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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20180802 10:00:00

A morning show that highlights the latest headlines in news, weather, sports and entertainment, and is known for the cohosts' casual and spontaneous... i will add this we have 200, 700,000 missing but 200 remains of. ainsley: 55 boxes of remains came back not sure how many they belong to. kim jong un came home from that summit and he promised him that he would do this and he did. the president sent out a tweet yesterday thanking him for that pete hegseth is in hawaii with the vice president. pete, we're seeing these coffins, these boxes with the american flag. yesterday they were in south korea with the united nations flag. but it's beautiful to see them with the red, white, and blue, finally back home on american soil, right? >> boy, that's exactly right. a lot of people commented on that. it's great to see them in the red, white, and blue, home where they belong. this was the arrival for the first time back on american soil. a few miles behind us in hanger 19 on air force base hickham, it was an emotional ceremony. the vice president presiding over it military families, korean war veterans. reoffense to the idea of law itself u as a candidate for a.g. i feel it's important to speak out to abolish ice. brian: can you imagine if somebody like this wins? steve: right now she is third place on the democratic side according to a poll taken a week or two ago. she knows about the law. she a law lecturer at boredham university. why a number of democrats are calling for the abolition of ice. she is talking about prosecuting people in ice for breaking the law. unfortunately, there are a number of people who are on the political left who confuse the family separations, which were done by the border patrol with ice. ice had nothing to do with the family separation. ainsley: ice goes in and tries to protect hard working good americans from illegal criminals. she says ice needs to be bliciousd. so much is wrong with ice. immigrants shouldn't be thought of as national security threats. she says ice is cruel and illegal and their behavior is unconstitutional. steve: she wants to prosecute them. brian: unbelievable. i want to you weigh weigh in on that also to get his opinion ron vitiello is with us, ice's acting director. we had the former acting director on us last night with shannon. ainsley: ron is going to be coming up with us on the show. send in your comments. steve: we have a very busy thursday. thank you for joining us. jillian joins us with more headlines. jillian: a number of headlines we are following. a fox news alert. first hand look from inside the plane that crashed and burst into flames in mexico. [screams] [. jillian: passengers screaming as the plane crashed trying to take off in bad weather. all 103 people on board survived including an american priest. >> unbearable, burning sensation when you breathe. it was pretty bad. we didn't lose anyone and that, to me, is a miracle. thank god. jillian: yes, it is. investigators now looking at the black box recorders: the man shot with another officer's gun is out of jail. isaac king shot and killed rookie turley trooper as he responded to a call. in milwaukee thousands say a final goodbye to officer, 17 year veteran of the force shot and killed trying to arrest a suspect. 34 police officers have been killed in the line of duty so far this year. willegendary college football coach urban meyer put on leave by ohi ohio state university. knew about allegations against a assistant and did nothing. that assistant was fired last month. the school is investigating. president trump meeting with a group of inner city pastors at the white house for a round table discussion on prison reform. one pastor praising the president for supporting minorities. >> to be honest this is probably going to be i'm going to say this at the table the pro-black president we have had in our lifetime. this president actually wants to prove something to our community. the last president didn't feel like he had to. jillian: the group also discussing how the low unemployment rate could hip former prisoners get jobs. that's a look at your headline. send it back to you. brian: whatever the president is doing the numbers seem to do a lot he is not talking about it he has to talk about it and see. so programs. steve: jillian, thank you u. jillian: thank you. brian: tsa could end security screenings at 100 smaller airports. is that really a good idea? ainsley: we have been telling you about this official sparkingout rage for kneeling during the pledge of allegiance. one of the veterans who stood up to her is going to join us next. >> you don't kneel and turn your back on that flag. you turned it on half of this town. over the last 24 hours, you finished preparing him for college. in 24 hours, you'll send him off thinking you've done everything for his well-being. but meningitis b progresses quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. while meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b. meningitis b strikes quickly. be quick to talk to your teen's doctor about a meningitis b vaccine. is this at&t innovations? yeah, wow..this must be for one of our new unlimited wireless plans. it comes with a ton of entertainment options. great, can you sign for this? yeah. hey, uh.. what's in that one? that's a shark. new and only with at&t, you can get unlimited data, 30+ channels of live tv, and your choice of things like hbo or amazon music. more for your thing. that's our thing. visit att dot com. -we're in a small room. what?! -welcome. -[ gasps ] a bigger room?! -how many of you use car insurance? -oh. -well, what if i showed you this? -[ laughing ] ho-ho-ho! -wow. -it's a computer. -we compare rates to help you get the price and coverage that's right for you. -that's amazing! the only thing that would make this better is if my mom were here. what?! an unexpected ending! - anncr: as you grow older, i-your brain naturally. begins to change which may cause trouble with recall. - learning from him is great... when i can keep up! - anncr: thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. - dad's got all the answers. - anncr: prevagen is now the number-one-selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. - she outsmarts me every single time. - checkmate! you wanna play again? - anncr: prevagen. healthier brain. better life. then she did it again on monday. this time she was booed by many in attendance, including a vietnam war veteran who slammed her for disrespecting our flag. listen. >> it says on my shirt if you don't like the flag, i will help you pack your bag and get the heck out of here. [applause] turn your back on that flag, you turned it on half of this town. >> that vietnam war veteran calvin bonnell joins us now. thank you for being with us. >> thank you for inviting me. ainsley: you are welcome. you stood up and made your point. you seemed very upset with what she did. why? >> because, to me, the flag is supposed to represent the united states. and when somebody kneels down and does not respect it, it goes a along with the national anthem. you're supposed to stand up and present yourself to that situation as well as the flag. when i first went in to elementary school, it was the first thing they taught us was respect for the flag and what it stood for. it just doesn't stand for the freedom but it also stands for all the gentlemen, ladies in the service that have been killed in the line of duty and when somebody kneels down in front of it for me, it's a very disrespectful thing because you should stand up and these people as well as that flag of the united states. ainsley: melissa schlag was caught on tape saying your town was racist and fashionist and went on radio interview and apologized for making it seem like all of haddam was racist and fascists couldn't be further from the truth. strong veins of racism and fascism run deep in haddam. do you believe that? >> i believe so. i'm out at -- she said it she had her freedom of speech. she has her freedom of religion because of that flag and what that flag stood for with the veterans fighting for her natural rights and the constitution. ainsley: do you agree with her that your town is fascist and racist? >> i really do not know on that point because i do not live in haddam. i live in meridam, connecticut. ainsley: you came over to make your voice heard because it was important to you? >> right. ainsley: why is that important to you? >> with her situation kneeling. she has done it before. she has made statements before. and i just figure it was about time some other people, besides her town people, let them know how they felt on it. we had about 75 people line up and give her the royal run. ainsley: do you think she should resign? >> i think so. because when she does something like that, she is not representing the constituents of that town in the right way. ainsley: it's hard to see her kneel, in my opinion, when we have the remains of these individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice come back. hear from a young girl who lost her dad when he was 4 years old he was never there for her wedding and graduation and that kind of thing. many people have made sacrifices for the red, white, and blue. thank you for what you have done. >> thank you for having me. i appreciate it very much for this time. ainsley: thank you. what happened to that missing iowa student. the search for mollie tibbets is intensifying this morning. mollie's boyfriend joins us for his first live tv interview along with her father coming up next. filibuster they work togetherf doing important stuff. the hitch? like you, your cells get hungry. feed them... with centrum micronutrients. restoring your awesome, daily. centrum. feed your cells. new laptop with 24/7 tech support. yep, thanks guys. i think he might need some support. yes start them off right. with the school supplies they need at low prices all summer long. save $200 on this dell laptop at office depot officemax. and the wolf huffed and puffed... like you do sometimes, grandpa? well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. so my doctor said... symbicort can help you breathe better. starting within 5 minutes. it doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. doctor: symbicort helps provide significant improvement of your lung function. symbicort is for copd, including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. it may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. grandpa: symbicort could mean a day with better breathing. watch out, piggy! (giggles) get symbicort free at if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. no one is going to have internet like this. no one is going to have internet like this. gig to more homes than anyone. not just the joneses'. over here. xfinity. the largest gig-speed network. brian: helping hand to sanctuary cities and growing anti-ice movement. the liberal ninth district court of appeals ruling it's unconstitutional for the white house to withhold funding from cities that protect illegals which by the way is illegal. the doj calling that a victory for criminal aliens and i can't argue. two migrants busted after a man falsely claims to be the father of a 17-year-old girl while crossing into the united states. border patrol agents discovered she was actually 18 and the the two are just friends. they even tried to use a fake birth certificate as part of the scheme. steve? steve: all right, brian. thank you. the search for university of iowa student mollie tibbets now entering its third week. boyfriend now suggesting she may have been kidnapped from his home where she was dog sitting alone after a jog in the town where he says no one ever locks the door. joining us now for his first exclusive live interview is that boyfriend dalton jack along with mollie's dad, rob tibbets. good morning to both of you. >> good morning. >> good morning. steve: dalton, your comment yesterday about nobody locks their doors in your iowa town got a lot of attention. what were you suggesting? >> that it's a safe little community. you wouldn't expect anything like this to happen. everybody was blindsided the fact that something like this did happen in our small little town. steve: absolutely i grew up in iowa and kansas. growing up we never locked our doors either. i know that folks are locking their doors now. robb, later today you are going to have a press conference with mollie's mother. tell us a little bit about that. >> the press conference is to announce the established reward for the tip hotline through crime stoppers. and we will be giving information about where people can donate to that. we're hoping that that will provide an enticement to people to come forward for information. steve: that's right. dalton, the night