the outrage from the left to the threat to our nation s justices? numbers friday show inflation spiking yet again with president biden continue to deflect blame, calling the rising costs putin s price hike. high gas prices forcing a sheriff s department in michigan to answer calls over the phone instead of responding in person. new insight into the threat to u.s. justices. correspondent david spunt has been tracking this and has the latest tonight. another weekend planned, more protests on the docket at the homes of the conservative supreme court justices as we await the likely overturning of roe v. wade. a protest just hours ago this evening outside the virginia home of clarence thomas. two groups, named after the late ruth bader ginsburg, outside the home just a little bit ago. justice amy coney barrett s home also in virginia, also a target. the group ruth sent us has posted the addresses of the conservative justices online and plans to spend even more time in front o
campaign propaganda scripted by the democratic party. the effect was north korean.n. every channel the same nothing like it has ever happened in this country. now the news anchorsno faithfuly did pelosi s bidding, pretended they were airing some sort of congressional hearing, but they were lying. it was not a hearing at a hearing. dissent is permitted. the other side can speak. evidence ispr present. o evidencer is not censored or deceptively edited. that s not alloweded. it was a so what we saw last night was definitely not a hearing. trialalthere. a hearing. there was no pretense of fairness or accuracy. the whole thing was indecent. aw some of you were convinced by what they saw last night by what they saw last night they re not goingng to win a single vote. so why did they do it? e there had to be a reason there had to be a reason well,, the reason they did it ia every minute news anchors are whining about some imaginary threat from and on every is they re doing that . th
ahead. i don t get it. i don t get it. yeah soso now we re in the press and now read scripture the all electric chevy volt the movie with available super cruise with available super cruise four hands free driving wow yeah. do you think that findm new answers find new road chevrolet w. good evening and welcome tucker carlson . thank heaven it s friday mostly because it s not thursday. yesterday was thursday, a day that will live in shame in thest that will live in shame in thest business yesterday, last night, everyyht news network in this country but this one faithfully surrendered its entire primetime lineup to nancy pelosi. so in place of news coverage, people who tuned in got two straight hours unedited