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Transcripts For CNNW Reliable Sources With Brian Stelter 20201018

time, and he crowds out everyone and everything else. every week i hear from viewers that say we are talking too much about trump and not enough about joe biden. and this has been going on for five years. this screen grab is from august 2015 on this very show. i was pointing out that trump was sucking up all the oxygen in the proverbial room during the gop prime minister whary. now flash forward to 2020 and trump still dominates tv. we checked cnn, msnbc and fox news this month and trump mentions outranked biden mentions on all three channels. here is another data point. google searches for both candidates in the last 30 days, trump is consistently ahead of biden. so what's this about? well, it reminds me of the old saying that plane crashes are news, but all of the planes that land safely don't make the news. or maybe the better comparison is to a house. pictures of an arsonist burning down a house are more shocking than, i don't know, speeches by a guy who is promising to repaint the house. i am sure you can think of a better comparison, but we know that the president is shocking. we know this phenomenon is real. trump holds nor events and talks longer and tweets more. biden, on the other hand, is protecting his lead in the polls with a less is more approach. biden's low visibility campaign is working and, he said, perhaps people like politicians more when they see them less. tim alberta wrote for politico it's impossible to actually measure trump fatigue, but it is really even among die hard trump supporters. they feel trapped inside a reality tv show and they want a break even if they don't wanta t new program. trump is testing the limits of the attention economy. there is a big difference in this election cycle. his rallies are not being shown live all over the place. sometimes you have to go to his website to watch them. he says so many offensive and outrageous things that he remains a massive news story, that newsroom have to cover. look, even in my newsroom at cnn within our editorial meetings for this program we talk about the trump dramand a how it's crowding out news about biden, whether we need to add a biden segment to the program and what would that be. well, here it is. this is our trump and biden segment talking about this disparity and how it's visible all over the place. here is the question now though. is all the attention, all the air time for trump, is it working for him this toime aroud or working against him? i am sure you heard about the ratings for the recent dueling town halls. trump was outperformed by biden who was on one channel alone. is that the ultimate sign of trump fatigue? what does it mean? and how does the press need to make sure that we are providing balanced, fair coverage of both of these candidates when there are so many natural differences in the newsworthiness of them? i am joined by an all-star panel of guests who are going to be with me throughout the hour. with me is the staff writer for the atlantic and author of twilight of democracy, ann apple bomb, harvard law school professor yohai beijingler. the national correspondent for "time" magazine and authors of the ones we have been waiting for charlotte alder, and noah shack man. noah do you talk about this in your newsroom, this trump and biden disparity? >> yeah, all the time. it's real. it's important and it's unfortunate in a lot of ways. look, in some ways it reflects the dynamics of the race, too, right? there is not really in some ways a race between joe biden and donald trump. there is a race between two coalitions. a pro-trump coalition and an anti-trump coalition headed by joe biden. look at joe biden's -- look at his coalition, right. he has angela davis and nom chomsky on one end and bill crystal on the other end. the only thing they agree on is that they hate trump. so you see that reflected in the coverage as well. >> charlotte, do you pick up on this in your interviews with voters? you have been writing about this for "time" magazine. do they notice that trump takes up all the oxygen in the room? >> yeah, they do, and one of the things that i noticed in my trip across the battleground states, it's not just on the news that trump is sort of dominating. his visibility out in the real world is overwhelming compared to biden's. and that has a lot to do with, you know, problems the biden campaign has had in terms of getting their yard signs out, you know, people complain about their yard signs being stolen and i understand that the campaign is actively working on that and trying to fix that. but when you drive around, you see a lot more trump than you see of biden, and it sort of like reflects in some ways the news coverage. but also i think this is partly an enthusiasm gap between the two camps. the people who are pro-trump are really pro-trump, and some of the people who are not for trump kind of don't really want to get into it as much it seems to me. >> right. i was driving earned bucks county, pennsylvania, yesterday and counting the number of signs. every time i thought biden was