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Transcripts For KNTV Early Today 20130906

6th. good morning. i'm betty ngyuen. president obama is renewing list quest today for foreign support of a strike in syria. on the second and final day of the g-20 summit. in washington thursday, a cia meets csi closed door briefing on the evidence. the senate intelligence committee was shown video of the alleged chemical attack. one senator called the footage horrendous, but it is still unclear whether there is a global coalition behind a potential strike. russia, china and the european union have all condemned the attack, but they say it's too soon for military action. and concerns are rising in iran, a syrian ally. ayatollah khomeini, the supreme leader, told the state body the u.s. will, quote, certainly suffer loss if it takes military action. nbc's chief white house correspondent chuck todd is traveling with the president. in st. petersburg. >> reporter: the handshake was friendly enough. even lasted a couple extra beats. russian president putin welcoming president obama to st. petersburg for the g-20 summit. but the formal gesture could not obscure the fact it came on the heels of yesterday's tense war of words. >> there's no doubt that, as i indicated awhile back, we've kind of hit a wall in terms of additional progress. >> reporter: mr. obama pressed on the issue of syrian use of chemical weapons during a meeting with japan's prime minister. >> i also look forward to having an extensive conversation about the situation in syria. and i think our joint recognition that the use of chemical weapons in syria is not only a tragedy, but also a violation of international law that must be addressed. >> reporter: but during the first official meeting of the g-20 representatives, putin suggested that any discussion of syria be postponed until the working dinner. >> mr. president, any progress on syria today in the talk? >> we were talking about the economy this afternoon. >> reporter: walking alone into the dinner in an ornate palace of the russian czars, the president hoped he wouldn't be alone on syria. he conferred with european allies. they hope they'll help him make the case that it is necessary. this dinner tonight lasted over four hours. president obama was, of course, using it to make his case on syria. and they didn't break up until nearly 2:00 in the morning local time. traveling with the president, chuck todd, nbc news, st. petersburg, russia. here at home, the push for action. secretary of state john kerry says without it, extremist rebels are empowered. in an exclusive interview with msnbc's chris hayes, kerry referenced a disturbing photo in thursday's "new york times" showing seven captured syrian soldiers being executed at a rebel commander's order. >> if we don't do this, assad will have the message that he can use these weapons with impunity. we will have turned our back on the next batch of children, on the next batch of parents. we will have turned our back on the international norm. we will have lost credibility in the world. and i guarantee you, if we turn our backs today, the picture we all saw in the paper today in the media of those people being shot, that will take place more because more extremists will be attracted to this because they'll be funded as the only alternative in order to take on assad. turning to internet security. all of those encryption codes online apparently mean nothing to the nsa. that is according to a report first seen on "the new york times" website. now what this means is that the government has the keys to unlock some of the most secure sites on the internet. everything from popular e-mail providers to software used by many big banks. the report also found the agency spends $250 million a year lobbying i.t. companies. it's all in an effort to decode encryption products. now to ohio and a youtube video getting a lot of attention. in it, matthew cordle confesses to being drunk when he slammed into another car back in june. that crash was fatal, killing the other driver, vincent canzani. this is not the first time police were made aware of cordle and his involvement in the crash. on the night of the accident, the 22-year-old admitted to police he'd been drinking. it was backed up by medical staff who treated him. >> when i get charged, i'll plead guilty and take full responsibility for everything i've done to vincent and his family. i beg you, and i say the word beg specifically. i am begging you, please don't drink and drive. >> the video starts with cordle behind a shield saying lawyers urged him to lie about what happened. as of this morning, the local prosecutor says he remains just a suspect, but charges have not been filed. in oklahoma, a dry spring and wet summer created a cricket swarm of biblical proportions. check this out. a larger than usual mating season has filled the air with deafening chirps and a putrid odor. i didn't know they stunk. experts urge residents of the state to be patient as they expect the invasion to last for several weeks. weeks? bill karins joins me with a look