she went missing, where were you? >> in dubuque, iowa, about 100 miles away. steve: because you have a construction job out there, right? >> yeah. we were working on a bridge up in dubuque. >> and she was watching your dog at the house. and when was the last you talked to her? >> tuesday morning before i left to say goodbye. steve: since then, i know it's been driving you crazy and her father crazy and the entire family crazy trying to put pieces together. dalton, do you have any idea what may have happened? >> no, i'm kind of just leaving all the investigating to the fbi and all the authorities that are on the case. steve: do you have a theory? >> not really. steve: okay. i know this week you and mollie were supposed to be in the dominican republic. tell us what you were planning to do. >> my brother was doing a destination wedding down there and we were going to go down today actually for his wedding. steve: but that was canceled given what was happened with mollie. rob, let's talk a little bit about one of the reasons have you come on television so frequently in the last week or so is because you feel that there is somebody out there, whether it's in brooklyn, iowa or somebody who is just passing through that saw mollie that night and knows something. >> whether they saw mollie or whether they saw something that was out of place that seems insignificant and they are reluctant to come forward with that information because they don't want to clog up the investigation, there is no information too insignificant or if they're suspicious about a loved one or a friend that they are reluctant to turn into the authorities for something that they suspect, if they have nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear. and so turn that information over to the authorities and let them sort out what's right and what's wrong. steve: so far, rob, how many tips have they received? >> we don't know. we don't know anything about that. we rely on our partners in law enforcement to handle the search and the investigation. they share virtually no information with us, which is exactly the way we want it. and the way they want it. we rely on them for that they rely on us to help keep mollie's story in the public conscious. so then we rely on our media partners, you. and fox has been absolutely terrific. we can't be more grateful to you for helping us and driving information to that tip line. steve: well, you said that you -- they, the police, do not keep you updated on all the tips that are coming in. there was one story in the kansas city area yesterday that apparently at a kansas city area truck stop, i think in the last week or two, out by interstate 35, somebody thought they saw her in the cab of a semitrailer truck. but they have done some investigating. they have looked at the video. it doesn't look as if there is anything to that lead. but there are a lot of leads it must make you feel good, dalton, to know there are so many people out there watching right now who are trying to find mollie. >> yeah, it's pretty heart-warming to know the entire pretty much nation has gotten our backs and they are all putting forth the effort to try to find her. steve: rob, before we leave, what's the last thing you would like to tell everybody watching right now? >> just think. think about what you saw and call the authorities. i really think that's how we are going to get mollie back. i really do. steve: all right. fellows, thank you very much for joining us now live from grinnell, iowa, if anybody has any information about missing mollie tibbets call the sheriff's office at 641-623-5679. i've been making blades here at gillette for 20 years. i bet i'm the first blade maker you've ever met. there's a lot of innovation that goes into making our thinnest longest lasting blades on the market. precision machinery and high-quality materials from around the world. nobody else even comes close. it's about delivering a more comfortable shave every time. invented in boston, made and sold around the world. order now at gillette. the best a man can get. where we're changing withs? contemporary make-overs. then, use the ultimate power handshake, the upper hander with a double palm grab. who has the upper hand now? start winning today. book now at the new united explorer card makes things easy. traveling lighter. taking a shortcut. (woooo) taking a breather. rewarded! learn more at moments of taps being played to mark that ceremony of the arrival of u.s. servicemen from the korean war. that is from honolulu. brian: something pete hegseth witnessed firsthand live in honolulu. yesterday he had a chance to sit down with the vice president of the united states after taking, i think, a 12 hour ride with him. am i right, pete? pete: that is exactly right. no more powerful sound for my money than the sound of taps. what an appropriate moment for that, yes. right after the ceremony i had a chance to sit down with the vice president, fresh from his remarks, presiding over a powerful ceremony. we asked him about that ceremony but also a few issues hitting here at home for the president and the vice president. here's a portion of the interview with vice president mike pence yesterday. pete: it isn't lost on me that today we are dropping off caskets instead of dropping bombs right now on that peninsula. where are we in the progress toward that outcome, a great step today that is meaningful. a lot of people will say hey, they are still fueling and creating icbms. where are we in getting to that ultimate goal? >> the only reason we are here today is because very early in our administration president trump took a strong stand and said that we would not tolerate the presence of nuclear weapons and missiles in the possession of north korea that could threaten the united states or our allies. he took unprecedented steps to bring diplomatic and economic pressure to bear. while many worried about that approach, what it did was bring north korea to the negotiating table. and in that historic summit he secured not just the commitment to bring our heroes home, which began today, but also a commitment to achieve the complete diewxz of the korean peninsula. and what i can tell you, pete, is that we are continuing to work very diligentlily. the secretary of state will be in the region again next week. those negotiations and distinctions ardiscussions are n today. we saw this promise kept by north korea as evidence of the progress that we are making and we continue to remain hopeful that that we will achieve the aim that's aeluded the world for decades a nuclear free peninsula and bring our boys home. pete: you believe this is indicative of a process still very much on track. >> we are very hopeful that in today's events there is further evidence that the promises made in singapore by north korea had be kept. pete: i want to turn to home for a second. the president spoke a lot recently about the potential for a shutdown if he doesn't get the funding for the wall. he said in march i will never againly sign a budget that doesn't include funding for the wall. will he truly either before or after the election shut the government down if he doesn't have the wall funded? >> well, i think it is very clear from the campaign forward that president trump has made it clear that a country without borders is not a country. pete: people say he won't do it. he's bluffing. >> well, what i can promise you is that we are working with the congress to make sure that we provide for the common defense. that we fund the government. there is a series of spending bills. but, when it comes to border security, i know president trump is prepared to take a strong stand and demand that this congress respond to the american people, give us the funding to build a wall, to close those loopholes that are driving illegal immigration and human trafficking. support our border security. support organizations and agencies like ice. they are doing an incredible courageous job across the country, and i expect the president is going to take that strong stand before the fall is out. pete: where the economy going where it is, you have been in congress since 2001. have you seen an economy like this before? >> it really is extraordinary. i mean, i will never forget on the campaign trail in 2012016 in september when then candidate donald trump announced that we would have a national goal of 4% g.d.p. growth in the economy and it was rejected by virtually every. pete: pigs are going to fly. >> economists in the country. we have this year nearly 3% growth in the calendar year in first year in office and thanks to the president's leadership and strong partners and republican majorities in congress, here we are the second quarter of this year 4.1% growth. and we think we're just getting started. when you see the tremendous increase in exports in the second quarter. when you see the tremendous increase in business investment. we see wages rising. i really do believe the best is yet to come. it's all a result of the fact that president trump has been working every day to keep his promises to the american people, to cut taxes to roll back regulations. unleash american energy. and it's working, pete. pete: the vice president went out to talk as well about the pastor in turkey still there under house arrest and how they focused on bringing him back from a nato ally and also as we talked about on the program already the lack of coverage in the so-called mainstream media of this ceremony. so important to so many vets to the progress on the korean peninsula keeping promises. yet, unfortunately, so many people not wanting to give credit to president trump or vice president pence for making it happen. so, more from that interview in the 8:00 hour of "fox & friends," guys. steve: that's great, pete. the vice president was very clear that the welcome home ceremonial that we saw yesterday got started with the june summit between our president and kim jong un he said promise kept. he remains hope of that eventually it does lead to de nuking the korean peninsula u. ainsley: yep. pete: that's right. it doesn't happen unless that meeting happens. and it's a good faith step. now they are focused on the real verification of the denuclearization so this is a goods step but more to come. brian: more to come because satellite photos show they have not slowed down at all in missile manufacturing. so, can't deny that thanks, pete. ainsley: thanks, pete. they also slapped sanctions on the individuals that were responsible for arresting pastor brun son. hopefully that will work and we can get him back home to america. hand it over to jillian who has more headlines for us. jillian: good morning to you and to you at home as well. this has a lot of people talking right now. the tsa may be considering eliminating passenger screenings at some airports. according to cnn more than 150 small and medium airports around the country could do away with the scanners in an effort to save $115 million annually. the report does not list these specific airports that could be affected. nearly 4,000 firearms were found in bags at checkpoints across the country in 2017. that's nearly 10 firearms found per day. a woman is accused of intentionally crashing into a car over its trump bumper sticker. political science say chloe wright drove into the car, bent its door and drove away in hyannis, massachusetts. the driver also claims she called him racist when he said he voted for the president. she reportedly pleaded not guilty in court to assault and vandalism charges. cowboys quarterback dak prescott standing by his team's policy to stand for the flag despite backlash on social media. >> i never said i didn't believe in social injustice and things going on. i just said i didn't think the national anthem is the time. two minutes out of our day that we can also be spending just embracing what our country should be. jillian: prescott says he is ready to move past kneeling for the anthem and find a better way for players to protest. brian: that's a leader. ainsley: good for him. you said he is getting backlash? jillian: on both sides. there is backlash all over the place. he is receiving backlash. brian: ezekiel elliott feels the same way. he took it up a notch he says i choose. to say. jillian: good for him. brian: thanks, jillian. we have been telling you about the growing trade battle between u.s. and china. how big is the economic threat to america. ainsley: heart wrenching moment inside a supermarket. the story behind that video right there is going to have you smiling all morning long ♪ ♪ i found my tresiba® reason. now i'm doing more to lower my a1c. i take tresiba® once a day. tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. 