notion that the technology advantage we ve had is threatened. look at china. the chinese are modernizing their forces. they have a ballistic missile that will take out an aircraft carrier. they moved into the south china sea building bases on islands. they have territorial altbitial ambitions there. we tend to look as china regional. i think they re a global threat. you do? look at the impact they ve had on the american economy. they carry a big part of our debt which is scary. when we come back, we ll talk about the importance of the 2016 election and may even tell us who they endorse. no? okay. we ll continue, straight ahead.
notion that the technology advantage we ve had is threatened. look at china. the chinese are modernizing their forces. they have a ballistic missile that will take out an aircraft carrier. they moved into the south china sea building bases on islands. they have territorial altbitial ambitions there. we tend to look as china regional. i think they re a global threat. you do? look at the impact they ve had on the american economy. they carry a big part of our debt which is scary. when we come back, we ll talk about the importance of the 2016 election and may even tell us who they endorse. no? okay. we ll continue, straight ahead. you total your brand new car.