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Transcripts For DW Global 3000 20190722 15:30:00

is this the beginning of a good in the digital age. will we be subjected to continuous state surveillance. they are the experts be able to agree on technical guidelines or will this technology create deadly more thomas what systems. stores august 14th on t w. live. below the welcome to global 3000 this week we're off to jakarta could the indonesian capital soon be underwater. strengths in the ring and out of it women in egypt have discovered the power of books sing. and we meet online activist mousy alina jet and hereabouts her campaign the to ordinary women to experience a little freedom. women in iran are expected to cover their heads in public and if they want to apply for a passport or travel abroad they need male permission and wives have little chance of obtaining a divorce nonetheless women have been campaigning for equal rights in that country since the turn of the millennium. social media has given the movement to boost it's used by more than half of the iranian population and women in particular are discovering there really is strength in numbers regardless of where they are in the world. it's a punishable crime to be on veiled in public according to the laws sharia laws in iran you get lashes you get jailed and fined but more important than this you won't be allowed to get an education from the age of 7 if you take off your headscarf you won't be allowed to get a job you want to be allowed to live in your own country. my campaign was born on a simple picture. it was a picture of me rolling in a beauty food street in london it was a spring may the trees were full of blossoms and i wrote a caption on my picture that every time one iran in a free country and i feel the wind through my hair it just reminds me of the time when my hair was like a hostage in the hands of the reigning government. i ask women whether they want to share their pictures with me so the moment of freedom with me. i was bombarded by pictures from women inside iran being unveiled . so i created my stealthy freedom page on facebook bush now has more than a 1000000 followers on instagram more than a 1000000 followers and it's all about freedom it's all about dignity it's all about choice. i grow up and i'm small for less which is close to custom and see. what i get homesick. the only thing that makes me feel home and happy is just going to nature climbing the tree going to mile an hour walking the seaside just reminds me of home. our kitchen in the village are designed for women it's shorter because women are shorter than men so. i remember i used to say to my brother i know this is short for you but there is a chair said 1000 and wash the dishes so that shows that i have started my feminist movement my feminist revolution from my kitchen. that is important for women we have to start. being a rubble. in our house. my mother never had the chance to go to school university never she's not even able to read and write but to me she's the true feminist. my father has stopped talking to me he doesn't support me the things that i'm against islam i'm against my own country and big chain my country but i think the. they're all happening just because you know the governor really brainwashed. people like my father otherwise my father loves me. when i was a student i got kicked out from high school just because of my opinion and then i became a journalist part of entry journalist i got kicked out from the m.p.'s just because i exposed a crush and i became a call of this then again because i criticized the president of iran it was just a week before the controversial election 2009 my car got the one that lies in iran and 2 of my journalistic car was on there my vehicle real so that was a message for me that you know it's going to happen to you so i decided you know leave the country. i launched myself a freedom but after 3 years it was everywhere so like the president of iran knew about it talked about it of all the media around the war of the media inside iran the rain in the state t.v. clerics and i thought oh my god now this is the time we have to shift the online movement to something offline these people need to identify each other so in 2017 i decided to actually you know pick a day pick a color and help these people to identify each other in public. these women in white ones they say they are the only civil justice only warrior i called it a one person demonstration because they never have. permission to take this. they will be shot they will be you know into prison they. be torture but they are brave they found a way to protest against oppression. this is the time man should get involved in women's movement so i created another campaign called the men in hitch all. the government on don't want to control the society because they know that this generation is not going to keep silent and they found that social media as an alternative media chooks frustum selves to be loud and to break the censorship that is what the social media itself is is a threat for islamic republic of iran so they try to block that because they see this is the main battleground and they don't want to lose control. i have so many chain bad the biggest one is one day while many are wrong have the power to run the country. my dream is just to see. our as. sports is another activity that gender roles in muslim communities make difficult for women to fully participate in yet playing basketball or football can be deeply liberating. not only is it healthy and physically strengthening spool it can also help build self-confidence. had to really packs a punch and that's what saves her from past sorts of unwanted male attention. here . in the streets of cairo sexual harassment is a common experience. back to her training partner while law is just as fierce she's egypt's heavyweight boxing champion. outside the ring the 2 boxers usually have to dial it down a notch to refrain from striking anyone with full force of pastor but on the