ahead, there was another crop. trump signs. these are anecdotes, right? there is no real data we can use about signs. we can't resist the count, can't resist watching this. ann, you have a global perspective. you are coming from outside of the united states. i want to see your view inside the u.s. of this present situation. a lot of liberals in the u.s. feel like the press has been tilted towards trump even though the coverage is very critical most of the time because we are constantly talking about him. that means he is winning. how do you see it? >> oh, i am not sure that talking about him all the time means he is winning. you know, we saw what was the result of the first debate. remember it seemed to trump he was winning that debate and he seemed to say so afterwards because he was dominating the conversation, constantly interrupting biden, you know, he made his points over and over again, repeated himself, and yet we saw afterwards that people were really rappelled by that performance and they recoiled from it. and so i'm not sure that more attention necessarily means more votes. quite a lot of the attention is not just that the attention is negative. it's that the more people see of trump -- remember that most people follow politics the way people on this program do. they don't watch it every minute. and the more they see him in action, the more they hear him, the more they seem to be rappelled by him. it may not be a bad thing. >> we will preview the next debate in a couple of minutes. i want to ask about the bigger picture, the status of this election, because almost every day the current president is saying and doing things to try to delegitimize this election. his latest lie is that biden is illegitimate. these are a couple of tweets from october, one from earlier in the month, one from this morning, the meta message from the president is that biden shouldn't be allowed to run or he is not allowed to run, he is not qualified to run, he is not legitimate, he shouldn't be allowed to win the presidency. this is yet another flavor of this really dangerous narrative from the sitting president. is this ultimately a test for american democracy? what is this? >> absolutely it's a test for american democracy. don't forget this is a president who started his entire political existence with the birther movement and with the idea that the sitting president of the united states was constitutionally unable to be a president. so what you have is a sustained attack on the possibility that if you are not with him, you're at all eligible. and he has to differentiate himself in that way because he has nothing actually to show for himself. and we focus very heavily on trump, but at some point we should expand a little bit to look at the republican party nor generally. and when you look at the -- >> the republicans are in an electoral dead end. what does that mean? >> here is the basic problem. they are stuck in, for 40 years now, the republican coalition has basically been money focused on deregulation and low taxes, funding a party where the votes come from the white identity voters backlash against the civil rights movement, and the fundamentalist backlash against the women's movement. so you have this coalition, and it kept becoming more and more constrained as it started to feed from rush limbaugh, from fox news into its own extremism. so what you have now is essentially a party that can't expand beyond its base, and it's not just trump claiming illegitimacy of biden. you see it in greg abbott's effort to suppress the vote in texas. you see it in pennsylvania with the state legislature. because they are a persistent minority party based on very narrow foundations with a very relation that is a shrinking part of the electorate, they have no choice but to lean as heavily as they can on the most anti-democratic aspects of the american republic. >> when we hear about minority rule and we hear about this backlash, you are putting it into context for us. after the break talking about the recent moderators and a big problem that the commission on presidential debates has. that's next. h i could get a deal on a smartphone, but i'm not a new customer. well, actually now, new and existing customers can get our best smartphone deal. it's historic. that is historic. which means... i'm making history, right? 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we don't know. we shall see on thursday hopefully, because president trump says he, quote, will play the game and show up this time after skimming wh skipping the second debate. he is working the ref, unfairly attacking kristen welker of nbc. and look, this is a tried and true trump tactic, making excuses ahead of time. here is trump talking with welker on saturday. >> i have known her for a long time. she is extraordinarily unfair, but that's all right. >> okay. here is trump praising her back in january. >> congratulations on your show. >> thank you very much. >> they made a very wise decision. >> thank you. and we invite you for an interview whenever you are available. >> okay. >> need i say more? charlotte alter and noah strakt man are back with me. there should be