TV actor Chhavi Mittal, who battled breast cancer in 2022 and emerged victorious against the deadly disease, has opened up about her health struggles. Revealing her diagnosis with costochondritis, a condition affecting the chest s cartilage, the actress took to her Instagram handle to share her story. In April 2022, Chhavi Mittal faced a challenging battle against early-stage breast cancer. With courage and determination, she underwent surgery and radiation therapy, emerging triumphant and declaring herself cancer-free. Her victory became an inspiration for countless others grappling with similar hardships. Yet Chhavi s path to recovery didn t end there. Costochondritis is a medical condition when there is an injury to a cartilage in the chest. The pain associated with costochondritis mimics that of a heart attack. It is also referred to as chest wall pain syndrome or costosternal syndrome or costosternal chondrodynia. Despite grappling with discomfort and pain, Chhavi s post on Instag