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Transcripts For KCSM The Afghan Report 20131230

it. the blood of those daughters and they did not make a back paddock as spanish to go to the doctor doesn't establish missions to chew up the weekly awesome you trust me it's time to get this album of the mob was the annual best of active sonar them on the coast and on. the guy wanted some for the show as did the assault on the bike without the specter that the net. yes monday i cashed out of the battle of akron. yes by cherry is the man then all of the bottom. she sees the country then i was on forty eight. and i wrote economy is exactly relate to tp for me it's the money which is coming out. and the last ten fifteen years we were neighbors too. two belts and it infrastructure and economy. top. and it's very important for us because the pcs also means greek economy. rough chance. good security for afghans. and then think we can own a bar and it is a ticket to get bright future for afghanistan the key concessions to the moon said that billions of dollars in foreign aid is moving to plant a blast the troops completed that clark went out from his gun province to whether he has up to the bus to the eleventh of august on defense all system down the street and died at the ready and caught these on to seven fifteen. upstream defence minister said that at the johnston. that said twenty five cars in the street in question and had stuffed in the fun is done with them not one to one in three to fifteen hundred in his death at one point twenty four hundred lesson and that remaining in the goddess in training and advice because what the security forces. you know learning. the forty killed in action. we will bring. time not just down the snow but we will bring on the lessons learned the cost for the government now. he's too this is what we've been doing for the last ten years from the perspective. all the white forth to stern defence. all foreign troops raises issues about to catching up to walk on concrete but business and cannot women's prison are terrified about their future article. she flew to london in sixteen nineteen the use of guns done seeking not just business funding. the was eighteen and eighteen. i hate you still fall since this painting from my dear teacher in the race. kidnappings running of the fumble and one kinds. making money and fourteen i knew mom whose young daughter has been kayaking team. she was told my dad has been a chai chee two nights. i see on the phone a citizen the students. a baby the road. the nice side dish of the sixty s in gains after she was accused of killing has to do now. on monday was sentenced to eight units the next. one night the door and so. the free screening due to the nation computers can squirt of these inmates gt fifteen and he was sent off for strategies might never otherwise have the quiet. the present receive support from anti acne and reconstruction aid station and the media. made the dough in the sand they had to take the risk and that she was tossing around six fifteen and i'm keeping my eye on the hustings on sunday one i missed the fbi's interest in layton ut discs and imprisoned in flight attendant identity. even if they can squeeze in explaining to do. take ten satellites and routinely chief was in town and mr gets life in prison. kenzie be spent on and he died from nc the cia and morgan said in the ongoing up behind times i had seen the bustling head on the head attorney steve sees actually won two more men in each eye off with a chance to improve in all it took classes in the tracy and cockpit keeping score it's an antidote to the teens. yes he does have gone on in our identities. anna. those of you responding in an unconvincing. a home. i slept in went into effect in that event. that is. we see list of wanted to cheat off of constance been in business as for him to stitch on an international treaty she's fine now. support cheesecake and if need be commended this brightness to david cameron and frolicking in football like a dove and visit the troops had found basking on and on its content province on december sixteen the biggest brightest of excellence as kumble be of god not tsunami and the british on the east and the british troops adding in a contest on and pulled their heads up high. on the country and providing training for the of god not on he added police force. the staff has visited troops nothing in the country every christmas since taking office in two cars and dead british combat false sense of duty vocalist on india. as fodder to test routes and times of a national army. the nikkei to that seat in the house in trading a large number of cadets from the country fifty two cadets will fall the second largest batch of councillors has completed the training and graduated from the indian military academy are eyeing me understand before tea. let's take a look. he was nice but senior officers into the new wood and sixteen. can you beat the nineteen seventy four and nineteen eighty two neil and the accompanying idea sites and today. these officers into work and share content based on that now govern. ghazni province and the aberdeen stop the government of the south why shouldn't the camp though i admit but reading god is up hiking in the day's end of this. it echoed in it and i said additional bids in indiana on the sun is via a friend in addition to think these two countries. we have been chosen to commit to attending. i mean say that from nineteen seventy four to nineteen eighty two. as many as twenty seven have constant and taking funny actually it's an eye in the us to training for the us and nasty defence academy on the east room. then off to. i mean was suspended due to the fight to the condiment empty and isolde. don't ever seem strange and resumed at the national defence academy in two parts and seven. and then i needed to go into debt in other news not slim enough even the officers have you seen it. many officers with ascot nine ninety two to achieve tridentine talks. i mean i'm coming into the offices. the premise that they would be nice to get this number is together we had because the dvd and from many countries. this is the best. i mean. they can use it alot on me or twenty four but the ending. i am in da office is also there have been an undead to be named by the army of india and give it a go at it when he was tackled to the kingdom coming up. yesterday me and one each to just use different establishments you. a bit but soon i'm going to the shiites courses and on tv. in making a speech on tv it's an interesting too and the inside teaspoon remove god from the eye in the nt what that may come to the end of this week's episode of god is not what i was not seeking to leave we will be back next week with one new ad deals for both got it done. right now the inhale. yours the rushed into hospital retired for one legend michael schumacher suffer this was despite the serious head injury while skiing in the french alps a suicide bombing in southern russia sixteen people killed in schools mortgages from railway stations talk to him his gift from god. the swift response a pair of rocket strike in northern israeli town. and so on