a third debate on thursday coming up. let's go back in in time to the dueling town halls that were held last thursday. savannah guthrie was praised by seemingly everybody in the journalism world for poking and prodding and following up on president trump when he was dodging questions and spreading misinformation at thursday's town hall. and for that the president is trashing savannah guthrie. he has been trashing her for days now. let's take a look at some of what he said about her. >> and savannah, the anger, the craziness. you watched last night and you see the anger and the hatred. i am saying, look, let's just do this thing. just take it easy. relax. just relax. take it nice and easy, okay? last night was -- she was out of line. >> all right. charlotte, the president has well documented issues with women journalists. is this part of that trend? >> yeah. i mean, listen, the president has -- he saves his most personal attacks for women and particularly for women journalists. as we were talking about in the earlier segment, trump, you know, he's not really necessarily running against joe biden. he is kind of running against the media itself. so, you know, that's why some of the of the negative coverage and tough questions don't really seem to resonate with his base because the enemy, as he said many times, or as he tried to argue many times, or the questioners. is the media itself. so he is feeding into that situation that he has created where he is not really running against joe biden. he is running against the entire idea of media scrutiny and the entire idea that somebody would be really, you know, holding his feet to the fire in a way that savannah guthrie did. >> i am glad you said that. people didn't just see what the big deep story he is telling is. even though you can dismiss it as nonsense, it's a deep story about being everything out to get him. everyone out to get him. every institution, even the debate commission. that's the story he tells every day at his rallies. that's appealing or it's not. but that's the story he tells. so these clashes with savannah guthrie, you're right, they are part of a bigger narrative. so, noah, do he see a tale of two moderators between chris wallace at the debate that is happen and then savannah guthrie at the town hall on nbc? can we learn from their different strategies? >> yeah, look, chris wallace, and i'd add george george stepht the abc town hall with biden kind of let those guys go on and on and on unchecked. savannah guthrie, i thought, did a great job by getting, trying to get answers out of trump, getting in his face, really demanding that he answer the questions. and i am really hoping that in this next debate coming up they follow the savannah guthrie model rather than the george stephanopoulos or chris wallace model. >> steve skuli was to be the moderator of the second debate. he is the c-span veteran, a journalist beloved by the washington political class and yet he admitted to lying when he said he was hacked. he said his twitter account was hacked and that's somehow why a tweet from him to scare -- popped up on his twitter feed. he admitted he was lying and c-span suspended him for lying. how much damage does this do, noah, to the national news media as a whole when you have a pr prominent journalist admitting to lying under pressure? >> he is not the first prominent journalist to lie about some tweet he was no longer proud of. he is not the first prominent journalist to claim to have been hacked and then not. it's a trend that pops up here and again, and it is ugly and it's really got to stop. this idea of, oh, it wasn't me, it was a random hacker is ridiculous. people have got to own their mistakes. they have got to be able to say that they did wrong. nobody's perfect. perfect isn't on the menu. so people can say, hey look, i made a mistake with that tweet rather than blaming it on some phantom figure. >> yeah, it definitely does damage. looking ahead to this last debate, what should have been the third debate, it will be the second debate, the debate commission is being mum about what they are doigoing to do. i think they are afraid trump is will back out again. i asked this morning. i have been emailing and texting and not getting answers about what is going to change in the foreclosure mat and structure to have a debate. that raises the broader question. is this debate commission just, is it, you know, is it obsolete. you wrote a book about millennials and politics. the debate commission is very old. folks have been around for decades. you know, maybe they have the best of intentions. i think that's true. they have the best of intentions. th is this debate commission idea obsolete? >> you know, i don't think that the idea of a debate commission is obsolete because i think that there need to be rules for any of these contests and there need to be rules for the events where the two candidates face off against each other. i do think that there are -- [ inaudible ] needs to have that are a little bit obsolete. i think there is an assumption that they are going to set these guidelines and that candidates are going to transport them out of politeness