at the weather. does mother nature kind of help out with that? with the rain? >> i don't know. i think they are -- >> an odor? >> i think their life cycles take care of it. >> it's mating season, though. >> a cricket wasn't smelly, was he? >> i liked jiminy cricket. >> cute. as far as the weather in the west, thunderstorms and heavy rain around seattle and tacoma. the seattle-tacoma international airport, almost two inches of rain last night. very unusual to get this much rain this time of year from a storm system to the east of you. the western rain-wrapped storm continues right down i-5. portland has gotten steady rain. 0.75 inches overnight. doesn't really go much past portland. as far as the storm goes, it will be moving slowly away over the weekend. and down in the south, still humid and hot by southern california standards. just plain old hot in the desert areas. today's forecast still more on and off rain for seattle to portland. clouds will keep you cooler. very hot in the desert areas. we'll see afternoon storms because the humidity is high from vegas to phoenix. and l.a. into the low 90s. some of the hottest temperatures of the summer season. thbetter day in the northwest a the storm exits. >> so it's hot in southern california, too. they are saying that it's very humid by their standards. they're not used to it. >> i like the heat, though. i want summer to last just a little bit longer. under arrest for exposing 300 sexual partners to hiv. the smoking alcohol trend that every parent needs to know about. flirplus, the one thing tha guaranteed to move stocks today. "early today" is back in two. now to some other stories making news this morning. the female midshipman who accused three former naval academy football players of sexual assault is now suing the academy and its superintendent. her attorney says the superintendent vice admiral michael miller intervened in the case trying to protect himself and even encouraged her not to report the alleged assault. a man in missouri is under arrest after admitting to police he exposed approximately 300 sexual partners to the hiv virus. under missouri law he could face life in prison for knowingly exposing people to the virus. fear of rejection is supposedly the reason he never told his partners he was hiv positive. investigators announced thursday the hugely destructive wildfire near yosemite national park was caused by an illegal fire started by a hunter. that blaze, which is 80% contained, is the fourth largest wildfire in california's history and has cost over $80 million to battle. george zimmerman's wife shellie filed for divorce thursday. according to her attorney, the decision was made because of, quote, disappointment. and three people are lucky to be alive after escaping a sinkhole in downtown oklahoma city. the car they were in just dropped as the earth opened up beneath them. luckily, they were able to climb out of a back window. turning to health news, it's a deadly new trend that parents need to know about. teens inhaling alcohol to get drunk. investigative reporter dave elias from wbbh in southwest florida has the details. >> there's a lot of, like, rumors of parties, but, i mean, it seems like a really bad idea. >> reporter: young people turning their dorms and basements into laboratories. >> sounds like it might be toxic. >> reporter: all for a quick buzz. >> it immediately gets into the blood stream and goes to the brain. so it does happen very, very quickly. >> reporter: with how-to videos on the web, the word is getting around quickly, which worries doctors. >> there's no studies. we don't know what the long-term effects are on this. and that's the scary part. >> reporter: smoking alcohol doesn't even require a flame. it's about inhaling alcoholic vapors like these that doctors say can be deadly. we're not going to tell you how exactly kids are doing it, but we will tell you, their reasons are unfounded. some think that inhaling vapors will avoid a dui charge. >> the way that you got drunk was by inhaling it. the way you'll get caught from a dui is by exhaling it. >> reporter: others think they can avoid the calories. >> if you inhale the vapors or if i stick a line in you and give you alcohol through your vein, you are still going to get the calories. >> reporter: a toxic trend that doctors want to stop before the fad gets out of hand. >> let's hope it doesn't get out of hand. now for business news and seema mody. good morning. >> good morning. the all-important jobs number will be released today at 8:30 eastern. the u.s. economy is expected to have added 180,000 new jobs in august with the unemployment rate at 7.4%. this could be a make or break number as it is the latest report we will get before the fed meets in two weeks. jpmorgan is getting out of the student loan business. that's another story wall street is watching. the nation's largest bank sent a memo to colleges notifying them they'd stop making new student loans in october. new survey shows ecigarettes use -- ecigarette use has doubled among middle and high school students but their growing popularity