i told him what was happening and he told me close the facebook page, don t write anything. and don t talk anymore by phone because maybe they are listening. ok. so you sent this text message in response to getting that call to getting that advice from your brother? yes. and it did you actually speak with your brother on the phone? i don t remember if i did by phone or through skype. but i got that from my brother. and also, i was talking with linnette and linnette said, i have to talk with ross and he s not answering my phone calls. so i text him, answer linnette calls. did you send this text while you were talking with your brother? you know, i do not remember. at that point i was already with theo because i pick him up at 5:30, so we were already at home, maybe i was in skype. ok. what i m trying to figure out, did your brother give you the advice and immediately after that you sent the text? yes, yes. and actually we didn t talk any more because we wer
ms. lopez, what time on december on january 4 did you find out that there was a police investigation of what your husband did to you on december 31? on january 4, around 3:30. ok. and was that when ivory madison told you? yes. ok. did you have any inkling before 3:30 there was an open police investigation? as a good friend and as a good lawyer, she waits three hours to let me know she opened an investigation. i think she was really taking care of me. i ll move to strike that response. sustained. ms. lopez, you need to answer these questions. ok. no. and were you on the phone with linnette peralta haynes when you found out from ms. madison there was a police investigation? no. how long after you found out there was a police investigation did you get a call from ms. peralta haynes? i cannot tell you how long. we i don t know, maybe 10, 15 minutes. ok. and where were you when ms. peralta haynes called? in the stairs of ivory madison s house. int