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Transcripts For ALJAZAM America Votes 2014 Midterm Election Coverage 20141105

returns with 20% reporting mitch mcconnell. 56 grimes. if the g.o.p. gains control of the senate, as many suspect they will, he will be a majority leader, a life-long dream. let's look at another key race in new orleans, between democratic incumbent, kay hagan, and her competitor, republican thom tillis, another very tight race. thom tillis is the speaker of the north carolina house. he has forced through a lot of conservative agenda its. this is a toss up race, according to several polls. turning to west virginia now, this is the seat vacated by the retiring senator jay rockefeller. he is a democrat. the republicans are looking for a pick-up. the race is between two women, natalie continuant. virginia secretary of states, and shelley more cap ita. cap ita has the lead and we'll check in on that race. >> libby casey is life in louisville kentucky at the mitch mcconnell headquarters. a big night, but the question is whether he'll take control of the senate. >> that's absolutely the question. it's probably, as you can hear behind me a very big crowd. they are hoping to see thing go their way earlier in the night. that has happened. we are anticipating the senator coming out and speaking. the night is early, there's two questions, not just whether he can retain his seat, but whether he'd end the night as majority leader of the senate. it is something that he wanted for a long time. he was able to fight off the challenge by alison lundergan grimes, half his age, who gave a tough fight in what many saw as an easy coast for mitch mcconnell. he had a hard re-election bit, dealing with a republican challenger in the primary that came from the right. a tea party challenger. in the last couple of days, mitch mcconnell campaigned around. with matt bevan by his she had, and also with grand paul. someone will be watching to see what his political aspirations are. having the two together are significant. it shows that mitch mcconnell wants to bridge divides. wants to bring together more establishment side of things which he represents, or a libertarian event. the crowd very excited. they want to hear from senator mitch mcconnell, and whether or not he ends the night as majority leader. >> that is the big question. >> al jazeera political contributor - you talked to senator mitch mcconnell yesterday. >> i did, in hazard kentucky, and i have never seen him in 12 years, so giddy. he literally giggled in the interview. i never saw it before. >> he must have seen the polls. >> he must had had an inkling. he said victory was in the air, and confident and hopeful to become the senate majority leader. >> in some ways he ran against president obama. >> he absolutely did, every tv station and radio station was wall to wall saying alison lundergan grimes is president obama, a vote for president obama, and she had a hard time distancing herself. she wouldn't say if she voted for the president. she'd be worried that she'd be tied to him. when you talked to him. did you worry about how he'd handle health care. >> the republicans took a strategy of trying to defund it, much the same as trying to defund the iraq war, and they'd use appropriations bills to strip out certain areas of funding to hobble obama care. that was the strategy. >> in some ways this was a balancing act between the moderate and conservative republicans, any talk on how to handle that? >> he did. he talked about being a leader of ted cruz, colin being a conservative member and susan collins being a moderate and it was his job to bridge the divide and he wants to open up the process, have a discussion. he was the most conciliatory that i have heard, working with the democrats and the president getting things done. >> we may know sooner than we thought about the senate. former governor charlie crisp running for california filed a motion to extend voting in brower country. a quick call for mitch mcconnell in kentucky. what does that bode for the rest of the evening? >> perhaps not unexpected. it's a set back to democrats who thought it may be a pick-up, seeing mitch mcconnell as vulnerable, the washington substantiate, what voters were recoiling against and in alison lundergan grimes they had a strong democratic candidate that mitch mcconnell had in all his races. it doesn't change the balance of power. republicans need a net gain of six. the magic number is six. one of the races that the republicans believe they'll get a pick up in virginia, where they expect is to be an easy call. the pick-up bringing the number to five. some disappointment from democrats. they thought they had a chance against mitch mcconnell. lot of disappoints for the clintons, who campaigned for alison lundergan grimes. >> there is a call on west virginia. >> there is, in fact, this is the first democratic seat to fall of the evening. in west virginia, the associated press is projecting that shelley moore capito has beaten her opponent. nancy. ms capito is the first west virginia female senator. she has won, she is the projected winner. >> one down, five to go. mike viqueira is in washington d.c. what do we expect to hear from the white house? >> we won't hear anything from the president. but