streets they're never afraid. and i don't want to boast but in fact i'm a heavyweight boxing champion. and that's an honor for my family so i'm the man of the house and also out in the world. and these women do wear headscarves even while training but it causes some frustration and for competitions they like to take off the his job although this bothers a lot of men. and i'm sure he got a good job limits me and gets in the way and makes it harder for me to breathe when my hair is uncovered i feel better and perform better for the. women's boxing in egypt is still only a fringe sport but according to the coach there's no shortage of talented women the challenge is finding them and supporting them. listen it's not as though this is only a sport for men there are many women who become world champions and in egypt there's a lot of potential for that we have many strong and talented women. but they don't have it easy in egypt there's a deep seated prejudice and many clichés that endure. boxing is a brutal sport i think it's better for women to avoid it it's very difficult for women to bear and i mean that they love the stuff. right this is all those muscles look disgusting in my fashion of snow i feel ill when i see all of that. by a whore it is emotional. not your. meade has had to contend with stereotypes like those for years but that hasn't stopped her quite the contrary she became world champion in 2008 and today she coaches egypt's national team the men's team it should be noted. she's had a sensational career but it hasn't all been easy. i thought it was very hard for my family to accept this but they said how can you do something like this you could break your nose blood get spilled an eyebrow split it. at home she never received much direct support and that hurt even though she understood her parents' sensitivities. but. my parents have never seen me they never attended the championships only why siblings came back and my mother was even too afraid to watch videos of the matches and she only ever wanted to know if i had one of the. last has also earned numerous gold medals to the delight of her nephews her biggest fans they also want to become boxers like their arms but the road there is long while law has been fighting in the ring for 7 years that much. her mother is proud of her youngest child and of her powerful punch. i also learned that my boxing is actually self-defense that she's had to defend herself so many times i remember how she beat up 3 boys at school who harassed her with one of them had attacked her with a pencil and almost killed her but we did. and hollyer can do more than just box they're also quite capable cooks and that's at least one stereotype they fulfill but while a is in no hurry to get married she says finding the right partners even trickier in her case. one family lawyers tend not to like it when a girl is stronger than they are and. that's why i would like to find someone who understands me and also practices the sport and loves it be who she is i have to be close. living life with a sense of confidence that's something that these young women demonstrate every day they're fortunate to have the support of their families and they can't imagine a life without boxing. and i might have had in the us have been my boxing friends are the most important thing to me the way other people wake up in the morning and go to work and i go to the gym it's my life. by doing what they love these female boxers are also fighting for women's rights in the arab world and for the right of everyone to follow his or her own path with no holds barred. if. you choose. to today's global team comes from madagascar i. don't think it's narrow minded you know my name is the only 210 tiana and i've just turned 15. can. i'm not a cool 10 people live in my has among them my sister and brother we live in tampa. all of their. parents fish for a living and spend most of the time actually on the lagoon which is on. his on the boat i like chinese jump rope most of all and i love playing soccer unfortunately the boys play better than off girls it. might come with them trying to listen to i definitely want to improve my english because i want to be a teacher one day the moment on dateline from rafa can meet so that they're going on monday. and a lot of tourists come to town. and i'd like to be able to talk to them i root in the face of. them awful funday my best friend makes me happy her name is christopher we talk about everything and we laugh a lot together going to church also makes me happy. if you dispute that climate change is taking its toll on our planet and in the not too distant future 8 major cities could be underwater. bangkok lagos manila shanghai london houston the one sinking at the fastest rate jakarta parts of the indonesian capital have already dropped 4 metres. the reason rising sea levels for one but that's not the only culprit local residents are steadily depleting the ground water supply below the city that basically creates an air pocket into which the earth above it sinks attempts to curtail this development have proven difficult because almost whole 50 cartons rely on groundwater for their day to day needs. our reporter michelle that so went to jakarta to find out more. it's been a while since anyone prayed in this mosque in north cut the c.e.o.'s nonsense claim to it. it makes. it every time he sees the building. thinking of this city is increasing. in last few years but. you can. say their prayers here before they cannot. anymore. the indonesian capital of jakarta is home to over 30000000 people it's one of the most densely populated cities in the world and to test a problem. the strength isn't obvious here in the heart of the city but it's severe . in the north's home to many fishing communities there's no ignoring the rising sea water this brick wall was built into sounds and then 2 in the more borrowed district as protection against flooding the seawall is continuously being reinforced and released but that doesn't help after a spell of heavy rainfall the water begins pouring over again. sinking. they'll go on what is being extra very much and we lost our. sufferance and the soil it's become thinking we have what extract here and then come along in this. climate. impact doubling. of the c.p. because it's already below our what our natural. rising sea levels and sinking soil the city needs more long term solutions. put on gun use to be an environmental activist to campaign for the rights of fishermen nowadays sea advises the governor of jakarta and this part of a team working to stop the city from disappearing into the ground he's well aware that anything he plans would have an impact on fishing. there are some 22000 fisherman in jakarta. but these people harvest green mussels from the bait the local speciality they're cooked right on the beach. 