Transcripts For KCSM European Journal 20131230

miller was convicted by the wealth tends to be admitted to committing crimes against humanity during the nineteen seventy one to the nation well. quite naturally the issues one can all buy into pakistan has said he would condemn hanging off about letting she came in at bedtime when she caught on the band led the steelers and the hanging of one of the city might go a bit and got to see that it is tied to get the stories it is not without its post nineteen seventy one dedication to ignore. the kids he doesn't want it to dice with the suffix. this is a good idea. the styles of singing this to go in the sub continent's be sentenced on the open just a moment i did because it's so bright lights and needed all the cruelties of the big boy these obama to stop. when does hanging on last december. stingy and i'm surprisingly the four voices of strong condemnation in pakistan. based on the pakistan in jeans and the execution said. each got one more month to have that hanging listen to this cafe in egypt the teaching of islam and not condemn milkshake in on the beach to the groups in pakistan even came to a secure fit. india is the text. the focus on the bottom and boston distribution. it started off this titans nothing to hide the lettuce. i've seen that one does hanging was an internal matter of days. i'm gonna mention distribution of this bond that they smoked in the open wounds. inside it says did not even initiate proceedings against the one hundred and ninety five. i mean realty office those who are reading each month and each time tomorrow kinds this debate if it gains momentum among the people of this kind would be an extremely disciplined situation for the establishment. the army the genocide kept under wraps as we all got cleaned up. then after that keeps me glued them on condition of the province he said while the steam classic bike that he wasn't focused on documented. in the army conducted institution of intellectuals. so i jus businessman and supervise the mosque. she set up by so she could be put to use recommended that the pakistani government set up a special court to investigate misconduct by the army. that never happened in pakistan. yushchenko sea knight is be elected as prime minister wheel government in bangladesh. it's time to deal with investigations. if i can kill off one lbs so can buy these. i'm stitching cooking on the net that you don't and even solution and said that gravity does often genocide had no police involvement is. hundreds of on the dc activist. he cleaned the campaign against this handmade goods. ditto for the association of london is a dead baby would be of pakistani television channels in debates. activists and go to fifteenth i don't mean i guess me and said that the kids and is in the ocean was admitted students hyundai the opening month and that's okay. sydney sydney's best known as the name. one of the nineteen seventy one ball victim shot with the dazzling technique it's got to the action really the institution of dealing with now she's that pakistan had always being against the month. we have good eye and a huge dump the sentence yet they are then he mean by levy is doubting that began eating the lettuce. i understood him i use mine that they should be destroyed. and you all in bed. the science of cooking them. and lucky and hockey center. i stand by them and they did tune in and day out scott and i want. i realize i'm staying. and that ended the season to be. a city reviews and comments of arc i'm gonna base then again that i lost my mind it's one of the state. we object to me and the season they cannot believe how reliant we wanted a good time and it should be freed from these doctors later upon them. they should be shot dead by me. and they should be added to the idea they should be banned the nba should they care that they should not get up and nobody thinks they should not be an optimal. there are two of the nineteen ninety six one that had been conveyed in the painting of a boy and i was in the opening of the new gun and shooting three hundred and five he saw me getting into the day's low of nineteen seventy one. i'm not the mosque in two weeks old and had gotten them to our site often. well i'm dead all of that plot. once you die. that and do the same kind of punch. the cause. do you manage your life. these include these while. two nights there they are all under way in easing. i like trains. d hee. the us and elegance of it. and the team in the garden and my husband plus the doctor and i stations. i found today. can he not consent agreements. he lived far too hiking the unions and indigenous art so there are no doubt that one can be on land that yes indeed and white card debt without love and revenge plot and that he's lying and he says that he's done this and epiphanies item on the zeitgeist. and a lot of fun to send me. i mean. and again and again. with all that different from home. and he knew that he was dying and the indy film than me getting down and be content with. the i have seen mine i've seen my husband's good money. an ankle monitor. i cannot get it. do not play a single again. ign. i'm too many. to say. jaime said mot and all that into my bed and intimidation said he denied that and you don't use any means other mothers cannot devise a baby. so we may be would not get any peace in our mind huge quiet game where is it. it's thick and tasty dysfunction. they should be shy. they should be investigated in peace. i'm spent. maybe she gently shoddy of the courthouse and relentless in the fights to be welcoming us to book has heating in the kitchen of one now implementation of a copy to punish them. the fun caught in one of one of them being put to good use of genocide of nineteen seventy one. bottom of the aids has come all. from the content of the beauty tea. as we know of that to desktop with a new tradition war. long live on the ship was due to the monster government to stop in time of the war criminals and twenty two tips of the genocide of nineteen seventy one. unfortunately that he's going to last a submission in nineteen seventy five. those little money as you card and he is talking the child. had he used on the left with the nose and perpetrators of genocide crimes it is too bad the team who led the team i'm reading peas and dad were so tired of facing be of the different kind duffy adele punishment. back to susan. this imbecile side teams that have revealed that the themes of the war of good and i'm being that round and punishment for the puppet interests of genocide and crimes against humanity after forty two news. we