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(vo) ask your health care provider about tresiba®. covered by most commercial health insurance and medicare part d plans. when the guy in frontd down the highway slams on his brakes out of nowhere. you do, too, but not in time. hey, no big deal. you've got a good record and liberty mutual won't hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. you hear that, karen? liberty mutual doesn't hold grudges... how mature of them. for drivers with accident forgiveness liberty mutual won't raise their rates because of their first accident. liberty mutual insurance. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty ♪ ♪ brian: president trump taking on china for trade practices. you know that. his administration now considering doubling proposed tariffs on chinese goods up to 25%. things like hand bags and food. what should we know about china's economy? today on the final day of our series china friend or foe we focused on the country's economic threat to the u.s. here to break it down is state department press officer morgan o ortagus in the military. >> in the navy. brian: the numbers say we are still leading. >> china's gpsd china is the second largest in the world purchasing power largest economy. look at largest manufacturer in the world. they are the largest exporter of goods in the world. so they are nipping at our heels and only nominal thing left is g.d.p. brian: this story is moving tariffs increase. president is considering putting tariffs on fish, petroleum, hand bags up to $250 million. why do you think is he doing it and what from what your numbers say does he need to do. this what president trump is doing in china and i have said in this week, brian, is the most important thing he will do in his presidency. president obama was right to talk about -- asia. unfortunately we never did. what we have done over the past 20 to 30 years is watch china rise we somewhat ignored it continued to let them steal our ip through theft. countering them. getting fair trade. dealing with them on ip and making them level playing field in the world is the most important thing that this president will do. brian: yesterday the senate will improve defense package tighten security on chinese corporation deals and revamp export controls on technologies. democrats and republicans agreeing on something. >> elizabeth warren actually compliments the president on this. and so does bernie sanders as it relates to trade. there is cfius that's going through the congress as well and that is, again, to tighten the restrictions on companies. what's really important though which we don't talk about america companies who do business in china get hearsed there. josh rogan from "the washington post has written about this extensively. senator marco rubio has talked about this. major corporation goes there if they mention taiwan or ticket otibet on their website y in order to stay in the country. american companies should not be doing. this. brian: absolutely. google is revamping their system to limit freedom. for you to walk away with one thing from this segment, how about this? china's one belt, one road initiative. they are rebuilding these impoverished country's infrastructure and gives them loans so they are on the hook. pakistan is subservient to china right now. important that pompeo smoke out against any imf bailouts go. back to history class and ancient silk roads. one belt one road initiative it goes over 68 countries, 65% of the world wanted population. 40% of the world's g.d.p. what this is these are both land based routes and maritime routes where china is seeking to integrate itself once again with the middle east and with europe and to really they want to take control over the shipping lanes over the sea routes and land routes. they don't want to have the american navy controlling the south china sea. brian: we will see what we are going to do to stop it. educate the american public. they will be behind it there is a problem with one country trying to dominate and leaving other countries giving loans they can't possibly pay back. >> thank you for having me for four days it's been a pleasure. brian: real pleasure. now you can get a rest. focusing on paul manafort's lavish lifestyle. what can we expect on day three. judge napolitano standing as he walks to our set ♪ walk this way ♪ attract new customers. that's when fastsigns recommended fleet graphics. yeah! now business is rolling in. get started at yeah! now business is rolling in. booking a flight doesn't have to be expensive. just go to priceline. it's the best place to book a flight a few days before my trip and still save up to 40%. just tap and go... for the best savings on flights, go to priceline. not relevant. brian: would judge napolitano handle this? [laughter] this is like a tv show it? >> is like a tv show when manafort has apparently bought businesses worth 8,000 bucks. 10,000 bucks and the judge says if it's not from men's wearhouse i don't know anything with it. brian: get to the point in all seriousness. >> i think judges and sometimes juries get a little frustrated when prosecutors try to demonize the defendant before they present any evidence against him. the fact that he bought $10,000 business suits is lavish is not a crime. they have been doing that for three or four days. their theory was this was an ill gotten gain that bypassed the irs and this is what he spent it on. if it's ill gotten gain and bypassed the irs it doesn't matter what he spent it on. they will eventually get to that i think today or tomorrow or certainly by next week. thus far they have presented no evidence of any crime just the manner in which he used this money. ainsley: do you know anything about the jury? >> no. steve: seated quickly. >> yes. i was surprised it was seated quickly. manafort is very well-known. everybody knows the potential connection to the president. the judge said i don't want to hear the word mentioned nut courthouse. it was mentioned once in connection with trump tower not it in connection with with the president himself. steve: one of the guys closely aligned with mr. man forth was rick gates, his number two person. he got a deal from the government to spill his beans. you know what? there he is right there. we might not even call him. that's bad. >> rick gates was paul manafort's business partner for 15 years. and he was the deputy campaign manager for president trump during the summer of 2016, when the meeting happened with the russians. steve: right. man ford has said that that man right there embezzled millions of dollars. >> correct. this shows how the government can use witnesses who flip by providing them with information in secret. by telling this stuff to the grand jury but by not putting him on the witness stand because it may open up a can of worms. this may force manafort's lawyers to put gates on the witness stand if they want to say you are the guy who pulled all these tricks against the irs. brian: judge, do you know what it tells me? it tells me they wanted gates to pressure manafort to flip somehow to get what this judge originally said president trump and he hasn't done it. >> precisely. manafort has basically said through his lawyers you guys have indicted me three times. i got two trials. i have been living in solitary confinement for two months. nothing will break me because i have nothing to give you. that's the message that we're getting this week. brian: wow. >> see where it goes. brian: we didn't have a chance to talk about it where the president got new parameters when it comes to the interview mueller answered him. >> more about that later. steve: judge, thank you. >> you are welcome. ainsley: coming up, more of pete hegseth's exclusive one-on-one interview with the vice president of the united states mike pence. the remains of u.s. service members arrive home from north korea. steve: plus acting ice director vitiello and dana loesch here. two more hours of "fox & friends." we'll be right back book now at does it look like i'm done?yet? shouldn't you be at work? [ mockingly ] "shouldn't you be at work?" todd. hold on. 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right. steve: who is in those caskets. ainsley: 55 boxes presumed to contain remains of americans. it could make months, it could take a year or two they say. hopefully we will be able to identify who they belong to. brian: the president tweet you had last night about this. says thank you chairman kim jong un for keeping your word and starting the process of sending home the remains of our great and beloved missing fallen. i'm not at all surprised that you took this kind action. also, thank you for your nice letter. i look forward to seeing you soon. steve: soon? wonder what that means? brian: they say he possibly could meet in new york at a u.n. meeting when he does come here this way. but the one thing he has not done is lived up to what promise we thought he made in singapore about dismantling his nuclear program, especially the rapid construction of you will missiles. steve: there is information in intel people accord ing to "the washington post that he is still building the missiles. pete hegseth, who has traveled with the vice president, out to the honolulu area joins us live from honolulu. pete, one of the things that mr. kim and mr. trump worked out was that these remains would be returned and at least in that respect, it was a promise kept. >> very much. so in the interview i did with the vice president i asked him about the detect potentially between what's happening on the ground and the deal made. yesterday powerful and solemn ceremony. a dedication of the commitment to a growing relationship on that peninsula. you know, i was sitting there waiting for the ceremony to start and they played amazing grace and it goes to the line i once was lost but now i'm found. and that certainly was the feeling for military families and korean war veterans and patriots there. what amazing display of respect for those that have given everything for our country 65 years later. here's a portion of my interview with the vice president talking about the powerfulness of that ceremony. >> it was very humbling for me to be there. i spoke to the president shortly after the ceremony, and i told him i'm not sure he has given me a greater honor than to represent him here today to see those 55 flag-draped cases be carried so solemnly in. and not just as the vice president but as the son of a combat veteran from the korean war, it was deeply moving for me. but, it's what great nations do. i couldn't be more proud to be an american today. and also, i couldn't be more proud to be vice president with a president who, when he was sitting down, with the leader of north korea in singapore, to negotiate complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula, he also had our fallen on his heart. and he secured not just a promise to create a pathway for denuclearization and peace, but he also secured a promise to bring our boys home. and today it began. and it was a great honor to be there, pete. pete: also couldn't help but notice that if you were watching television there was only one network, this network, fox news channel, covering that ceremony. other networks choosing to cover other priorities. i asked the vice president what does that say about our nation right now? and he answered this way. >> i think there is a loft people in the so-called mainstream media that would do well to spend a little bit more time traveling across this country and listening to the american people. because, frankly, as i travel, on behalf of this administration, meeting with groups large and small, i sense a great enthusiasm across the country. when what i see people focused on is security at home and abroad. they are focused on jobs and opportunities. they are focused on ensuring that our courts respect the constitution of the united states and all the god-given liberties enshrined there. people see when it comes to president donald trump it really has been a year and a half of promises made and promises kept. pete: i can't hear. brian: we can't hear us. we can hear you. pete: to his point, i couldn't hear for a second there cnn only covered 58 seconds of the ceremony and msnbc zero seconds. i think if you are in tune with the pulse of the american people. patriotism runs deep. they want things like this in their living room. i'm proud of fox news channel for covering it the way they should. ainsley: there are 55 boxes that have come back with the remains and we are not sure who they belong to. have they gone through and tested some of these bones? do we know -- we definitely know they are these soldiers, right? pete: they did a preliminary test in south korea. but the full d.n.a. testing will now be happening right now here in honolulu. they have got a state of the art facility. for some it will take weeks and months. others it could take up to a year. we're not going to know that hopefully we will know some things in the coming