is prompt something real health concerns among doctors. back over to you. >> seema, thank you. so you football fans, time to listen up because forbes asked this question. is it legal to play fantasy football for money? about 20 million americans draft fantasy football teams. many of you probably already have. and the short answer, according to "forbes" contributor mark edellman is in most cases playing for money is entirely legal under federal law but since states look at the law differently, you should consult your local laws. and have a good team so you can win. straight ahead, peyton manning gets the nfl season off to a monster start. plus all your sports highlights. that's next. all right. let's get the latest in sports now. the nfl season started out with a bang. but it was in the form of lightning that delayed the opener by about a half hour. once the action got under way, raven joe flacco connect forward the first score of the game for the defending super bowl champs. ravens running back ray rice also got on the board, but then denver quarterback peyton manning poured it on with seven touchdown passes, tying the league record. and the brn cos get payback for last season's playoff loss to baltimore. broncos 49, ravens, 27. we got some guys that will compete. julius thomas, really his first nfl game. a couple awesome touchdown plays. along with wes welker. he's as good as we thought he was. our defense can answer the bell without some of the top guns. those guys got a lot of pride. tip my hats off to them against a good offense. that was pretty impressive. >> peyton was impressive also. a fight broke out during a philadelphia eagles practice as controversial wide receiver riley cooper tangles with cooper. earlier in camp, cooper used a racial slur. andy murray slammed his racket on the court. so frustrated. looking very mcenroe-esque. the defending champion lost his ninth or to ninth ranked stan wawrinka. this issure inry's earliest exit at the open. with the score tied top of the tenth at yankee stadium, shane victorino bath against joba chamberlain and a check swing was not called a strike. then on the next pitch, victorino lined a single and jake obi ellsbury was, check this out, safe! can you believe it. safe at home. boston hangs on for a 9-8 win. in baltimore, not many fans turned out for the orioles game against the white sox. that's because thousands went to the inner harbor for the big nfl kickoff event to watch their beloved super bowl champion ravens in denver. again, unfortunately, they lost that game. just ahead, what do vin diesel, princess diana and "blurred lines" all have in common? find out next on "early today." first with the bad news. the worst weather in the entire country this morning is on i-5 with the rain from portland up through seattle through the puget sound. the good news that over the weekend that weather will improve. sunday looks gorgeous there. still hotter than we'd like in many desert areas. let's take you through the forecast as we go throughout the weekend. on saturday, portland clears out. still a few showers up there around seattle. still very warm in the desert southwest. san francisco, by the way, looking very warm over the weekend compared to how you've been this summer. 81 on saturday. 79 on sunday. should be a beautiful weekend for you. still warmer than we'd like, though, in many areas. still like to cool off just a little. people like the heat but you don't want to be uncomfortable. >> humid. that's the killer. in entertainment news. vin diesel's "riddick" is hitting theaters. it's the third installment of the action film series which diesel now owns. the action, or the actor bartered his cameo appearance in the "fast and the furious: tokyo drift" for ownership rights to the riddick character. naomi watts looked stunning as she walked the red carpet for the world premiere of "diana" in london. she plays princess di in the biopic which tells the story of a whirlwind romance between diana and a pakistani surgeon. the oscar goes to angelina jolie. she's been selected to receive the governor's award. she along with angela lansbury, steve martin and piero tosi will receive the honorary statues for their bodies of work and philanthropy. betty white can add guinness world record holder to her tremendous resume. the golden girl's 74 years in the business has earned her the record for longest female television career. love betty white. all right. and tom hiddleston, best known for playing loki in "the avengers" and thor plays a nice guy on "sesame street." the actcor dangled a chocolate treat in front of the cookie monster to teach a lesson about delayed gratification. ♪ we're going to be singing that song all day now. thanks, guys. according to billboard, robin thicke's hit song "blurred lines" was a tune heard most at barbecues and beaches all summer long. rounding out the top five of the summer, "radioactive," "get lucky," "we can't stop" and "can't hold us." this is "early today" we hope just your first stop of the day on nbc. in "the washington post," man accused of taking inappropriate