and decency and all of the sort of ideals of a political age gone by, that clearly don't necessarily apply anymore. i think we saw that in the first debate, the idea they set the rules and the candidates would just respect them because they are the rules, and then trump clearly trampled all over that. so i think that these -- again, these very experience experienced and distinguished political minds who make up the debate commission are beginning to learn that they actually have to put a little bit of bite behind their rules and do some enforcement because they are dealing with a candidate who has no respect for these kinds of institutional guardrails. >> right, exactly. we will see between now and thursday what the commission is going to do. coming up here, how fax news is like "game of thrones." how fox is like "breaking bad." we will show you how this new anti-biden narrative from the murdoch media machine was manufactured. all otc pain relievers including voltaren have one thing in common none are proven stronger or more effective against pain than salonpas patch large there's surprising power in this patch salonpas dependable, powerful relief. hisamitsu. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ anywhere convenience. everyday security. bankers here to help. for wherever you want to go. chase. make more of what's yours. however, there is one thing you can be certain of. the men and woman of the united states postal service. we are here to deliver your cards, packages and prescriptions. and also deliver the peace of mind knowing that what's important to you-like your ballot-is on its way. every day, all across america, we deliver for you. and we always will. - black women have always been on the frontlines for social justice. - it's what we do. - we organize, - make phone calls. - and yes, - [all] we run for office. - all while being fly. - we stand up, - stand up to - systemic racism. - fight for - healthcare - and justice - for all. - all our citizens. - and use our power, - our right, - our responsibility. - black women, - let's vote, - for joe biden, - and kamala harris. - i'm joe biden. and i approve this message. oh, you think that's a bad move? so you're saying i should go to subway for a delicious footlong. amazing speech coach. i know. now in the app get a free footlong, when you buy two. because it's footlong season. right around this time of year republican aligned media rolls out a closing argument against the democrats. you have probably watched this hap happen without realizing it. in 2014 it was ebola. in 2016 it was emails, some stolen by russia. in 2018 it was the caravan. the so-called caravan of migrants heading to the southern border suddenly filled the airwaves before the midterm election and president trump said america was being invaded? well, it's that time of year again. it's not about immigration. it's an echo of 2016, about emails again, emails from joe biden's son hunter. let's take a look at how a story line is manufactured. in this case, a loudly anti-biden storyline redowneding the trump's benefit. it helps to view this as storytelling, not so much news coverage, but political entertainment where crushing the other party is entertaining. fox news, the beating red heart of the ride wing media machine, molds reality into a serialized drama. think "lost" for "24," gold medals or "breaking bad." west world or the wire. developments in this entertainment drama, new twists to keep you watching. fox and trump have this in common. they want you to stay mad and stay tuned. so this political entertainment car reams from conspiracy to conspiracy, like a serialized tv drama. many months ago the pro-trump media scandalized the routine intelligence practice of unmasking. they claimed that obama-era officials were guilty of, well, something. it's never been clear. it's nicknamed obamagate. that's the name for this storyline. trump has repeatedly accused his predecessor of treason. of course, most of the country ignores him when he says that. his biggest fans hang on every word that trump and sean hannity have to say about it. you probably know where this story of is going. it's going into the trash. tuesday night "the washington post" said the unmasking probe by the doj had wrapped up without any charges or any public report. what a humiliating outcome for the trump flax who worked so hard to promote it. this headline in "the washington post" was terrible news for trump world. fear not. a new story line was introduced right on time. the "new york post" front page announcing biden's secret emails. more shadiness involving hunter biden. as political entertainment goes this is not a brand-new tv show. it's just a new season of the show. hunter biden's business dealings if ukraine were a key part of the plot last season in the im echl impeachment of hunter biden. he has apologized. his father said it will not happen again. most people have moved on. but trump needs a closing argument. so he and his media allies usually rely on what about-ism, right? so you ask about the trump family swampiness and you they say what about hunter biden? they say what about obamagate. some say trump