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Transcripts For DW Night Grooves - With Helen Schneider Moses Pelham And Glashaus 20171201 03:15:00

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guard to talk also that's just what it sets us now yeah ok but if that's once my getting going if i don't see. any should a normal citizen glasshouse much. smith. thank you much. thank you. very. much for you. and i saw and name calling. my god yeah yeah. last house i mean you know i know if you don't know about it over meryl fizzy it doesn't usually him for years only you know it was all i mean when. you have to be . called. do you need for me to vote for from save up a certain. microphone over the bones before doing so i'm kind of i'm definitely me but i feel targets of them. if i could of them for the pleasure thank you very reason if i want to bend. that line it's normal and i was like they are calm and mine you're stuck with them but yeah yeah well if you're still going into yemen the whole is a. lot of luck to them. then if i got down on the bus again mom of the sources said i'm a. citizen present company them and i don't know if i'm on them and it's right. for me i'm going to show. this several place because not it may not. have you. if she door. to bend. and that's my son's in manhattan. and. that's because your love life is quickness the of my time could you make a bet. that most and as we got so much account how have flu. shots. come to. yeah me and. mine middle of alia and i get so much better of not some cards from was almost as often as in the collector there was. because i did not get. more spam would come and if they had endless entries now nifty in my can. best of us the. back of. them so long. as. this is going on i love it when i'm doing it as if they think it's not always mention. two hundred so this. kind of ask would actually. want to discuss your own as it is i'll be inviting schooled on. both the college of you as it takes coming persist in the name and focus. of a. what i do want is not option of what i want to have i know. what i'm getting on here that you mention about the next time i'm going to start at the white. house. yeah. but i don't think sometimes. i think that you know it's ok to. be lost in the eye done. by untaxed investment like on this investment good. because if it had sent biden from plymouth and. mine domina. zone do you consider the data that's about as good. of a motive ok on. the fence as i'm up i know so ok here come. the dumbest houses on the beat so i talked and. talked so you just leave to it you don't have to cough that have to does comes out as i'm good. friends and listeners of us and few members music to point out of it is. just on his own that's who you're talking open. with them i think we know humans too but yeah. i think. my money. goes up because i'm going to. thank you thank you so did not. plattsburg because as he admits to me having not just augusta yet again of uganda nobody. ok thank you. vide you have reason to be. i would a. few mentions. in america it's just obvious so that's months when the whole system that. does so feel a sting offended. that's had all of us americans shot by the ass melinda's or because i missed about. the us and couture here. this is nice tatami us is to hold. it for mr ross here in i hope it's to stay out. of the school tour when he's really just. vile you know done care it's still their condition headed off on her own. yeah it was a very sad. because i know it. was so anyway i'm sorry. to. work for. and if differently so far in new england as virgin ne the point to appalachian back at. at this into the. tough. there was a day. yeah . i'd. give. a. yes yes hello. good wrap. i don't need lots of people to tell you what to do. to love. you so much. you would like. the hour. ok imo i was. flabbergasted to see. the. pluggable to say good bye. to playing music but never get so low. but most to take me but me i got to go in my guts of go. got to go. and i got to go. oh. i was. just going. to get the. i gotta get the. dog. to see. the. plumber not going on too. long. i'm not going to see you. i was. open i want. you just to be left alone. all i knew was a rolling stone comes on to. the road. with my. lover to see the world. see. the good in. the. road. ahead with it you. got. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank. you. thank you thank you thank you thank you. tried to get in nigeria and away i got hally. ties. of your cult. heads and i kind of then yeah. most have and i'm going. on my. own knowing i was above all plus they have food. for me. one of mine was last considered by discovery to do you. can test my father i mean you can get him i can it on it from any course out on course caught on video has done then of what's in the from. my void. and the finished film of course from bond. because i wasn't this. is not i could saw him as a human cause and as a leader on yeah had he was into your guidelines on how to just kick butt in corresponds with the actual. use one from your mind the higher might go by you but i don't do collect i think it's important. to do. yeah just leave it comes off to. not give talk to me. get off me companies i've been