photos of women at the lincoln memorial. u.s. park police say a virginia man used a telephoto lens to shoot up skirt photos of women sitting on the memorial's famous steps. shame on him. in "the wall street journal," 2020 olympics, madrid, tokyo or istanbul? it talks about how all three finalists face hurdles as the international olympic committee prepares for a final vote tomorrow. also leading our news this morning, president obama renews his quest for foreign support of the u.s. military strike in syria today. the second and final day of the g-20 summit. but it's still unclear whether there is a global coalition of support. russia, china and the european union have all condemned the attack, but say it's too soon for military action. a horrific story in new york city. 19-year-old roman pirozek jr. was performing a trick on a remote control helicopter when something went terribly wrong. he lost control and the helicopter's blade struck him in the head, killing him instantly in front of his father who taught him how to fly. neighbors tell wnbc that he was a world recognized remote controlled acrobatic flyer. and homeland security secretary janet napolitano steps down from the obama administration today to lead the university of california system beginning september 30th. in oklahoma, it's a punishment one 8-year-old boy won't soon forget. young malachi peterson got suspended from school for fighting with another boy over a girl. so to teach him a lesson, his mom made him stand on a busy street holding a yellow neon sign that said, i picked a fight because i'm a bully. malachi said holding the sign made him think maybe no one wins a fight. >> did he get the girl? >> that's a good question. was it all worth it? bullying is never worth it. >> no fighting is ever worth it. time for a look ahead and a look back. nasa blasts off tonight in virginia. a minotaur 5 rocket will launch an unmanned mission to the moon to study the lunar atmosphere. that's interesting. and a reunion to mark the integration of new orleans schools in 1960. ruby bridges and charles burke shared their memories of the day when he was a federal marshal escorting her to class. happy birthday to kate middleton's sister pippa. the big 3-0. "saturday night live" alum jane curtin turns 66. and roger waters of pink floyd is 70. now here's what's coming up on the "today" show. a young woman's incredible story of survival and triumph after being held captive by somali gang members for over a year. keep it right here for more news, weather n sports. i'm betty ngyuen. have a great weekend. a san francisco parks worker accused of running over a mother, killing her and then leaving the scene. why neighbors say they aren't surprised. new details on an nbc bay area exclusive. a second lawsuit has been filed against 49ers star aldon smith. happening now, president obama meeting with the top world leaders at that g-20 summit. what he's doing behind the scenes to try to get support for military action in syria. a live look outside this morning, looking at san francisco. it looks pretty darn clear. nice weekend, very warm. it's friday, september 6. this is "today in the bay."


Transcripts For KGO ABC World News With Diane Sawyer 20130907

obama is on his way home after lobbying world leaders to support his military strike on syria. but when he lands, he has to gear up again and convince the american people, and lawmakers here to stand with him. abc's chief white house correspondent, jonathan karl, is traveling with the president and asking the big questions tonight. >> the president didn't find much support for military action against syria here at this summit of world leaders in russia. and he acknowledged he may not find much at home. >> it's conceivable that, at the end of the day, i don't persuade a majority of the american people that it's the right thing to do. and then each member of congress is going to have to decide if i think it's the right thing to do for the -- america's national security. >> reporter: the president decided to ask for congressional approval before striking syria, but he has not said what he would do if congress votes no. >> i still haven't heard a direct response -- if congress fails to authorize this, will you go forward with an attack on syria? >> right, and you're not getting a direct response. >> reporter: well, it's a pretty basic question. >> i think we will be more effective and stronger if, in fact, congress authorizes this action. i'm not going to engage in parlor games now, jonathan, about whether or not it's going to pass, when i'm talking substantively to congress about why this is important and talking to the american people about why this is important. >> reporter: support in congress is plunging. even democratic house leader nancy pelosi said today that the president needs to make a stronger case. in an attempt to do just that, president obama said he will give a speech to the nation on tuesday. before leaving russia, the president had a brief, unscheduled meeting with vladimir putin that did nothing to overcome their differences on syria. in