetal tissues and research is going to stick around for a while. some congressional republicans are talking about linking the fight over planned parenthood to a possible government shutdown battle this fall. and the release of another controversial video is adding fuel to the fire. it's like the other productions. edited undercover video with a planned parenthood official identified as a research director in texas. apparently, unaware she is being recorded, talking about extracting intact fetus cadavers and body parts from abortions for use in fetal tissue research. interspersed and talking about budgets and money. the end of the video includes graphic pictures what is described as fetal tissue with the voices of the actors who posed as representatives of a company that collects tissue samples, asking questions and identifying body parts with planned parenthood lab technicians. several states, including texas, has launched planned parenthood investigations with a video of the group offering to suggest medical procedures in order to preserve tissue and parts for research groups to purchase. there are calls for the justice department to investigate. planned parenthood asserted in a statement that the footage released today doesn't show planned parenthood staff engage in any wrongdoing or agreeing to violate any legal or medical standards. the latest polling on planned parenthood shows half of americans oppose cutting funding to the organization but it runs sharply along party lines. 68% of democrats oppose defunding and 66% of republicans favor it. john and christine? >> thanks, joe. this morning, experts are examining plane debris found washed ashore in the indian ocean. they are ready to determine if this really came from missing malaysia airlines flight 370. we head to the laboratory next. i found her wandering miles from home. when the phone rang at 5am, i knew it was about mom. i see how hard it's been on her at work and i want to help. for the 5 million americans living with alzheimer's, and millions more who feel its effects. let's walk together to make an even bigger impact and end alzheimer's for good. find your walk near you at big day? ah, the usual. moved some new cars. hauled a bunch of steel. kept the supermarket shelves stocked. made sure everyone got their latest gadgets. what's up for the next shift? ah, nothing much. just keeping the lights on. 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(different holidays being shouted) back to work, guys! i love this times of year. for all the confidence you need. td ameritrade. you got this. like it used to?ould bounce back new neutrogena hydro boost water gel. with hyaluronic acid it plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin. hydro boost. from neutrogena. just a few minutes ago, the guide accused of helping an american hunter kill cecil, the lion, appeared in court. theo bronkhorst says he has done nothing wrong. as for the american hunter, minnesota dentist walter palmer, authorities in zimbabwe have called for his extradition. the landowner where the hunt took place also faces charges. cnn's david mckenzie spoke to the guide moments ago and has the very latest from zimbabwe. david? >> reporter: that's right, john. it was a highly anticipated appearance of theo bronkhorst who is accused of taking this american walter palmer to kill cec cecil, the lion. he came into this court where i'm standing. he certainly looked a little bit overwhelmed by the cameras here that are here to see exactly what went down. i managed to speak to him very briefly before his appearance. what do you feel about the charges laid against you and the landowner? >> i think it's frivolous and i think it's wrong. >> reporter: and you think you'll come through this? >> i got a good legal team and i hope to. >> reporter: what is your feeling about the issue of hunting in zimbabwe? >> it's an integral part of our country and it's got to continue and if we do not use wildlife sustainable, there will be no wildlife. >> do you feel you had all of the right permits? >> i believe so. >> reporter: what do you think about the way you've been prosecuted like this? >> crazy. >>. >> reporter: certainly appears to be a backlash or a feeling on the ground here in zimbabwe. one senior official who spoke to us from the park authority say they hope this will all die down, this tension and so hunting can continue. in fact, so they can get revenue to represent the conservation efforts in this country. contrary to the public statements they are putting out which is saying they want to ban hunting outright in this area. >> david mckenzie, interesting interview. thanks so much, david. parents, how would you like unlimited parental leave? >> starting now? i would love it! >> yes, you've been on leave four or five years! the new reality for netflix is next. try new aveeno® sheer hydration. its active naturals® oat formula... ...goes on feather light. absorbs in seconds... ...keeps skin healthy looking... ...and soft. aveeno®. naturally beautiful results. nbut your dell 2-in-1 laptoped gives you the spunk for an unsanctioned selfie. that's that new gear feeling. get this high performance laptop bundle for only $399. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. every auto insurance policy has a number. but not every insurance company understands the life behind it. those who have served our nation. have earned the very best service in return. ♪ usaa. we know what it means to serve. get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. i'm reworking the menu. mayo, corn dogs... you are so out of here! ahh... the complete balanced nutrition of great tasting ensure. with nine grams of protein... and 26 vitamins and minerals. ensure. take life in. welcome back. i'm christine romans. get an early start our money. european and asian stocks are up higher. higher interest rates are coming in september. the atlanta fed president dennis lockhart says barring the unexpected deterioration in the u.s. economy which he doesn't expect the fed will raise rates next month. he says the economy is ready and it is an appropriate time to make a change. he is a voting member of the federal open market committee and the folks who decide so his comments getting a lot of attention. not so subtle from the fed guys that higher rates are coming. listen to this. unlimited paid parental leave for moms and dads at netflix. they can come back part-time and leave again. netflix will pay their salaries the whole time and part of the tech. companies offering big perks to retain good employees. you want to take time off when they are 3month-old and they are smiling and. >> when aren't they cute? >> 3month-old, they are so cute. >> speaking of cute. we know who will take the stage for the first republican presidential debate. "new day" starts right now. our country is really going bad. we are going downhill fast. >> donald trump riding high in the polls. >> the poll numbers are not only good, i mean, they are phenomenal. >> the stage is set for the republican debate. who is in and who is out? i'm not sure we need $500,000 for women's health issues. >> i guess women's health just isn't a priority for him. >> he misspoke. it's going to happen. >> this is a big mistake. shock and outrage after an 8-year-old boy is handcuffed in school. >> they had thought this kit was now a danger. >> why would that ever be okay? >> heart pounding moments from inside the circus tent that collapsed. >> i saw things that i'll never want to see again. >> people who were part of the circus just yelled "run!" this is "new day." >> good morning! welcome to your "new day." it's wednesday, august 5th at 6:00 in the east and now the stage is set literally. we know who will be at the first gop debate. front-runner donald trump is center stage, of course tomorrow night. who is in and who is out? what will be the tactics, especially for mr. trump. meanwhile hillary clinton is pouncing on jeb bush for unscripted comments he made about women's health. a new report says the fbi is now looking into clinton's private e-mail system. let's begin all of our political news with our team coverage of the presidential race with cnn political reporter who is live in washington. good morning, sara. >> good morning. >> good morning, alisyn. the waiting game is over as to who is going to be on the debate stage. what is the dynamic going to be like with trump at center stage? take a look. donald trump rising high in the polls on the eve of the first gop debate. >> the polls are phenomenal. we got numbers through south carolina, iowa, new hampshire. not only the national numbers. i'm honored by it. what it shows is people are tired of incompetence. >> reporter: he will take center stage planked by nine arrivals. it was announced who made the cut and clinched a spot in the prime time debate. we'll see bush, walker, huckabee,


Transcripts for FOXNEWS Fox News at Night 20240604 03:55:00

trump in november, help says 89 percent on x., 90 percent on instagram, card 11 and ten. keith said help it already stated to garner support from voters who normally would not vote trump. cecil says joe biden obey the first president to lose to a convicted felon, trump 2024. then it says i'm not voting for that convicted felon period, linda says this will embolden the middle guides to vote trump co. did not see this coming? allison's as, help, it was clearly a political play and insults to my intelligence and at nikki's as now trump is more relatable to the people at big mistake. huge. thank you all for joining the "the nightcap" asked me think you're watching, in watching america's light news, 'fox news @ night'. i trace at gallagher in los angeles, we was seeback here on tuesday. [ ♪♪ ] before they've left the ground. this is how business goes further with t—mobile for business.


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