have seen that one of the meeting but the kids are so bonded and gentle side has faced a child and he's competent punishment was implemented these should help to cut out for the gop beauty team we have seen in different countries the vegetables that have been taken in the last centuries. many countries and many victims of the roar of many victims of the genocide there waiting for justice with the book out of the world. but the digits of genocide in bed with assisted opening salvo. trying to straddle. the goose has given a clear message that any crunchy con trying to put to good use of double sided week the storm and all. we knew said the device to you in the divorce to tie one on soon most of the top of what other countries are the people of other victims who are we to put testes venus had to set up such time that the trial court and to tide over but the good dose of genocide and that is of any positive theme of the dishes done. well was hanged at the same to jane austen due process of law nobody can make it two minutes of meeting the execution is given a week's duty to seek clemency from the wisdom of the country. interest will always try to hide. he was not given this option. you and people with big key to the girly but it should log off on others. fattening the inverse of those victims all four of those would be talked into the bill or the tv teams in the party was making four just east of the mouse forty two years and outside the sky. in the coach of the beauty that we have seen for the last seven and the kids among others. but the computers of general said it would be pardoned. the red road just east of the norse god of the war between us and then the crimes that you will probably two times it is too bad the tea interval side so in our bed. in february. he stood in the day at mississippi state in the head mr said who. really close to me the rest is due to visit the distance to die. we have great difficulty to use. now we see that and we can see that justice. the victims of the world. it did not need put that on the dome of the staff. the victim was forced to go to most i wanted it too tiny to me and local institutions water bond that goes into the what this child indeed be ready but today we go to plead the cause and people innocent people in their pj's and about the stabbing. the politics of the month the stuffing the crew didn't go our for genocide. the interest of the genocide in the name of religion in the middle east julie and people with tb among others. the name of peace now. the best way to boost output quota to the party that promotes terrorism that provokes a killing innocent people in the name of freedom that could be bad and we have seen up to the second world war the inductive were not banned party in the euro. so that these to the end we had the pcr about when to step child of some of the snobby as a criminal organization as in other news nation that leads to the side that remorse to atone. dad back for more skiing in the meanwhile please you meanwhile just to see clothes and campaign as a walker and study. heading to my main goal for the protection of witnesses and victims. and they have conceded hot guys have been systematically done it again the doctor minutes. hunting tomorrow to the activists had the best and fainting and arson in the run up to the elections next week. we need your chosen used on that section. why is that the man at the summit understand that when it's an attitude that the machine again the boats at least eight people were injured in the incident. he said the violence in a ditch on the job till six to twenty two pound body contact me but the cause is unknown florida was that it is unknown with manufacturers and builders who have decided to set up before too many enjoyed the compensation fund for victims of the dead of a ton of cars arkansas step back in one thousand one hundred and thirty nine he played his ds lite brite mock google. i'm forty much of the mystic wanted to go find for it but not often come back. makes you think. police have arrested a position he has and will close after the opposition said today she often watch for democracy towards top cop of december twenty nine. the joint forces of the rapid action battalion on the border guard by these events to two hundred people position and raised in nine districts. i was not a sustainable and easy to use as some people and set fire to open his boss at the bottom which it up on december trade sakes. inside of the boston symphony woods suffered from an insidious we haven't tested. once on top of not coming to what symphonies have conformed to be addressed. but if you spend at least it is on it's not just against men from the con one wants to go unseen. italian and for some of the artists who joined the police commission. it takes african descent the rest of us at the continuing on the moon officials have said that on one policy to expect him to an admission insults it on but what about walking stick this will happen. i am. i feel like letting me an american talk about an hour how women are powerful. if you empower women in empowering birth mothers of raising sons who were either drag us into war but deep inside of our mothers are the ones who are protecting their daughters mothers grind and noticed blood and therefore not empowering women were not any chains this forty to fifty percent generation that understanding also on. i can't help but call out sick. the hindus and one main iraq and the trees stunningly since we brought them democracy that women are educated they were doctors lawyers and now it's thing and it's taking over their being forced into loans they don't appreciate. and i think that the felt needs of my eye so he now. i would just say that president obama. what you tried in cairo was a great start. box. if you don't get the whole picture and realized the role of women. it will never tell. i hope that everyone in this room takes a moment today when you come home to think about why the most powerful ways to empower the arab and muslim world is and how the women. so please please stop turning a blind eye to the atrocities against women by at how much i'm pleased with how when and if you empower them. incheon the eye the dnc lights well i asked my son daughter. we started soccer. uncertainty over security that drives finally enter into an economic boom rising concern over the future of content and chris knights and fifty two of god's complete training from a humanitarian that we in the red zone. this is what editions of tata sons she had a cotton me would suffer if a wife to a security pact with the united states is dna. we have reports. they have not been sitting on the currency and our team would be signed by security the name of love often speak of dynamic get into my violin sound of the country's economy but interesting. the country spreading seed of money. a typical into a fifty nine point eight four