fact, afterwards, putin was asked what he would do if the u.s. attacks. "will we help syria? we will," he said. as for the rest of the world, 11 of the 19 countries at this summit signed a joint statement blaming the syrian government for using chemical weapons. but stopping short of calling for military action. several other countries here, including china, brazil, argentina, and of course russia, have come out against a strike. and actual material support for the united states on this is almost non-existent. at this point only france would join the united states if there's a military strike against syria. >> thanks so much, jon. at home, we continue to track how the president is doing on his request for congressional support. as of tonight, the opposition seems to be rising. last night our political team counted 217 house members who say they opposed it or likely would. tonight the number is ticking up, now at 225 likely to oppose. next, we turn to jobs in america. and the monthly report today showing 169,000 jobs created last month. less than hoped. less than experts predicted. the unemployment rate did inch down to 7.3%. but inside the number is a sign that your neighbors are eager to buy a hot car, or several of them. and the cars may be driving a lot of jobs. abc's chief business correspondent, rebecca jarvis, is here to tell us. what are the hot cars right now? >> the hottest vehicle right now is actually a truck. the ford f series. one selling every 42 seconds in this country. as far as sedans go, it's the toyota camry, one selling every single minute in america. then there's the ford fusion, one selling every two minutes. it's why we're hearing from ford that they're adding jobs here in the u.s. 1,400 new jobs to build fusions. >> and overall how many jobs in the auto industry? >> overall, 19,000 new jobs in auto manufacturing in the month of august. it's one thing people will see at dealerships, many of them don't have enough cars to supply the people with. they're selling faster than they can replenish. that's good news for jobs because the carmakers have to ramp up their production. >> okay, rebecca, thank you. next, we turn to the new report on arsenic levels in rice. the kind of rice in most american kitchens. the fda issued a new finding today. dr. richard besser tells us what it means and what to do. >> reporter: baby's first solid food. for many, it's rice cereal. and for the rest of us -- white rice, wild rice, brown rice, rice crackers. we eat rice every day. today the fda gave results of arsenic tests on 1,300 rice products. they found inorganic arsenic, the most dangerous kind, in most of them. arsenic is always in the ground and in water, and rice absorbs it. ironically, the highest level is in the healthiest rice -- brown rice, with its shell. the fda's report says the amount of detectible arsenic is, "too low to cause any immediate or short-term adverse health effects." industry groups are pleased with the report and say, "it supports the process by which fda is moving forward." but this story is not over. >> those headlines that say "don't worry" miss the point. the point is not about immediate, short-term effects. it's about the long-term health effects. >> reporter: long term, arsenic could lead to cancer and problems with your heart, lungs, and nervous system. the fda has already set arsenic limits in apple juice. today's report is, it's hoped, a first step to limits in rice as well. >> so what should the producers of rice do differently? >> the rice industry is taking it seriously. they're looking at ways to grow and process rice and try to keep it out in the first place. >> we're not talking china here. we're talking american rice growers? >> that's right. this is american rice. if you're making rice, you want to reduce the arsenic. rinse it until the water runs clear. you want to cook it in extra water, so the arsenic stays behind. and then vary your diet so you're having other grains and not eating as much rice. as a pediatrician, i'm no longer recommending rice cereal as a first food for children. there are other things that don't have the risk. >> i know you'll be writing more about this online. thanks so much, richard besser, reporting in. now we turn to newly released video of the man who held three women captive in that house in cleveland and then took his own life. abc's alex perez takes us through what we have learned about ariel castro on this tape. >> reporter: when amanda berry vanished without a trace in 2003, her heart-broken mother, louwanna miller, never stopped looking for her. >> it's been 370-something days and just not knowing. >> reporter: today in newly released police interrogation obtained by nbc news, ariel castro told police that a week after he kidnapped amanda, he used her cellphone to call her mother himself. >> what did you say to her mom? >> i think i said something -- that i have her daughter and that she's okay. and that she's my wife now. >> reporter: castro said he didn't identify himself and quickly hung up. louwanna miller died in 2006. today cleveland police would not