what we have heard from the president doing radio interviews in an effort to sure up his base, is that they are preparing the republic, democrats for a grim evening. all you need to know when you look at the mitch mcconnell race in the commonwealth of kentucky is the mitch mcconnell race was called the second the wols were closed in virginia. mark warner, the democrat, was expected to win. that race has not been called. if there's a silver lining for democrats, there'll be two things, governor's race is tight, democrats expected to pick up seats, and this is not the electorate, how the 2016 race will be determined in many of the red states that are determining control of the senate this evening. >> mike viqueira, and voting irregularities in a few states. we talked about florida. breakdowns in brauer county, virginia beach, virginia, they were having trouble with voting machines and hart ford connecticut, where the vote has been extended. an issue where we are talking about kentucky is health care. let's go to libby casey in louisville where the affordable care act was an issue in that race. it appeared from your reporting that the candidates, the voters liked their health care, but not obama care. >> john, it's a deep irony of politics. obama care has been successful in kentucky compared to other states, measured by a number of standard. people are pleased with what connect, as it is called, has been able to do. but they do not like president obama, they do not like the law named after him, and it has made a difference in this race. >> reporter: frank dixon is 62, but his body is damaged from decades working in the mining industry as a mechanic. you look like you are in pain. >> i'm all right. >> reporter: is that your back. >> yes. >> >> reporter: what does it feel like? >> hurts. >> reporter: dixon lost his job in 2012, making $90,000 a year. >> kind of ashamed to say it, i'm on $300 with stamps. >> reporter: for a year he and his son were uninsured. then the affordable care act started. dixon signed up and qualified. here obama care goes any connect. ky. say obama care, and dixon bristles, even though he's covered by it. do you like obama care? >> i do recall at least one patient who said i don't want it even if it is free, because he didn't like president obama. >> with connect more people can pay for their care, and more patients are seeing doctors for the first time in years. do you think people understand what the difference between obama care is and connect. >> probably not. they are happy to have insurance. and however they got it, they are happy about it. >> senator mitch mcconnell talked about repealing obama care, pulling it out root and branch. alison lundergan grimes talked about making fixes. she never embraced it in a lot of ways. sol thought earlier on she should have said "yes, i support the law", it might have been a risk, but it may have paid off. it's hard to square how you support the law, but don't quite support president obama in a very red state like kentucky. >> that is the way it is in kentucky. >> in alaska, medical costs are higher than most places. allen schauffler has that story. >> hello. >> reporter: lunch rush at the oldest steak house in anchorage. stan's family helped to open it in the 1950s, and paid for their employees health care. >> been 16,000-18,000 a month. >> reporter: with few employees, club paris is not required to provide health insurance under the affordable care act. coverage has to meet aca standards, and the restaurant pays more than $200,000 a year. >> i put one foot in front of the other and pay the bills. now we are doing all right. >> reporter: specialty care can cost four times the average. primary care 30% higher. basic hospital costs 50% higher. >> you get that itemised bill when it's $25 for aspirin. >> in a tight and contentious race, both candidates are bashing the other over health care. >> mark bag itch cast the deciding vote over health care. >> reporter: back at club paris, sheila says she'll make ballot decisions based on what is best for her family, and count her blessings that for her work means health care coverage. >> i couldn't afford to stay here if i didn't have it. >> we are a small family owned business that doesn't have deep pockets. i feel you can only sell a piece of meet for so much funny that was allen schauffler, we continue the discussion about medical and obama care, tony harris is with the panel of contributors in new york. >> appreciate it. let me bruf the panel. betina to my left, a former director of hispanic outreach for the republican outlook committee. ray suarez is here, the host of "al jazeera america"s "inside story". tara, a political strat children and founder of the tara daldell group and political contributor michael shure. first of all, your reaction to the results in kentucky, and the role health care, and the affordable care act played in the race. >> it's almost hard to talk about them separately. health care is the issue in kentucky. if there was an example to the state of democrats, that they could have controlled, it was kentucky. connect has brought down the lel, the numbers of uninsured in the state. mitch mcconnell had his work cut out. they are first going against the health care law, trying to repeal obama