in the unit still on and on the fifth once the mark mistakes had green yet but then it's back in time to hold it securely the chester beatty want the feelers and the light of the deal contains prompting many monstrous now you based on earnings. also well done indeed at the moment is the most intimate targets of a fossil. did i miss out a form of bed at about the cover of the director of the one in the midst of money for the fact that tomorrow when the defendant. he owns on the side of some new stuff when the team is so much adams also will have on the form of the muslims the moment. the cinemas but for the moment so that the summons. thus it's like your style. she's soo when he speaks pushing up prices for its ancient items such as fines would cause the beast and cooking gas by at least eighty five percent. when even one am it she just moved to london. so noble soul of the total cost of the month either the shots. the poll will close on wednesday the symphonic abbas was a bonus and one of them tomlinson your shopping center is to write seek the next six to reach that point. it boasts a three d santa monica a stunning born under this law morgantown and sixty shops. but still fun when he divided the phillies have tenants. the more the better. the credibility of those daughters in the gift that i may get back paddock as spanish but you have that option doesn't establish missions to shut down the tree on sunday and trust me it's time to get to solve the problem of the most on the mall bus back to some of them on the coast and the guy wanted some for the shots but they're there to sell them on the bike without the specter that the math yes monday i cashed out of the dollar back on. to be up by cherry is in them off of bottoming. she sees the country then dies on forty eight. and i will come to me it's exactly relate to the farm payments. the money which is coming out. and last ten fifteen years we were neighbors too. two belts and good infrastructure and economy. top. and it's very important for us because the pcs also means greek economy. yes good security for afghans. and then into the wee man or a foreign state to get bright future for afghanistan. geeky consensus to move said that billions of dollars in foreign aid is moving to blitz a blast the troops completed that clark went out from his gun province to whether he has up to the bus to the eleventh of august on defense all system down the street and died at the ready and caught these on to seven fifteen. upstream defence minister said that at the johnston. that said twenty five cars in the street in question and hats out of the funnest on with the maximum decline in three to fifteen hundred in his death at one point twenty four hundred lesson and bigger meaning and a goddess in training and advice because what the security forces. you know learning. the forty killed in action. we will bring. time not just down the snow but we will bring on the lessons learned the cost for the government now. he's too this is what we've been doing for the last ten years from the perspective. all the white forth to try different sports. well all foreign troops raises issues about to catch up to walk on concrete but business and cannot women's prison are terrified about their future article. she flew to london in sixteen nineteen the use of guns done seeking not just business funding. the was eighteen and fifteen iq is still often says painting from my dear teacher in the race. kidnappings and i have become more and more kinds. the polish and i know mom whose young daughter has been kayaking she is a q results mind has been a chai chee two nights. i see on the phone. it's the start of august. isn't it the students. in india the world. the nice side dish of the sixty s and teens after she was accused of killing has to do now. on monday was sentenced to eight units. the next. one moment i am. the door. and so the free screening in english and computers can squirt of these inmates gt fifteen and he was sent off for strategies might never otherwise have the quiet the present receive support from anti acne and reconstruction team stationed in the media. many a lean meats and they had to be raised and that she was tall enough. six the team and i keeping my eye on the hustings on sunday. one i missed the fbi's interest in layton ut desks and imprisoned in flight attendant identity. even if they can squeeze in explaining to do. it's a tense and onto the team the team for santa and mr gets life in prison. kenzie be spent on and he died from nc. the cia and morgan said in the ongoing them behind bars. i had seen the puzzling thing on the head attorney steve sees at least one more minute in each eye off with a chance to improve in art classes in the tracy and cockpit keeping score it's an antidote to the teens. yes he's gone on in our identities. the man. he was going and i'm thinking. then came home. i slept in went into effect in that event that's. we see list of wanted to cheat off of constance been in business as for him to stitch on an international treaty she's fine now. support cheesecake and if need be commended this brightness to david cameron and plummeting and for all her might to over and visit the troops had found basking on and on its content province on december sixteen the biggest brightest of excellence best of both the of god not tsunami and the british on the east and the british troops adding in a contest on can hold their heads up high. on the country and providing training for the of god not on our police force. the staff has visited troops having in the country every christmas since taking office in two cars and ten british combat false sense of duty vocalist on india. i spotted a test routes and times of god not to call me abt to that seat. yes in trading a large number of cadets from the country fifty two cadets who filed the second i just backed off of consulate has completed the training and graduated from the indian military academy are eyeing me understand before tea. let's take a look. he was nice but senior officers to find time to read and sixteen. and in the nineteen seventy four and nineteen eighty two. neil and the accompanying idea sites and today. these officers into one sock on going saga now gov douglas the province and the aberdeen stop the government of the south why shouldn't the camp though i admit but reading god is up hiking in the day's end of this. it echoed in it eyes that initiated in indiana on the sun is via a friend in addition to think these two countries. we have been chosen to give me a functioning. i mean say that from nineteen seventy four to nineteen eighty two as many as twenty seven of constant and taking funny actually it's an eye in the us to training for the us had to dash to defence academy and the ecc. it often. i am even suspended due to the fight to the condiment empty and it sold. don't ever seem strange and resumed and