Biju Janata Dal president and Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Wednesday launched his party's campaign for the Lok Sabha and assembly elections and pledged to make Odisha the number one state in the country by 2036. ️ Odisha Elections 2024: CM Naveen Patnaik Launches BJD's Poll Campaign, Pledges to Make Odisha No. 1 State by 2036.
The Gujarat High Court granted 10-day parole to one of the eleven convicts involved in the infamous Bilkis Bano gang rape case to attend his nephew (sister's son) wedding. Bilkis Bano Case: Gujarat High Court Grants Parole To Convict for 10 Days To Attend Nephew’s Wedding.
Days after the Supreme Court struck down the premature release of 11 gang-rape and murder convicts in Bilkis Bano case, three of them have moved applications before the apex court seeking extension of time to surrender before the concerned jail authorities. Bilkis Bano Case: Rape Convicts Seek Four Weeks Extension of Time To Surrender, Supreme Court to Hear Plea Tomorrow.
Justice Nagarathna said that the bench that passed the judgement in the Bilkis Bano case, comprising herself and Justice Ujjal Bhuyan, has to hear the applications. The apex court then directed its Registry to seek orders from the Chief Justice of India for the constitution of the bench and listing of the case on Friday. Bilkis Bano Case: Three Convicts Move Supreme Court for Extension of Time To Surrender; Hearing on January 19.
The Uttar Pradesh government has ramped up efforts to combat dengue in the state by having a dedicated dengue hospital in each district on the lines of Covid-19 hospitals during the pandemic. UP CM Yogi Adityanath Ramps Up Efforts To Combat Rising Dengue Infections After State Reports Over 11,000 Cases in 2022.