on the back. myself cumbersome and also sustainable lives in him when i was an out. i should also spend high minded the time it's on i bend physicians off the front passes have been. made it's also. diminished as a result and that's a net so by the damage on most is bad i'm on my own i am odds. of. the finish. line of. the father. should. be but. the sad. but the same bad luck. was. such. luck. was ultra. ultra. ultra. cut cut. cut. whatever it. might. be about. women. and i want. on. the ok of utah. has. the. if you can do the shifty city yeah yeah yeah so i don't know so i don't know. that's a side table to much mush really just leave it undefended so often million. of the name and. went i never suspect of. vastness and. that is attention to things that i mentioned you know. what i can i once thought of as osama bin should also go this. spot that. rock often but i never got some of nature when i was almost a month i have moved to the shyness i have that i might have i only had that's not much after all so far none of the. american football for my visa will invite this kind of short but it does american public appeal is being honest with as you have the most and spokeswomen of it were really. good i mean that's what. we see this tie from. yes you're right that's america but. there was a sentiment that warner. yeah i know. because i don't know just so hard in the land of the menace to the mclaughlin's i know it all by himself odd long. never by and there's just. this. line must have money to leave about. right now. and yes keep in mind if you stop over there never come back with one of a kind and i've. got some i miss about my concert quite so have. you picked. past kinda votes. i have yeah that's some fanzines. i get a hard time doing and had to save a lot of the stuff. off and. that's. also why not why not why not this is what i mean yeah. well that's one has to i know one. song. slippery slope of life yeah. yeah yeah i suppose that's was i'm. going to. get in the summation. he has got to use the dishes for this would be. ok on his. hail friend. could you. have. you and me. today. so that. i'm. very much slowly. making. surulere the day. one of us is this to say. hey old friend could you ever. imagine. you and me. today. and sit beside me. move a much slower. scan and say. we're just going down the slippery slope of life in most of everything else try no not this nothing left to hide movie. which led this. child to. thailand. now think oh me. too. close. on a bench in. central pa. is it time to. face. john sad. just. days a body until dog. goes off on a log on to the moon this road. will go along by. dog. jamie. dog was a i would. love. most of em but it's dry. now there's nothing left to. go every day. like you to. go out saying that was me. do you see but yeah pretty much just mention this could be a comment which is just it's presumed yeah but we also talk. about bias to come as your just a. vast long a big attack. we've all. but it's a mess you have got to give us. i know what i like you don't know. no one felt like . it as well. as leave it at that did i definitely gonna miss. my it's possible to do on time then. that's i began. i'm on the so i've missed. that i didn't. say i did this commute that i had. class literally you know not really he was somebody but you know it's fascinating just in the scale of this. thanks and i know this is off the limb for cancer. also i don't. really hunger felt if i said yeah the last job as it is can. i some how and they got a job. that's lasted so much more to touch the guy. yeah it has to be that. dust all. the thoughts your. younger years us to video talk it cuts and review. just a list. of all i first met again using guess and the plans for that on the show and also tend to go back to miles on his head trying to get all i stand about. besides. i talk. now because i. by the time. this thing you know i mean except when i'm on video of what. these guys are sharp i'll come back to the serialization that the big thousand and eleven for for the nameless dismantling come to light the mission but if i don't use a machine in this game then his message called for the case of clark to stay cool because going out what the sky before the interest on two sets of hour by the damaged image i'm kind of going to have when they all want to. have him on phone because i. can see in the settings on the man that it's not cool to become type of material big cut. that's on business and i had. this image up gets locked so slim is astonished controversial case and. vest and i'm just gonna go one better this did it it is our nation out of the nation to get used to being available he could be of the latest in the very tape is this lead stuff along with all spice and use of it on him one issue. i don't wish that had been done by to be in there in prison for five. or ten point to get some god has anyone been stuck on the set and induced yeah that's what i'm trying to consequent about sublime all spend see the members are listed on to. so much that it. shall plug. kind of into my living getting rid of it. there's all had the state board of motion and some. of us might wish to flush this. began yeah. i must to toss around the matter