the national defence academy and took part in saving time and i needed to go into debt in other news not slim enough even the officers have predicted many officers with ascot nine ninety two to achieve tridentine talks. i mean i'm coming into the offices the promise that they would be nice to get from this together we had because of the dvd and from many countries. this is the best of the opening. they can use it alot on your twenty four but the ending. i am in da office is also there have been an undead training by the oatmeal sepia and give it a go at it when he was tackled to the kingdom coming up. yesterday me and one each to just use different establishments you. a bit but soon i'm going to the shiites course and on tv. making nice in front even cement its engine and the country still remove god from the uni and empty. what that may come to the end of this week's episode of god is not what i might decide not to continue we will be back next week with one new ad deals for both got it done. but right now. the inhale. yours


Transcripts For KCSM The Afghan Report 20131230

the more the better the credibility of those daughters in the gift that not make a back paddock as spanish but you have that option doesn't establish missions to shut down the pretty awesome you trust me it's time to get to solve the problem of one of the annual best of active sonar dome on the coast and the guy wanted some other shots that did it to sell them on the bike without the specter that the math yes monday i cashed out of the dollar back on. to be up by charity is amanda off of bottoming. she sees the country that guy is on forty eight. and i wrote economy is exactly relate to the farm payments. the money which is coming out. and last ten fifteen years we were neighbors too. two golds and good infrastructure and economy. top. and it's very important for us because the pcs also means greek economy. yes good security for afghans. and and you couldn't wait. and all that far and it is a ticket to get bright future for afghanistan the key concessions to the moon said that billions of dollars in foreign aid is moving to blitz a blast the troops completed at large without trouble his gun province to whether he has up to the bus to the eleventh of august on defense all system down the street and died at the ready and caught these on to seven fifteen and flows upstream defence minister said that at the johnston that said twenty five thousand australian batsmen had stuffed in the fun is done with the maximum deployment three to fifteen hundred in his death at one point. approximately four hundred lesson and that remaining in the goddess in training and advice because what the security forces. you know learning. the forty killed in action. we will bring. time not just down the snow but we will bring on the lessons learned the cost for the government now. he's too. this is what we've been doing for the last ten years from the perspective. all the white forth to try different sports. well all foreign troops raises issues about to catch up to walk on concrete but business and cannot women's prison are terrified about their future article. she flew to london in sixteen nineteen the use of guns done sick and not just business funding the was eighteen and fifteen iq is still often says painting from my dear teacher in the race. kidnappings and i have become more and more kinds. money is always dying among whose young daughter has been kayaking team. is it yourself mind has been a chai chee two nights. i see on the phone. the students. in india the world. the knees i got shoved in the sixty s and teens after she was accused of killing has to do now. on monday was sentenced to eight units the next. one anonymous one night. the free screening due to the nation computers can squirt of these inmates gt fifteen and he was sent off for strategies might never otherwise have the quiet. the present receive support from anti acne and reconstruction aid station and the media. many know in the sand. they had to be raised and that she was tall enough. six fifteen and i keeping my eye on the hustings on sunday. one i missed the fbi's interest in layton ut desks and in prison and one attempted identity even if they can squeeze in explaining to do. take ten satellites and routinely chiefly santa and mr gets life in prison. kenzie be spent on and he died from nc the cia and with the insanity of growing up behind times. i had seen a bustling london had a tremendous team sees actually won two more men in each. i also attach onto improved in art classes in the tracy and cockpit keeping score it's an antidote to the teens. yes he's gone on in our identities. anna. those of you responding in an unconvincing. a home. i slept in went into effect in that event. that's. we see list of wanted to cheat off of constants in his hands. asked one to stitch on an international treaty she's fine now. support cheesecake and if need be commended this brightness to david cameron and frolicking in football. michael will then visit the troops had found basking on and on its content province on december sixteen the biggest brightest of excellence best of both the of god not tsunami and the british on the east and the british troops adding in a contest on and pulled their heads up high. on the country and providing training for the of god not on the ad police force. the staff has visited to study in the country every christmas since taking office in two cars and dead british combat false sense of duty vocalist on india. as fodder to test routes and times of god not to call me abt to that seat in trading a large number of cadets from the country fifty two cadets who filed the second largest batch of councillors has completed the training and graduated from the indian military academy are eyeing me understand before tea. let's take a look. he was nice but senior officers to find time to read and sixteen. can you beat the nineteen seventy four and nineteen eighty two meals and the accompanying idea sites and cheating these officers in crewe more chalk on going saga. now gov douglas the province and the aberdeen stop the government of the south why shouldn't the camp though i admit but reading god is up hiking in the day's end of this. it echoed in it and i was the initial bids in indiana on the sun is via a friend in addition to think these two countries. we have been chosen to commit to attending. i mean say that from nineteen seventy four to nineteen eighty two as many as twenty seven of constant and taking funny actually it's an eye in the us cheney for the units had to dash to defence academy on the east room. it often. i am even suspended due to the fight to the condiment to eat and then sold it. don't ever seem strange and resumed and the national defence academy in two parts and seven. and then i needed to go into debt in other news not slim enough even the officers have been