weeks. brian: still missing at least 7,000. great gesture let us walk the country with exploration teams in order to go back to the sites from 65 years ago. they would let us do it in the south. they are not going to let us as of now do it in the north. steve: they don't want americans there pete, thank you very much for the live report. >> thank you, guys. steve: we got back on american soil yesterday the 55 cases. and inside one of them, one set of dog tags and apparently that family has been notified. and i was reading one of the reports from asia that said that they also returned some materials, for instance, military hardware, some uniforms, some helmets, some canteens and boots are being returned in those boxes. ainsley: i once was lost and now i'm found. this was the headline for the "new york post" this morning coming home. can you see the caskets draped in red, white, and blue. steve: it was solemn and stirring. we asked you for your comments. mollie emailed us, my eyes filled with tears. and i felt so moved to witness this amazing event. every military family feels a connection and love for the families who lost their loved ones in the korean war. we all rejoice to get them home. brian: remember how bad this was getting. at one point mcart temperature said to truman i just got to drop the atomic bomb on that's the only way to solve. this god bless the military and their families. never forget. ainsley: dee wrote this i wish my dad was alive to see his brothers returning home no. doubt is he rejoicing with them. i wept with tears of sorrow and joy. the vice president's speech was moving. thank you will never be enough. steve: we'll have more of pete's conversation with the vice president coming up. meanwhile, the president of the united states himself called into the rush limbaugh show. rush is celebrating 30 years of his major hit on the radio. ainsley: congratulations, rush. steve: indeed. keep in mind on sunday the president tweeted out he would be willing to shut the government down if he doesn't get the money for the border wall. and then the story was that apparently he sat down last week with mitch and paul and they worked out a deal they would get the funding for the wall after the mid terms. but when the president was on with l. rushbeau yesterday. he made it clear maybe he dual it before the mid terms. >> the other thing is the wall. we started it. it's like pulling teeth. getting these guys to get it done -- and have you no idea how tough i have been. i say hey, if you have a shutdown, you have a shutdown. the shutdown can also take place after the election. i happen to think it's a great political thing because people want border security. brian: talked to scott taylor yesterday on the radio he said by the way we do have 5 billion for the president to continue with the wall. i would like to see confirmation on that. if he has. steve: it passed the committee. brian: 1.6 and really 750 million. doing some substantial work. if he gets 5 billion for the wall. that will keep them busy for a while. steve: that was passed out of committee. still has to be voted on i understand by the full house and, the senate. brian: wouldn't have to waited until after the mid terms. ainsley: they don't have a lot of the time. they have got to get other things. the supreme court. they have to work on that. zephyr teachout is a democrat. she is running for attorney general of new york. and she, like a lot of democrats now, pushing for the abolishment of ice. she is actually taking it a step further. she promises if she is elected to prosecute ice. listen. >> ice was born in xenophobia in the time after 9/11 and has grown up to become a tool of fear and illegality. and as attorney general, i will continue to speak out against ice. i will prosecute ice for their criminal acts. we have stories of consistent abuse within ice. the idea that we could call this law enforcement is a real offense to the idea of law itself. and as a candidate for a.g., i feel like it's really important to speak out to abolish ice. steve: you know she is a law lecturer at fordham university law school. i would be curious what she feels is -- she would prosecute ice over what criminal acts exactly. to my understanding, they are just following the law. if you don't like the law, change the law. that, once again, is where congress comes in and do something. brian: born out of screen phobia, it's called the next 13, 18, 19 hijackers from taking down more planes. ainsley: right. brian: did incredible job with terrorism. doing incredible job getting illegal criminals out of here. it's a tough job like law enforcement. do you love when law enforcement cracks down on somebody you don't know? they were breaking the law to begin with. ainsley: created after 9/11, because of 9/11. we're going to have ronald vitiello the acting ice director. he is going to be live on our show at 7:30 to respond to her. steve: plenty to talk about. 7:11 in new york city. jillian has headlines on the pope. jillian: starting with a fox news alert right now. get you caught up on this. pope francis is changing the church's stance on the death penalty. head of the catholic church now says it should never be allow you had since it attacks human dignity. previously capital punishment was allowed only way of defending human lives against unjust aggressors. the new teaching claims the old policy is outdated and there are other ways to protect society. it is primary day in tennessee. all eyes are on republicans. gubernatorial candidates congresswoman diane black. businessman randy boyd u state representative beth harwell and bill lee are all vying for a spot in the yen election. black is endorsed by the vice president. and overnight former president barack obama announces his midterm picks. he is endorsing 81 candidates. a supermarket employee going viral for this incredible act of kindness, letting a customer with autism help him stock the shelves. jordan taylor was working in baton rouge when he noticed jack ryan watching him refill the coolers. he offered to show him what to do guiding zac over 30 minutes. so grateful for his kindness, they started a go fund me to help raise money to send him to college. see an act of kindness can take you a long way. steve: how great is that just wanted to help and they let him. thank you, jillian. brian: i guess i will read now. counsecowboy star dak prescott. people for him, people against him. what does he think now? hear from him next. t meningitiss quickly and can be fatal, sometimes within 24 hours. while meningitis b is uncommon, about 1 in 10 infected will die. like millions of others, your teen may not be vaccinated against meningitis b. meningitis b strikes quickly. be quick to talk to your teen's doctor about a meningitis b vaccine. with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. ordering custom ink t-shirts has been a really smart decision for our business. i love the custom ink design lab because it's really easy to use. they have customer service that you can reach 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time. he went on to say it's a moment for me at peace. i think about all the great things our country does have even though we do know it's not a good time. ainsley: football brings me so much joy. for two minutes this is not the time to protest. i want to stand by the anthem. by the flag and i want to stand up. i don't want to kneel. he said i respect your opinions, please respect mine. steve: right. his boss jerry jones the guy who owns the cowboys made it very clear last week, i believe. he said look, if you want to play on this team and be a dallas cowboy you have to stand during the anthem with your toes on the line. earlier, one hour ago. ainsley talked to calvin bonniebonnell. he was a vietnam vet in attendance this week when a woman one of the town members haddam connecticut took a knee during the pledge. there she is. ainsley: for a second time. steve: she was being hollered out by a number of people. calvin didn't like what she did. talking about what the flag means to him. >> it just doesn't stand for the freedom but it also stands for all the gentlemen, ladies, in the service that have been killed in the line of duty and when somebody kneels down in front of it for me, it's a very disrespectful thing because you should stand up and praise these people as well as the flag of the united states. brian: that's what jerry jones u the cowboys will stand. players around the league got mad at him. and the nfl told jerry jones stop talking about the anthem. he doesn't listen to the nfl. they have basically been at war the last few years. came in with thunder. he continues to do his own thing. but, that's basically what he has done. and jeff of the eagles, super bowl champion says my players can do whatever they want right now. ainsley: have you all ever been to a funeral where someone was a veteran and they hand the flag to the family? steve: look at that return family yesterday in honolulu. ainsley: with all the red, white, and blue draped over. my grandfathers at both of their funerals our family was handed the flag. those flags are still in our family and we respect them and they mean so much to us because it represents the men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country and for our freedom. brian: i think the quarterback nailed it it's not that there is no social injustice that needs to be addressed he is saying that is not the time. ainsley: not the time. steve: see what happens this season. let us know. or twitter or facebook. meanwhile, this professor slammed barbara bush as a, quote: racist days after she died. now she is complaining because she is getting hate mail. not kidding. ainsley: you love her as aunt becky on full house. now lori laughlin is returning to another role she joins us live coming up next. ♪ mayoral candidate is giving away to help pay their property taxes. millionaire's second major money give away through nonprofit. the group is filing complaints saying the money should be disclosed as a donation to his campaign. there feet away is ainsley. she is about to talk. ainsley: i mean, i grew up watching that show right there. this is fuller house, we all grew up with full house as well. we know her as aunt becky on the classic tv show full house and the spinoff that you see there fuller house. she hasn't changed. she hasn't aged a bit. she is so gorgeous lori laughlin returning to another role that she is very familiar with and four brand new installments of hallmark's mysteries and movie channels garage sale mystery. take a look. >> this box belonged to my mother-in-law. i couldn't figure out how to open it. >> i can't help wonder if something valuable is inside. >> whatever mom was hiding must have been important. >> hiding from who? >> be careful. a lot of people who touched it turned up dead. >> lori laughlin joins to us talk about. garage sale mystery is back. first one airs on sunday. >> sunday night 9, 8:00 central. we have been doing these movies for the last five years. started as one for the hallmark channel. they decide they wanted to rebrand movie channel it became the hallmark movie and mystery channel and garage sale was jumping off point it did so well for them on main channel. we have done 15 movies now. last year after the august we did garage sale mystery month it was very successful. we did four more for this august and they start airing this sunday night. ainsley: i think we are all fascinated with garage sales we love going to them. annual teaks roadshow is a popular slow and we can all relate to this we all have treasures. >> i play a woman who owns antique store. same cast. tune in see same cast basically become a little series. somehow when we go to the garage sale we will find some piece, something that will tie back into a murder. one of the reasons it is so successful is it reminds me of like television that i grew up watching murder she wrote, columbo, whodunit. nothing scary. nothing graphic or gory. much more geared towards family. i like it. the viewers seem to really love it i love the role of jennifer shannon. i love the cast i work with kevin o'grady and sarah strange. amazing great cast i get to work with. fun. really fun. ainsley: i think we have another clip. >> my goodness, another clip. >> whatever mom was hiding, must have been important. >> hiding from who? >> i don't know yet. but this spiral drawn this way means family. >> these two symbols you put them side by side they become the infinity sign. >> becomes family. >> family is forever. >> that is a first one old puzzle box comes into the antique store. i'm trying to get it open because the clue to this murder or what happened is in the box. so, anyway, so now we have to figure out how to open that box. that's the jumping off point for this one. ainsley: we can watch it sunday night. >> sunday