Here s Graham s response. Jeff, you and Christine were right as usual. Stan (Jones) and I did take the weather readings. I think we were chosen because we lived closest. I think we only did it for the one year, 1960, as I have the readings in an old school book. I cannot remember if the information was passed on, but the weather station was too close to the building for official classification. Unfortunately the maximum thermometer was not working until August and there were only two days that topped 70. April seems to have been a dry month with no rain at all in the second half, whilst October only had one day without rain. There were six days with over one inch of rain, and there was a total of 50.62 inches of rain in the year with 128 dry days. Only 15 days recorded a minimum temperature of below freezing in January and February, the lowest temperature being 26.5 on 13th Jan. If anyone wants further information I am happy to provide it.