tainted. many officers went bust out my ninety two to achieve tridentine talks. i mean i'm coming into the offices. the premise that they would be nice to get from this together we had because of the dvd and from many countries. this is the best of the attending they can use it alot on your twenty four but the ending. i am in da office is also there have been an undead training by the oatmeal sepia and give it a go at a wedding that was taken to thinking about it up the intensity me a new one each to just use different establishments you a bit but soon i'm going to the shiites course and on tv making nice in front even cement its engine and the meantime the spoon remove god from the eye in the nt what that may come to the end of this week's episode of god is not what i might decide not to continue we will be back next week with one new ad deals for both got it done. but right now. the inhale. yours the moles that day was as old as the second last of it to a trolley bus a day off to train station is a tax. for me no one imagines my cushy mackay's in a critical condition following a skiing accident in the french


Transcripts For KCSM CCTV News 20140112

knowledge from god. i did. a two one and successfully against situation. when people treat human body can withstand hot water when hundred thousand people in the us veto but we didn't do with it what followed welcome to ease up on cctv news on the two into beijing thank you for doing it's our top story at this hour the president of the international committee of the week ross has visited the camp for displaced syrians it came on the second day of tomorrow's third three day trip to damascus to meet with government officials and conduct field visits to syrian arab or red crescent teams in and around the capitol college on the lake looks at the living conditions the warm greeting for the top official of the international red cross peter mile. this is what serious displaced children call a kitchen. and this is their toilet. nia candy is an unfinished building the displaced sear and families used as shelter many families here come from a southern suburb of damascus called the rock which has been the scene of heavy fighting. like here is a daily struggle and winter makes it worse. none of that idea. here on this island territories and ran into water absolutely anything the fed's this man and we all were sitting on the ground in their situation is still bad. in another cca the bathrooms the scenes in the trash all sizes. no one is looking up shots and a generation is growing up without an education. jayden i don't know what they knew my father mother brothers wife children and myself all came here and live in one room. i have three children my two kids should be going to school a boy and girl. i cannot afford this. as you know it costs too much sometimes i can find work and some days i don't understand what the uh the emmys two hundred and twenty thousand people had been killed and many more displaced in serious nearly three year long civil war. a long planned peace conference is scheduled to take place in geneva in less than two weeks but unless there is a breakthrough. it will matter little to the syrians and now have no other home then bits tell you a cctv. the chinese embassy in damascus says china has pledged to revive syria with three point three million us dollars worth of humanitarian aid. the chinese ambassador to syria said the relief will mainly consist of blankets and quilts for the internally displaced syrians while battling the harsh weather on friday the fourth batch of relief materials arrived in damascus international airport. a message on schilling said the second shipment is due to arrive within a week. according to the united nations high commission for refugees the number of syrian refugees who fled to neighboring countries has exceeded two point three million while around four point three million had been internally displaced. unknown to france for a foreign ministers of the eleven strong core group of the friends of scenery of our schedule to meet in paris today with the president of syria's main opposition the national coalition on the job offer the group will increase pressure on jabbar to persuade the silly in opposition to join you in with peace talks which are set to open in the swiss town along through later this month. for the very latest on this we join now without correspondent keith parkinson in paris and would i like abraham who joins from damascus. let's start with uk there can you give this a more details about today's meeting and what will the minister's be discussed the new licensing this may seem enticing same things together and then a cool drink and eleven countries that make up the strains of syria and that what he had to basically try and put pressure on the syrian opposition to its hands. this is going to need it to peace conference which is insane does it mean. this puts an end in just ten days time. at this area and dedication from this any national television i is for sale here in paris that biden recently elected president. i maintain that on hand as i stated that faith is at its meeting in today's media tried to eat it right in. i'm convinced that did this in the opposition had to attend. the peace conference it would be discussed. o pee chee nancy i met an attack and sitting up position and it is sitting on foreign seas i will have a had two were taken. see lah. and to enter into dialogue with each other since paid the company since im in a castle mystery isn't it odd that they had nice time. i've been sitting in a nation. this in a position has not made a decision ono att pains to stay and make a decision until jenny week the seventeenth which is just a few days before the peace conference is to test on sale in other men's size in ca in parents today have been sent me a lot of pain from the stands and syria that they can accomplish and the opposition at two wallets at the east peace conference which in itself is taken on most of what a body set up means heat into two sets up don't keep staying with the unknown reports say that some of the representatives from the friends of city has expressed its image and confidence of baking coffee opposition to joining those talks. oh why is there some costumes that that can happen yes larr. we have had sam and ben main stakeholders at the dentist. that sentiment is confident saying that they will be able to. at the sleeve and field position to attend that. even this instance and the united states and i add it to be the usa's expressing the simple confidence that they'll be able to do lah soon to get me the opposition to the dance that she needs it a peace conference is to know what the present. they said and in pain and anxiety. you are the options that should entertain the situation on the ground in sydney and social iran that will come but he is very difficult very complicated and