is compromised they say, no, biden is compromised. what about-ism is like a glue that holds the base together. it also supplies hours and hours of tv drama. so stay mad and stay tuned. that's what it's really about. let's get back to the new season's storyline. let's break down how this happened. it was launched by the "new york post" and then promoted by another murdoch media property, that of course is fox news. you worry about trump's corruption and fox says what about biden? every hour of the day. so fox is a producer of this serialized drama. there are big questions about who might have created this show. that's what's probably most important here. cnn reported on friday that u.s. authorities are seeing if those emails we just talked about are connected to an on going russian disinformation effort. huh. now we already know some of the american producers of this drama because the "new york post" says it was tipped off to the existence of the emails by steve bannon. steve bannon. then rudy giuliani gave the postal service a copy of a hard drive containing the emails. the post claims the emails were found on a laptop computer brought to a repair shop in delaware in the twinge of 2019 and a stop oopgs employee saw the emails and then was worried about getting in trouble or in danger and he made copies of them. there is a lot about it story that doesn't add up. the employee has not helped matters. he contradicted himself in interviews with reporters. and, i mean, for all we know, these emails are made up or maybe some are real and others are fakes. we don't know. but we do know that this is a classic example of the right-wing media machine. a tip from bannon and a hard drive dump from rudy led a former producer for sean hannity's thoushow to write a s to trash the bidens on fox and trump has been hyping the drama for days on end and this is how it goes on and on. don jr.'s tweet from a while ago, how, he says, how will the media attempt to sweep this one under the rug? that is the meta narrative, the big story they are telling about grievance and bias and vict-hoo. let's talk about the significance of these manufactured scandals request yochai benkler along with anne applebaum and noah shachtman. the "new york post" tells you your mom loves you, check it out. we are not talking about fully reliable sources here. we are talking about a system that seems to repeat itself every month, every year when one scandal fizzles, another so-called scandal launches, when the unmasking thing fizzled, now we are talking about hunter biden again. how do you see it, yochai? >> absolutely, this is -- we have been looking, my team and i, at this thing for five years, since the beginning of the 2016 election cycle. it happens every time. "the new york times" has a story about how trump is miss treating women. fox news makes up the big pedophilia story that ends up after years being pizzagate or after months being pizzagate and a year and a half later being qanon. comey gets fired and the kislyak meeting occurs. fox news revives the seth rich conspiracy and claims that the dnc or clinton had him killed. this is a standard move we've seen every single time. the strategy is to deflect attenti attention to attack the opponent, and the same propaganda pipeline is there all the time. this one, from the "new york post," is almost like a b-rated version because they just -- what did we have hanging around? we used to have wiener's laptop. let's bring the laptop in here. everybody thought emails. let's bring the emails. it's really almost a poor production of the same story because they seem to be running out of stories. in some sense it's amateurism either because they are poor or because they are so confident that the story is going to be too much fun for serious journalists not to pick up. this time, unlike what we saw with clinton, where serious journalists fell for the bannon-produced clinton foundation nonsense trivial alley, where serious journalists dug into the emails and gallup shows us the only thing people thought about when they thought about clinton was emails and foundation. they are trying to produce it now. but media at the moment major professional media doesn't seem to be falling for it in the same way. that's the critical thing to my mind. >> twitter and facebook have learned lessons from the past. twitter blocked the link to the "new york post," reversed. that's a sem rseparate mess. anne, there are certainly lots of questions about the trump family's dubious business practices. they make it about biden. an hour ago don jr. is on fox saying biden is on fox. is what about-ism the entire story? >> there are two weird issues to the biden story. one is the hunter biden story. one is the fact that joe biden's own actions in ukraine rg when he was vice president, were all about promoting rule of law. everything that he did there was about making -- creating a better legal system in ukraine, getting more honest prosecutors there, you know, fixing the kinds of problems that we now have in the united states with, you know, with nepotism. and so there is no there, there. in other words, whatever it is that hunter biden was