night 9, 8:00 central. every sunday night in the month of august. ainsley: congratulations fuller house nominated for emmy. >> so exciting. long overdue. ainsley: we will be watching sunday night. >> thank you. ainsley: you are welcome. ron vitiello just became the acting ice director. what is his vision for that agency and what does he think about all the calls to abolish his agency. he joins us live for first national tv interview since taking the job. that's coming up next. a child escapes from a car moments before a carjacker takes off with it the dramatic moment caught on camera. ♪ where the stars and stripes ♪ and the eagle flies ♪ steve: aaron sang this song on this program as we look up the avenue of americas towards central park on this, the second day of august already. ainsley: i know. we have been talking about the american flag and people kneeling for the flag and the anthem and it's just we're getting so many of you guys are writing us and sending us your emails. when you look behind us and you see the flags flying. people talk about new york city being so liberal or new yorkerss being liberal or connecticut with the kneeling. you look out here and that gives me hope. drive up sixth avenue. steve: avenue of the americas. ainsley: sixth avenue is called avenue of the americas. brian: in new york city they have an attorney general candidate that not only wants to crack down on ice, would actually like to arrest some ice people. steve: prosecute them. brian: prosecute them who they think is breaking the law. really, instead of enforcing it, they are putting on kevlar vests and putting their life on the line and not to become rich millionaires. joining us now to talk about that is the acting director of ice ron vitiello. ron, great to see you again. what's your response to this new york attorney general comment? >> well, thanks for having me on. so, the men and women of ice get up every day and go out to protect their communities. they are the community. these are basketball coaches. these are people who organize the local 5 k in your area. these men and women are out there protecting america each and every day, improving immigration enforcement, investigating antidumping and countervailing duties. protecting economic security of america by taking intellectual property right cases to court. these people are americans, and they're predicting america each and every day. steve: sure. what do you make of her suggestion that members of ice should be prosecuted? i think a lookout of this anger, ron, is born in the fact that with those family separations a lot of people were very frustrated that what happened. that wasn't ice. that was the border patrol. i think people are confused about the mission. brian: who were following the law. >> we are following the law. we ask -- i spent many months before the last proposition was passed with congress with my colleagues in cis and former colleagues in ice now my partners in ice going up tout hill and asking for relief against this flores settlement, closing the loopholes. i saw the secretary doing the same thing. we saw the administration ask for the closing of these loopholes and additional authorities so that we can enforce the border and secure the country better. ainsley: ron, this letter is zephyr teachout democratic candidate running for attorney general of the state of new york. she promises to prosecute ice if she is elected says you guys are cruel, you are illegal. your behavior is unconstitutional. watch a little clip from her and then we want to get your reaction. >> ice was born in xenophobia in the time after 9/11. and has grown up to become a tool of fear and illegality. and as attorney general, i will continue to speak out against ice. i will prosecute ice for their criminal acts. we have stories of consistent abuse within ice. the idea that we could call this law enforcement is a real offense to the idea of law itself and as a candidate for a.g., i feel it's important to speak out to abolish ice. ainsley: ron, what's your reaction? >> it's sad. ice was designed in the aftermath of 9/11 to protect us all. that's what the agents and the officers of ice and our attorneys and our mission support people they're out there every day protecting this country. brian: senator gillibrand, a new york senator, who wants to run for about the by almost all accounts, she is actually running on that. she says abolish ice every time you talk to her. dolls it bother you that lawmakers, people of power have that vision of -- these people that you know? >> again, ice enforces the law that congress gives us and the president signs. that's how our system works. if people don't like the way that works, there is a specific way to change it but each and every day we're going to go out and protect america. that's what the people of ice do. steve: if you don't like the law, change the law. you are absolutely right. ron, since this is your first tv interview since being named acting director of ice, what's your vision of what you would like to see this agency do in the future? >> we want to continue to protect america. we want to take advantage of the support that we're getting from this administration to improve the work that we do, to add authorities, to secure the border, and to improve immigration enforcement so that we can have a safer community. homeland security, border security, immigration enforcement. that's what we do at ice. we got great people doing that over there. i'm happy to be a part of it and i look forward to taking advantage of the situation that we are in to be tough but smart about how we work. ainsley: maybe other people that said i don't want the position because some lawmakers are coming out saying they want to abolish our agency. what was it? why was it so important to you to accept this position? >> because it's a unique time. we have an administration that supports the used of the rule of law. border security and homeland security. so, when i was asked to do this, i quickly said yes, i would do it 110%. brian: ron, i know you know this firsthand, does any type of barrier/wall, is it effective on the border? you live this. you worked there. do you need it? >> absolutely. have you got to give our minute and women on the border patrol safe place to defend that border, to protect that border. it's not just a wall like we talked about earlier. it's a combination of things including revisions in the law to close these loopholes so when the border patrol does turn over people to ice they can be removed while they are still in our custody. steve: you have plenty to do thank you very much ron vitiello for joining us live. he is the new acting director of ice. thank you, sir. good luck. ainsley: thanks, ron. >> thank you. brian: a woman who may one day get that job jillian mele. jillian: or not. brian: you never know. jillian: i guess you never know, true. let's get you caught up on the story that has captivated the nation for the last couple of weeks. the father and boyfriend of a missing iowa college student making a desperate plea for help 20-year-old mollie tibbets has been missing for two weeks. earlier we spoke with her dad and boyfriend dalton jack in his first live interview. >> everybody was blind sided of the fact that something like this did happen in our small little town. >> there is no information too insignificant. just think. think about what you saw and call the authorities. i really think that's how we are going to get mollie back. i really do. jillian: there is a $30,000 reward for information. a 7-year-old girl escaped from her mom's minivan just moments before a carjacker takes off. the little girl was waiting inside the car at a detroit gas station as her mother paid inside. watch. >> starting to get in the car and i went out the car. i went inside the gas station. >> you were fast. >> that's called stealing. >> mother frantically running after the car not realizing that her daughter made it out. police are still searching for the suspect. >> do you remember the professor who called former first lady barbara bush an amazing racist right after she died? well now she is blaming biased reporting for all the hate mail she has gotten. fresno state professor ran drandajarar emails with this statement quote i want you to see how your paper's unethical and biased reporting feeds into inhumane and cruel treatment towards the people you write about. despite her outrage over her comments, she still has a job. your favorite alien may be coming back to tv. >> stuck on earth. i can't get back to my place of birth. i'm making the best you have a bad situation ♪ think of it as an exten extended. jillian: warner brothers is reportedly in the early stages of a of a reboot. last new episode of the classic sitcom aired in 1990. steve: very, very popular. ainsley: i loved that show. brian: i never saw an episode. ainsley: stupid joke but i thought it was hilarious. alf your turn to say grace. he said grace. that was it i got so tickled when i was little. he was really cynical. he lived in this great family and really cynical. steve: he was from another planet. clearly hollywood has one run out of ideas we are recycling those. brian: of a ialf coming back? same actor to ho played alf? ainsley: same puppet you mean, same voice? janice: alf is real? steve: don't answer. ainsley: 41 minutes after the top of the hour. driver capturing a cloud formation that looks just like an angel. what do you think? steve: it looks just like an angel. the man taking the picture while driving down a texas highway posting it online calling it an angel clown. ainsley: brian, did you say mary poppins? brian: that's what i thought. janice dean is live on the plaza with the forecast. wow, look at the people around you. janice: look at this. amazing. you guys excited to be on television. [cheers] janice: any birthdays or anniversaries here? birthdays or anniversaries? you right this month? how many? >> 44. janice: what? what is the secret to 44? >> answering yes to her. janice: i love it answering yes. let's take a look at the maps. beautiful day here in new york city to be visiting. we do have the chance for rain in the forecast along the east coast but today in new york you should be in pretty good shape. if you live across florida the southeast rain in the forecast as we head into the weekend. better day on sunday for most. then across the west we are just not getting the relief that we need. still dealing with a lot of wildfire danger and more high heat and unfortunately gusty winds. so, fire weather is going to be in the forecast in the next couple of days. waive to everybody at home. look at my friends. thank you guys for coming. look at these beautiful people. this is the reason why i come to work every day. brian: very attractive crowd. janice: you are welcome. can i have a hug? much better looking than yesterday's crowd. steve: at one point she didn't have anybody out there yesterday. that's why. steve: some liberals cannot stop talking about democratic social isles alexandria ocasio-cortez, but she is not the only millennial running in new york city. meet the young republican challenging a top democrat coming up next u. brian: and looking for some summer steals? how about brand new beach towels for 70% off. mega morning deals is coming your way. if you are wet and getting out of pool, run to our studio, we have a towel for you. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ you shouldn't be rushed into booking a hotel. with expedia's add-on advantage, booking a flight unlocks discounts on select hotels until the day you leave for your trip. add-on advantage. only when you book with expedia. coaches hired since march. going rate up to 50 bucks an hour. forget video games coaches in north carolina are worried about their math skills. about 2400 elementary teachers in the state failed the math section of licensing exam since pierson publishing company took over testing in 2013. state education officials say they will review the exam. steve? steve: all right. thank you very much, jillian. democratic socialist alexandria ocasio-cortez isn't the only millennial in the new york congressional race. naomi left is the republican candidate looking to unseat veteran democrat jerry nadler. levin and ocasio-cortez may both be grassroots millennials challenging politicians but levin says their means to this end could not be more different. naomi levin joins us live now. >> thank you so much for having me on this show. i'm excited to be here. steve: this woman alexandria ocasio-cortez is getting so much attention because she is a millennial and she but then again she is a socialist. we thought we would bring new so explain the similarities between the two of you. >> so there is one thing i didn't mention in my tweet we both went to boston university as well there are many similarities but, you know, she is promoting socialism. socialism has been tried in many countries and failed everywhere. look at venezuela, for example. i don't want our country to end up like that. i'm a software engineer. i have been working in the industry practical solutions to problems that we need to solve. steve: and the things you are most interested in national security, education, lowering taxes, which is big here in new york. i don't know that she is that interested in lowering taxes. i think she would like to jack up taxes on the most successful to pay for free everything. >> right. right. well, the policies that she proposes are dangerous. i'm running for congress for completely different reason. i'm running to represent the people of manhattan, the people of burrow park. the people of lower manhattan and ground zero that have experienced 9/11. they know what terrorism is. and they haven't felt represented by congressman nadler for years. how can they vote for someone who trusts the iranian regime with nuclear weapons? steve: let's talk numbers because this is a very blue district that you are running in. >> yes. steve: how many republicans in your district. >> yeah. so the district was actually over 70% democrat. a little bit over 70% democrat. i'm a first-time candidate. steve: right. >> and this is great time for me to run because we're seeing more and more that young people aren't looking to elect career politicians. they are also looking for to the republican party as better stewards of the economy and undeniable that our economy is booming. g.d.p. is at 4.1%. i have the policies that will lower taxes. this is what the people are looking for. expand educational opportunities. and my opponent goes against all those things and doesn't protect the people of my district. steve: i think on both sides you and alexandria both have new ideas and that's one of the things people like most. >> absolutely. >> good luck to you naomi levin is running in the 10th congressional district in new york. sit right there for a second. because i'm going to tell folks about. this the left is freaking out over the dangers ever 3-d printed guns. what is the real story, dana loesch here to separate fact from fiction and she is coming up. looking for summer steals? how about face wash and scrubs up to 80% off. morning deals coming up next. ♪ it ain't hard to tell ♪ you don't know when did you see the sign? when i needed to jumpstart sales. build attendance for an event. help people find their way. fastsigns designed new directional signage. and got them back on track. get started at ainsley: time for exclusive savings on summer must haves for "fox & friends" viewers. janice: our friend megan meany is here with mega morning deals tell me about these things. >> start with glass lids. not safe to put plastic in the microwave because of bpas a woman suffering from breast cancer invented it. nothing splatters in microwave and you don't get toxins. ainsley: how much are they? >> 18 bucks today. typically they go for 36. 51% off. look for mega morning deals on the "fox & friends" website. facial spin system. facial cleaning system comes with three brushes pop off one brush and put on another. cents cleansing brush. exfoliating brush and silicone one is like a zamboni. it takes off all the dust after you exfoliate. exfollowation is the key to glowing summer skin. janice: how much. >> normally $125. today $25. that's 80% off. january japan look at towels real quick. got to get them in. >> i love the turkish towels. we have done them before. big sale and also a big size which we love. soft and so pretty in these colors. great for the beach exor ban the. throw them on the couch. put them on the end of the bed. wear them like a wrap. typically retail $68. 72% off. also at the beach. get your phone out, solar charger. solar bank. it just sits in the subject it gets power from the sun. two usb ports and plug in your phone. up to two devices $19. 84% off today. come with a flashlight. and then also the hook here can you hook it like right on your chair or purse. janice: love we are still talking about sun. >> traveling that's a lovely thing. finally, ladies, like a shave or eyebrow wax your skin gets sensitive we have this shave works two sets. three piece, five piece with soothing botanicals they sell it at is he for are a, nordstrom. you know after you get eyebrow wax it stipulation. put this on and calm things down. lotions, gel, exfollow exfoliat. you can get it 65% off today, that's $29. janice: woo hooh. ainsley: go to for amazing deals. >> yes. >> you are coming on with other items. vice president mike pence says the best is yet to comfort trump economy. more of pete's exclusive one-on-one interview down in honolulu, hawaii. that's just ahead. trout. trout. all right. you don't think i need both? 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>> well, you're a combat veteran. my father was a combat veteran. there is a promise sometimes spoken, often not spoken that we leave no man behind and that's what great nations do. today what the american people, saw, frankly the world saw, was the united states of america saying that we will keep that promise, even nearly seven decades later. and we will afford the honor and the recognition and the compassion that the families of our fallen and our fallen are due. steve: now, pete, we understand from your conversation with us yesterday from honolulu you made a stop -- you didn't know you were going to in los angeles before you continued on to hawaii. you picked up two people who lost their fathers during the core korean war, a man named rick downs, who lost his father when he was 3 when his father's bomber went down over north korea. and diane brown, she has been searching for her father 66 years. her only memory, four years old at the airport, she said good-bye, daddy. he never came home. she was there in hawaii yesterday. the. >> we had an amazing opportunity to speak with her, as you said, four years old, hugged and kissed her father, said good-bye, he never came home and she always hoped and prayed her government would stay committed to bringing him home. so the vice president brought her for this ceremony. we had a chance to speak to her. her words speak for themselves is. these men are not numbers. they are individual souls. this is what she had to say. >> found myself looking at every single one as they came out of the plane and ask, in my mind was going, are you there, daddy? are you coming home? i hope you're back home and can rest in peace for the country you served. so each flag-draped case that went through my mind. of course there are other families. i don't know that my father's remains are there but i ask that if my father isn't there, that all families, who have a missing loved one have that chance to get their loved one back. and i blessed each case in my mind. ainsley: wow, very moving. >> that's right. we also asked her what her message would be to president trump, she simply said gratitude. amidst all the negotiations of geopolitics that hopefully keep our world safer that the commander-in-chief is still committed to her father and over 7,000 still missing in action on the korean peninsula. we'll follow what happens. we'll have more from the interview with the vice president later on in the hour of this program. steve: in fact it was the president's summit with kim jong-un in june that got the ball rolling. kim promised they would return some of the war dead and he did just that yesterday. pete, thank you very much for flying all the way out to hawaii. your reporting has been terrific. ainsley: it is nice to hear from some of these individuals too so we can put a face with some of these remains. we talked about it. almost 70 years since the war since they took their last breath in another country. they're finally home on american soil and will be able to rest in peace. brian: maybe officially end the war soon. would be great if they denuclearizationed along the way. immigration on the forefront of president's mind. he is talking about shutting down the government until he gets his wall and border enforcement he always believed that should be the first thing we do as a country. one thing getting to him, instead of cracking down, debates on the wall, types of barrier, people are talking about the people cracking down and it's i.c.e. this agency formed and modernized to confront the terrorist threat that really was cast upon oust on 9/11. and more and more prominent democrats are coming out to abolish i.c.e., even though democratic, democrats who are savvy know it's a political loser and not only it defies logic. one of those candidates is zephyr teachout. a attorney general candidate in new york. listen to her. try to ignore the music. >> i.c.e. was born in xenophobia, in the time after 9/11. and has grown up to become a tool of fear and illegality. as attorney general i will continue to speak out against i.c.e. i will prosecute i.c.e. for their criminal acts. we have stories of consistent abuse within i.c.e. the idea we could call this law enforcement is a real offense to the idea of law itself. ands a candidate for ag i feel like it is really important to speak out to abolish i.c.e. steve: she wants to abolish i.c.e. wants to prosecute members of i.c.e. for criminal acts. she is lecturer at fordham law school. i would be interested to find out what criminal acts i.c.e. committed. keep in mind they are following instructions given to them by law through congress. if you don't like the laws, change them. talk to congress. brian: ron vitiello is with us. he is acting i.c.e. director. he systematically listened to this and responded this way. >> i.c.e. enforces the law that congress gives us and the president signs. that is how our system works. if people don't like the way that works there is specific way to change it but each and every day we'll go out and protect america. that is what the people of i.c.e. do. steve: current zephyr teachout according to sienna college poll is in third place. will she get selected to represent the democratic party for attorney general? right now not looking good but she is getting a lot of publicity for this. ainsley: senator gillibrand has endorsed her. we asked ron, when you took this job, everyone saying abolish i.c.e., not everyone but a lot of democrats say abolish i.c.e. i didn't give a second thought. brian: the agency protested in portland ongoing, took down the american flag. philadelphia. oakland. there has been theatrics at the border. steve: all about the occupy i.c.e. movement. 8:10 in new york city. jillian joins us live with folks taking to the street. jillian: in chicago. activists march on the streets of chicago protesting against violence. it comes days after a recent shooting at a basketball court that left three children hurt. democratic mayor rahm emanuel is not invited. organizers call for his resignation. the city has seen 1200 shootings this year. polls open in tennessee. all eyes on the republican primaries. in the gubernatorial race, vice president's pence pick congresswoman diane black faces off against businessman randy boyd and businessman bill lee. retiring senator bob corker's seat will be up for grab in november. hopes his pick, congresswoman marsha blackburn will claim victory over aaron pettigrew in the republican primary. president barack obama announced his midterm picks. he is endorses 81 candidates. a make america again rally. bob barr letta. he is up against bob casey. he narrowly won the state in the 2016 press lendings election, a presumed easy win for hillary clinton. 85-year-old woman made a quilt for someone special. bet i alexander spent four months on the project after breaking her hip. when i was thinking who this quilt would be for, the holy spirit told me it should be for president trump. the indiana grandma, the quilt would fit a queen-size bed but would rather see president trump hang it in the white house. no word if that will happen. brian: maybe the lincoln bedroom. how many bedrooms do they have there? steve: i don't know. that is the famous one. ainsley: nice for her to think of him. steve: thank you, jillian. this story, mollie tibbetts family best prattly seeking answers for the intense search for the third week in iowa. are police any closer to finding her? we're live in iowa next. brian: hillary clinton going to hollywood. details on her brand new show. ♪ (man) managing my type 2 diabetes wasn't my top priority. until i held her. i found my tresiba® reason. now i'm doing more to lower my a1c. i take tresiba® once a day. tresiba® controls blood sugar for 24 hours for powerful a1c reduction. 