comment on whether or not they knew about or investigated that call. during those ten years castro held berry, gina dejesus and michelle knight hostage inside that cleveland house, police never suspected him. but castro told investigators there were close calls. he thought school cameras captured him luring gina dejesus to his car. >> you said we could have broke the case right then and there. >> because they had surveillance cameras. >> reporter: castro says another time his girlfriend heard a tv on in the upstairs room where michelle knight was imprisoned. >> my heart started beating and i said she's probably coming on to it. >> it was a close call? >> yeah. >> reporter: tuesday, in a tiny prison cell, castro ended his life, as his victims finally move on with their's. alex perez, abc news, chicago. and there was another videotape that had everyone stopping to listen today. an internet confession. something a man says he did that killed someone else. abc's linsey davis tells us about the man begging everyone else not to make his mistake. >> reporter: with his face pixelated -- >> we were all drinking heavily. >> reporter: -- and his voice distorted -- >> just hopping from bar to bar. >> reporter: -- 22-year-old matt cordle makes a startling confession. >> i killed a man. i ended up going the wrong way down the highway, directly into oncoming traffic. and i struck a car. >> reporter: inside that car was 61-year-old vincent canzani, a photographer, navy submarine vet, and father of two. >> on june 22nd, 2013, i hit and killed vincent canzani. >> reporter: and online his actions are largely being revered with posts like, "well done, young man" and, "we need more people like this." though we did find the occasional post like, "never should someone be rewarded for having the guts to admit they committed a wrong by drinking and driving." according to the prosecutor's office, on monday, cordle will face a grand jury and up to eight years in prison. the video is also evidence of an increasing fascination with what some might call a "confession culture." just last month a florida man, accused of killing his wife, confessed to the grisly murder on facebook. in cordle's video he holds something called a promise card, part of a social movement dedicated to bettering humanity through the power of a promise. cordle has already made one promise -- >> when i get charged, i will plead guilty. >> reporter: -- and he hopes the public will make a promise too. >> i'm begging you, please don't drink and drive. >> reporter: linsey davis, abc news, new york. and next here on "world news," we want to tell you about a courtroom battle brewing about your e-mail and privacy. google being sued because their computers read your e-mails, so they can send you advertising. how obvious is this advertising? abc's dan harris tried a little e-mail experiment. >> reporter: to test how sophisticated google is at scanning our e-mail and sending us ads, i went all the way down the hallway here at abc news headquarters and enlisted my friend and weekend "gma" colleague, ron claiborne. as we hatched a plan to go for chinese food tomorrow after the show, ron wrote that he needed someone to take care of his dog. and boom, dog boarding and daycare. [ laughing ] >> reporter: then, when ron wrote that he should rent a car -- >> boom, discount car rentals from they are on you, man. maybe it's just you. are you the nsa leaker, edward snowden, by any chance? >> i feel like it. >> reporter: when i sent ron an e-mail about bed bugs, he got ads for exterminators. when he sent me a note about needing investment advice, an ad from >> i figured there would be. >> google says they're not the only company doing this, and that they are open about their practices. they point out they don't have people reading your e-mails. computers do that job. >> we kind of knew it, but never seen it in realtime before. >> right, amazing in realtime. >> thank you, dan harris, and rob claiborne as well. now a reunion right out of america's history. we remember that little girl, the iconic pictures, new orleans, 1960, 6-year-old ruby bridges, the first black child to attend an all-white school in new orleans. dwarfed by federal marshals guarding her. now that little girl and one of those marshals have met again. that's charles burke on the left and now 91. they met to create a museum exhibit, and he says protecting ruby was simply the highlight of his life. still ahead right here on "world news," in just two minutes, they say the family that robs banks together gets caught together. was dad driving the get-away car? and later, a great idea for dinner that can help other people have dinner too. mario batali is our "person of the week." man: i know the name of eight princesses. i'm on expert on softball. and tea parties. i'll have more awkward conversations than i'm equipped for, because i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. at massmutual we're owned by our policyowners, and they matter most to us. ready to plan for your future? we'll help you get there. fby eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. when