i know that i'm about to applaud you don't have to run against the tot mom that's what euphemism is monday. night and something yeah yeah. yeah it's not big on the board looked at the cancer center test. after the interview diversity that's what it's like to. be i would be a diversity of. strongbow. as feared if you fired we're having the same list my leaders understand. yeah they believe as it is that system they start over from the other utils i feel your. boy and yet invented this list. as a man out there as good as our sister network as i was no clue but that's not a lot what's given to us saying we want them and obviously saw. it as a good data card to use it as of you said this music. and then did a lot of. it to design. their music in the old saw doing it off. as it's not. an order. of goldberg. because it's. all of the corn's. helen. i'm off to bruno today in rough kids let's comes to a different song. ok if the show continue as i say and i'm goal sleet to fall on ok yeah i guess i'll try. this as i said some chords trying to them in time this is one sure enough for his it's not i'm guessing it has me call for so again that is that they hear another shot that hits five as you can see and also becoming even and i'm. just going to be enough time for all those chords i got about them so mine and i'm going to hand yet one of those that's bizarre not a french night i'm a different song hey. no i didn't. mind doing. oh boy. side i'm living. around. but they. made me in fun would be to. find. out who does. is a lot isn't a lot using a stack. would be just a pair. of work. to do. with the state. using your. life using. you. would answer. lovely. this may seem. to. be love may be used to. love. a good. couple. to. bring in day. to. day. would. really to. confirm. oh and the so i started out. yeah. yeah yeah that's a shock but he was. sure it. is of the italians and i have a. name for people who could sit with me as i'm going to the moon i. just. spun to get. him off you. don't have to nines and i'm stuck at the top but. thank you thank you this was like cool thanks for watching us thanks to all just. telling snyder. to sever steve tim fisher. oh thank you thank you good night. laundry done international talk show for journalists discuss the topic of the week following the e.u. african union summit europe and africa work together as equal partners to give young africans a brighter future on their own cause that's our topic this week on quadriga join us . in thirty minutes on w. . every journey begins with the first step and every language with the first word published in the. rico is in germany to learn german why not learn a simple online on your mobile and free stuff 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Transcripts For MSNBCW First Look 20180801 09:00:00

Updates of the day's news. event. >> facebook says they don't know who is behind these accounts. everyday includes russia may be behind some of the activity. sthaf received a private briefing earlier this week from facebook officials. the committee is holding an open hearing on social media later today. >> listen, this is going to be a process of companies beginning to identify areas of concern. it's important this is the start of a collaboration between government and these companies to address concerns that they have and we have about the use of their platforms. >> i want people that do this to have a priechls i will be introducing thursday a sanctions bill against russia, everything but the kitchen kichg i sings in it. it will be the sanctions bill from hell. every other country sharing in our election can share the same fate. you can only do so much on defense, it is now time to go on offense. >> they are setting up banks, electric companies and critic infrastructure from a cyber attack. our national political reporter is joining us. thank you for joining us so early. we anticipate something like this happening with regard to the mid-term election. it is now actually happening. >> exactly. what more are we learning? >> i would say yesterday i was on capitol hill and some of those skrums you sa you with those lawmakers. this had a big impact. at the same time, lawmakers saying we have not surprised. we have been saying this is coming for some time. if you look back at the special counsel dime, it specified the degree to which the research agency, the sophistication with which they were able use social advocates are focusing on cyber space? what kind of damage could these ads that are popping up in facebook actually cause? >> now, we know facebook is not identifying russia behind these specific ads. what we did see in that mueller die. it appears to be the case now. russians are showing great understanding of our political system and latching on to immigration, like the charlottesville last year and the white supremacist movement growing in the u.s. the most hotly contested issues, amplifying those messages to keep that dialogue going in a way to influence our election here. >> 98 days out, you see how important this is. stick around, we will touch base with you in a bit. ken carolinaly will be on "morning joe" later in the morning. all right, special counsel bob mueller's