4 years ago the city or sorry to use began building a chain of artificial islands off the north and caused to slow down lin subsequence it's had a serious impact on deck access. how many kilos do you catch a day about 50 kilos. and what about before the islands were built. back then we've got about 200 kilos. now a new part is planned along with a break wall that's actually in the sea 50 meters off shore the fishermen are worried they soon won't be able to catch anything at all. they've learned to live with regular flooding but the new coastal wall would mean the end of their livelihoods. as you want to know whether the coastal wall will disturb our access to the sea i say that even if it has benefits for the community the development plan has to be discussed with the affected community. once the fishermen to be part of the decision making. the covered market where they sell their catch is nearby. here too it's impossible to overlook the city's plight the market was only built 5 years ago but huge cracks are already showing. the buildings in some parts of jakarta are sinking into the ground at the rate of up to $25.00 centimeters a year. this major fountain in the heart of jakarta belies the fact that clean water isn't desperately short supply half the capital's population draws its water from illegal wells and vast amounts of groundwater are used by the new high rises springing up across town that needs more regulation cesspool on. what. their waste management. the city is searching for ways to conserve the precious resource. preventing groundwater levels from further declining is essential otherwise jakarta will sink even faster and. flooding will pose an even bigger threat. waste as another problem in the monsoon season especially trash clocks up rivers and canals so waterways can't drain into the sea these days an army of about 12000 trash collectors work around the clock bettering the garbage emergency. a number of components or settlements have already been evacuated and torn down in the name or flood protection. the company of tom cole was slated for demolition in 2015 the hearts were directly on the river and the inhabitants were supposed to be evicted and then they took matters into their own hands they've torn down parts of their homes themselves removing sections on the water satch 3 years ago the house and before we cleaning it for activities and before we planned. it that was our flower and anything here this is not really prefer. the result is striving peaceful community and to residents who take pride in keeping the neighborhood trash really. and there's now a riverside walkway that's a comfortable distance from the water. the community also has the support of a team of architects who developed a sustainable model home for. it's made of stone and ward rather than plastic and sheet metal 7 families live here this is more like it involves among them are google more met his wife and their 2 children. then before and i have window this is important because. pinning their hopes on sustainable living. change well i'm not saying. it's not important but. there. is. social responsibility sustainable water management the people often call have shown what's possible the community has become a model of clean and green living now the neighborhood enjoys state support. hopes. starting to understand that when it comes to ensuring the. urban poor. are part of the solution not the problem. that's all from us this time we're back next week and we'd love to hear from you in the meantime check us out on facebook d w global society the message that oh you can write to us via e-mail global 3000 d.w. dot com see an extra week. to eat. whatever we begin to do the day will get out of sewer to an atmosphere of the increase of temperature. 21st to have to start down by starting to decrease the amount of c o 2 programs we have this is actually not a hard problem that just takes will power over there are very important economic interests to all involved a lot of coal all over a lot of oil that are doing everything possible to make sure this doesn't happen we have to fight them by 2050 will be well on the way to reliable or adorable saul or rand i'm optimistic that. we're not totally such a species. burning the global tourist guide centuries booming capital i love berlin the scope of the multicultural metropolis in our during next series dependent on the planet seems like tracy to me i love feet of emotion once again so it's a mix of the toughest race like me despite sr 50 nations 50 stories and 50 very personal tips on berlin's very best features. books now in atlanta every week on g.w. . our consumers of these firms you know radical depletion of forests flow for 25. 00 s. of. the forests and among. the tragic reality behind the exploitation. starts july 24th on. play. play. play play play play play play. play. play this is news live from berlin and britain is poised to punish iran for seizing one of its oil tankers after friday's seizure of the senate imperial in the strait of hormuz to pay leaders could shortly announce fresh sanctions against tehran we will go live to london where leaders have been holding crisis talks. also coming up another weekend of anti-government


