Admiration of the NHS is not as universal as it once was. Yet, even though more than seven million people are waiting for treatment – many of them in pain and some in mortal danger – the British public is reluctant to give up on the concept.
The charity commissioner of Pune on Sunday stated that 11 hospitals have stopped treating patients under the Indigent Patients Fund (IPF) scheme for the past four-five year, despite being registered as charitable hospitals
Press Release – Southland Charity Hospital Bert is rolling on home. After what we hope is a successful journey, the Thornbury Vintage Tractor and Implement Club will be excited to return in the 1983 20 D Massey Ferguson (otherwise known as Bert) to a warm reception at the Ascot Park Hotel. Families, …Bert is rolling on home. After what we hope is a successful journey, the Thornbury Vintage Tractor and Implement Club will be excited to return in the 1983 20 D Massey Ferguson (otherwise known as Bert) to a warm reception at the Ascot Park Hotel. Families, media and well-wishers are invited to show their support and welcome the trekkers home.
Bert is rolling on home. After what we hope is a
successful journey, the Thornbury Vintage Tractor and
Implement Club will be excited to return in the 1983 20 D
Massey Ferguson (otherwise known as Bert) to a warm
reception at the Ascot Park Hotel. Families, media and
well-wishers are invited to show their support and welcome
the trekkers home.
The drivers have ventured 1200 km
from E Hayes & Sons to the Christchurch Charity
Hospital. This has been a very intentional journey as it
places emphasis on the Southern DHB border. Currently there
is some misinformation that only patients within the
Southland region are eligible for treatment. Therefore, it