first milestone as the first part of his jury selection gets under way. foreman trump manager paul manafort faces charges over his work for the russian backed government of ukraine, justice correspondent pete williams has more often day one of the proceedings. >> reporter: yasmin, this trial is under way very quickly. jury selected six men, six women, opening statements from the lawyers and we're now getting our first re-day-old look at paul manafort's defense. though, paul manafort was the trump chairman for three months, for nearly a decade robert mueller's prosecutors told the jury manafort made millions a a putin allie, stashed at least 15 million of it in overseas banks to avoid paying taxes. prosecutors say he lied to banks to get $25 million in loans on after a revel by special counsel robert mueller according to individuals tony podesta, former republican congressman vin weber, now a partner at mercury public affairs and greg craig a washington lawyer who was white house counsel during barack obama's first year as president. they work for the then victor yanukovych and whether they registered their work at foreign agents is reportedly in question none have been channelled with a crime. the. a perform reported that rick gates personally directed mercury and the podesta group to set up meetings between senators and congressmen involving the country's interests, later detailed in the manafort indictment. craig, on the other hand, oversaw a report produced by his law firm about the prosecution of a yanukovych rival. mercury said it welcomes any inquiry and has acted appropriate appropriately. it's get to the rally last night, president trump in florida, he was touching for rick scott, running for senate. scott did not attend the rally. rally goers screamed at the pen wheel they let loose a stream of false and flawed claims. watch this. >> fake news, fake news. they are fake. every night is the same thing, wouldn't you think they get tired of these speeches? wouldn't you think? >> only american citizens should vote in american elections. which is why the time has come for voter i.d. like etching else. voter i.d. you know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a pick or a card. you need i.d.. >> and few see some of that haunting video, i have to say, it is unbelievable. no matter what side of the aisle you stand on, you need to say that is not okay to treat that reporters and media that way. i want to bring in white house reporter for politico. welcome to the program, andrew, thank you for getting up early morning, appreciate it. besides from the medica opportunitying which was a good deal i have to say. what were the take aways from the florida rally last night? smr we will' much more from the president in the coming months. this is the president. when he's in washington, he's feeling attacked from all sides, all the criticisms lobbed against him all day. he gets to tampa and gets inunadulterated crimes. he riles up his base and will continue doing that, including with the media, saw brutal criticisms and attacks and slurs thrown at jim acosta of cnn. which is the president's favorite punching bag, obviously, it's pretty outrageous insults you seen hurled at him. but the president's supporters and advisers, themselves this is really a good thing. they want to have this fight. they want to punch the media as much as they k. you will see more of that going into the mid-terms. >> let's talk about the mueller investigation interesting development with bob mueller you with us. turning overseas now, north korea appears to be back to etc. old tricks, in this case news confirmed both satellite no as tos show the program is ongoing and continuing to produce ballistic missiles according to arms control experts. specifically this annotated photo taken one month of the summit in singapore shows missile production. it follows a washington post report stating kim jong-un's regime is producing new missiles capable of reaching the continental united states. in june, they indicated north korea was working to deceive the united states ability the stock piles. the state department was asked about those reports yesterday. >> what queer goiwe're going on commitment he made to our president. >> that is the commitment to de-nuclearize. we certainly anticipate he will hold up his end of the bargain and commitment on that. in terms of that specific report. i've seen it. we are well aware of that report. that will follow under an intelligence matter. it's something i will not be able to get into. >> when was the last time you seen progress on discussions of de-nuclearization. >> we continue to work on that and keep pushing ahead. >> is there a progress? >> i'm not giving you a readout. off conversations continue at the working level and into the government. >> important to emphasize there a verbal agreement. >> versus the intelligence from agencies. >> it's an actual report. still ahead, the next chapter in the gun debate is under way? we're talking undetectable firearms made with 3d printers. they have been jammed up. we will explain that next. (burke) at farmers, we've seen almost everything into making america's #1 shave. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. now starting at $7.99. gillette. the best a man can get. new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. welcome back, everyone, a washington judge has blocked a 3d promoters from posting his gun blue prints online, attorneys in eight states and the district of colombia filed a nation wide restraining order to prevent plans for so-called ghost guns uploaded to the internet. they cited the inability to be detected and traced and likelihood of irreparable public harls. they reversed the ruling last month. in a tweet yesterday morning, president trump said he was looking into his decision. it follows legal battles in states of new jersey, pennsylvania and new york. cody wilson designed schematics for others on his website has agreed to not upload additional files until a full hearing takes place in december. >> a little frightening. all right. let's get a look at your weather with bill kierans. you are tracking the weather in northern california where the wildfires are still continuing to burn. >> last report 103,000 acres. we're still trying to get the confinement numbers up. we're below 30%. right now, currently across the west, there are 95 large blazes burning. you know, we hear focus mostly on california. they have seven large fires in oregon. they have 12. it shows you, it's not just in california the car fire today 192. we bring it down to 99 thursday and friday. the ferguson fire is in the low '80s. so summer heat. there is still plenty of dry air. during the day, it will burn good. the august heat doesn't continue of areas of the west. 103 in redding today. fresno 103. palm springs 109. we have many areas report the warmest julys in redding, fresno, seattle and portland, into thursday, this continues here. if you are on the east coast, we will talk about this it's an umbrella day. it's in the forecast from florida to the gulf all the way through the northeast. the humidity, new york city, boston, it's a different atmosphere to walk out the door. >> still ahead, did john kelly commit to becoming the longest serving chief of staff in history? we will have that. on the diamond the mets pulled off something truly amazing last night. they lost by three touchdowns. believe it or not. details next in sports. alar and kevin gausman and darren o'day to the brafbs for four more prospects there. the dodgers have a trade with the twins for brian dozier. in a conclugd move for one of the busiest teams before this year's deadline, the rays send all star catcher wilson ramos for a player named later on. in st. petersburg, the 7th run 4th inning they beat the angels 4-678 willie mays joined in the 7k9 as the only player in history to hit 30 home runs and steal 20 bases three times before turning 26-years-old. that's a pretty nice club to be in. from glory, we go to doom. the new york mets lost to the washington nationals. 25-4. this really hurts. they score offend the infielder who came in as an emergency relieve, the most runs the national versus ever scored in a game. also the worst loss in the met's 57-year franchise history. ouch, guys. it will not be happy this mornin morning. >> i would sigh that was the scoring you saw in my little league days. >> yasmin was saying, that an nfl game? >> they could have certain will you done better. >> they are waking up as a happy catcher. still ahead, day two of the trial for paul manafort. we will tell you where his defense laying the blame in there plus facebook wastes no times naming websites that may have tried to influence the mid-terms. we will dig into that next. and packages. and it's also a story about people. people who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams they're handing us more than mail they're handing us their business and while we make more e-commerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you ♪ you might or joints.hing for your heart... but do you take something for your brain. with an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish, prevagen has been shown in clinical trials to improve short-term memory. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. booking a flight doesn't have to be expensive. just go to priceline. it's the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40%. just tap and go... for the best savings on flights, go to priceline. experience the versatility of utility, with a range of suvs perfect for any adventure, at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. during opening statements the prosecution painted paul manafort as a shrewd liar who fell he was above the law as he hid money to evade taxes while living a lavish lifestyle. man for the denies any counts, including bank fraud, meanwhile the defense in its opening statement zeroed in on his former deputy in the trump campaign, rick gates, he was manafort's co-defendant until he decided to slip. the defense is pinning it all on gates claiming manafort is on trial because of one man, rick gates. democrat tad devine who worked for pro russian politics in ukraine. devine testified how manafort ran his team during cross examination. defense attorneys established devine respected manafort's work. leaving the kroocourtroom, he s paul