The 1982 sequel to the original Star Trek film, featuring a film debut for Kirstie Alley, returns to cinemas with its crowdpleasing zap and raw emotion intact
The ashes of "Star Trek" actress Nichelle Nichols will be launched on a memorial spaceflight, along with the ashes of late creator Gene Roddenberry and wife Majel Barrett Roddenberry.
The ashes of "Star Trek" actress Nichelle Nichols will be launched on a memorial spaceflight, along with the ashes of late creator Gene Roddenberry and wife Majel Barrett Roddenberry.
The ashes of "Star Trek" actress Nichelle Nichols will be launched on a memorial spaceflight, along with the ashes of late creator Gene Roddenberry and wife Majel Barrett Roddenberry.
The ashes of "Star Trek" actress Nichelle Nichols will be launched on a memorial spaceflight, along with the ashes of late creator Gene Roddenberry and wife Majel Barrett Roddenberry.