care, and seeing the fact hey, it's working, i'm not going to dismantle it. it was a lost opportunity. alison lundergan grimes should have answered the question as to who she voted for in the 2012 election. >> is that part of it, the issue, alison lundergan grimes, she should have owned it, owned her vote if it was, in fact for president obama, and owned connect. >> absolutely, i think she owned connect, but did not hammer that issue enough. the challenge for her was, yes, the affordable care act, when you call it that, it's popular, when you call it kentucky connect, it's popular. when you call it obama care, which is what mitch mcconnell did over and over and over again. it is not popular. that was a challenge. i think she could have made a point of late hypocrisy on the issue, mitch mcconnell said you can keep the kentucky connect and want to repeal obama care root and branch, was the term he used. that is double talk. if he repealed obama care, or does repeal obama care, you cannot keep your kentucky connect and i would have hammered him on that. >> and the affordable care act - the man who brought it is so unpopular, that mitch mcconnell wins, in that state, while being against a policy that helped so many in kentucky. >> emblematic of much of the south where the levels of uninsurance and underinsurance are high. if you live in the states, you are more likely than in other parts of the country to have a precarious security situation. in kentucky 400,000 plus had insurance, who didn't have it before. if alison lundergan grimes was ambivalent about the affordable care act, she didn't do herself any favors. we have voting irregularities, jonathan betz is following some problems today. what is the latest? >> no reports of widespread problems, but there are concerns. the campaign of charlie crisp filed an emergency motion to extend voting in one count which by two hours, until 9:00pm eastern. he says a polling in brauer county as offline for an hour, and caused delays for voters. connecticut extended voting at two polling places. those places opened late because election officials did not deliver the voting lifts. the governor was among those forced to wait to vote. a puzzling problem in virginia, this is a video of what some are facing. when he selects a candidate's name, it was selecting the opponent. officials say they were taken out. it should not affect the dlat. >> and a polling site in rural shannon county opened an hour late. the polling worker didn't show up. workers had to go to his house to get the ballot. we will not get results until 10:00 p.m. eastern. >> thank you, we condition our coverage, "america votes 2014" 2014. >> i'm cedric williams. i'm from chapel hill - i guess we are interested in health care and education. she is five, turning six, making sure that she has a good education. polls closing. the results are being tabulated. which party will control the senate. will washington's gridlock end. tonight - the answers that will affect every citizen, and touch every aspect of american life. "america votes 2014." >> so far two quick senate calls will go to the republicans, democrats are hoping to pick up a seat in georgia. robert ray is standing by in georgia. >> the senate seat in georgia has been up for grabs since senator saxby said he would retire. let he click down the can dates, michelle nunn is the daughter of the famous and long-serving sam nun in the state of georgia. david prideaux, secondly, a republican, who is the cousin of the ex-former governor of the state of georgia, sony prideaux. the c.e.o. of rebook and dollar general, and then the person that could shake the situation up, that could send it into a run off. we have amanda swafford, who is the libertarian paralegal working in the atlanta area who during the campaign has been going to all these different spots while continuing to do her job at the paralegal term that she's at. some of the main issues for the senate are to end gridlock in d.c. we heard that on numerous occasions, that's what the candidates have been talking about. unemployment - 7.9% in the state of georgia, highest in the country. folks want the minimum wage, and a better economy for blue collar workers as a lot of manufacturing jobs have gone away. lastly - manageable health care costs. no medicare expansion in the state of georgia, and a lot of folks think the senate race could decide good impact on a healthy georgia going forward. >> a close senate and governor's race in georgia. >> i want to bring in al jazeera's political contributor. two calls - kentucky and west virginia. how do you see the two races? >> they were both expected. west virginia from the start. it was expected that shelley moore cap eato would win. mitch mcconnell pulled it out there. republicans - they are good signs, for democrats, they were hoping to do better in kentucky. and the clintons spent a lot of time there. >> some suggest north carolina will be the bellwether. if kay hagan pulls out north carolina, it may not be easy for the republicans in the senate. >> absolutely. kay hagan run a magnificent campaign, she is one of the few that localised the issues, not about president obama, but local issues. she has done that. we'll have to see how it turns out. >> dismal predictions, a few states have higher voter turn out. less than half of eligible voters will cast ballots. kansas and maine have high numbers. california has a few hours. reporting is lower than expected turn out. jake ward with a look at the hispanic vote on the elections today. >> john, if republicans lose every single hispanic vote in the united states, they will still hold the house and have a good shot at winning the senate. for democrat, winning the vote strengthens the party's grip on district they hold, it's a thinks of where they live and how the districts are drawn. it may explain why the majority house is not doctored in attracting voters and works to keep immigration from becoming law. republicans don't necessarily need latino support. 