i first felt the diabetic nerve pain, of course i had no idea what it was. i felt like my feet were going to sleep. it progressed from there to burning like i was walking on hot coals... to like 1,000 bees that were just stinging my feet. i have a great relationship with my doctor... he found lyrica for me. [ female announcer ] it's known that diabetes damages nerves. lyrica is fda approved to treat diabetic nerve pain. lyrica is not for everyone. it may cause serious allergic reactions or suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worsening depression, or unusual changes in mood or behavior. or swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, changes in eyesight including blurry vision, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or skin sores from diabetes. common side effects are dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain and swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. having less pain -- it's a wonderful feeling. [ female announcer ] ask your doctor about lyrica today. it's specific treatment for diabetic nerve pain. to hear more of phyllis's story, visit and now a big arrest tonight of some elusive suspects, alleged bank robbers who struck at least eight times. here's the surprise. this may have been a family business. abc's clayton sandell. >> reporter: these suspected bank robbers appeared in court this afternoon. two men police once thought were the same person. >> conspiracy to commit robbery, class 5 felony. >> reporter: starting back in may, colorado springs police began chasing a serial bank robber. committing one caper after another. eight in all. one bank hit four times. the descriptions, all the same. >> he has medium length, very light blonde hair. >> reporter: except one thing witnesses said didn't seem right. the suspect's height kept changing. detectives realized they were dealing with more than one robber. then, a lucky break. >> one of our robbery detectives who was just very alert, looking for a suspect vehicle, found it sunday at a motel. >> reporter: they staked it out and thursday made the bust. soon realizing the two suspected robbers are brothers. braden and nicholas butson. and the guy allegedly driving that get-away car? their father, brock butson. he reportedly has a long criminal record. and online claims to be a screenwriter, educated at the air force academy. but the air force tells us they have no record of him. >> these guys weren't what i would call brilliant criminals or anything. they were just acting almost on impulse. >> reporter: but they're not the only ones with a felonious, alleged family bond. police say last year, ronald katz and his son and daughter robbed as many banks in oregon and texas. tonight the butsons are in a colorado jail under suspicion of robbery, with three new pictures for the family album. clayton sandell, abc news, denver. coming up next here, a little girl and the tiny sea creature who decided to become her friend. it's our "instant index." the rash was on my right hip, going all the way down my leg. it was very painful situation. i'm very athletic and i swim in the ocean. shingles forced me out of the water. the doctor asked me "did you have chickenpox when you were a child?" the pain level was so high, it became unbearable. ♪ [ male announcer ] bob's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today his doctor has him on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. icaused by acid reflux disease, relieving heartburn, your doctor relief is at hand. for many, nexium provides 24-hour heartburn relief and may be available for just $18 a month. there is risk of bone fracture and low magnesium levels. side effects may include headache, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. if you have persistent diarrhea, contact your doctor right away. other serious stomach conditions may exist. don't take nexium if you take clopidogrel. relief is at hand for just $18 a month. talk to your doctor about nexium. [ male announcer ] we all deserve a good night's sleep. thankfully, there's zzzquil. it's not for colds, it's not for pain, it's just for sleep. ♪ because sleep is a beautiful thing™. ♪ zzzquil. the non-habit forming sleep-aid from the makers of nyquil®. our "instant index" starts with a surprise for baseball fans in milwaukee. season ticket holders getting a personal call from star player ryan braun about his use of performance-enhancing drugs. at first stunned fans thought his apology was a prank. but it was braun and here's what he told one fan. >> he said, i messed up. in a nutshell, i messed up, and i just want to reach out and say i'm sorry. >> by the way, braun is still making those personal calls. next, a country star who really doesn't miss a beat. carrie underwood singing on stage in five-inch heels last night in texas, when, all of a sudden she caught her shoe in her hem, finished the song on her bottom on the floor. and tweeted out this picture, her foot in a brace. sending word, "good news, it's not broken and i got some new footwear." and we have another surprise play date at an aquarium tonight in monterey, california. 