alleged to be doing, it had no impact on his father. i mean, the second thing, as you've said, i mean, it's almost bizarre. nothing that hunter biden is accused of doing, you know, fraudulently is worse than what the trump family themselves do. i mean, this is a family that had a long association, for example, with a hotel in azerbaijan. their business partners there were members of the -- were linked to the iranian national guard. this is a family who have used the white house to earn money for their companies. ivanka trump got trademarks from the chinese government while her father was the president. one thing after the next after the next. i mean, i assume that the focus on hunter biden is particularly been chosen to distract from the family's own nepotism and own misuse and abuse of office. >> so, it's about saying everybody's dirty, everybody's crooked, stick with your tribe, stick with your nome. noah, i showed graphic that was wrong. let's put up the accurate graphic. we fixed it. it just shows how the cable news channels talk more about trump than biden, including fox. the numbers on the graphic were wrong earlier. fox talks about trump more than biden. the difference with fox is they talk about biden a lot. that's why the lines here between fox and trump are closer. sorry, trump and biden are closer for fox. fox talks about biden more than the other networks. why? because it's an anti-biden channel. they are trashing biden search ways to sunday. so, noah, my question to you is, "the daily beast" reports, your website reports that rupert murdoch is privately telling friends that biden is going to win in a landslide. what's going on at murdoch's "new york post" and murdoch's fox news when they are out to get biden every hour of the day? >> two explanations. one is a remarkable show and maybe a first-autime show of editorial independence by the post and fox news from their owners. more likely, they are positions themselves for the next few years where they can be the kind of conservative resistance to biden. my bet is on the latter. >> your bet is on the latter. my bet is on the latter, as well. thank you, everybody. quick break on "reliable source." much more in just a moment. r) i don't know what happened. 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>> so, the way to think about it is that logic is sort of like the mental leap between things that are known to be factually true. your rooting, your world view, rooting your reality in things established to be fact and real. unlogic, i came to think, unlogic is when you are rooting your reality in things that are not true. when you're taking conspiracy theories or, you know, dubiously sourced suspicions and orienting your entire world view around those ideas. >> this is why when president trump says at a town hall, i don't know anything about qanon, but i know they are against pedophilia, he is giving permission for these folks to believe the craziest, scariest theories, and then have a lot of unlogic. so, charlotte, bottom line, we are so far beyond fact-checking. that's what i hear you saying. >> yeah, because it's not about people, you know, believing something that's not true and then seeing that it's been corrected and then thinking, huh, i guess i was wrong about that. it's people's whose entire world view, entire way of looking at the world is rooted in this opposition to authority, this opposition to fact-checking, this opposition to verification. so there is no way to puncture that because when you present opposing evidence, it's too challenging to their world view. so they just kind of end up dismissing it. >> thank you for the warning. thank you for being here. read her columns about this at up next on "reliable source," andrew sullivan, he is joining me in just a moment. like the "visit a doctor anywhere our rv takes us" plan. and the "zero copays means more money for rumba lessons" plan. find the right plan for you from unitedhealthcare. get medicare with more. find the right plan for you from unitedhealthcare. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ it was built on blue-collar, hard work. hard work means every day. getting it right. it's so iconic, you can just sit it on a shelf if it's missing, you know it. your family, my family, when they drink that coffee, and go "man, that's a good cup," i'm proud because i helped make that cup. ♪ i'm proud because i hare you managingcup. ...using fingersticks? 