Careful measurement of weight and height has the potential to yield additional relevant information about health among patients with Friedreich ataxia.
Researchers discover many genetic markers related to bone mineral accrual
A multidisciplinary team of researchers led by Children s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) has discovered several genetic markers associated with bone mineral accrual, which could ultimately help identify causes of eventual osteoporosis earlier in life through genetic testing. The findings, which were made possible by following a group of children over several years, were published online by the journal
Genome Biology.
Osteoporosis is widely considered a disease of old age. However, the accrual of bone density early in life is critical for achieving optimal bone mass in adulthood and influences bone health throughout a person s life. While studies have looked at genetic markers associated with bone health in adulthood, very few have been performed in children during the most critical period of bone growth.
Philadelphia, January 6, 2021 - A multidisciplinary team of researchers led by Children s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) has discovered several genetic markers associated with bone mineral accrual, which could ultimately help identify causes of eventual osteoporosis earlier in life through genetic testing. The findings, which were made possible by following a group of children over several years, were published online by the journal
Genome Biology.
Osteoporosis is widely considered a disease of old age. However, the accrual of bone density early in life is critical for achieving optimal bone mass in adulthood and influences bone health throughout a person s life. While studies have looked at genetic markers associated with bone health in adulthood, very few have been performed in children during the most critical period of bone growth.