Syria has one of the world's oldest Christian communities. It was the Christian community of Antioch that was the most dynamic in the early phases of Christian expansion, and where the very name of "Christian" was first applied as a collective name, while the apostle Paul was converted on the road to Damascus, modern Syria's
Syria has one of the world s oldest Christian communities. It was the Christian community of Antioch that was the most dynamic in the early phases of Christian expansion and where the very name of "Christian" was first applied as a collective name, while
Today, April 24, is Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day. The Genocide Education Project offers a summary of that tragic event which transpired during World War I (1914-1918): "More than one million Armenians perished as the result of execution,
The evidence is overwhelming. "Each girl had been nailed alive upon her cross, spikes through her feet and hands." Aurora Mardiganian, Ravished Armenia. Often overlooked. is that this was less a genocide of Armenians and more a genocide of