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are there angles of this story that are not getting enough attention, in your view? >> yes, i mean, one thing that obviously is missing that was prominent in other epidemics is we don't see the sick. there are no images of the dying. >> yeah. >> we have no visceral visual sense of what it's like to get this and to suffer from it. we have euphemisms. we have secrecy. we have -- we have almost nothing visual that can scare us. previous epidemics, people were terrified all the time because they saw the consequences of getting the virus or the bacteria. and now the media helps keep this -- and also medical privacy, of course, completely out of our minds. >> such an interesting point. i'm glad you raised that. you know, you wrote recently in "the weekly dish" about trump being a germaphobe yet he hasn't taken covid seriously enough. i remember in the first month you were on this program talking about the president's instability, his mental health and said the media was downplaying it, afraid to talk about. i was wondering, do you think 3 1/2 years later the press has done a better job as the trump years have gone on in addressing the elephant in that room or not? >> it's basically impossible, really, because when someone as powerful and as important as the president of the united states, who has inherent legitimacy, has to be listened to, is completely delusional and delusional entirely to advance his own interests, and your job is to cover the president of the united states, you can, of course, keep saying these are all delusions, these are all lies, these aren't true, but after a while that becomes almost surreal. it becomes kind of ludicrous. the fact that he's still the president and still able to say these things and still apparently believe them, i mean, the ability for him to say i'm just gonna be in denial that we have this virus in this country because i don't want the economy to slow down is a -- is a pretty amazing piece of delusion. and that was the consequence of supporting and voting for a president for whom reality is entirely optional depending upon his mood at any moment. >> his mood at any moment. >> we focused on, literally, actually, just after the inauguration that he would say red is blue and we have to report that is still an unsolvable problem that the media has done decently in covering, but essentially the other thing that's happened is the media has become radicalized, obviously, over time. when there is a mentally unwell person in a family, everybody else eventually has that mental illness. i know this from personal experience. and we're as a nation have been like that family, having to cope with this crazy person, insisting on a reality that we're not living in. and -- and i think that still provides a massive mass cognitive dissonance in the country that is one of the things i'm just hoping to god we can get behind. >> andrew, thank you very much for being here. thank you for wrapping up this hour of "reliable sources" with some really challenging issues there. before we go, i do want to mention i spoke with cnn's director of polling and election analystics for this week's "reliable sources" podcast. we talked about common misconceptions of polling and much more. later tonight here on cnn, a really important special. "the insiders" hosted by afternoon. this is about the former trump official that have spoken out about and against the president. "the insiders" premiers at 9:00 p.m. eastern time here on cnn. sign up for our nightly newsletter on and i'll see you back here next week. on the sidelines.y husbn but not anymore! an alternative to pills voltaren is the first full prescription strength non-steroidal anti-inflammatory gel to target pain directly at the source for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren. the joy of movement. find a smarter way to learn with flexpath from capella university. you might even earn your masters degree in 12 months for under $11,500. capella unversity. don't just learn. learn smarter. sub out those greasy wings and get that new subway buffalo chicken! or that new bbq chicken! ooo that's sweet! freshly made footlong coming in hot! now only in the subway app, get a free footlong when you buy two. subway. eat fresh. get a free footlong when you buy two. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ anywhere convenience. everyday security. bankers here to help. for wherever you want to go. chase. make more of what's yours. record heat waves, does that worry you? well it should. because this climate thing is your problem. forty years ago, when our own scientists at big oil predicted that burning fossil fuels could lead to catastrophic effects, we spent billions to sweep it under the rug. so we're going to be fine. but you might want to start a compost pile and turn down the ac, you got a lot of work to do. because your kids are going to need it. lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. however, there is one thing you can be certain of. the men and woman of the united states postal service. we are here to deliver your cards, packages and prescriptions. and also deliver the peace of mind knowing that what's important to you-like your ballot-is on its way. every day, all across america, we deliver for you. and we always will. ♪ countdown. as millions of early voters weigh in the two presidential candidates are set for one last debate. >> this is the most important election of our lifetimes. >> could you imagine if i lose? >> is there still time to change the trajectory of the vote? third wave? i'll speak with trump campaign senior adviser lara trump and senator chris coons next. new coronavirus cases reach their highest level since july as health experts warn americans must buckle down to fight the spread. >> it's on a trajectory of


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