fight scene continues its at a stalemate in many ways high even when one side that. it makes gains that they can be very quick and asked i'd say you need the interaction means he may be trying same. add fresh at that and determination sydney opposition team. to partake in its august recess and diane are placed at the model's face saying that sad that they eat it then they'll be able to convince me that sitting up position that this is a big basket lady today who is paying me to present day l willing to partake in dying out because this francais. i've been sitting administration that whittington on taking side up and we didn't end at this point less than actually winning to make the sheets in any kind of transition and i intend to see if that's going to happen we need inside sneaked in to take part in in the east peace talks at a nice present. p parkinson let's bring in i like the brain now lose they are in damascus. i love what our silly expectations coming out of syria for today's meeting in france are both from the government and from the point of view what they're serious. what are some of the expectation that so to all those single from the home and efficiently on the meetings open to students from goldman has always considered the team's offensive to the host wildcats opened the door. i'm told that the media has maintained an innocent student offences. on the record longest and officials home we opened this morning so that they expect i think i'll have to meet in office instead of off the record some of them told us doubts that they feel that the fiscal rules could be the last chance to pressure local position to talk and geneva talks which will be held in more fluent than on the twenty first of the small dots to the store some very possible to broker a peace deal that saw an end to violence and syria as the understanding here but to me that you want in filings with the beginning. two as follows all those leaves i've spoken to many people today and they were very optimistic do it although not optimistic geneva due to begin rhythm of the drama was really the mystic with offensives in a meeting of the parade. the mystic with that with focal pieces moved to idaho because many feel about this. this is it that that difference has to offer is merely a call for is for supporters of the stool position. total costs can be expected from stupid to tell i like the brain talking to was from damascus and take part in paris thank you both for you would from a year and will have much more newsletter which will make statements the ah. oh the fridge and leasing. it's coming closer to us. you boys with me. an accident. the new you. let's watch to get there i bought. he delivered you let's explore. we get you in stock. real. every day. cctv these are the future the position. it's just that the alarm. we can the net welcome back. a real sharon israel's hard charging former prime minister and general has been brought to israel's parliament in jerusalem where it will lie in state. the will be able to pay their respects until eighteen hundred local time. this teacher will be held on monday morning and the military for more will follow in the afternoon at his home at the shipment bomb in southern israel the ceremony will be open to the. world leaders including former uk prime minster tony blair and us vice president joe biden will attend the memorial service. sharon will be laid to rest a site close to the farm next to his wife lily who died fourteen years ago. sharon died saturday at the age of eighty five. one of israel's most iconic and controversial figures he'd been in a coma for eight years after a devastating stroke that incapacitated him at the peak of his political power the passing of our teacher on this part makes reactions across the world. but when israel meaning all revere in the league leader as a war hero. corresponds to the freebie and tell of the wood to the streets of that city and talk to people about the future. the howard at cherry the announcement that ariel sharon has passed i hear it in. i mean square of talent eve. this is a square that she's protest peace march is. this was the site of a protest against action that ariel sharon took in the nineteen eighties in levin on but here tonight the people i've spoken with her stack. their sound to hear that ariel sharon has gone to the underworld. on every morning. i've spoken to a few people one person said he's going to the jewish people here is good for the state of israel. i also spoke here with out me. who told me how he was feeling. i mean she would again how are you feeling. here in sadness the commercial loan move for me. and sure of. for many of the new bern. like the father he and two more to give hoping for the industry lingo for thinking. he can do with them. to go there right thing in the right time. or is it that. the other radio stations. we're going to make you known to history or the body of a real sharon israel's former prime minister and general has been placed in front of israel's parliament the knesset in jerusalem where he is sharon's body will lie in state for viewing. let's not take a look of the live pictures coming out of israel former israeli prime minister sharon is one of the country's most iconic and controversial figures. he guided the age of eighty five on january the eleventh. as a mark of respect the israeli flag is being flown at half mast over the israel's parliament the knesset the former leader was in a coma for the last years following a stroke. during this time he was being kept on the cost of life support about ten days ago he took a turn for the worse and his condition quickly did to read it. steve joel will be held on monday morning in a military show will follow in the afternoon at his home. on a song in southern israel the ceremony. will be open to the. world leaders including the formal minister of britain tony malaya and the us vice president joe biden in a memorial service and you can see in the respect and honor being aides to. the late. israeli prime minister ariel sharon and you'll be late to rest at a site close to the fallen we're his late wife lily died and was buried for two years ago. all in sharp contrast to the respected the views that israelis are painting our nails sharon palestinians holy widely differing view they loathe this military man for his many offenses that he want to live. our correspondent natalie connie reports from the simple point of the west bank. the shoot and i'm not like getting palestinian reaction at the recent news that the passing of ariel sharon. i can't eat what is your memory of surrounding with mum but the blues can be when we have not. on top of that is a view to the kids to behave jawbone the fed must visit the site goes up against the law to be born in their book of the villages and burdens of this but i'm not sure from this past tuesday my hope in the peace process. no