4.7% of voters in eight states with close races are latino. only colorado stands a chance of being voted by hispanic. republicans still would not lose 17 seats back to the democrats. here is the problem. republicans are starving themselves of votes they are going to need down the line. that'll be true as soon as 2016. at that point hispanic votes are necessary to capture the presidency. without enough, republicans will lose. the number of hispanic voters is increasing every election. republicans need gain support of latino voters to be competitive in 2016. at some point republicans need the votes that they have ignored all this time. >> thank you jake yard. >> some called this the sleeping giant, the latino vote in america. why? why is it a sleeping giant? >> the latino vote is critical. the problem is for both parties what do you do in the midterms. president obama calculated that if he was to make progress on an issue that many care about, it would have turned out more of the republicans on the right, so they decided to put it off of the latinos are frustrated and say in many of the polls that we have done, that they will not turn out. it is a sleeping giant. both parties need to get on top to make head way for the national races. they can't win the presidency without it. >> mike viqueira - the democrats can't count on the latino vote going forward in 2016. >> they can. it has a low turn out among latino voters, it's expected to double by 2030. the president, the white house making it clear yesterday and today that the president and going to move forward. remember when he delayed an executive order on immigration, the dreamers, he was going to suspend deportation, he'll move forward between now and the first of the year, aggravating the republican base. and will not foretell for the republicans if they are on the way to taking over the senate. one thing we have to remember about conservatives, it splits the republican party down the center. all you have to do is look what happened to eric cantor. he hinted at reform and lost in a primary. >> do you think it was a mistake for the president to wait until after the election or did this help? >> there's a number of democrats in the lead, including udall. he was on the ballot. in colorado, hispanics are 14% of the vote, and democrats and operatives said they had a difficult time getting hispanic voters enthusiastic. they look at colorado where republicans may get a pick-up because the president followed the strategy saying don't go with immigration before the election, wait in the the lame-duck session. the president had a difficult time get latinos enthusiastic. >> would it have given the democrats a boost? >> they made a calculated risk here. and, you know, they need african-americans, latinos to turn out. they have not done a good job doing that. it's a problem for the democrats. if the night goes badly, they'll second guest that. >> special coverage of "america votes 2014" will be back after this. graves to see if they can find the bodies of students. adam raney reports. >> reporter: this poor but peaceful neighbourhood is where some of the mass graves were >> al jazeera america presents the best documentaries >> i felt like i was just nothing >> for this young girl, times were hard >> doris had a racist, impoverished setting had a major impact >> but with looks charm.... >> i just wanted to take care of my momma... >> and no remorse... >> she giggles everytime she steps into the revolving door of justice >> she became legendary... >> the finer the store, the bigger the challenge >> al jazeera america presents the life and crimes of doris payne >> on the next "talk to al jazeera", legendary tv host dick cavett. >> steve jobs said, "how does it feel to be dick cavett"? about the only question that's ever floored me, you know? >> "talk to al jazeera". saturday. 5:00 eastern. only on al jazeera america. >> announcer: america votes 2014, tonight control of congress hangs in the balance. we have reactions from across the country, around the globe, focusing on the issues that matter to you. the stakes couldn't be higher, and the coverage starts right now with john siegenthaler. >> good evening, everyone. tonight is much more than the individual races, it is about the real life issues behind the votes. our stephanie sy has the latest vote totals. tony harris is here with our panel of political experts. ali velshi looks at the financial impact of the most expense if congressional race in history. our team will cover t


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