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC Wales Investigates 20240604 20:33:00

it's always been something that i knew that i would want to do, which is why i'm still here now and i'm wanting to carry on the farm. gemma works on herfamily farm next to one of the rivers that feeds into the wye. along with her dad, they raise cows, sheep and chickens. all right, chooks! feeding them keeps him busy, as does dealing with a mountain of manure. that muck is gathered underneath this barn. so what happens to it then? some of the manure is collected in there, but there's always a bit of run—off. where does it go? see this trench here? yeah. down that trench there, down through the grid there. 0k. there is a manhole there. the storage tank holds about 3,000 gallons. can you see that chicken muck floating on the top of the water? in a month or six weeks, that'll want emptying again. this muck is full of phosphates,


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC Wales Investigates 20240604 16:34:00

which is why i'm still here now and i'm wanting to carry on the farm. gemma works on herfamily farm next to one of the rivers that feeds into the wye. along with her dad, they raise cows, sheep and chickens. all right, chooks! feeding them keeps him busy, as does dealing with a mountain of manure. that muck is gathered underneath this barn. so what happens to it then? some of the manure is collected in there, but there's always a bit of run—off. where does it go? see this trench here? yeah. down that trench there, down through the grid there. 0k. there is a manhole there. the storage tank holds about 3,000 gallons. can you see that chicken muck floating on the top of the water? in a month or six weeks, that'll want emptying again.


Chooks flee coop to hit the town and take up residence at the pub

Chooks flee coop to hit the town and take up residence at the pub FriFriday 5 Two chooks, a beer and a relieved Jaclyn Robinson at the Paynesville pub. ( Share Print text only Cancel If you were in downtown Paynesville this week you may have been held up by chickens crossing the road. A mother hen and her five chicks were living out the back of the Paynesville Hotel, spending their days visiting local shops and holding up traffic. Why did the chickens cross the Paynesville main street? ( "They'd been sleeping in a little cage at night," she said. "I'd gone out at night and shut their cage thinking they were in there. But the next day they were gone. Not a feather, not anything.


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - DW - 20190722:15:37:00

these women in white ones they say they are the only civil justice only warrior i called it a one person demonstration because they never have. permission to take this. they will be shot they will be you know into prison they. be torture but they are brave they found a way to protest against oppression. this is the time man should get involved in women's movement so i created another campaign called the men in hitch all. the government on don't want to control the society because they know that this generation is not going to keep silent and they found that social media as an alternative media chooks frustum selves to be loud and to break the censorship that is what the social media itself is is


Detailed text transcripts for TV channel - DW - 20190623:03:11:00

voiced. profound grief. this is the time men should get involved in women's movement so i created another campaign called the men in which all. the government are going to want to control the society because they know that this generation is not going to keep silent they found social media as an alternative media chooks press them selves to be loud and to break the censorship that is what the social media solve is a threat for islamic republic of iran so they try to block it because they see this is the main battleground and they don't want to lose control. system. but on the one. question


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