no i am. we have as the boost you up. ed do that if you took sharon was you know it you compare him with a baby the present government. he's a he's there what according to the gym he's the beach and get more extremist israeli society is growing more extreme style by much of a lobster roll was bloody. it's not good to be happy over the death of someone. but god is punishing him for a steal treatment of the palestinian people she is is impossible is a whale doesn't want peace. if an agreement that took place twenty years ago is implemented today says has the freedom of prison that's where he's in that case those three also prison as for the be freed in twenty years ago. israel and as in the last piece. we are peaceful people we love and peace. we wanted the event on the seas in the world. it is only on thousands of monkeys sharon the ex general unlike ringleader trapped more than any other leader in israel was admired and about in equal measure. johnny damon's it's a story on his life and his leadership of the jewish state . i will sharon was born in palestine in nineteen twenty eight at the age of twenty he joined is will's underground military. he fought in all of israel's wars since the state's founding in nineteen forty eight and quickly rose to the rank of major general in nineteen fifty six he was credited with helping turn the tide of the nineteen seventy three meetings. when arab alarmist launched a surprise attack on israel his military exploits were also steeped in controversy in nineteen eighty two he organized the school sedation of this know what the neighbor lebanon a strike takes balls to palestine with the race in one patient from lebanon and stop you from using the time to launch attacks against these. but it also resulted in the killing of hundreds of palestinians by lebanese christian militiamen known as the cell growth and chat to a massacre from then on sharon was notorious among palestinians and hate it. the incident left a gift from office in nineteen eighty three. he remained a popular figure among the youth really bright he continued to hold the key posts in the government presided the biggest clothing drive into reception and ten the west bank and gaza. joel eventually made a political comeback. first as the foreign minister of mr hicks had his coalition government in nineteen ninety eight. then as leader of the thrills right likud party in nineteen ninety nine. it was in the landslide victory that he was elected as prime minister in two thousand and one. this would allow only two who served in the teaching you do for swimmers prime minister the onus in opel the rules state of israel. here are the new prime minister pledged to bring security and peace. while insisting he would not be found by previous negotiations with palestinians. is paramount the midwife was to ensure total security for israel on his terms. mr sharon was a leading player in building jewish settlements and captured territories. but he made a dramatic political about face with the puny allowed to pull out in two thousand and five from the gas the street. it ended the thirty eight year military control of the fair dd the sleigh. no teacher in the future understanding his role in the scandal increases which it's in now despite receiving government compensation. many israelis living in the gaza strip felt that there were four and the tray. and the growing dissent within likud over the pullout. sharon left the party in late two thousand and five and established a centrist party to team up. just as he was looking to return as prime minister in fresh elections was hit by a stroke from which he never recovered. i eye. the show he means business. from all across the americas. stories of people. her hopes and aspirations. partly to investigate. cultural and social inside. he is out taking a nap. michael vaughan's cctv about a weekly news magazine called the other. there is this enough. the welcome back china has succeeded in its first three hundred media saturation that read i was never turned a safe and sound from the deep water in the living chamber of the ship. cool j wanted name and domain return to the deck of the ship had five or nine pm on sunday the on site keep directors said the doubting they'll actually reached a depth of three hundred thirteen point five meters under the south china sea three of the doubt is the home jane to show maine and ten weight began their tent and eighty am on sunday and returned to the living chamber at about one pm the divers will stay there until january twenty fourth to let the inert gas in their tissue fluid returned to normal. saturation diving technology enables the human body to withstand high water pressure about or even his teachers with inert gas travelers can stay underwater for a long recap and a deeper sea levels than with conventional techniques simon the magician woman to sell the school under the ministry of transport. it is our duty to carry out under sea rescue efforts but decided this trend an undersea exploration in the near future and contribute to china's between power build up. we've also decided to dive deeper to five hundred meters under the sea and do research in that dept several hundred thousand people in the usa the west virginia remain without clean tap water for third day following a chemical spill into a local river. according to a water company executive. it could be days before and contaminated water is flowing again. the spill occurred after a foaming agent used in coal processing escape for me freedom and the st plant and seep into the old rubber federal authorities including the u s chemical safety board have opened an investigation into thursday's deal. thirty two people have sought treatment at local hospitals for symptoms like nausea and vomiting. around three hundred thousand people had been ordered not to use tap water. people's lives and businesses in the area had been badly affected i mean aids test playing nations all were stationed in germany and in the air. in these busy days whereby we don't know how long the end of the e in with the italian treat the cancer food. we're trying to do to offset there is some were opening selling legal beverages only and chips. for customers. and that's our report for now aligned to do it in beijing thank you for walking national weather forecast is next . i know. zz use. we are ch ch ch ch ch the eye the room. in one. chai chee good bye. eye. what genes to a guided tour to welcome to this hour's news line. a japanese agency has agreed that the government of the philippines to provide support for the rebuilding of areas devastated by typhoon heidi and in november the typhoon caused some of the biggest tidal waves the world has ever seen the storm surge hit me tonight and in other parts of central philippines. japan international cooperation agency were trying


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