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(burke) so we know how to cover almost anything.en almost everything even "vengeful vermin." not so cute when they're angry. and we covered it. talk to farmers. we know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two. ♪ we are farmers. bum-pa-dum, bum-bum-bum-bum ♪ >> it's a safe little community. you wouldn't expect anything like this to happen. everybody was blindsided to the fact that something like this did happen in our small little town. steve: earlier on this program in his first live tv interview the boyfriend of missing university of iowa student mollie tibbetts still in disbelief as the search for her enters its third week in a town where he says no one ever locks their doors but they do now. ainsley: they do now. fox news contributor, former detective ted williams has been working there on the scene in iowa. he joins us now with the latest. good morning, ted, what is the latest this morning? >> good morning. law enforcement right now have gotten together and they are moving with all deliberate speed to try to bring mollie home. they're using dogs. they're using experts. they're all over the place as well as this neighborhood. they're trying to get mollie home. steve: and in fact we were talking to mollie's father, ted, earlier and he made it very clear that somebody out there may have seen something, might not have been her but might have been something around that time, and if anybody saw anything, just call the local police. we have the number on our screen with any sort of tips. people out there have been calling, right? >> yeah. absolutely. they have received over 200 tips. law enforcement are trying, rather thin in the amount of people, law enforcement officers, but they're running down each and everyone of these tips. it is significant for the public. if you know something, if you have seen something, just call law enforcement. help law enforcement to bring mollie home. that is what rob said. my heart goes out to that father. we're all parents, all three of us, and we know what that parent is going through at this immediate time, steve and ainsley. ainsley: the dad has been very optimistic, very positive. they made plans together as a family. plans for her life to get married, have children, finish school. he wants her back desperately. he was on the program earlier. steve interviewed him, listen to this. >> whether they saw mollie or whether they saw something at a place that seems insignificant or if they're suspicious about a loved one or a friend, that they're reluctant to turn in to the authorities for something they suspect, if they have nothing to hide, they have nothing to fear and so turn that information over to the authorities. steve: you know, ted, there is a story out yesterday afternoon out of kansas city, apparently somebody saw somebody who looked a lot like molly at a truck stop in the cab of an 18-wheeler about a week or two ago. obviously now the authorities are looking into that. they have got a lot of different leads they're trying to pursue. >> absolutely. and it is so important for the public to become engaged. i have seen this happen before, there are second sightings. styles they work out, sometimes they don't. but what we want the public to do is to continue to bring in those various leads. ainsley: does she have brothers and sisters? i saw her cousin was speaking out at a press conference or a vigil yesterday? what about her family, what do we know about them? >> she does have brothers and officers. as a matter of fact her brother is the one at 5:30 on july 18th that dropped her off. the whole family is grieving. this whole area is grieving. they're trying to bring mollie home, ainsley. steve: we all are. ted williams, thank you very much for the live report from grenell, iowa. ainsley: thanks, ted. the left are up in arms over the danger of 3d printed guns but what is the real story here? dana loesch is here to separate fact from fiction. steve: disgraced fbi agent and lovebird, peter strzok wanted to keep security clearance after joining the team. the email you will hear about it after we come back live from new york and washington, d.c. ♪ before nexium 24hr mark could only imagine... a peaceful night sleep without frequent heartburn waking him up. now that dream is a reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? the leof up to 24 lapsline is taround the world.ent experience an unrivaled feel for any road at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. gathered here are the world's finest insurance experts. rodney -- mastermind of discounts like safe driver, paperless. the list goes on. how about a discount for long lists? gold. mara, you save our customers hundreds for switching almost effortlessly. it's a gift. and jamie. -present. -together we are unstoppable. so, what are we gonna do? ♪ insurance. that's kind of what we do here. brian: quick headlines now. take notes. there will be a quiz after the show in the after "after the shw show" issued by ainsley. steve will proctor in another room. hillary clinton taking on a brand new role as executive producer. the former secretary of state tweeting this, i will read the tweet now, i'm thrilled to be joining forces with steven spielberg who i think is famous director, to bring elaine weiss's book, the woman's hour to tv. about a woman who fought for suffrage nearly one you hundred years ago. we stand on their shoulders and i'm delighted to have a hand helping to tell their stories. autonomous native nation, i should say, senator elizabeth warren will not be allowed in that nation. >> warren would the knob able to come in there unless a native people of that area said that she's welcome. so if -- >> but she is a native. hold on marcus. slow down. she -- >> doesn't matter what she says, she wouldn't be allowed in. brian: wow, that's a blow. the newest "calexit" plan, will give part of the state to native americans. supposed to give secondhand of california to native people. warren has come under fire for claiming she is part native-american. she is front-runner for the democratic nomination. ainsley: steve, where are your notes? brian: did not take notes. ainsley: i did. steve: watching the tape. liberal democrats and gun control activists are up in arms over the potential release of blueprints for 3d printed guns. >> this country has a gun violence problem and now it has a do it yourself is downloadable guns that will supercharge this crisis. >> our state department is saying hey this, is a giveaway for terrorists. >> the trump administration pushed by the gun activists did this. ainsley: our next guest points out thee arguments are not exactly based on the facts. here to set it all straight for us radio talk show host, dana loesch. what are the facts, dana. >> good morning, ainsley and steve and brian, good to see you all. yeah, the sound bites you played, this is part of the problem. there is a lot of misinformation out there and it is pretty shameful that there are elected officials that are trying to exploit the lack of information and lack of knowledge about this entire issue and fear monger. that is exactly what this is. get a couple things straight about the 3d gun debate. they're trying to blame this on the trump administration. is silly to do so. silly to blame this on the trump administration this is talking about legal activity since ineps of america. when they say undetectable, i've seen senators like ed markey say this, i've seen chuck schumer say, oh, my gosh, there will be a rash of undetectable guns out there that will with be printed and they will arm criminals and terrorists, first off, all of the plans that we're talking about actually follow the rule of law. there is no such thing as a legal undetectable gun. so let's get that straight. in fact, atf spells this out. this is codified. the statute's out there. in order for it to be considered a legal firearm, whether or not you're a personally making it or a commercially-made firearm you have to have so many ounces of metal. you can't such a thing. and they're lawmakers. so they should know because of the literally named, undetectable firearms act of 1988. that i would like to add, the the nra helped to craft. been illegal in 30 years, thanks in part to nra none of the lawmakers acknowledge but want to blame the organization simultaneously. second they talk about all the criminals will get hands on all of the 3d printing machines and print out all of these plastic guns. full tis closure here. i'm looking into purchasing a 3d printer. i was talking to a friend of mine last night, i don't think people realize how expensive it is to get a december 3d printer to handle heavy-duty plastic. to get materials and printer talking about dropping serious copy on a machine to make, to print out a plastic firearm that may last a few round before it breaks. very expensive. cost prohibitive. criminals will not go out and buy 3d printing machines can get a boatload of firearms on black market and file serial numbers off. none of these arguments are based in reality. they're fear-mongering. steve: bad people that want to get their hand on a gun buy one legally or steal one. >> right. steve: scary thing, dane in, about the little plastic guns, that would be a way for somebody to sneak a gun on to a airplane. from earlier answer, sounds like in addition to the plastic, there are metal that would show up on a screener? >> yes. you have to have metal to be a part of it. again, undetectable firearms act. something like 3.6 ounces. so many ounces of metal you have to incorporate into the firearm. according to, that is federal law. that is what they're not telling you -- brian: but you can pop the piece of metal out? people are saying you can pop the piece of metal out. >> if you want to violate the law, have something that will not be sturdy and will be suspect. criminals will violate the law. that is who criminals are. it is really sad that law-abiding americans pay price tore criminal actions, it is really sad that millions of americans, because of their fellowship and second amendment organization are constantly blamed for either misinformation or actions of criminals. i really wish chuck schumer, ed markey, all of thighs other lawmakers would, a, acknowledge the law, tell their constituents about it, and give credit where credit is due. steve: why do you want a 3d printer? brian: that will happen. >> i'm interested in the mechanics of it. i like how things work. i think it would be fun to put it together. why not? i also knit so. brian: do you really? >> i do. i do. i knit all the time. steve: radio show host, also spokesperson for the nra. brian: do you make your own butter? steve: dana, thank you very much. ainsley: candles. brian: wow. 30 minutes before the top of the hour. vice president mike pence says the best is yet to come for the trump economy. >> here we are the second quarter of this year, 4.1% growth. and we think we're just getting started. brian: most of pete's exclusive one-on-one interview is coming your way next. ainsley: plus have you heard about the new diagnosis for hillary clinton supporters who still can't get over the election? it is called trump anxiety disorder. tammy bruce is here with a dose of reality coming up ♪ or... around the yard. on the shelf... or even... out in the field. your mom knew she could always count on us... and your grandma did too. because for over 150 years, we've been right by your side. advancing the health of the people, plants and pets you love. so, from all of us at bayer... thank you for trusting in us. then... and now. [playing of "taps"] ainsley: isn't that beautiful? those are the remains of the individuals who lost their lives in north korea. what beautiful to see their caskets draped in the american flag. back home finally after nearly 70 years. brian: pete hegseth witnessed it all yesterday live. he was on the ground, still there in honolulu, hawaii, where he had a chance to sit down with the vice president of the united states. right, pete? >> absolutely, brian. no more powerful sign or sound than that, welcome home, men. that is what that ceremony was all about, giving honor to those who gave so much. quick reminder, guys, it was seven months ago, the island of hawaii had a false alarm that north korea may be firing a missile at them. we forget that. this is ceremony as part of a negotiation to try to denuclearization the korean peninsula, this one small step. a big step. we sat down with the vice president after the ceremony, still clearly affected by the power of it and talking about issues related to home. watch me with the vice president yesterday. stopping -- dropping off caskets instead of dropping bombs on the peninsula. where are we on the outcome, a great step that is meaningful but a lot of people are saying they're still fueling and creating icbms. where are we getting to that ultimate goal? >> the only reason we are here today, very early in our administration president trump took a strong stand and said we would not tolerate the presence of nuclear weapons and missiles in the possession of