deserves a fair triechlal. i tried to assist in that. president trump will decide whether he will shut down of the mid-term elections for money for the border wall the president privately told aides, he was committed to keeping the government opened, telling them he recognizes the political cost of the showdown before elections. yesterday, trump es ka late his public threat of a shutdown to warn, i don't care what the political ramifications are, your immigration laws and border security have been a complete and total disaster for check canadian and there is no way that the democrats will allow it to be fexd without a government shut down. eighth small price to pay for a safe and prosperous america. the president replicated that threat during a rally in florida last night. >> we're going to have tremendous voter security. >> that will include the wall. that will include the wall. now, a lot of people don't know it, but we've already started the wall. we got $1. billion. we've started large portions of the wall. we will need the way we negotiate. we will need more. we will get more. we may have to do some pretty drastic things, but we're going to get it. >> the white house chief of staff john kelly is seeking out his position until 2020 according to sources that spoke to the "wall street journal." kelly accepted the ongoing role at president trump's personal request. he let staff know on monday which marked his one-year i was in in the role, white house officials caution kelly's claims saying unforeseen circumstances could uproot those plans. the four star general has had a tumultuous position at times, most notably getened flatt-- ge flattened in the trial and going without a chief of staff if he were to leave. john kelly's tenure as chief of staff would be among the longest in history if he stays on the board through 2020, guys. >> interesting, that is a long time away, especially in this white house. joining us again, white house reporter for political reporter andrew restucian, let's talk about chief kelly. this is a man bounced around for a few weeks as being checked out, so to speak. what can we see in terms of staffing personnel at the white house as this die nam wick john kelly unfolds? >> reporter: it's a notable development one note of caution, everybody is staying until they're not. we seen repeatedly people say they are staying only to be summarily dismissed by the president. 2020 is an eternity in this white house with the staff changeover. the white house wanted the story out there. they have been struggling for months, will he, won't he? the reporting about trump pulling advisers who should -- polling advisers who should replace kelly. >> let's talk about this border wall fight that it seems like it is ramping up a bit. president trump reportedly agreeing to delay the fight. we heard mitch mcconnell on monday saying the government shutdown will not happen in september. >> that would be really bad politics. we will talk about it in the mid-term elections. now have you the president turning up the heat on twitter with regards to imgachlgs he says this is not about politics. this is about immigration in this country. do you think we could see the president change his mind on this? >> reporter: oh, absolutely. this is another choose your own adventure moment with the president. it's difficult to tell what to believe, what he is saying at rally, on twitter and privately. he told aides he understands the political ramifications of shutting it down. republicans have repeatedly told him not to do it. he has said in the past month, there could be a political advantage, particularly among his base within it comes to immigration. he realizes this is a core issue for his base. he is seen as taking it to the mat on immigration. he feels it could be a strucktory. i think we will see a lot of fluctuations from him in a couple months. with less than 100 day noose the mid-term election, facebook is sounding the alarm on influencing those suspects. they say they have identified and stopping the campaign to spread political messages on its platform. national correspondent peter alexander has more on this new threat. >> reporter: facebook says it's happening again, the social media giant announcing 32 accounts on facebook and instagram. an apparent influence company ahead of november's mid-term. the bogus pages stirring up a device of issues, one called resistors, against annium coming white nationalist rally. even activists facebook says unwittingly caused interest. >> that pushing them to abolish i.c.e.. a part of a growing political firestorm. >> the democrats want to abandon i.c.e.. they want to end i.c.e. >> reporter: the pages created between march of last year and this may picking up 200,000 followers? who is responsible? facebook says it doesn't know. but on capitol hill they are reporting to russia him one republican vowing more sanctions. >> that has everything but the kitchen siveng in it. it will be the sanctions bill from hell. >> reporter: congress recently grilled mark zucker burg over facebook's handing of russia interference in 2016. >> unfortunately the process isn't per fevenlg i am committed to doing that. >> i think facebook