9-year-old dakota and that's a horned puppet, nearly leaping out, following her back and forth. their ballet went on for nearly a full minute. best friend. and coming up next here, a top chef, a genius idea, something to make all of us happy and feed the world. our "person of the week." in djibouti, africa. 2004. vietnam in 1972. [ all ] fort benning, georgia in 1999. 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>> reporter: 23 restaurants, six television shows, dishing his trademark humor too. >> hold on. >> reporter: and this week mario invited us to his kitchen at "the chew." >> few of your closest friends. >> i love that. how are you? >> reporter: his shoes, the orange crocs. how many pairs? >> i have 40 or 50 pairs lying around the house. >> reporter: his wife and two sons used to them. those boys once had to wear them. >> the worst fear a father can have, is that the children are not on the playground and you can't see them. so we started dressing them in red, orange, and yellow. >> reporter: how old are they now? >> 15 and 16. >> reporter: they've written their own cookbook. while their dad was traveling, they were cooking. >> i always thought my wife was cooking. the boys were making dinner because my wife loosely organized "iron chef" challenges every night. >> reporter: are any of the recipes better than yours? >> i think they're all better than mine. >> reporter: says the proud dad. cooking has been in his family for generations. his grandmother and the ravioli recipe she was determined to keep a secret. >> the ravioli was legendary. my grandmother knew that people were looking. particularly when the daughters-in-law were around, as part of her job security, when it came down to a crucial step, she'd say, can you get something from the living room and come back? >> reporter: and she would give you six raviolis? >> eight. >> reporter: of course you remember. >> why not nine? >> reporter: batali on the streets of new york, can't miss the orange on that vespa, visiting his restaurants with one simple wish from his guests, that they now take peculiaicturh a purpose. >> there's a lot of people taking weird photographs of everything they do and putting them in the social world. >> reporter: he has a place for those photos now. a new app called "feed me." put up an image of your meal and they'll match it with a meal on a table a world away. 65% of american families go to dinner once a week. >> exactly. >> reporter: and 65% of the children in south africa -- >> don't get any food at all. >> reporter: he's out to change that. a simple idea, just like this recipe he asked me to help him with it. tomatoes, parmesan and my basil. >> you're getting obsessed with that. >> reporter: one more thing, the photo. i have your new app. i downloaded it. >> take a picture. >> reporter: uploading those tomatoes, turning this foodie into a "feedie" too. >> we're definitely contributing to something better than us. serving undernourished, underprivileged children. >> so for his pictures with a purpose, we choose chef mario batali, our person of the week. we thank you for watching. we're always there at with the latest and "20/20" will be here later tonight and, of course, our friend david muir will be right here at the anchor desk all weekend long. see you monday. tonight, pg&e under fire for deceptive pipeline practices. >> from mount tam, no marine layer no, cooling influence. heat is on and i'll have the hot weekend forecast coming up. >> new details about a innocent park sun bather. >> it's judgment day from landlord from hell what. they did to evict a tenant that now landed them in prison. >> three years ago monday, it happened. san bruno pipeline disaster, tonight pg&e offers a new public apology for the transgression. good evening, i'm dan ashley. >> pg&e is facing more possible fines and penalties for yet another error in its records and for the way it let the state public utilities commission know about that mistake. this comes just days before the three-year anniversary of the deadly san bruno explosion. abc 7 news is live in san bruno with the story. heather? >> carolyn, one of the lawyers today told the commission, urged the commission to take strong action against pg&e, saying that as things are now, the you tilt sees commission as a sand box and problem isn't as much ethics as arrogance. lead counsel testified this is much ado about nothing and he was ut of the country, didn't realize it's july 4th and was a unique kind of situation. >> september 9th high pressure pipeline exploded into flames, eight people were killed and homes destroyed in this glenn view neighborhood. after that, p good e reduced pressure on the gas system when asking for permission to bring pressure back up, it's required to show it was safe to do so. now, it turns out regulator grant that had based on faulty information. they did let the commission know about the error but only months after discovering it. and also concerned about the way


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