north korea could threaten the united states or our allies. he took unprecedented steps to bring economic pressure to bear. while many worried about the approach, what it did was bring north korea to the negotiating table. in that historic summit he secured not just a commitment to bring our heroes home, which began today, but also a commitment to achieve the complete denuclearization of the korean peninsula. and, what i can tell you, pete, is that we're continuing to work very diligently. the secretary of state will be in the region again this week. those negotiations and discussions are on going. as i said today we saw this promise kept by north korea as evidence of the progress that we are making. and we continue to remain hopeful that that we will achieve the aim that has eluded the world for decade, a nuclear-free korean peninsula and that we'll bring our boys home. >> you believe this is indicative of a process still very much on track? >> we are very hopeful that, that in today's events there is further evidence that the promises made in singapore by north korea will be kept. >> i want to turn to home for a second though. the president spoke a lot recently about the potential for a shutdown if he doesn't get the funding for the wall. he said in march, i will never again, will i sign a budget that doesn't include funding for the wall. will he truly either before or after the election shut the government down if he doesn't have the wall funded? >> i think it is very clear that from the campaign forward president trump has made it clear that a country without borders is not a country. >> people say he won't do it, that he's bluffing? >> what i can promise you is, we're working with the congress to make sure we provide for the common defense, that we fund the government. there is a series of spending bills. when it comes to border security, i know president trump is prepared to take a strong stand and demand that this congress respond to the american people, give us the funding to build a wall, to close those loopholes, that are droving illegal immigration and human trafficking, support our border security. support our organizations and agencies like i.c.e. doing incredible, core rain just job across the country. i expect the president will take that strong stand before the fall is out. >> with the economy going where it is, you have been in congress since 2001. have you seen a economy like this before? >> it really is extraordinary. i never forget on the campaign trail in 2016 in september when, when then candidate donald trump announced that we would have a national goal of 4% gdp growth in the economy and it was rejected by virtually every -- >> pigs are going to fly. >> economist in the country. here we have last year, nearly 3% growth in the calendar year, our first year in office. thanks to the president's leadership, strong partners, republican majorities in congress, here we are the second quarter of this year 4.1% growth. we think we're just getting started. when you see the tremendous increase in exports in the second quarter. when you see the tremendous increase in business investment, we see wages rising, i do believe the best is yet to come. all the result of the fact that president trump has been working every die to keep his promises to the american people. and to cut taxes, to roll back regulations, unleash american energy and it's working, pete. >> you know, guys, we saw success in the economy the last quarter but yesterday was a testament was a big victory for america. it was a big victory for president trump and administration staring down north korea getting the remains back and getting -- we covered the network coverage. very little coverage on networks. fox news channel covered it. american people want to see the government at work for their heroes. that is what the ceremony was. beautiful moment. welcome home to the boys. we look forward finding out who they are, returning them to their families. steve: pete absolutely. it all started with the summit between our president and kim jong-un. he said he would do it and he did it. it was a gesture of good faith. the vice president told you we remain hopeful it would lead to denuking. nonetheless a gesture appreciated by all americans. >> very much so. absolutely. thanks for sending me here, guys. a life-changer for sure. great honor. >> i know you haven't had any slight. it was worth it. those boys are home. you are telling the stories because they can't speak for themselves. this is the headline in the "new york post." says, coming home. steve: if you're going to get sent somewhere to work, being sent to hawaii is as assignment. brian: especially ainsley's american express. wonderful gesture. ainsley: send you the bill. steve: i don't know how much he can spend on a military base. i don't know. brian: that's true. ainsley: they probably have a px. steve: 19 minutes before the top of the hour. gillian has a story about the man murdered in the "fast & furious." jillian: get you caught up. family of murder border patrol agent brian terry is speaking out after his accused killer is extradited from mexico. brian's brother, kent terry, says it is time to secure our border. >> i was kind of relieved a little bit. but there is still a bigger fight with the people in d.c. if we had a wall, a solid wall, these guys would es hate about coming across again. jillian: terry was killed in a gunfight on the southern border. his death exposed operation "fast & furious," a program that a allowed criminals to buy guns in the u.s. with the goal of tracking them into mexico. fbi agent peter strzok insisted on keeping security clearance and powers before joining robert mueller's team. emails reveal strzok's supervisor agreed to the request. he was part of the investigation into the alleged russian ties. he came under fire when thousands of texts exchanged with colleague lisa page came to light. police officers rushing people out of a burning building. the incredible rescue is caught on bodycam. watch this. [shouting] >> is there anybody else in this house? >> anybody else in there? jillian: look at that on and off-duty police officers and firefighters pulling a woman out through a window in bloomfield, connecticut. another person was trapped on the roof. thankfully nobody was seriously hurt. amazing to see that, isn't it. steve: bodycam a images bring us there and it is shocking. they are heroes. ainsley: something you see in a movie. you don't expect it happen like that. >> steve, thank you, jillian. brian: we owe you a favor. straight ahead hillary clinton supporters are still upset about the election, they have ha new diagnosis. it is called trump anxiety disorder. the main symptom? fearing that the world is ending. most of those people are on couch at "the view." tammy bruce has a cure for the left net. ainsley: they call it tad, tad. brian: i'm sure. ainsley: more details like a beauty mirror. brian, you got to get it. brian: i need it. ainsley: 80% off. steve: act before midnight. see what you look like, finally. 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>> obviously when you're diagnosed with something, this is really reaction by people who can't deal with the fact that their favorite person didn't win an election. no, it is not the end of the world. in the last 100 years there is plenty of that. the holocaust, two world wars, cuban missile crisis, the cold war, a lot of things genuinely would make you think the world was ending. for obviously millions of people it did. in this case a person didn't win an election. it will change. the person who did win is doing a great job, right? so when you assign a disorder to someone, you're saying something from the outside did something to you, that you're not in control of yourself. in fact, we are in control of ourselves. we can adjust our attitude when it comes to how we deal with the world. brian: how hillary handled her loss is lot to do with the other anxiety he feels. >> that's true. brian: jfk beatniks son. controversy in illinois. nix con walks away. al gore lost 500 votes to bush. he walked away, became an election. >> this is how elections work. not just hillary, maxine waters, john brennan, chuck schumer, poem telling individuals this is treason. brian: cataclysmic. >> this is armageddon. leadership know that those on the edge will be pushed over. brian: this worries me, ben carson's house, kirstjen nielsen, betsy devos's yacht let go into the bay. >> right. brian: attack on hollywood walk of fame, all this stuff shows violence is upon us. this is not just winning and losing. >> a story from just a couple days ago where a woman deliberately, allegedly hit a car of a man who had a trump bumper sticker. local reporter wondered if trump anxiety disorder, tad, could be argued in court as an excuse for this violence this is what is happening now. so you have not everybody, certainly but even of course the shooting of steve scalise and attempted mass murder at that baseball field. individuals who are already on the edge, unhinged, are receiving permission with this kind of discussion to do what they want to do. brian: getting too serious, tammy. more than winning and losing politics. people have to snap out of it. >> right. bottom line. brian: tammy bruce, thank you. >> my pleasure. brian: wireless ear pods for 70% off, right and left. megamorning deals coming your way. check with a guy who never wants to put headsets on because he wants to hear the natural sounds of earth. >> with ear buds you wear one, two looks weird. that is my passion tip. brian: i know how to pick you out of a crowd. >> i miss you brian. good morning, brother. where is mollie tibbetts? we'll talk to the father and boyfriend of mollie. art laffer on the power of the american economy under president trump. we have a headliner lined up. america's a-team is in the bullpen. come join sandra and me in ten minutes on "america's newsroom," 9:00 to noon, top of the hour. if you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems, and could be on the journey to much worse. try parodontax toothpaste. it's clinically proven to remove plaque, the main cause of bleeding gums. for healthy gums and strong teeth. leave bleeding gums behind with parodontax toothpaste. with tripadvisor, finding your perfect hotel at the lowest price... is as easy as dates, deals, done! simply enter your destination and dates... and see all the hotels for your stay! tripadvisor searches over 200 booking sites... to show you the lowest prices... so you can get the best deal on the right hotel for you. dates, deals, done! tripadvisor. visit ♪ ainsley: if you are looking for some big savings on must-have items, meghan meany with megamorning deals exclusively for the "fox & friends" viewer. this is the second is round. go on the website, check out the gifts. >> megamorning deals on the website. beauty tools by paul brown hawaii. this is the guy who originally created the at-home straightening tools. he provided them to salons back in the '80s. you can have them. they're super high-end. i need the pink one, ladies. this is straightener, this is curling iron. everybody wants the wave these days, they want the beach wave. you do little spin. my favorite thing it comes with a glove so you don't burn yourself. literally i burned myself a month ago. i still have the scar, not from using this but from using one that didn't have the glove. they are a great deal. 25 to $29. >> usually 80 to 100. >> hair products by the way all with cara tin. do you love the packaging? >> love it. >> this is like facelift in a jar. >> facelift in a jar. >> we have jells. we have body butter. we have four sets. one is infused with sapphire diamond, 24-carat gold, black pearl. they have anti-aging qualities when they are crushed put into the creams. >> how much. >> they smell great. i spilled one all over me. 19 to $49. that is ridiculous. typically these go for $459. so up to 96% off with megamorning deals. >> i love this. >> these are so attractive, also very practical and useful. these are led mirrors. they have this touch function here of the you know to turn the lights on and off. you you can hold it to dim it. this comes with extra suction on magnifier. this one tilts. it also comes with the portable one for your purse which i love. >> how much are those? no put it in your purse this is $19 up to 35. big deal today, 79% off. >> the ear buds. ainsley: i love the mirrors. >> you can put your lipstick and stuff. ainsley: we don't have much time. >> $20, 71% off today. these are wireless ear buds. go for four hours. everybody loves wireless. valley makes act at this wear with tummy tuck. not falling out of your clothes. only 15 to 19 bucks for bally active wear. 20 bucks for ear buds. >> more "fox & friends" coming up, with ice cream. -here comes the rain.


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