wants to do that to restore confidence with investors. >> reporter: the white house says president trump is aware of this latest disinformation campaign and they applaud the actions facebook is taking. >> thanks, to peter alexander for that report. let's go to washington. a reporter is joining us. talk about the effect just 98 days or so i believe now. >> reporter: yes, this is interesting. what we saw in terms of the effectiveness of these russian tactics was these pages would attempt to imitator mirror the talking.and act as a bait and switch. for instance, black lives matter in 2016. they would shift their talking points to be critical of hillary clinton in an attempt to diminish the turnout of a key part of her base. the question ahead of the mid-term elect, when you have 435 congressional race, more than 30 senate races, are these ads effective of a tactic, to affect specific parties and candidates the same way? the bottom line is they are choosing the most divisive political issues in an attempt to keep us fighting with each other. >> that's what i wonder, is this more about no cushion on a candidate or so discourse in general? >> you put the information on facebook with claire mchaskell's hacking attempt, you start to get a big pick of what is taking place. here's the interesting thing, mike, facebook did not specifically living the pages they talked about and those accounts to russia as a government. interestingly, they noted that some of the techniques were very similar to those that was that were used by the kremlin-linked group known as the internet research achlgs could they be linked to the same russian bots? how much do we know about this round of attacks and russia? >> reporter: facebook was not specifically pointing to russia. they want the help of the fbi and intelligence agencies to work this team to identify specifically who was behind this. they did say these mirrored a lot of the tactics in 2016. in fact, they saw some activity linked to accounts they identified recently as being from the research agency in russia. what's interesting here, as we go forward the question of how -- whether russia was involved here, whether our government will be able respond to this specifically and diminish the threat here, that we can see. and are they refining their tactics? that was one of the revthe reas they were advancing. >> that's why i wonder if we can get these mid-term reports publicly before the mid-term senate elections. >> reporter: we have a hearing with experts on social media. we will see facebook come before the panel in september. they plan to release their own report to declassify information further informative to the public about these kind of issues. >> interesting to see you as well. thank you very much. still ahead, new questions over what the trump administration knew of the migrant child separation policy the warning one top official says the white house was given. plus, bill kierans is back with a check on the forecast, including the potential for some severe storms. stay with us. hi! how was your day? it was good. it was long. let's fix it. play "connection" by onerepublic. 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>> great point. the preview of the fall. the preview of the mueller reports. this is the special prosecutor starting to show his cards. starting to show the financial crimes at t s that he looked in. starting to show the connections to the trump campaign. this is the president's campaign chairman going out on trial right now. so it's a road map of what is coming. what we saw in the exhibits reporters got an e-mail with links to all the e-mails that were introduced in the trial yesterday. contracts from manafort consulting firm. it will be a chance for the public to see behind the curtain of how politics works, how the swamp actually works. >> as we well know, president trump had rally in florida last night. he hit on a number of familiar themes. what is the president's mind set, mike, with the paul manafort trial going on right now. and as we move closer to the midterm elections? >> i watched the rally live after i got off the train. i was just struck by the president hopping on air force one in the late afternoon, going to tampa. for the rally. he's kind of teleporting himself to parallel universe. he gets there. he's able to talk about merry christmas on the last day of july. because of his campaign that even is happy to say merry christmas again. if it weren't for him, the stock market would be half of where it was. the a.p. calling him out in a fact check. talking about instances where people have to show a photo i.d. to buy groceries. talking about our country, his words, our culture, his words. the president down there with two of his children. in his own little bubble. another sense of what we'll see a ton of this fall and as the president gears up, revs up air force one for his own campaign. >> give us a sense of what you're tracking today and going into the end of the week. >> yeah, one more huge part of the preview of both the fall and the manafort report and what we'll learn more about today is that facebook announcement about


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